Gyutaro X Reader - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Kimetsu no Yaiba ~Calling them 'handsome' 3rd part~

First and second part are here (1st) and here (2nd).


He'll be confused: in the era in which he lived, it was always men who complimented women, not the other

Anyway, like his brother, he'll think he should return the compliment

So, he'll disappear for a few minutes and then he'll return with a hairpin in his hand

"Thank you, tsuma (wife), but you're more beautiful than me: you're so fascinating your beauty puts the most beautiful gods to shame."

Afterwards, he'll put the hairpin in your hair and kiss you


Since he's emotionless, he shouldn't have any reaction

However, he'll feel a strange sensation of pleasure in his chest, so he'll ask you what sensations he's having

After you tell him what he's feeling is a form of affection, he'll be confused and have a little smile and an adorable blush on his face, which he'll cover with his fan

He won't know how to react, so he'll do what he saw one of his followers do while courting a girl

"Ara ara? You're beautiful too, gorgeous-chan."


He thinks being beautiful is a "female thing", but your compliment will still make him feel warm and his whole face will be red

However, he'll hug you sweetly

"Thank you, my love. You're very beautiful too."

When you part from the hug, he'll gently caress your cheek and kiss you

For the next few days, he'll always be in a good mood and then Douma will annoy him and he'll be in a bad mood


He won't believe it: he'll think it's a joke

"Don't joke with me!" "Gyu, it isn't a joke."

After he realizes this isn't a game, he'll blush slightly and thank you

That evening, he'll ask his sister to steal buy a nice accessory for you and he'll give it to you the next day

"Thank you for the compliment and for always being with me, despite who I am."

Sorry this took so long! I hope you liked it anyway. Bye!

๐Ÿ’ฎ Rules ๐Ÿ’ฎ Masterlist ๐Ÿ’ฎ

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9 months ago

needy!gyutaro drabble ๐Ÿ˜‹

Needy!gyutaro Drabble

wc: 203

pairing: gyutaro x reader

warnings: nasty sex, bad writing, i think thats it lol

a/n: i luv needy!gyutaro and theres no smut for him ๐Ÿ˜ž not spellchecked, im horrible at smut so give criticism i beg ๐Ÿ™

smut below the cut :>

you looked so good today.

fortunately, that's what led to the lewd noises of skin slapping against skin, small gasps and moans coming from you and gyutaro as he humps into you with a fervor, he's trembling as he keeps pumping into your tight cunt.

"so warm, babyโ€“ god," he whimpers out, pawing at your breasts and muffling his pathetic moans by nuzzling into your neck.

"shit, 's too much, pretty. gonna cum, 'kay? makin' me feel so goodโ€“"

he stops himself by kissing you, silencing your moans of his name, and jerking his hips into you, trying to go as deep as he can as he feels you tightening.

"gonna cum? please, baby. need you to cum 'n get all tight around me, 'm begging you."

you moan out his name before clenching around him, shivering in pleasure as he fills you up.

he pulls out of your leaking pussy, watching as his cum dribbles out before he pushes it back in with his fingers. he takes a moment to look at your face. your eyes are closed, mouth slightly ajar. he pulls his fingers out and gently pushes them into your mouth, making you slobber.

you look even better like this.

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1 year ago

Songs that sound like Gyutaro singing

Daki songs also featured

(sorry for this unprompted showcase and unintentional rant/essay but it's midnight I needed to get this off my chest bc it's been on my mind for a year and I need to have other people know)

Cw: a lot of these songs contain lyrics describing toxic relationships and death/suicide. If these topics trigger you, then please don't listen to them. I'll apply a warning to every song mentioned just in case

So, Gyutaro and Daki are the only characters in care about in Demon Slayer (no joke I skipped season 1 and the first few episodes of season 2 bc I only wanted to see them lol) and I absolutely love their voices oml.

Ryลta ลŒsaka is now my favorite voice actor. His rasps and growls hit hard.

So I feel the need to assign playlists to all my favorite characters. And I have this weird thing where I like to imagine the characters singing these songs specifically so I try to find artists who sound similar.

So here are some covers by the YouTuber Chogakusei that I think sound close to Gyutaro (and what I think he'd personally sing in a modern au setting lol).

All of the original songs he is covering are linked in his video descriptions back on YouTube if you ever wanted to check them out.

Also all 3 of these songs have English captions available!

1. Hindrance

Cw: people being deceitful, people being paranoid of each other(?), general animosity and spite towards others, jealousy against other people, mention of children fighting

I could honestly write an entire essay on how the lyrics coincide with Gyutaro's entire life and backstory. It all fits so well with his spitefulness towards the world and how quick he is to resort to violence.

Especially in the beginning when he's mocking this person for being so "good" and seemingly perfect. It just reminds me about how he mocked Tengen and the samurai that tried to kill Ume by burning her.

And the lyrics "Children turning into fighters in an instant" makes me think of how he was essentially forced to resort to violence back when he was a human bc everyone treated him like shit (also him having to be Ume's bodyguard bc she also had to become a sex worker just so they could get food. "Fighters" doesn't always have to mean a physical brawler. It could also refer to someone who's pushing back against the shit hand life gave them via taking whatever opportunity they can)

And when Chogakusei sings "jealousy let's run" my heart just went agh yep that's Gyutaro

2. Neroism

Cw: mentions of a suicide note, person lamenting on how bad life is, person telling others to go die

I'm pretty sure this song is actually about a girl who decides to commit suicide bc of how much her life sucks. But the way Chogakusei sings it just changes the whole vibe into a man so spiteful and hateful towards the world for making his life so terrible, which just matches Gyutaro perfectly

When he sings "Yes, just be sad and die" I'm again reminded of how Gyutaro treats Tengen for being so handsome and wanting him to go die

The growls are just on point with this song oml

(also at the end when he starts the "ahahaha" I imagine it as his head getting cut off and tumbling to the ground like in the anime if this was an animatic :) just to make you feel as sad as me)

3. Bocca della Veritร 

Cw: mentions of an abusive/toxic relationship, complete hatred towards another person, original music video/lore alludes to a deal with a devil(?), alludes to the abusive person getting killed(?), lyrics mention the singer being dragged into the abyss/possibly hell(Presumably I think???)

