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Life is full of surprises

Johnny x reader, Johnny x Ten, Hendery x reader
Genre: Fluff, to angst, to fluff again
Warnings: None
Word count: 4.2k (4247 words)
Summary: Dating Johnny was literally a dream come true, but what happens when he realises that he realises that he has feelings for someone else? And what if you started having feelings for someone else, too?
Dating Johnny is such a blessing. Being loved by Johnny is an even bigger blessing. You always considered yourself too lucky to find such person. There were days when you doubted whether you actually deserve him or not.
Johnny is really fun to be around, he understands you, he pays you attention, but doesn’t pressure you. Every day you got to spend with him was amazing. Even with the small disagreements or arguments here and there. You wouldn’t trade him for the world.
You also understood Johnny very well. You could tell if something was wrong by just taking a look at him. So this is how you realized something was really wrong, even after Johnny denied it.
At first, it didn’t seem to be something too serious and Johnny told you he was just a little stressed because of his job. So you excused his bad mood and tried to cheer him up a little.
You knew that Johnny had a really busy schedule, so you never asked to see him, you knew that he had limited free time. You still sent him ‘good morning’ and ‘good night’ texts along with some other comforting words. He always asked about how your day was too. But you could barely meet once a week.
You knew something was seriously wrong when Johnny seemed to never be in a good mood, even after having a whole week to see you. You started to get worried about so many things. You were sure Johnny loved you, so what happened to make him act so distant? Did you pressure him with your daily texts? Did he consider meeting once a week a responsibility?
Every time you asked him, he swore he was just tired and that there was nothing wrong with your behavior. He tried to appear more cheery but you knew Johnny too well and you knew the smiles were fake.
One of the most concerning things was that even when you met, Johnny didn’t kiss you except the ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ kisses. At first you thought the problem was your appearance, but since you always met at your house, you were just wearing you pajamas, wanting to be comfortable.
You started wearing casual clothes, nothing special, but you would look good enough for a walk in the park for example. Yet, Johnny didn’t even notice the difference, since his behavior was still the same.
As if you weren’t stressed about it before, the weekly meetings became biweekly, every other Friday night to be exact. You were considered lucky if you got more than a hug from Johnny in a day. You decided it was time to speak up about it and ask Johnny what his real problem was.
Coincidentally, it was the same day he decided to talk to you about it. But, the problem was something you never expected to happen.
A “We need to talk,” has never hurt you this much in the past.
“First of all, I want to remind you that I love you and this won’t ever change. I love you even if I didn’t show it much. I’m sorry for treating you like that. It’s honestly stressed me even more when I realized. I didn’t mean to change the way I act around you, but there’s something that stops me from acting the way an actual boyfriend should act.” He made a large pause, but that didn’t prepare you for his next words.
“I love you, but I’m not in love with you. What I mean is, I don’t have romantic feelings for you. I love you, but it has faded into a platonic way. But that’s not even the problem, I know that after a certain stage, a relationship isn’t only lovey dovey, it’s about understanding the other person and being able to communicate well. It’s about respecting the other and about being able to live with them. And I felt like we reached this stage and I was fine with that. But, I realized that I started having romantic feelings for another person.” You were sure he could hear your heart breaking. He has now holding your hands in between his, squeezing them tightly.
“And as if it couldn’t get worse, this person is a person we both know and a person I get to see a lot because of work,” he said and you flinched. You tried to free your hands and move away from him, but he didn’t let you. Not before he whispered the name of the person that now had his heart.
“It’s Ten.” And you felt the tears finally spilling from your eyes. Johnny couldn’t look at you after admitting all this. He just stared at his hands that previously held yours.
After a few minutes of silence, you spoke up, even if your voice was shaky. “A-are you two dating?” you managed to ask and he shook his head ‘no’.
“No, I wouldn’t do that while still dating you. I needed to talk to you first.” He softly said and you nodded.
“Are you gonna date now?” you asked, knowing that you wouldn’t get the answer you wanted.
“If he wants to, then yes.” he admitted and you again nodded not being able to say anything.
Johnny suddenly got up and brought you a few tissues and a glass of water. He wiped your tears and waited for you to drink your water.
“I’m gonna give you some time to decide whether you want to see me again or not. But, I would really like it if you were still a part of my life, because as I said, I love you very much and don’t want to lose you.” He said and got up.
“I am going for a walk and to bring you something nice to eat. I’ll be back soon, but you will have the time you usually need to relax. If you don’t want to see me again, then immediately tell me and I’ll leave the food at your door, go home and never bother you again.” He carefully said and put on his shoes, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
You wanted Johnny to be happy. And if being with Ten made him happy then you wished nothing more. But you weren’t sure if you could bear the sight of the two together. But you loved Johnny too much and not having him in your life would hurt you more than seeing him happy with another person.
