Anti Capitalism - Tumblr Posts
"there are too many things to boycott"
yeah there are. and isn't that fucked up? isn't it fucked up that so many companies, restaurants, brands, clothing stores, etc care more about money than people? care more about profit margins than people dying or the planet being poisoned?
"just get a job" i am going to eat your liver for dinner actually!
Whenever I'm studying Marxism (and that's quite a lot of times actually) I remember Marx's idea that Revolution can only take form through hate.
Of course, I know now it's a very specific form of hate and that it's pointed to a specific community of people but when I started learning about it, I often found myself rebelling at the notion of hatred as a conductive to Revolution.
I thought hate was too volatile, too savage to be trustworthy but as I grow older and see the world as it is I see myself tasting that hate — and it's hard to actually put into words but this hatred is not ugly and unpredictable.
This hatred is actually quite beautiful, it's not a firing blaze scorching down the earth but a burning fire cleansing a wound, it's born out of indignation and love for humankind. It's there because I love humanity so much I can't help but feel the indignation for what happens to us to my very core and I can't help but turn this into anger, into hatred against those I know are responsible for this.
I really think Marx was onto something with this besides the whole political and economic points he usually made.
I just watched The Bikeriders and I'll say: I have A LOT to talk about this movie, I might go into one of my rants about it and toxic masculinity and just the overall male need for connection and the struggle against hegemonic culture in capitalism
Plus, there's so much depth in Benny's character and his relationship with Johnny and Kathy, and he barely even appears!!!
And Kathy, I love how unromanticized her story was.
Johnny and his desperation to be what Benny was effortless
The Vietnam War and its impact on a subculture as a demonstration of how deep cultural hegemony and capitalism can affect peoples' lives
It's amazing really
I do not care how busy you are right now, I implore you to take 15 minutes and sign all of these petitions and spread awareness. Share these links absolutely everywhere, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Ao3. everywhere!!
Because if these bills pass:..
Say goodbye to fandoms...
Say goodbye to fanfiction/fanart...
Say goodbye to LGBTQIA+ safe spaces...
Say goodbye to private messaging...
Say goodbye to proper sexual health education (including info about safe and healthy abortions)...
I am not exaggerating...

DM me for more questions.

Something that I've noticed in my art that I feel like is a huge part of it is the deconstruction of capitalism and advertising. Because I'm autistic, when I was little, I never actually understood commercials, but I was obsessed with them. I loved commercials despite not understanding them and what their purpose was. That's why when I thought of the commercial dimension, it wasn't actually advertising anything. It was just the aesthetics of commercials that you can see in the pieces of art I make to this day. It's the vibe of a commercial without any of the actual substance and purpose, which I just find really interesting that my brain clinged to that.
I did NOT steal a bar of soap from Safeway because I absolutely do NOT believe that chain grocery stores are a plague. I absolutely DID pay seven fucking dollars for a bar of soap and did NOT just grab it with the razors and scan only the razors before putting them in my backpack. I am NOT poor in the slightest and I DO own a car. People who steal from mega corporations ARE criminals. Money DID pay for soap and it did NOT buy nectarines and apples instead.
This is Hella right