I've got no excuse this is just bc he's an angy man.

The screams and growls just fit him, y'know? So does the very harsh "I HATE YOU" mentality

That being said y'all should check out his channel just bc he's an amazing artist and he deserves all the support in the world for his amazing voice!

Now ik I only picked 3 songs for Gyutaro but pretty much any of the songs Chogakusei sang on his channel can be interpreted as gyutaro singing bc he does the good growl voice in basically all of them. I just picked the ones that had lyrics similar to Gyutaro.

But there's still more to talk about my dear friends bc I want to mention Daki as well (don't worry Gyutaro is involved here too and he'll be back in another song lol)

First of all Daki's voice actor (Miyuki Sawashiro) is my second favorite voice actor now bc do you guys know how hard it must be to sound like you're sobbing and whining like a child? I know I would be absolute shit at it and too embarrassed to even try. She's got mad vocal cords and that deserves praise

But I feel like it's harder to find a match with any one singer. It's not as distinct and unique as Gyutaro's but still feels like no one can really replicate it? Idk man

I have two different options currently but I'm biased towards them bc I don't know a lot of Japanese singers that are women so oops on my part.

This is also all based on my headcanon that Daki would sing with a raspier voice than compared to how she normally talks as a sort of allude to her brother

(also bc a while back my choir teacher taught us that the human vocal cords like to mimic other people's vocal cords when they sing/talk. That's why your throat hurts after listening to screamo/metal music all day. Your vocal cords are vibrating to try and mimic the artist who is straight up screeching into the mic - except their throat is trained to do that and yours isn't. My teacher called it vocal mimicry but when I try looking it up, all google shows is of parrots mimicking human speech so maybe this is all made up crap ยฏโ \โ _โ (โ ใƒ„โ )โ _โ /โ ยฏ

But anyway I feel like growing up around someone with a raspy voice you'd start picking up on it yourself)

Here's some links of Daki talking if y'all want a refresher on her voice:




(just watch like the first 3 minutes)


(just watch like the first 3 minutes)

Daki can clearly be high pitched but also can get pretty low. There's also a little squeakiness in her speech, like maybe little hitches/voice cracks but it's not overpowering. What I hear most of tho (correct me if I'm wrong lol, my hearing could be off) is that she has a certain cadence to her voice, like there's a resonance in the back of her throat that makes her almost kinda echoy??? Or at least a layered voice?? Am I making any sense here????

But either way. I needed to find a singer who can growl, go to both high and low pitches and who has a resonance in their voice.

So my wonderful friends that is why I have chosen our first option as...

Ado ๐ŸŽ‰

I feel like this is a generic/expected response when finding female singers who can growl but I still think it can work.

I'm also mostly focusing on the songs she sang before her debut (as in before the release of Ussewa)

I'll be staying whether these songs are covers or not under their titles.

And Tokyo Cannibalism is the only Ado song on this list with English captions. The rest don't but you can suck it up and appreciate good music without knowing the words. I know you've done it before.

1. Brain Revolution Girl

Cover song. Original from Maretu

Cw: picture alludes to self harm, lyrics possibly allude to suicide, sexual abuse or online bullying( the meaning is up for interpretation)

Like just from listening to the first 1:30 of the song and I can already imagine Daki screaming into the mic. Especially with the voice crack when Ado screams "ah!" at 1:11

2. Tokyo Cannibalism

Collab with YouTuber biz

Cw: visuals of people being eaten, visuals of giant bugs, visuals of people being eaten by said giant bugs, general gore with blood and body mutilation

This one leans more into that high pitched, whiney sort of voice Daki has. Y'know, when she has a meltdown in front of Tengen and when everyone compares her to a boiling teapot? Yeah that.

Also the song's premise kinda goes along with her being a demon and eating people

3. Bocca della Veritร 

Cover song. Original by Hiiragi kirai

Cw: mentions of an abusive/toxic relationship, complete hatred towards another person, music video/lore alludes to a deal with a devil(?), alludes to the abusive person getting killed(?), lyrics mention the singer being dragged into the abyss/possibly hell(Presumably I think???)


Also the best part about imagining Daki as Ado and Gyutaro as Chogakusei means that their Collab video is the perfect song to imagine the siblings singing together!!

4. Eraser Girl

Cover song. Original by Maretu

Cw: (I genuinely don't know bc I can't figure this song out so I'm looking online for the meaning) life generally sucking for two people and treating them like crap(?), maybe those two people kill themselves in the end (??), maybe those two people are girls and are gay for each other but society is just a bunch of homophobes(???)

Ok so maybe not a perfect song for the siblings lyrical wise, but vocally speaking it still works (at least in my book lol)

That's all I have from Ado. Once again show your support over on YouTube by watching more of what interests you bc she's an amazing artist.

Now I'm about to fall asleep (it's 1:40 in the morning as I write this sentence) so I'll quickly go by my second option for Daki which is...