When Johnny came back with a bag full of your favorite foods and candies, you greeted him with a small smile and let him in, a sign that made Johnny grin at you. You both sat on the couch and Johnny took your hands in his again.
“So what did you decide?” he carefully asked.
“Not having you in my life will hurt more than seeing you happy with another person. I’m not greedy. I love you and want what’s best for you, so if you feel like you’ll be happy with Ten, then I will not stop you.” You said and Johnny engulfed you in a big hug.
“Thank you so much, I promise I’ll never let you down again and I’ll always be here to support you and to love you.” He said and you shed a few more tears, but wiped them quickly.
“I want to be happy for you, so please, if it all goes well and ten agrees, I want to see you two a lot and get used to the idea of you dating. Of course, if Ten is comfortable with this too.” You said and he nodded. “Anything for you, (y/n).”

Ten was shocked after Johnny’s confession, but he admitted he had feelings for him for a long time too and the pair started dating.
It wasn’t long before Johnny decided it was time to grand your wishes and asked you to come pick them up after practice so the three of you could go somewhere nice to eat.
It seemed to be the worst decision you ever made, because as soon as you stepped foot in the room you felt 23 pairs of eyes turn to you, all but 2 pairs, were filled with pity. Johnny ran to hug you and to spin you around.
“Hi, I missed you” he said and put you down and you could feel everyone stare at the two of you.
“I missed you too” you replied and turn to look behind him, where Ten was approaching with small and careful steps. You must have managed to smile a convincing smile when you met his eyes, because his seemed to widen.
“Hi Ten, how have you been?” You asked kindly.
“I’m good, how about you?” He softly asked.
“I’ve been doing well too. Well, trying, but I think it’s going well.” You joked, but you could feel that your attempt to lighten up the mood and joke about the subject wasn’t exactly appreciated by the rest of the members.
Taeyong broke the long silence by saying that practice was over and the members could go back to their other activities. That was your cue to quickly exit the room, the couple following you all the way to the restaurant without speaking up at all, except from when they had to order.
“I would appreciate it if you told the members to stop looking at me with pity in their eyes. It can get a little annoying, you know.” You said and Ten chocked at your words, but Johnny seemed to not be phased by it.
“They will get used to it the more time you spend with us. I’m sorry, but I’m sure they will soon stop.” Johnny apologized and filled your glass with water.
The next few times you picked the guys up were also filled with awkwardness and it was understandable, but as time passed it got fixed. The boys tried to not stare at you, or to start a conversation on a random topic to avoid awkwardness. They seemed as if they were slowly getting used to you being around and didn’t focus on the situation with Johnny.
You greeted everyone with a kind smile, told them to not overwork themselves and to take care of themselves and they told you the same thing back with an equal amount of kindness. What you missed was the eye roll coming from Xiaojun, right after you left the WayV practice room with Ten. The others looked at him confused and he sighed.
“It’s not that I don’t like her or something, but all this seems too much of an act. She just can’t accept the fact that she loved someone and they didn’t love her back. Personally, I wouldn’t stay around the person that didn’t love me in order to ‘get over’ them or whatever she says. She is dumb for staying around and accepting being treated like that.” He reasoned, but no one spoke up afterwards, not knowing whether they agree with him or not.
It hadn’t been long before Ten and you started meeting without Johnny, an idea Johnny proposed, but never forced you to actually do. Ten asked you to come after practice and to go together at the WayV dorms to hang out.
You walked in and was immediately greeted by a puppy running to you and barking. Ten picked it up and the puppy leaned closer to smell you. “This is Bella, Bella say hi to (y/n). She’s my friend, say hi” Ten rocked Bella and moved a little closer. You let Bella lick your hand and she started wiggling her tail. “Oh, I just remembered! I brought some treats with me!” You said and opened your bag bringing out the dog treats. Ten put Bella down and you crouched to be closer to her level.
You asked her to sit and at first she didn’t listen, not accepting orders from strangers, but then Ten said it at the same time with you and she did. You gave her a small treat and petted her, a small ‘good girl, Bella’ coming from your lips, making her wiggle her tail even more and bark excitedly. From the corner of your eye you noticed a figure moving, Xiaojun coming out a room with Bella’s leash in his hands.
Ten asked her to give him her paw and she did and he gave her another treat. You did a small clap for Bella, which earned a chuckle by Xiaojun.
“I’m taking Bella for a walk, we will be back later.” He said and put the leash on an excited Bella, who barked recognizing the word ‘walk’.
Lucas walked out of a room putting on his jacket. He let out a small ‘what’s up’, which a nod towards you and you did a small wave. Soon, the two of them were out the door leaving you and Ten in the living room.
