Guardianxredeyes - Tumblr Posts
1, 5, 10, 25, 40
1. How do they move and carry themselves? Pace, rhythm, gestures, energy?
Generally Lunarre’s gait is fast and erratic, with only short periods of rest and relaxation. Periods of immobility are more often than not broken by an intense burst of wild movement. He is almost always on the alert, yet he carries himself with a haughty reassurance because he knows few can stand against him. That, and there is really only one person of whom Lunarre is afraid (Rose).The energy of his gestures likewise vary quite wildly, from lax and easygoing to bold, aggressive and dramatic. He is almost always looking around, picking up on any slight change in his surroundings.
5. How do they dress? What styles, colors, accessories, and other possessions do they favor?
Lunarre typically favours dark colours (following along from his assassin garb). It serves a practical purpose (concealing him in darkness/nature) as well as fashion purpose (contrasting with his brightly coloured hair/eyes etc.).
10. What energizes and drains them most
Fights both energise and drain him the most. Long periods of inactivity can also have a draining effect on him.
25. What do they need and want out of relationships, and how do they go about getting it?
Excitement, stimulation, lots of attention and praise, understanding. While certainly proactive in pursuing the object of affection, Lunarre is simultaneously very guarded about his innermost feelings and it would take a great amount of coaxing and work from the object of affection to get him to grudgingly reveal it.
40. What do they wonder about? What sparks their curiosity and imagination, and why? How is this expressed, if it is?
Lunarre’s imagination is creative, but limited to dark and morbid interests (especially as an assassin and as a hellion). Due to his impoverished upbringing - lacking the means to stimulate his imagination and being taught to thieve and rob from a young age - Lunarre had little time to spare for carefree thoughts, and those he did had revolved a lot around making use of his environment to play and hide.
Lunarre assuages his curiosity first by observing and then jumping right in to investigate for himself. If it isn’t a threat, he wastes no time checking it out. He is extremely nosy and will not respect space or privacy unless being caught is very very bad.
[cont. from here.]
"That's no good. He'll end up with a stroke if he can't swim into the hearts of others~ "- Iora the pun master

“Ugh.” The hellion cannot contain his disgust. “I oughta eat you for that, but I don’t want to get a stomachache.”

“Regardless, I don’t recommend eating me at all. I’d give you more than a stomachache.” He chuckled.

“...Come to think of it, can hellions get stomachaches? Whaddaya say I eat you and find out? I like experimenting.”
Because of your faceclaim, I gotta throw in Gatchaman Crowds

[[Oh Jesus I’m sorry I just googled for an anime character with brown hair and massive eyebrows like me and she appeared and I liked her so now she is my faceclaim XD]]

“How about we don’t and say we tried.” Iora shook his head, unsure why this guy was keen on wanting to eat him. “I promise I won’t take well to being eaten.”

Lunarre sniffed the air and frowned.
“Deal. You’re weak anyway.”
3 voice challenge
3. Read the little blurb on the back of your shampoo bottle.
Lol here you go XD