Raon ๐ŸŽ‰

She was one of the first Japanese artists I listened to so I'm definitely biased here. But her voice is just so good like she can do so many cool pitches it's crazy.

For here I'll be showing the ones where she has a sort of raspy-growl in her voice.

This is what I imagine Daki's voice would be in a modern au if her profession was ever singing - a slight whisper of something unhinged but still very smooth and alluring.

Most of these picks are focused on the voice aspect, so what the lyrics say aren't really of importance.

And all of these songs have English captions.

All of these songs listed under Raon are covers. The originals will be linked in the description of her YouTube videos.

1. Envy Baby

Cw: abusive/toxic relationship

2. Darling

Cw: abusive/toxic relationship

3. Ameotome (Rain Maiden)

Cw: abusive/toxic relationship

The voice isn't what I imagine exactly, but I feel like the lyrics are something Daki would actually sing.

So that's all I have in terms of songs.

Remember to show support for all 3 creators bc they are so talented and deserve the attention.

It is now 2:37 on the morning, so I'm gonna go pass out. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. Until next time my friends :)

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2 years ago

Gyutaro Relationship HC's

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Content: Gyutaro x gn!Reader HC's

Warnings: Borderline toxic behavior from Gyutaro at first

Notes: I'm such a Gyutaro simp. Please request him more <3

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Gyutaro Relationship HC's

:( I love him


Okay anyway

Gyutaro obviously has a lot of insecurities, it's one of the first things we know about him

Sometimes he'll probably think your relationship is a joke to you, that you'll leave him for someone better at any moment

As much as he puts Daki/Ume on a pedestal for her beauty, I don't think he's shallow when it comes to his own partners

He's just grateful to have someone love him

There are times he'll believe your love for him, but it's never through specifically asked reassurance

He never asks for that btw, believing he'd only be a burden and that your words of reassurance would be forced since he, y'know, asked for them

Is very jealous and possessive, especially around the three upper moons; Akaza, Douma and Kokushibo

hehehe I love them too,,,

Gyutaro likes leaving bite marks and hickies on you, so that other people can see you belong to someone

Will grin widely, showing off his lovely sharp teef, when he sees a bite mark on your neck high enough to not be covered up

Will probably still scratch off his skin if he sees someone else talking to you, especially if it's another man. Sometimes even that doesn't matter - anyone he deems handome, beautiful, pretty, etc. is making him claw his skin off

Sometimes he'll come up and hug you from behind and glare at the other person until they get unsettled and leave. Then he'll act like he doesn't know what happened

Speaking of hugging, he loves doing that. Or having an arm around you, or holding your hand, literally anything

Gyutaro also really loves cuddling. Any position, he doesn't care. He just needs to feel you beside him, and he can't fall asleep without you being there

Will let you put his hair up in a bun, paint his nails, brush his hair, he doesn't care. He'll let you do it

PLEASE grab his face and kiss him, and tell him he's so handsome, beautiful, pretty, etc.

Jump on him, hug him close, look at him with so much love

Just drown him in attention and affection, he needs it

If you put a shirt or sweatshirt on him, he's not gonna want to take it off and will get really upset if it gets tattered/ripped up. He might even cry a little, thinking you'll be angry with him

But when you kiss him and give him a new one while attempting to save the other one, he's going to be so dumbfounded

In his eyes, he is so unworthy of you, and thinks you should be with someone else. You're like an angel, and since he's already a demon, it just further adds to his insecurity

But when you show him genuine love and affection, he can't help but want to be greedy and selfish, taking all your love for himself instead of shoveling it off to someone else

He tries to keep you away from Ume, in case she makes fun of you or hurts you. But she does eventually get to you, introduces herself, and you two actually...become best friends. Over what? Gyutaro has no idea. He's too stunned to really pay attention.

You and Ume team up against him and it is the bane of his existence. He still loves you though

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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!

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2 years ago

Painting your nails with the demons | Fluff

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Content: Akaza x gn!Reader, Kokushibo x gn!Reader, Douma x gn!Reader, Gyutaro x gn!Reader (all separate)

Warnings: Douma LMAO

Notes: I just painted my nails after a breakdown (I'm fine lol dw) over college and suddenly got the urge to paint their nails too. These hc's are incredibly short, I apologize <3

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Painting Your Nails With The Demons | Fluff

โฅ Akaza

Akaza had walked in on you painting your nails a (color), and looked at his own pink nails

Turning to see him after you finished the first hand, you gave him a little smile

"Wanna join me, Aka?"

He'll happily sit with you, letting your hands hold his steady while you paint the same color on him

He loves matching with you, so this just makes him excited

Absolutely demolishes Douma if he makes any kind of comment about it

But the bastard just begs for more pain. He's got the fucking "Wow...your punch really turned me on!" energy going on (please tell me SOMEBODY gets that reference...)

Whenever you take the nail polish off, he's gonna wanna be there so he can take his off too. Then will probably ask if you're going to put on another color or not

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Painting Your Nails With The Demons | Fluff

โฅ Kokushibo

His multiple eyes scare the shit out of me, but I'd rather them be freaky than not utilized at all

I still love him tho <3

Koku's nails aren't painted like some other demons, but he suppose he'll do one hand in black if it'll make you happy

He's silent and keeps a neutral expression as he sits beside you, allowing you to paint his right hand and you can paint your left, so that when you hold his hand, it seems like you're joined together

He just likes the subtle domesticity

"Well, what about my other hand?"

"Do whatever you want." Koku spoke slowly.

"And what about your other hand?"


