Guiltypleasures - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
"I Might Scare You A Little, Because I'm Clever As The Devil And I Know How To Do Things. I Preach Darkness.

"I might scare you a little, because I'm clever as the Devil and I know how to do things. I preach darkness. I don't inspire hope, I control the shadows. They do not control me. It's up to you to find the light in my words." Dedicated to all #hiddlestoners ladies and girls in particular, just because... #picoftheday #personalquote #lokisdirtywhispers #thelookofapoet #smolderpoetry #lokisilvertongue #hiddlestoned #killergaze #lust #naughtythoughts #guiltypleasures #confessionsofagod #writersofinstagram #lokisarmy #tomhiddleston #sarcasticloki

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6 years ago

The world has become a giant megamall and the only thing they're selling is dissatisfaction. Satisfaction is not in my nature, anyway. But...The thing is, I never feel guilty about pleasures. #quoteoftheday #talldarkandhandsome #satisfactionquotes #thedevilneverlookedsogood #smolderstyle #smoldertongue #smolderpoetry #badassstyle #badass #lokisarmy #lokilaufeyson #lokisilvertongue #tomhiddleston #hiddlestoner #hiddlesarmy #satisfactionandpassion #gentstyle #passionateartist #artistsoninstagram #guiltypleasures #diablo #digitalartist #writersofinstagram #gentstagram #gentlemanstyle #rockandroll #mood #naughtygod #godofmischief

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6 years ago
''The People Need A Hero, And A Villain Cannot Be A Hero...but Every Villain Is A Hero In His Own Mind...So,

''The people need a hero, and a villain cannot be a hero...but every villain is a hero in his own mind...So, all they've got is....Me, a God, but with fangs and oddly impaired morals...Shh! I’ll give you what you’re afraid to ask.” #gentstagram #personalquote #poetsofinstagram #writersofinstagram #smolderstyle #smoldertongue #smolderpoetry #talldarkandhandsome #thedevilneverlookedsogood #naughtygod #gentstyle #badassstyle #lokistyle #lokilaufeyson #lokilaufeyson #lokisarmy #hiddlesarmy #hiddlestoner #artistsoninstagram #daddyshere #diablo #digitalartist #deviantartist #TomHiddleston #artwork #digitalart #mood #digitalphotography #godofmischief #guiltypleasures #naughtybynature

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6 years ago
When I Find Myself In Times Of Trouble...Music Is The Wine That Fills The Cup Of Silence...the Second

When I find myself in times of trouble...Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence...the second language to my heart. #personalquote #artistsoninstagram #gentstyle #gentlemanstyle #lokistyle #hiddlesarmy #hiddlestoner #tomhiddleston #thedevilsgotstyle #talldarkandhandsome #writersofinstagram #dreamersandmusicmakers #smolderstyle #smoldertongue #smolderpoetry #staringatthesun #guiltypleasures #guitarist #happytogoblind

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6 years ago
No Need To Say More... #hiddlesarmy #hiddlestoner #tomhiddleston #gentstagram #godofmischief #gentlemanstyle

No need to say more... #hiddlesarmy #hiddlestoner #tomhiddleston #gentstagram #godofmischief #gentlemanstyle #guiltypleasures #gentstyle #badassstyle #lokisarmy #lokistyle #betterthanshawarma #lokiscafé #earlyinthemorning

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6 years ago
They Say A Person Needs Just Three Things To Be Truly Happy In This World: Someone To Love, Something

They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for. I'm still wondering... #picoftheday #gentstagram #lokistyle #hiddlestoner #quoteoftheday #personalquote #philosopherspath #artistsoninstagram #amsterdam #writersofinstagram #winnersneverquitandquittersneverwin #godofmischief #gentlemanstyle #guiltypleasures #redlightdistrict #lovetherapy #smolderstyle #smoldertongue (at Red Light Area Amsterdam)

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6 years ago
I Think Everybody Should Get Rich And Famous And Do Everything They Ever Dreamed Of So They Can See That

I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer. #picoftheday #philosopherspath #jimcarreyquote #quoteoftheday #artistsoninstagram #writersofinstagram #guiltypleasures #costerdiamondsamsterdam #diamondhearted #gentstagram #gentlemanstyle #gentstyle #guiltypleasures #amsterdam #noblehearted #nolimits #winnersneverquitandquittersneverwin #godofmischief #limitless #lokistyle #smolderstyle #smoldertongue #hiddlestoner #higherstate (at Coster Diamonds)

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6 years ago
There Is One Secret Is Beautiful And Peaceful, Where Gentle Water Flows, And Most Beautiful

“There is one secret is beautiful and peaceful, where gentle water flows, and most beautiful garden grows...” #picoftheday #personalquote #artistsoninstagram #writersofinstagram #amsterdam #rijksmuseumgarden #mood #smolderstyle #smolderpoetry #smoldertongue #naturelover #relaxing #gentstagram #gentlemanstyle #gentstyle #guiltypleasures #godofmischief #lokistyle #feelinggood #passionateartist #artistbynature #artistbyheart #apoetsplace (at Rijksmuseum)

