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what made us feel human

pairing: reader x kim seokjin

genre: fluff/romance/humour

word count: 2,328

prompt: 14. I came up to your apartment to ask you to turn down your music and have quieter sex, but it turns out that you’ve just been jumping up and down on your bed in your underwear listening to music alone AU

What Made Us Feel Human

All the attempts to ignore the noise go to waste—the bangs still rudely pulsate in your skull. The floor beneath your crossed legs vibrates to the rhythm of your neighbour’s hectic life.

This is it. This is fucking it.

You’re not usually the type to curse, especially with your legs in a lotus pose; and you’re not the type of person to confront people about your indignation, but this is it. How many times the thumps of music rippled through your bubble of serenity? That’s right, countless of times. And how many times your ears have witnessed the thuds and squeaks of a bed on the other side of your wall? Unimaginable number of times. And all that at 9:30 pm? Outrageous!

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a turning point


Pairing: Seokjin x Reader

Genre: fluff?

Words: 1,7k

Warnings: swearing

Prompt: 21 “You’re stuck with me, like it or not."  requests

a/n: this is kind of enemies to lovers, but i guess more like friends that hide their feelings behind sarcasm to possibly future lovers


You watched the last balloon inflate until it was big enough and matched the others, and then you secured it. It flew up and clung to the ceiling amongst the others of its kind.

The uplifting tune of soft music was floating in the air, filling the whole apartment as you stared up, evaluating your completed task.

Beyond any doubt, it looked perfect. Silver, sky blue and snow white balloons hung from the ceiling like a bunch of ripe grapes. Beautiful words—congratulating and complimenting—were scribbled onto them, helping to create the mood for the upcoming party.

Satisfied, you spun around, and swung to the music.

You couldn’t possibly miss the distasteful sound that bubbled up from Seokjin’s throat. He was snickering as if seeing the most ridiculous thing in the world.

‘What? Never done a good job and did a little happy dance in celebration?’ You shot a glance down at the silver ribbons next to his crossed legs on the floor, and from the mess he’d created you deduced that, ‘Probably not.’

He waved you off, choosing to ignore your sardonic remark. He jerked his head upwards with a bored expression, trying to draw your attention to the ceiling. ‘Take a closer look.’

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silly kitty | seokjin

↼pairing: seokjin x reader ↼genre: hybrid au, fluff, if u squint there’s a tiny bit of angst ↼words: 21.7k+ ↼warnings: this is 21.7k of pure fluff god is dead and we killed him ↼notes: I started out following the request and then it just got out of hand, I couldn’t stop myself oml this fic has been haunting me for WEEKS. also i deviated a lil from the request im sorry i love u I hope it doesn’t disappoint!!!!

⇢ request:

just lots and lots of fluff I guess?? I love Jin so much but I don’t see a lot of love for him. Oh! Maybe something along those lines?… How about… desperate hybrid jin, stuck on the streets, who starts following the first person who shows him affection and them just not knowing what to do, doesn’t know the first thing about having to take care of more than just themselves? - jin anon

↼posted; 12.11.2017


↼masterlist || afterstory

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Can you be bias wrecked by fanfiction???????????@?!

;dimple (m)


pairing—kim seokjin x reader genre/warnings—smut, comedy, slight angst/drama, romance, slow burn, roommates/friends words— 14,725

summary— What’s the rule again? How many dates does it take for you have sex with a guy? Three? Five? Ten?! What if all this waiting and you can’t remember how to do it? It’s been so long since the last time you swear you’ve forgotten! You’re desperate, and that’s how you end up asking your roommate for help. Only trouble is, you get much more than you bargained for…


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JINTRO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Carnival Rides (M)


→ Pairing: Seokjin x reader

→ Genre: Fluff, smut, summer carnival AU

→ Word Count: 11.4k

→ Summary: Working at your parents’ funnel cake stand during the summer sounds like a decent enough gig. But you didn’t quite plan for the exhausting heat or the cute gelato guy who would make it his mission to get you to like him. Warning: This ride will get you wet!