He only wants one hand painted, slightly questioning if Muzan would disapprove of his nails being painted in the first place

But then he remembers Douma's, Akaza's and Gyutaro's nails are painted, and then he suddenly doesn't care that one of his hands are painted

Wont do anything but direct a cold, neutral look at someone if they make fun of his nails only being painted on one hand

They were done by his s/o, eat shit and die, peasant

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Painting Your Nails With The Demons | Fluff

โฅ Douma

Is ecstatic

Immediately takes off his own blue nail polish to math whatever color you're putting on

Gives you kisses as you paint his nails, sometimes making you mess up and get the polish on his skin

"Not to worry, darling! I can always take it off my skin, you just keep painting!" Douma grins, continuing to kiss you

Parades your matching nails around like it's the greatest gift ever

Brags to Akaza about how he has "such an amazing s/o" and how Akaza doesn't

Of course he gets hit, but Douma then salivates for more negative attention from Akaza

Once the polish begins to chip away, he's going to sit you down, take off the polish from both of you and then paint your nails again himself, in a different color

"We should switch turns every time!" Douma exclaims

"Oh, maybe we could even mix and match depending on the upcoming holiday! How fun! Oh, this is the best idea you've had, darling~!"

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Painting Your Nails With The Demons | Fluff

โฅ Gyutaro

Okay, Gyutaro probably needs a serious manicure (and this is coming from someone who never gets manicures, but at least has a nail filer)

Would also probably do his skin some good to have his nails filed down, cause then it can't...y'know...COME OFF

But I do think the gray color on his nails is the natural color they are now, but I also like to believe that sometimes he paints his nails black to feel better <3

When he sees you painting your nails, he immediately wants to join. Ume is probably not too far behind, so she'll probably join in before Gyutaro

If the color you're painting your nails with isn't black, then he'll paint his nails himself while watching you and Ume match your colors

If it is black, then he'll happily let you paint his nails for him (the teasing from his sister later on is so worth it, because you touched his unworthy hands!!!)

Gyu would also probably keep re-applying the nail polish whenever it got slightly chipped, believing you'd grow angry and upset at what he deemed as "decimation to your art"

Whenever he sees black nail polish he thinks of you now, so have fun with that lol

Probably keeps a shit ton of black nail polish on standby cause he keeps stealing yours

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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!

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2 years ago

Aaaaaaaa!!!!!! Bro im genuinely so happy you write for gyutaro, theres almost next to nothing abt him ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Can i request some hc of a masc but if not that's okay s/o whose taller than Gyutaro and who loves to spoil and fluster/embarrass him with so much affection?? Like everytime they see him, its kisses to his birthmarks, gentle touches, and so many affirming words ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

I'm just so down bad lately bro, also good luck with college!!! I know it gets super hectic, but i know you can do this!!!

I KNOW HE DESERVES BETTER <3 Also, thank you for the college encouragment :3

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Content: Gyutaro x masc!Reader

Warnings: Possessiveness

Notes: This can be read with any pronouns, feel free to read <3 also this was supposed to be put up hours ago, but I got some Halloween decorations for my hamster <33 (he's so cute y'all would love him)

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Aaaaaaaa!!!!!! Bro Im Genuinely So Happy You Write For Gyutaro, Theres Almost Next To Nothing Abt Him


Coming from a woman who is masc, and normally taller than every man I meet (including my current boyfriend LOL) I can relate hard to this


Gyutaro is going to be put off by someone taller than him, as that doesn't...usually happen

I know he's kinda gangly, and his official height hasn't actually been officially stated, but we know he envies Tengen for being "well over six feet." So, I'd deduce that Gyutaro is in the 5'10" - 5'11" range

The first time you raise your hand to caress his cheek, he's going to flinch, thinking you're gonna hit him

But he softens and relaxes when you smile and softly drag your thumb over his cheek

Is going to stumble on hit feet whenever you bombard his face with kisses, feeling especially shy when you kiss his scars and birth marks

Is going to squeal like a girl when you pick him up and run off with him possibly to the bedroom hehehe

Is going to blush profusely and possibly even become a tsundere for a bit, not believing that you actually love him, and thinking that you just want something from him

However, the more attention you pay to him, show you trust him completely, and how many people you reject for him out of all people...okay, maybe he'll begin to accept that you truly love him

Not to say that he doesn't already love you - he was smitten from the first kind act you did for him

He's still going to scratch his skin off if he sees someone come up to you

He anxiously waits to see if you walk off with them or not. A part of him will always think you'll leave him, thanks to his upbringing

Is gonna want to devour anyone who even looks in your direction

All he can do is hold your hand and grumble, though, not feeling as big of a need to protect you as you're bigger than him

He's still really jealous and possessive. The "you know other men?" meme kinda vibe lol

When you give him unsolicited reassuring words while kissing him and holding him, he's going to be so quiet and feel so small

"N-no, you don't really mean that..."

"But I do! I love you, Gyu, and you need to know that you're adorable!"

Gyutaro is going to take a while to get used to your gentle touch, but after eating with Ume, or after he sees someone fail at trying to sweep you off your feet, he'll gently grab your hand and place it on his cheek, hoping you'll get the hint and caress him again.

You're his and only his! Nobody else can have your gentle touch, your loving words and gaze, or your affections! Only him! Only Gyutaro!

He might end up snapping and going on a rampage if someone says one bad thing about you, especially if you're not there

He can't survive without you! How dare someone try to soil you?!

