=( Guess Conservative Thinktanks Haven't Been Championing Parents Rights While Republicans Ban Books & Critical Thinking For Nothing - Tumblr Posts

3 months ago

Schools can teach, but unfortunately, under capitalism, they are more likely there to indoctrinate.

Children are taught how to stay still for long periods of time, wait through boredom, endure bullying, affirm and normalize hierarchies, and obey authorities unquestioningly: all things adults are forced to do, once they enter the work place, in order to serve corporations and capitalism.

It was bad when I was a kid, and I felt sorry for the other kids as well.

I'd just hoped like hell that what I was experiencing was some bizarre kind of trend or a fluke, and that both kids and adults would be treated better by a better society when I got older …

But it's gotten WORSE.

We at least had reasonable third spaces to run to, when I was a kid.

There were streets you could bike on.

We weren't getting our free time and attention micromanaged by helicopter parents.

We hadn't been conditioned to serve as a panopticon: filming each other without permission and sharing that surveillance maliciously.

We didn't have the Patriot Act in place and encouraging surveillance around the globe.

We didn't have apps that we used to try and relax, spying on us, so that corporations could sell our data and try to fine-tune their efforts to manage algorithms and brainwash us towards our less compassionate natures.

There sure as hell weren't school shootings and a constant in-school police presence to deal with.

And we were not cognizant that there might not even BE a world to live in once we grew up, due to climate change.

I feel sorry for students and for the more earnest teachers in all this.

It has become so difficult to grow into anyone humane, given the current parameters of how children are treated.

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