Good Omens Crack - Tumblr Posts
So we all agree that most of the neighbourhood assumes crowley to be one of Mr Fells many many hired 'companions'.
So then when Muriel (another supposed companion) seems to have taken over the bookshop everyone becomes concerned as to where Mr Fell is.
Then, when Crowley starts coming to the bookshop to help Muriel (Maggie and Nina forced him to after Muriel started selling books), everyone panics that these sex workers have scammed Mr Fell out of his beloved book shop.
But then, one day after seeing Crowley chide Muriel everyone becomes appalled at their previous assumptions because this is obviously a parent-child relationship
And someone else over hears Maggie and nina lamenting over Crowley and Azi separating
So then Mr Brown (a man who never quite understood why ever so sweet Mr Fell showed no interest in even thinking of the possibility of the two of them being together) happily starts saying that Mr Crowley and Mr Fell were married and obviously adopted Muriel. After all, if azi was a married man then Mr Brown can pretend in another life they could have been together, if only this thin dark Duke hadn't gotten there first.
Everyone else goes along with this in part to make Mr Brown feel better.
But wait- why has Mr Fell left then? Divorce? Has their child taken over the book shop to support her fathers during this rough patch? Did Mr Fell not sign a pre-nup and now this Mr Crowley bloke owns the bookshop?
"The bastard, how could he do such a thing to sweet old Mr Fell?" Thinks Mr Brown as he charges into the bookshop to give these people a piece of his mind.
Funny Good Omens things
full credit to the owner!