Will develop a habit of plopping in your lap and huffing when he's upset, or just wants attention

Really likes to feel small and safe with you, will frequently ask for headpats

Wants you to mark him so people (especially other demons) can know that he's yours ๐Ÿ˜ค

He also just really likes admiring the marks, and will heal them quicker if it means you'll give him more <3

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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!

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2 years ago

hi :) i was reading your Gyutaro headcanons and that was sooo cute so can i make a request? ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ i would like a fem reader x Gyutaro (modern au) where they are a couple and its time to... you know ๐Ÿ”ฅโค reader kisses Gyu with so much love but when its time to take off the clothes Gyutaro is so insecure about his body and his appearence and he dont want to she looks his body but she really dont care cause Gyutaro its โœจperfectโœจ and she makes feel Gyu much comfortable. Can you please add some fluff nsfw? Thank you so much!

Hi ๐Ÿ‘€ I have been waiting for a Gyutaro nsfw ask ๐Ÿ‘€

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Content: Gyutaro x f!Reader

Warnings: MDNI. Do not interact if not 18+.

Notes: LMAO I was seriously about to write my own nsfw Gyutaro, but then I saw this ask

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Hi :) I Was Reading Your Gyutaro Headcanons And That Was Sooo Cute So Can I Make A Request? I Would Like

Gyutaro's back was flat on the bed, your lips connected to his in a kiss. You straddled his lap, hands on his cheeks as your tongue danced around his own.

Pulling back a little bit, Gyutaro panted under you, a strand of saliva still connecting your tongues together. His hair was splayed around his head, eyes half-lidded after the makeout session.

He looked so helpless under you.

"Gyu?" You spoke softly, placing a kiss on his cheek. "Can I...go lower?"

"L-lower? Sure...g-go as low as you want..." Gyutaro mumbled, huffing.

Kissing his cheek again, you trailed down to his neck. Kissing on one side, then moving to the other. Gyutaro's hands flew up to your hair, letting out a soft sigh.


"Hm? That feel good?" You spoke in a sultry tone.


Gyutaro pressed your body flush against his. You let out a low chuckle before nibbling on his neck. Loving the attention, Gyutaro gently stroked your back, hoping to encourage you. Reaching your own hands up to his hair, you gently moved his head so you can gain more access to his neck.

Leaving a harder bite in the side of his neck, Gyutaro let out a low moan, his grip on your hair tightening. He wanted more...more...

Desperately, he ground his clothed cock into your leg, desperate for friction. Any kind of shame left his mind as he did so, not noticing how you stopped.

" desperate for me, huh?" You contiued to speak softly.

He blushed. "D-don't say it so casually like that...!"

"I'm sorry, my love." You kissed him gently this time. "Is there anything you'd like me to do?"

"...T-take care of it...please..." Gyutaro asked.

"Really? Are you ready?"

"Yes. Yes, please." Gyutaro nods.

"Okay. If you change your mind, tell me to stop and I will." You give him a smile and another kiss before reaching down to the top of his sweatpants.

Suddenly, just before you could pull them down anymore, Gyutaro suddenly gripped your wrist. You immediately stopped and looked up.

"W-wait...what if...what if you don't like it...?" Gyutaro's face was flushed, and his eyes now held shame and sorrow.

"Taro..." You frowned before letting go of his pants and leaning up to kiss him again. "You know I love every inch of you, right? I'm not going to judge what's in your pants, but if you don't want me to, I won't."

You then gave him a reassuring smile, even taking your lower half off of him and instead laying on your side over him. If it meant he was comfortable, you'd hold out a little longer.

"R...really?" Gyutaro asked. "Even if I'm...small?"

"Yes, Gyu." You smiled, caressing his cheek.

He swallowed his spit, thinking for a moment. After said moment, he kissed you and gave you a nod. "O-okay, you can take my pants off..."

You nodded, slowly pulling his sweatpants and boxers down, stopping at his ankles. He wasn't small at all - just over average, possibly around six inches long, four or five thick...this was going to need prep if Gyutaro wanted to go any further. Gyutaro looked away in shame at your staring.

"Gyu, can I touch it?" You asked, still wanting to keep within his boundaries.

He snapped his head back to you. "'re not um...disgusted?"

"No, Taro." You smiled before grabbing his cock gently.

He squirmed under the soft touch. He watched and felt you spit on it before stroking your hand up and down. He let out a huff that turned into a moan, gripping the sheets as the pleasure rose steadily.

"Y-you can go, um, faster. You can grip ha-harder, too..." Gyutaro panted and moaned.

"Really? Okay, if you want to stop, tell me." You didn't give him time to respond before gripping a little harder and moving your hand faster along his length.

Gyutaro moaned louder, fingers tangling in the sheets and thighs clenching with the pleasure. He looked so pretty underneath you, a squirming and moaning mess. Gyutaro was having this response because of you. Giving a sultry chuckle, you lowered your face to give his tip a kiss.

He jolted at the sudden contact. You moved your head away from his length, in case he didn't like it.

"Ngh...c'mon...keep going..." Gyutaro bucked his hips up to your face.

You let out another chuckle before obliging, kissing his tip then engulfing it into your mouth. Gyutaro let out a high pitched moan, not used to all the attention between his legs. He bucks his hips again, accidentally shoving more of himself down your throat.

Choking a little, you pulled back slightly before Guytaro grabbed your hair to bring you back down. He moaned, keeping your head down as he thrusted a little bit. Moaning out your name, he pushed you off of his cock.

"Can I go in?" Gyutaro looks up at you, as if begging. "It's fine if n-not."

"Lets just prepare a little, yeah? Do you have a codom?"