The conversation seemed to run smoothly, there were a few awkward silences here and there, but it was nothing compared to the first few times you went out with them. Somehow the topic changed to Johnny and it seemed as if Ten got a little bit too comfortable, because he started talking about their dates.
You thought that by talking freely about their relationship would finally help you and that could finally feel happy for them. Ten realized that you didn’t try to change the topic and took it as a sign to talk more freely.
The weight in your heart started getting bigger, but you didn’t blame Ten for anything. He did exactly what you wanted him to do. He talked exactly about the things you wanted him to talk. The more he talked about Johnny the bigger the lump in your throat was getting.
But he was so excited that he could finally talk freely about Johnny that he failed to realize that your face fell the more he talked. When he realized that he had reached too far, it was too late, because he was interrupted by a sob. You couldn’t control it anymore. You put your hand over your mouth and tried to stop, but you couldn’t anymore. All this time, you never allowed yourself to cry about it, wanting to be happy for Johnny. The pressure of all this time came crushing and the tears couldn’t stop spilling from your eyes.
At first Ten didn’t know what to do and just stared at you, but then he quickly engulfed you in a hug. You buried your face in his chest and continued crying. He pulled you close, petting your head and whispering small ‘it will soon be okay’ and ‘let it all out’s.
Your tears were wetting through his shirt, but Ten didn’t care. He rocked you from side to side, until your sobs started getting quieter and quieter. When you finally stopped crying, you slowly moved away and before you could even react Ten’s hands came up to your face, wiping away your tears.
He gave you a comforting smile and offered to bring you some tissues and some water. You nodded, not trusting your voice and leaned back on the couch, letting your eyes close. Ten came back and you whispered a small ‘thanks’ drinking the water.
“I’m sorry for your shirt” you pointed at the wet point on his shirt and he laughed and waved you off. “It doesn’t matter. Do you feel better?” he asked and you nodded. “I’m sorry for being a little too comfortable. I thought you were okay with talking about it, since you didn’t try to change the subject or anything.” He said and it was your time to wave him off. “Don’t worry about it. I wanted you to talk about it and I think that I’m better now, so please try to talk about it again.” You said and Ten nodded.
“Go change your shirt,” you laughed after a small silence and he laughed too. “Okay, I’ll be back in 2 seconds.” He said and run off towards a room. As if on cue, another door opened and Hendery and Yangyang came out. You felt your face getting red, since they probably heard you crying and it was obvious, because of your red eyes.
The boys were holding their two cats and moved towards their bowls, as it was probably time to feed them, but stopped when they saw you. “Do you like cats?” Yangyang asked carefully and you nodded. “Would you like to see them?” He asked again and you nodded.
The boys moved towards you on the couch and sat on each side of you with the cats in their arms. Leon, the cat Hendery was holding, was the first one to move towards you, while Louis at first avoided you.
“Don’t worry about Louis, he just doesn’t trust people easily. But he will like you, Louis only likes good people.” Yangyang jokingly said, earning a chuckle from you and Hendery.
“If Louis doesn’t like me, I’ll cry even harder.” You again tried to joke, but Yangyang gave you a playful stern look, while Hendery let out an awkward laugh. Leon jumped down from your arms and moved towards his bowls, a signal that it was finally his time to eat and that he would start meowing if he didn’t soon get his food.
Ten walked out of his room and saw Leon meowing at the bowl, so he went to get the cat food, a hungry Louis jumping off Yangyang’s lap after hearing Ten open the cabinet. Yangyang followed Louis, leaving you and Hendery alone on the couch. There was an awkward silence after that.
“I’m sorry to ask but, were you crying?” he said softly and you looked away. “Well, yes, but I’m better now.” He nodded. “We didn’t hear you, but your eyes are a little red and swollen. This is how I realized. Oh, your nose too. You’re like… Rudolf! Or, like when it’s winter and you go out and it’s too cold, so your nose becomes red. But the cute way though, you don’t look bad, you look beautiful.” Hendery rambled and you both blushed at his sudden compliment.
“I-I’m sorry. I-I will go with Yangyang now. Have fun with Ten and… I hope you don’t cry anymore.” He awkwardly said and left and you internally laughed at his behavior.
Ten came back, as Hendery practically ran out of the room. He chuckled at his friend’s weird behavior and sat down next to you, putting on a random movie to watch.

After the incident at the WayV dorm it was obvious to everyone that you had gone through a change. You started feeling better, you have talked about Johnny with Ten a few more times and Ten made a bold move to talk about kissing Johnny. That’s when you realized you didn’t mind anymore. You spoke so calmly, joked with Ten about it and laughed when he started blushing.
You could proudly say you were finally over Johnny. Your feelings weren’t toxic anymore. You were finally happy for the couple. Finally happy that Johnny found his happiness in his friend Ten and happy that Ten appreciated Johnny and treated him well.