→ What to Expect: car sex, a little bit of public indecency (again), unprotected sex (wear condoms pls), and bad puns

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night drive | ksj


g e n r e: just pure, unadulterated fluff, friends to lovers!au. p a i r i n g: groomsman!seokjin x bridesmaid!reader w o r d s: 3k+ words. s u m m a r y: coming back from your best friends’ wedding, the last thing you’d ever expect is seokjin confessing his love for you.  w a r n i n g s: it can cause cavities, but other than that, none. a / n: this is just 3k words but to me feels like they’ve been 6k and more, lol. Surprisingly, I kinda like the way it came out, so I’m pretty satisfied with it! I really hope you enjoy it, because I put all myself into it despite its shortness - well, it’s technically a long drabble.. but still. An huge, big, fat shout out to @kyut-tea for bearing with me and hyping me up so much these past days. She’s an angel and she deserves the world, truly. Go read her fics! <3 

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lost & found | seokjin

↠ written for the kreativewritersnet au bingo! ↞

↼pairing: seokjin x reader ↼genre: selkie au,roommate au, fluff ? ↼words: 9.1k+ ↼notes: well this has been sitting unfinished in my documents for a shameful amount of time, but I finally got that last leg of inspiration I needed to finish it so!!! Here it is!!! It’s a bit of a mess tbh, but I hope you like it nonetheless (and sorry for another shitty ending!!) 💖💗💘💞

How were you supposed to know that beautiful sealskin coat you picked up on the beach belonged to none other than your friend Kim Seokjin, the most beautiful man alive and the keeper of your heart?

↼posted; 28.11.2017


↼ masterlist | bingo masterlist | moodboard by @thelast-taco

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See you soon (M,F) - Kim Seokjin


See you soon (M,F) - Kim Seokjin

hi! can i request a smutty/fluffy seokjin fic where the reader and he have just decided that they’re going to try for kids, so they celebrate by fulfilling that agreement? thank you so much!

Word count: 2k

Summary: Jin wants to impregnate you, again.

Genre: smut, fluffy as hell, 180% fluff

Warnings: incredibly, sickeningly fluffly smut

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Pink Panther (m)

Hybrid AU Pairing: Jin x reader Rating: Explicit  Warnings: Graphic descriptions of sex, oral sex (female receiving), impregnation kink, unprotected sex, dirty talk  Word count: 13K 

Below is the belated birthday fic I wrote for my precious @rbuns!  I hope you like it, bra, and I’m so sorry it’s so late *squishy hugs* <3 <3 


“Oh pants!”

Scrambling to catch the pen that’d leapt out of your hand at the sudden call of your name, your eyes dart across your crowded desk to the red, blinking light of the intercom which had just spoken to you so abruptly.  At least you presume that that’s what it is that’s flashing at you so; it’s a little difficult to tell underneath the stacks of paper that lay so haphazardly around it.  

Pen now safely tucked behind your ear, you actually have to resort to rising up out of your chair in order to find the damned thing, your heart fluttering nervously as you hastily try to remember which button it is that you’re supposed to press to reply.  You jab at the largest one, hoping for the best.

“Y-yes, Mr Kim?”  

You can’t remember the last time your boss communicated with you via anything other than email - apart from perhaps the odd pleasantry as he’s breezed past your desk on his way in and out of the office at each end of the day - so it seems only fair for you to lay the blame for your rustiness with the intercom system solely on his broad shoulders.

“Can you come in here for just a moment, please?”  

“Sure thing!” you agree compliantly, head bobbing up and down to an otherwise empty office, releasing the intercom button only to assault it again a mere split second later with a hastily blurted out, “Sir!” in some poor attempt to claw back any semblance of professionalism.

Honestly, you’d think that after so long working here that you’d know how conduct yourself properly.

Briefly pausing to check your reflection in the little mirror that you keep stashed away in your top drawer for moments such of these you ensure that there are no lingering gloops of mascara in the corner of your eyes, and as you round your desk a moment later, straightening out your skirt, it’s only very narrowly that you manage to avoid snagging your stockings on its pointed, wooden corner.  