"Yeah...yeah in the drawer. Just in case..." Gyutaro looked away, embarrassed.

You giggled and nodded, taking your bottoms off and guiding his fingers to your pussy, slowly sinking one in. He gently moved his finger in and out of it, before going faster. You moaned, making Gyutaro grin and moan lowly along with you.

Gyutaro sped up his one finger, then experimentally put in another. You moan more at the stretch, gripping his wrist.

"Faster, Gyu."

Gyutaro obeyed, moving his fingers faster inside of you. After some time, you pushed his hand away, and he pulled his fingers out of you.

"Get the condom, Taro."

He obeyed once again, leaning over to grab one out of his nightstand and handing it to you. "I...don't know how to put it on..."

You giggled. "That's fine."

Taking off the wrapper and rolling the condom on his cock, you then line his tip to your entrance, and slowly begin to sink down. Gyutaro moaned at the sensation of your walls clamping down around him through the condom.

After he was fully sheathed inside of you, you kept still. Gyutaro gripped your hips, panting.

"Are you okay?" You asked.

"Yeah...yeah. Are you?"

"Yeah...I'm gonna start moving, okay?"

"O-" Gyutaro's word got cut off mid-moan, as you had moved up and back down.

Moving up and down on his cock, Gyutaro moaned with you, although lower in volume. He knew he probably looked absolutely pathetic under you. He gripped your hips tighter as the pleasure built up.

His cock moved through your walls, rubbing against spots you didn't even know existed. You moaned louder and threw your head back, now rocking your hips back and forth while he was completely sheathed inside of you.

His pelvic bone rubbed against your clit, making you go faster.

"Oh...oh, Gyu!"

Gyutaro began to pant as he moaned, moving your hips faster against him. He then moved you up and down on his cock, bucking his hips up to meet you in the middle.

"Oh, oh, c'mon!" You moaned, desperately wanting to cum.

Moving your hand down, you frantically rubbed at your clit, making your pussy clamp down on Gyutaro, which in turn makes him moan louder. You leaned down to kiss Gyutaro, which prompts him to start pistoning his cock into you.

Moaning at a high pitched octave into the kiss, Gyutaro felt you clamp around him tighter, making him moan.

"G-gyu! Gyu! I'm gonna cum!" You moaned, breaking the kiss.

"I'm...not far behind!"

Gyutaro removed one of his hands to replace his fingers with yours, following your motions and rubbing your clit desperately. It was all too much - him pistioning into you from below you, and the desperation in how he rubbed, and the begging in his eyes as he looked up at you, it made the knot snap.

You moaned out his name, bracing your arms on either side of his head as you came. Gyutaro continued to rub and fuck into you, guiding you through your high. He was loving how you were clamping down on him - almost like your pussy was milking him.

Gyutaro thrust into you a few more times before completely sheathing inside of you, cumming inside the condom. Both of you panted, placing your foreheads together. A wave of shame washed over Gyutaro - he probably performed badly. You probably wouldn't want to have sex with him again, much less stay for-

"You okay, love?" You asked.

"Hm? Y-yeah." He lied.

You gave him another kiss. "Good. Wanna shower together? I feel icky from all the sweat."

You laughed, giving him another kiss. Gyutaro was genuinely surprised - he didn't think you would wanna stick around. He thought you were gonna leave him. Gyutaro nodded after a moment.

"Yeah...yeah, we can." Gyutaro nodded.

You kissed him more before slipping his softening cock out of you and taking the condom off, making sure the contents wouldn't spill before throwing it away. Kissing Gyutaro again, you lead him to the shower while giggling.

Gyutaro could definitely get used to your love.

โ€ข โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ€ข

Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!

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Yandere Gyutaro

Yandere Gyutaro

You probably meet him where Daki works. Daki would probably not care for you and had wanted you dead but Gyutaro saw you and fell for you at first sight. He would watch you while you and Daki would interact, which was quite common seeing how Daki wants Gyutaro to be happy and if this made him happy she wasnโ€™t going to stop it. You thought about why Daki would want to talk to you more and everything but you just let it slip past your mind and forgot about it in a few minutes.ย ย ย  ย 

Whenever Gyutaro couldnโ€™t watch you because Daki had to take care of some things and wouldnโ€™t be able to interact with you. He would tell Daki that she would be okay for a few hours by herself and go and watch you from a hidden spot he had found in your room. Daki would try to get him to come with her but she always lost to it. So she would have to go by herself and deal with it. While Gyutaro would follow you around and watch you.ย ย  ย 

He actually gets really jealous when you have to go to another man's place to play a song for him or anything. He will try to follow you but sometimes he doesnโ€™t want to leave Daki by herself and be that far away from her. So he will trust that everything will be okay and stay with Daki. Now if the house is near them he is following you and no one is stopping him.ย ย ย  ย 

He itches around you a lot. He just thinks you are the most beautiful thing, other than Daki he thinks no one can be more beautiful than her. He just wants to come out of his hiding place and hug you. He wants to feel your skin and see your beauty close to him. He does get weird about this because he thinks that you deserve someone more handsome than him but Daki will tell him that he is overthinking and that you guys are perfect for each other.ย ย ย  ย 

He also protects you. Remember when a girl threw something and it got pushed in a different direction. That was him. He was able to throw something to hit the object and make it turn so then it wouldnโ€™t hit you and hurt your beautiful body. He would make sure no demon or human would enter your room at night to hurt you. The only demon would be Daki no one else is allowed in. He doesnโ€™t mind getting his hands dirty if he needs to. He wouldnโ€™t mind killing some people to show that they canโ€™t mess with you or that you are already someone else's.ย ย ย  ย 