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6 years ago
A Man And His Thoughts Are Not That Much Different Than Your Own, No Matter What You May Believe. I Lay

A man and his thoughts are not that much different than your own, no matter what you may believe. I lay here and I shall watch the ferry boats, and they'll get high, on a bluer ocean against tomorrow's sky. And I will never grow so old again, and I'll walk and talk, in gardens all wet with rain... #picoftheday #personalquote #philosopherspath #amsterdam #artistsoninstagram #writersofinstagram #guiltypleasures #gentstagram #gentstyle #gentlemanstyle #higherstate #hiddlestoner #smolderstyle #smolderpoetry #smoldertongue #singelamsterdam #amsterdamcalling #amsterdamcanalcruise #poetsofinstagram #confessionsofapoet #mood #andrewsmolderpantsphotography (at Singel)

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6 years ago
I Enjoy The Night, Where I Can Do Things That Aren't Acceptable In The Light...I Want Two Things: Danger

I enjoy the night, where I can do things that aren't acceptable in the light...I want two things: danger and play. I pray you, do not fall in love with me, for I am falser than vows made in wine. I've got secrets & lies that would blow your mind....#picoftheday #godofmischief #lokistyle #hiddlesarmy #hiddlestoner #gentstyle #tomhiddleston #goodnightpost #guiltypleasures #mischiefactivated #gentlemanstyle #gentstagram #artistsoninstagram #smolderstyle #smoldertongue #writersofinstagram #personalquote

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6 years ago
There's No Need For You To Look For Another Seat, My Dear. There's Plenty Of Space Here... On My Lap.

“There's no need for you to look for another seat, my dear. There's plenty of space here... on my lap.” #picoftheday #smoldertongue #smolderpoetry #smolderstyle #godofmischief #guiltypleasures #gentlemanstyle #mischiefmodeactivated #lokistyle #lokisarmy #hiddlestoner #gentstyle #badassstyle #digitalart #deviantart #writersofinstagram #tomhiddleston #artistsoninstagram #dirtyconfessions (at Red Light District)

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6 years ago
I Was Told I Was Dangerousbecause I Enjoy The Forbidden Stuff...The Thing Is, I Never Feel Guilty About

“I was told I was dangerous…because I enjoy the forbidden stuff...The thing is, I never feel guilty about pleasures. That includes chocolate too...” #picoftheday #personalquote #smolderstyle #lokistyle #hiddlestoner #higherstateofmind #godofmischief #guiltypleasures #gentstyle #salzburg #fürstkonditorei #chocolateaddict #artistsoninstagram #mozartchocolate #writersofinstagram #smoldertongue #feelinghigh (at Cafe Konditorei Fürst)

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6 years ago
Tonight, My Sweet, I Will Taste You, Test You, Bend You, Break You, In All The Ways You Love. I Will

Tonight, my sweet, I will taste you, test you, bend you, break you, in all the ways you love. I will make you squirm and beg, and only when naught but my name is upon your lips will I give you the release you crave... P.S. Dedicated to my army of sexy ladies!😏😎😉😈#picoftheday #smolderstyle #hiddlestoner #gentlemanstyle #guiltypleasures #lokistyle #lokisarmy #mischiefactivated #writersofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #artwork #digitalart #digitalartist #deviantartist #diablo #smoldertongue #badassstyle #cravinglust #secretsandlies #gentstyle #hiddlestoner #hiddlestoner #hiddlesarmy #dirtyconfessions #lokisdirtywhispers #goodnightpost (at Salzburg, Austria)

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6 years ago
I'm That Man Your Parents Warned You About, Baby...Frozen Inside..because I Was Born In Cold Darkness...I

“I'm that man your parents warned you about, baby...Frozen inside..because I was born in cold darkness...I enjoy the night, where I can do things that aren't acceptable in the light...I'm the gentleman who will claim you the way you have always dreamt of being claimed. I will not be gentle and you will not be gagged. If we are found out, I will finish before I turn you loose. No matter how many watch or how loud you cry. You are mine and I will use you...This is my bargain, you mewling quim!” #lokistyle #lokisarmy #writersofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #tomhiddleston #talldarkandhandsome #diablo #smolderstyle #smoldertongue #confessionsofapervert #pervertbychoice #personalquote #rebelioussoul #hiddlesarmy #hiddlestoner #over18sonly #not4weakminds #smolderpoetry #midnightconfessions #fiftyshadesofloki #lokisdirtywhispers #higherstateofmind #godofmischief #gentlemanstyle #guiltypleasures #gentstyle #mischiefactivated #mischieviousthoughts #notforminors #nolimits #limitless (at Salzburg, Austria)