You swear you wouldn’t be so much of a bumbling idiot if it weren’t for the fact that your boss, Kim Seokjin, is quite possibly one of the best looking men you’ve ever laid your eyes on.  As someone who’s fairly awkward at the best of times, coming face to face with someone who’d look more at home on the centre spread of a magazine than an office is more than a little problematic, and it’s with a frustrated sigh that you have to turn back halfway when you realise that you’ve left your diary back at your desk, open faced with a half-drunk cup of coffee resting on its pages.  

“Come in!” A voice calls from inside the office immediately after you’d meekly knocked its door, and it’s with a continuing coyness that you push it open and slip inside, shutting it behind you with a gentle ‘click’.  

Seokjin’s office is as dimly lit as it always is whenever you come in here; blinds drawn, no light save the small desk lamp that sits atop his pristinely organised desk and  the faint glow of the laptop computer which illuminates his face.  Your employer doesn’t look up on your arrival but you can tell from the twitch of the rounded ears nestled amongst his pitch black hair that he’s aware of your presence.  

Quietly, you wait for him to finish whatever he’s doing, holding your diary close to your chest and squeezing it as a way to calm your anxiety.  

As a hybrid of one of the most elusive and aggressive big cats of the world, Kim Seokjin has always intimidated you slightly.  You’re not sure where the feeling stems from, as it’s not as if you’ve ever witnessed him acting unpleasantly or unkindly in all the time you’ve worked for him - rather the opposite, in fact.  He’s quite the charmer when it suits him, entertaining clients with his enthusiastic sense of humour and disarming them with his good looks, usually over a lunch or dinner at one of the many fine dining establishments Seokjin so often likes to frequent.  You’ve lost count of the number of times you’ve witnessed him close a business deal before he’s even made a start on his steak; rare, bloody and marbled with thin slivers fat, just the way he likes it.  

But now, sat silently amongst the many potted fauna that decorate and humidify his office, Seokjin’s similarity to the stealthy predator that makes up part of his DNA is all too apparent.  It has you making an unconscious effort not to breathe too loudly; a prey response that comes so naturally that you don’t even realise you’re doing it.  

“Turn the light on, if you like.”  He speaks so suddenly that you almost jump, your eyes darting over to the light switch to the side of you before returning straight to him.  He’s yet to look up from his laptop, his fingers softly tapping on the keys to provide the only sound in the otherwise silent room.  

“It’s alright, Sir, I’m sure I’ll manage.”  The keys fall silent and Seokjin looks up, his eyes immediately finding you from across the room.  You’d think you’d have gotten used to the yellowy green of his irises by now - that they wouldn’t unsettle you so - but they still do.  It’s not so much the colour that stirs a confusing mixture of emotions within you, but more the way they gently glow back at you in the semi-dark; a constant reminder that he’s a creature far more superior and impressive than the simple human-being you are.

“Come and sit, then,” he beckons, gently shutting his laptop with one hand and gently gesturing to the chair opposite him with the other, “You needn’t stand on ceremony.”  Muttering a quiet ‘thank you’, you sink yourself down as delicately as possibly, very aware of the way he’s watching your every move, hands now neatly folded in his lap.  

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piece by piece.


Pairing: jung hoseok x female reader x kim seokjin

Side Characters: min yoongi. kim namjoon.

Summary: a collection of drabbles where your love life is muddied up by two men – the one you love and the one that loves you.

Genre: angst. smut. fluff. you’re in love with your best friend but you’re using someone else to forget. love triangle.

A/N: the POV shifts depending on the chapter. these are in chronological order

Status: complete.

#1. slipping.

#2. enough.

#3. the night before Valentine’s Day.

#4. a birthday wish.

#5. i’m just saying, you could do better.

#6. hooked on a feeling.

#7. out in the open.

#8. choices & consequences.

#9. what am I to you?

#10. that’s what friends are for.

#11. f*ck love.

#12. yeah, I said it.

#13. we don’t do this, do we?

#14. almost doesn’t count.

#15. best part.

+ piece from the past  &  bad timing feat. Min Yoongi

for more on the fic and backstory search: #ask my muse #piece by piece

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