After a while of watching you he will give you small gifts and they are normally something that you can wear. He loves when you wear it. It gives him a sense that you accept him no matter how he looks, even if he thinks he looks ugly. He gets mad when another girl will take something he gave you and try to wear it. He has taken one girl's fingers before because she tried to take something of yours that he got you, he wouldnโ€™t mind doing it again. He only got you these things for you, not another girl.ย ย  ย 

He will slowly show that he is there. But when he finally shows himself you look terrified. He felt his heart break. He kept telling you that it was okay and that he wasnโ€™t going to hurt you. He kept trying to calm you down after a while you did but he could still see the horror in your eyes. He thought that you have accepted him but maybe you haven't.He would have asked Daki for some tips and Daki would tell him anything that would help but if he didnโ€™t think it would work with you he would ignore that tip. One tip he did like was to isolate you and keep you close with him so then you get used to him. ย He would do this while you're asleep. He would take you to a comfy room where no one can get in but him. He will make sure you have things you need so when he canโ€™t come to you one day you still have food, something to drink, and something to do. But when he does come he will bring your favorite food. He then will go and give you attention. He will hug you close. He just wants to feel your skin on his. He will comment on how beautiful you are and how everything on your body is just perfect.ย He just wants you to love him. Donโ€™t be scared he won't harm you and if he does he will punish himself and wonโ€™t come to you and be very careful. But if anything or anyone tries to separate you guys they will come to their end.ย 

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2 years ago
Alpha! Gyutaro And His Prime Omega! Mate

Alpha! Gyutaro and his Prime Omega! Mate

Kny Modern Omegaverse AU


Gyutaro was never given a chance to be who he truly wanted to be, ever since he was little his only instinct was to survive no matter the cost. He was strong, feral, and reeked like a primal alpha, this kept many away and for the few that dared come near it almost always meant immediate death. Thatโ€™s why everyone feared him at school everyone except his sweet little mate with the gold collar wrapped around her pretty neck. Everyone in school craved you, because you were the most fertile omega in school, because you defied all the opinions and expectations placed on omegas, and because you were unavailable. You chose Gyutaro, you courted him, because you saw something in him that no one else could, you didnโ€™t see an ugly scary monster, you saw an alpha wanting to love but unable to and thatโ€™s what drew you to him.

He canโ€™t help the blush that covers his face from ear to ear when he thinks about all the little gifts youโ€™d leave him or the extra bentos heโ€™d find on his desk before lunch when he obviously had nothing to eat. He kept every single sticky notes that had compliments and shitty flirty puns, heโ€™d never admit it but they always made his day and helped him smile. You were aggressive in your courting just as aggressive as his appearance and in the end he thinks thatโ€™s what made him accept your advances. He believed you actually cared about him and in return for your kindness and courting he offered you his favorite school jacket that was heavily scented with the smell of fresh cut hay and rain.

The moment you walked into class with his jacket around your shoulders, with a love drunk expression on your blushed smiling face, he knew you would be his one and only. You were the beauty that tamed the school beast and that pissed everyone off! Omegas would flock to you complaining that you stole Gyutaro from them and that resulted in Daki, his alpha sister, growling and pummeling all of those liars to a pulp. Alphas tried to court you despite you reeking of your mate and would threaten you if you tried to deny their gifts and even tried to command you to do as told. Naturally being a prime omega meant you could overcome their commands and the primal voice that you used to command them to their knees was enough to make them fear you. When your primal omega showed itโ€™s true colors no one could stop your jealous possessive rage, no one except your handsome alpha.

Heโ€™d seen it once, it happened during your pre-heat, naturally you were far more sensitive during this time and a stupid alpha tried to command you to be his. Your pupils became mere slits in your eyes, your small canines elongated, your nails suddenly grew sharper, and the intense scent of a burning forest drowned the room. Many alphas and omegas ran away because of your scent, many betas ran because of your appearance, but Gyutaro didnโ€™t run away. As people ran for their lives he calmly stalked towards the classroom and smiled, โ€œSomeone made my (y/n) mad, I oughta kill โ€˜em for making her so upset.โ€, he snickered slamming the door open.

The alpha was on his knees begging and crying for you to spare him, Gyutaro chuckled and kicked the alpha closer to the door, โ€œBetter run now while you still have the chance.โ€

Of course the boy ran, heโ€™d be crazy not to. Gyutaro smiled and leaned down to press his nose into the crook of your neck where your scent glands resided. He scented you until you came back to your senses and smiled at your pouty face, โ€œWhat happened Mega? Iโ€™m supposed to be the feral one not you.โ€, he teased nipping at your neck playfully.

โ€œDumb bastard threatened to mark me if I didnโ€™t go on a date with him, as if I want his shitty mark on me I only want my alpha.โ€, you huffed pressing kisses against Gyutaroโ€™s birthmarks.

He couldnโ€™t help but let out a deep low purr to your affection, heโ€™d have to take care of that bastard later but right now you mattered more then anything in the world.

โ€œLetโ€™s ditch and go back home, wanna mark you in your pretty little nest you have in my room.โ€

You giggled taking his hand in yours and started walking towards the door, โ€œYou know alpha command voices donโ€™t work on me dummy.โ€

โ€œI know but mine does. If it didnโ€™t I wouldnโ€™t have just convinced the schoolโ€™s number one straight A kiss ass to ditch school.โ€, Gyutaro chuckled.

Naturally you couldnโ€™t help but blush realizing that he was right, but the promise of finally being marked by him was to go of an opportunity to pass up.

