Grand High Blood - Tumblr Posts


dualscar, did i mention you're probably the best-looking out of all the ancestors?

Dualscar, Did I Mention You're Probably The Best-looking Out Of All The Ancestors?

DUALSCAR: best-lookin?

DUALSCAR: ivwe only got one eye, kid!

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Dualscar, can we hear some of the jokes you attempted to entertain the Grand Highblood with?

Dualscar, Can We Hear Some Of The Jokes You Attempted To Entertain The Grand Highblood With?
Dualscar, Can We Hear Some Of The Jokes You Attempted To Entertain The Grand Highblood With?

DUALSCAR: vwwhat do you call... a fish vwwith only one eye? DUALSCAR: a fish.


DUALSCAR: vwwhat? the vwword fish already only has one "i" in it, dumbasses!

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