Now, whenever you hung out with them, you genuinely had fun. You grew so close to Ten, you could practically call him your best friend. After letting him see you in such vulnerable position, you allowed yourself to trust him and open up to him more. He trusted you too, knowing you tried hard to become the person you were today and appreciated you.
In addition, you learned a few interesting stuff about the members, especially the WayV members, among them, you learned about Hendery’s fondness of you.
At first you thought you were just overreacting and his kind comments and slightly touchy behavior was just a sign of friendliness. You had spent many afternoons at the WayV dorm and have been around everyone, so you thought it was just his style of showing that he is warming up around you, just like how Xiaojun started trying to make a conversation with you, as a way to apologise for the way he used to treat you.
But, Ten’s teasing comments whenever he saw you and Hendery act a little more than friendly, made you consider the possibility of Hendery having a crush on you.
One day, you and Hendery were laughing a little too hard at something Hendery said and he made some teasing comment again, being his usual self.
At the moment you didn’t actually pay attention to Ten’s comment, too busy laughing with Hendery, pushing his shoulder as he pushed your legs, before resting his head on your lap, small giggles escaping his lips, as he tried to calm himself down and your hand reached his hair, softly playing with it, your giggles and heavy breathing matching his.
“I guess you’re too busy flirting to pay me any attention, so I’m taking Louis away until you decide to remember our existence.” Ten said again and took Louis from beside you, leaving you and Hendery a blushing mess.
None of you tried to correct Ten and you just looked awkwardly at each other. “Don’t pay him too much attention, you know how much of a tease he is,” you said trying to save the both of you from the embarrassing situation and Hendery just let out a quiet ‘yeah’, before looking away. The situation made you wanna cringe so hard, but you tried changing the topic.
“Ten is probably so done with us having fun without him, so how about we go for a walk and then come back to give him the attention he wants?” You joked and Hendery let out a chuckle. “He is jealous because you don’t laugh at his jokes.” He shook his head and got up sticking his hand out for you. “Get up let’s go for that walk.” He said and you took his hand in yours getting up.
It was surprisingly cold outside and none of you were prepared for it, but it didn’t matter, because you were having so much fun talking with Hendery, that you didn’t pay the cold around you any attention.
However it was obvious that you were cold, because your noses had turned red from the cold. You had sat on a bench with Hendery and you both sat close to each other, trying to warm yourselves up, using each other’s heat.
Hendery was staring at you and you blushed under his gaze. He then looked away, shaking his head, letting out an awkward chuckle. “What?” you asked, confused at his behavior and he shook his head again. “It’s nothing, I just remembered something.” He said. “What is it?” you pressed and he refused to look at you. “It’s dumb.” He said and you pushed his shoulder softly.
“Come on, tell me, you can trust me, I won’t make fun of you or something.” You said and he looked down. “No, that’s not it, it’s dumb, don’t worry about it.” He said and you whined. “Tell me, I’m so curious now.”
“Okay,” he said and looked into your eyes. “I remembered that day you had cried and then I sat with you. Do you remember it?” He asked and you nodded.
“How could I forget that day?” You chuckled, trying to joke, but the serious look in his eyes stopped you.
“Your nose is red again, this time from the cold and it reminded me of that day.” He stopped and took a deep breath.
“You’re so beautiful, even like this. That day, today too and every day in general. You’re so, so beautiful.” He said and you felt your cheeks heat up, as if you weren’t trembling from the cold.
And it was true, you weren’t trembling because of the cold anymore. Hendery was slowly leaning in and you were too. Moments before your lips touched, his warm hand held your cold one, as he laced your fingers together.
You closed the distance between you and suddenly the cold didn’t matter. It was only you and Hendery there. No other people, no kids with scarves and jackets a little too big for them, no parents chasing their kids to take them home, so they don’t catch a cold. Just you and Hendery, your lips softly moving against each other’s.
Your hand held his tightly and he smiled at your cute habit. You tilted your head to the side, deepening the kiss and his tongue asked for permission. You accepted and your tongues came in contact, softly gliding against each other’s. His free hand came up to your cheek, as your hand held his shirt tightly, the excitement from finally kissing Hendery being obvious.
You disconnected your lips and rested your foreheads against each other, smiling like little kids. “It’s a little too cold and as much as I love seeing you become Rudolf, I don’t want you to catch a cold, so let’s go back to the dorm.” He said and you laughed.
“Let’s ditch Ten though, I’m sure he’ll be okay.” You said and he laughed. “Anything you want, princess.” He pecked your lips and laughed at your blushing face, before taking your hand in his and started walking towards the dorms.
Life is full of surprises, some hurt a lot, but others can make you so happy.