I’m not saying it’s right, but I understand (x)
A question I hear a lot is "why are so many losers defending billionaires online?" and I realized why.
It's not because they think that they will be given money or get noticed, it's because they want to maintain the narrative of capitalism as a pure meritocracy. Capitalist theory tells us that hard work and risk is what will make you rich, and an incongruence between what rich people should be and what they are breaks this. To admit that someone like Elon Musk is an idiot who only got rich off generational wealth is to admit that capitalism is inherently flawed. That's why rich people are placed on this pedestal of perfection where they can do no wrong.
They aren't defending the individuals; they are defending the ideal of capitalism they have been taught all their lives.
Remember: Never let anybody talk shit about the working class or the poor
Be mindful of anti-proletariat rhetoric.
Don't tolerate bullshit ideas like "unskilled labor", all labor is skilled, and capitalists want you to believe in it so they can justify paying hard working people practically nothing. If someone is giving their time and energy to someone else, they deserve respect no matter what.
Don't tolerate parents teaching their children to look down upon common laborers as "trashy work".
Don't tolerate this idea that poor people are lazy, most are poor for a variety of reasons: poor mental health, no generational wealth, bad investments, drug addiction, disability, unwanted children; but none of them are just laziness. If you know any poor people, you know they bust their ass every day to get a fraction of what their bosses have.
Don't tolerate people who say you should vote for a party that doesn't give a shit about the real workers.
Don't tolerate divisive ideas meant to distract the common man from getting back the surplus value stolen from him.
Don't tolerate propagandic opinion pieces from rich folk who want to keep you ignorant.
Love the working class, and eat the rich!
“Surge in antisemitism”
I have worn my magen david and not had a single comment, from anyone— not Muslims, Christians, people wearing kufiyahs. I’ve been to protests and demonstrations, and never been more welcomed or felt so safe. Palestinians have hugged me, have shared food with me. Leftists have constantly held space to listen and to learn, to make room for changes and growth.
But you know what I have experienced? Jewish Zionists screaming at me, calling me shameful, Jewish Zionists on the internet debating the legitimacy of my Jewishness. I’ve been called kapo, k*ke and told I’d be r*ped by Hamas. I’ve had the most vitriol from ZIONISTS. I’ve faced the most antisemitism from Zionist Jews, and that makes me so inconceivably sad. I’ve been looked down upon and cursed at.
Zionism is not Judaism. Never will be.
I really like the point he makes about software. I use word for my character sheets in dnd and other tabletops and I now have a monthly fee to use word.
Working is funny because the major corporation that I hate gives me a paycheck. Like, I despise everything you stand for and your business practices and family, but also you pay the best in the area and I get to stand around all day and look pretty
Throughout this pandemic, I've read countless articles about the effects of COVID-19 on people's lives. However, these stories are too often written about the lives of the privileged-- the struggles of working from home or the struggles of not being able to travel. This is not to say that their struggles are invalid; however, the stories of those most affected by the pandemic remain untold. I'd like to compile perspectives from essential workers and members of marginalized groups to counter the upper-middle-class narrative.
If you could, DM me your stories! I'll give you full credit, or you can remain anonymous.
Eat shit, CEO Dylan Jadeja and Marc Merrill, you penny-pinching parasites.

Yes, I've seen this, and yes, it's a fucking clownshoes travesty. Riot CEO Dylan Jadeja and Marc Merrill can both eat a big fat sack of shit, the executive class at that company is staffed by incompetent vultures who will throw five hundred people's lives into turmoil because interest rates aren't zero anymore, but who will never so much as shave the five o' clock shadow on their own compensation packages.
If they gave a single solitary shit about sustainability, they would have built a company that can operate when the interest rates are Anything Other Than Zero. They didn't do that because they don't actually care about that, and these layoffs are ENTIRELY about appeasing shareholders and meeting quarterly growth targets, no matter how pathetically Jadeja may protest that He Would Never.
Legends of Runeterra struggled because Riot catastrophically mismanaged it, as evidenced by the DOUBLE 180 degree turn they've now done on Path of Champions as a product. Riot Forge is getting shut down so Riot Games Inc. can go jerk off Saudi Arabia with PR laundering esports events and gag on MBS' veiny, shriveled faucet of oil money, I remember when the LCS tried to get away with promoting NEOM.
Since I cannot repeat it enough: eat shit, Riot CEO Dylan Jadeja, and also Marc Merrill, you incompetent fucking vultures.

think its cringe that im hesistant to post cuz "ooohh radical ideology? politics? in my furry art? crazy, insane. do not exist please" but silence is obedience or sumn
Anyway, not-so-friendly reminder that nihilism/doomerism/accelerationism is a conspiracy theory meant to keep people complacent and docile in the event of an authoritarian regime, and the online Left really needs to start shunning these groups with the same vehemence that we shun radfem/terf groups.
The biggest threat to systemic evil is hope, and this nonsense “the world will never get better, so why bother trying to make it better” ideology literally exists to serve those systems. The doomerism movement is pro-capitalist, pro-fascist, pro-authoritarianism, etc. because they accept these systems as inherent to the nature of humanity, unable to be changed… which is exactly what the fascists running the system want. After all, why resist the rise of evil if evil is always inevitable? Why fight to make the world a better place if the world is just going to end soon anyway? Why not just stand aside and let the authoritarians do their thing? It doesn’t even matter anyway, right?
The point is, the Left is far too tolerant of doomerism, and it’s driving me insane.