G/t Discussion - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Gradual Growing/shrinking

I very much love rapid growing/shrinking moments alot but we dont appericate the concept of gradual as much as we should.

I love the fear of rapid growing/shrinking and the shock and confusing of having to adjust but with rapid the person knows offically when its stopped (at least for the time)

with Gradual its less shocking but there's more uncertainty because if they keep waking up very day with more/less inches/feet at first itll be unnoticable and a bit weird but after they figure it out theres this dread of never knowing when its going to stop.

Will they shrink to the size of an ant or grow to the size of a building or worse? will it ever even stop at all?!

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11 months ago

Turning Giant Panic

So we all know the scenes where a character turns into a giant and the freaks out. Usaully theres a part where the turning giant reachs out for help only to retrack because they realize how much bigger their hand/they are now. Usually when a person panics they arent thinking straight. Give me a person who is turning giant who is panic so badly that even tho they are so much bigger now the still reach out for someone anyone to help them.

Imagine them grabbing their friend/loved one even tho they're so small now and BEGGING them to do something anything to make it stop or to explain whats happening to them. The helplessness of both the turning giant not knowing what to do and not realizing how badly they are freaking everyone else out and the friend/loved one who cant do anything about what is happening to their now giant friend and is now freaking out to

Oh the Angst

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7 months ago

Turned Giant W Acrophobia Turned Tiny W lack of Acrophobia

I feel like if someone randomly turned into a giant there brain wouldnt keep up with that. kinda like how after some surgery your brain still thinks your body is a certian way. So wouldnt a person turned giant brain not realize that they're just big now and thnk there height up?

Imagine this person gets turned into a giant (like giant giant not a minigiant) and tries to get up but they cant fully stand cus there brain is tell them they are being lifted into the air and are VERY heigh up now. espially if the now giant has a fear of heights there new size is just to much cus they feel like standing is like standing on edge of a cliff to them.

And for tinys it would probably feel like they are lying down and heigh places would feel normal to them and they could forget that the counter is a big drop to them

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6 months ago

GT and Age Gaps/Differneces

Honestly we need more GT stories with more age difference

Like a elderly tiny and a giant teenager

or a tiny child and adult giant,

elder giant and a baby tiny,

giant teenager and a toddler tiny,

Giant toddler and tiny adult,


alot of GT contian involes giants and tinies being around or close in age but i feel like even the similar basic tropes just with the age gaps can patentably add interest dynamics and interactions!! Just my thoughts tho.

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