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6 years ago
There Is One Secret Is Beautiful And Peaceful, Where Gentle Water Flows, And Most Beautiful

“There is one secret is beautiful and peaceful, where gentle water flows, and most beautiful garden grows, yet, nobody could ever go to...I’ll be waiting for you there.” #picoftheday #personalquote #smoldertongue #smolderpoetry #writersofinstagram #andrewsmolderpantsphotography #artistsoninstagram #higherstateofmind #gentstyle #guiltypleasures #salzburgbridgelovelock #lokistyle #hiddlestoner #photography #travelphotography #travelersoul #austriasalzburg #philosopherspath #missingyou #beautifuldestinations #sunnyday (at Liebesbrücke Salzburg)

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6 years ago
Il Y A Un Endroit Secret ... Il Est Beau Et Paisible, O L'eau Douce Coule, Et Le Plus Beau Jardin Grandit,

“Il y a un endroit secret ... il est beau et paisible, où l'eau douce coule, et le plus beau jardin grandit, pourtant, personne ne pourrait jamais aller à ... Vous atteignez profondément dans mon âme en tirant tous les rêves que j'ai cachés sous le doute pour longtemps jeter tous mes sentiments dans les ténèbres et fermant toutes les portes. Seulement, d'une manière ou d'une autre, ils ont été retrouvés et trouvés par vous ...” #picoftheday #personalquote #artistsoninstagram #writersofinstagram #smolderstyle #godofmischief #guiltypleasures #gentstyle #gentlemanstyle #traveler #philosopherspath #smoldertongue #beautifulplaces #strasbourg #wheretheriverflows #hiddlestoner #higherstateofmind #lokistyle #andrewsmolderpantsphotography #photographerspath #sunnyday #seekerspath #relaxing #freedom #photographylover #afashionado (at Strasbourg, France)

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6 years ago
I Was Asked What's My Guilty Pleasure? The Thing Is, I Never Feel Guilty About Pleasures. But... Https://

I was asked what's my guilty pleasure? The thing is, I never feel guilty about pleasures. But... #picoftheday #beautifulplace #enjoythejourney #afashionado #artistsoninstagram #writersofinstagram #godofmischief #gentstyle #guiltypleasures #chocolate #brusselsbelgium #bruxelles #travelphotography #traveller #brusselchocolates #beautifuldestinations #gentlemanstyle #lokistyle #livelifetothefullest #heavenlydesserts #chocolateheaven #photographylover #andrewsmolderphotography #smolderstyle #hiddlestoner (at Brussels, Belgium)

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6 years ago

The world has become a giant megamall and the only thing they're selling is dissatisfaction. Satisfaction is not in my nature, anyway. But...The thing is, I never feel guilty about pleasures. #quoteoftheday #talldarkandhandsome #satisfactionquotes #thedevilneverlookedsogood #smolderstyle #smoldertongue #smolderpoetry #badassstyle #badass #lokisarmy #lokilaufeyson #lokisilvertongue #tomhiddleston #hiddlestoner #hiddlesarmy #satisfactionandpassion #gentstyle #passionateartist #artistsoninstagram #guiltypleasures #diablo #digitalartist #writersofinstagram #gentstagram #gentlemanstyle #rockandroll #mood #naughtygod #godofmischief

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6 years ago

I'd indulge every fantasy you had. And if you consent to be mine, there is nothing in all the nine realms that I would deny you. Do you understand? #mischiefmodeactivated #writersofinstagram #lokisarmy #smoldertongue #smolderstyle #lokistyle #hiddlestoner #tomhiddleston #godofmischief #guiltypleasures #gentstyle #confessionsofamisfit #pervertbychoice #gentlemanbynature #pickuplines #diablo #badassstyle #hiddlesarmy (at Rotterdam, Netherlands)

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6 years ago
I Was Told I Was Dangerousbecause I Like Undressing Women With My Eyes...The Thing Is, I Never Feel Guilty

“I was told I was dangerous…because I like undressing women with my eyes...The thing is, I never feel guilty about pleasures. And only foolish men suppose taking off a woman’s clothes is the best way to get her completely naked. So, I use my eyes to say a million things... You may talk. And I may listen. And miracles might happen. And I might scare you a little, because I'm a man, and I know how to do things...” #picoftheday #personalquote #writersofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #badassstyle #blackandwhitephotography #dirtyconfessions #hiddlestoner #hiddlesarmy #portraitphotography #portrait_perfection #killergaze #godofmischief #guiltypleasures #lokistyle #lokisarmy #talldarkandhandsome #thedevilneverlookedsogood #smoldertongue #smolderpoetry #smolderstyle #diablo #mischiefactivated #dirtyconfessions #blackhairblueeyes #longhairdontcare #theartistbehindthebrush (at Amsterdam, Netherlands)

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