โ€œIโ€™m so making you a stay at home dad.โ€, you mumbled, your possessive mind purring to the idea of Gyutaro in an apron waiting for you to come home with two or more brats clinging to his legs.

โ€œHmm what was that pretty thing?โ€

You let out an angry growl which was quickly returned by your alpha, you glared at each other for what seemed like an eternity until he slammed his lips against yours. You purred to his touch as he lifted you up by the backs of your thighs until your legs were wrapped tightly around his waist, โ€œMy bratty mega~โ€

โ€œMy pretty alpha.โ€

โ€œYour pretty alpha canโ€™t wait to give you some pretty little brats, gonna let everyone know that your mine.โ€

You smiled at him and gently combed your fingers up the nape of his neck to the roots of his black and green hair until you had enough to pull his head back. You glared into his eyes with those same primal eyes from before and said, โ€œMy pretty alpha Gyutaro is gonna be a good boy and let me use him until I get myself knocked up. Iโ€™m gonna let everyone know that youโ€™re mine and no one can take you from me. Do you understand, pretty boy?โ€

The pleasure that your words sent up his spine was addicting, Gyutaro couldnโ€™t wait to be yours and the best part was that no one could take away the things that you wanted because you wouldnโ€™t let them.

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1 year ago

Its so cute to think that Kokushibo(or any other demon you like) would learn how to prepare human meals for their partner(s) .

Like when you fall ill, theyโ€™ll prepare human meals just for you or when you retrieve exhausted from your duties, a warm meal will be waiting for you at home.

I like to think Koku would over do himself, this man will hunt big game so you can get a freshly well done meal. He learn how to prepare basic meals from you since it peaked his interest and would join in to cook along side you. But after a few weeks he learnt that he really enjoys cooking, specially for his beloved lamb~ He would beg you to bring him cook books when you were out in town until this man became a 5 star chef just for you(I like to think heโ€™s a perfectionist so this man KNOWS).

Like imagine walking back home from whatever you were doing, youโ€™re exhausted and the smell of crockpot elk stew fills your lungs. As you reach to your homeโ€™s close view, you notice an elkโ€™s head in front of your house, you stopped to inspect it and decided to ask Koku about it. Once you were finally inside your home, you follows the delicious smell coming from your kitchen and thatโ€™s when you saw him, preparing you a bowl of crockpot elk stew.

You swore you never seen something so delicious and appetizing before, your mouth was made water! The golden potatoes, bright and freshly pulled out carrot from his garden (yes he made a home yard garden for the both of you) the gold-ish brown elk meat cooked just right etc etc.

You didnโ€™t knew what made you water anymore, your husband or his cooking? Either way you loved him and thank the gods for picking up on his cooking hobby.

ignore that it's poorly sketched, im working ๐Ÿ˜ญ

I might do other lilโ€™ cooking hc with other higher moons but when I get a break pfft I have something planned for Gyutaro, weโ€™ll see.

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1 year ago

Yandere Alphabet w/ Gyutaro

Yandere Alphabet W/ Gyutaro

Affection โ€” how do they show their love and affection?

He makes rude comments but in a loving way. Like how some friends are rude to each other but in a joking way. He doesn't mean to come off like he hates you, he doesn't! But it's just how he acts he truly loves you and thinks your gorgeous and he doesn't deserve you but that's how he shows affection.

Blood โ€” how messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?

Extremely messy. He doesn't care who they are (except Muzan and sometimes Daki) they will die pay if they ever touch you or harm you or even breath in your direction. Your his and he'd be damned if someone hurts you.

Cruelty โ€” how would they treat their darling once abducted?

He would be harsh at first never letting you leave and yelling at you when you don't obey him. But as you warm up he is more softer especially when he trusts you. He still doesn't let you leave unless when he is feeling extremely nice. And he Gente with his touches but can be harsh. His words don't soften but you can tell that they come from a loving place.

Darling โ€” aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darlingโ€™s will?

Yes. Don't want to cuddle? To bad he's got you all curled up and squished underneath him. Don't want him to bite you and get a taste of your blood? To bad he's got your arms pinned and his face buried in your neck while he drinks some of your blood like a vampire.

Exposed โ€” how vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?

He wouldn't be vulnerable right away but after some time and a lot of trust on his end he would slowly open up. He would trust you more to be around Daki. Now he wouldn't be some softie but he isn't harsh and cruel you get to see a loving side to him.

Fight โ€” how would they feel if their darling fought back?

Hates it. Despises it. If he could he would chop your limbs off but that would be a pain for him because then has had to take care of you 24/7 he wants a partner not a patient, he isn't a nurse.

Game โ€” is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?

It's would start as a game something to entertain him but he then started to really fall hard. Then it wasn't so watching you try to flee him wasn't amusing and started to annoy him.

Hell โ€” what would be their darlingโ€™s worst experience with them?

When you first got there. Gyutaro was manipulative (still is) and toxic. He would yell at you and insult you and Daki hated you.

Ideals โ€” what kind of future do they have in mind for their darling?

You, him, and Daki living somewhere nice and comfortable, safely without having to worry about anything.

Jealousy โ€” do they get jealous? How do they handle it?

Yes he does get jealous. He likes seeing you get along with his sister but sometimes he gets jealous or her and just snatches you away. He'll take you to his room and hold you and pout.

Kisses โ€” how do they act around or with their darling?

He can be really sweet and kind and take care of you but sometimes he can be harsh because something set him off.

Love letters โ€” how would they go about approaching their darling?

He would go into your house at night and kidnap you. He knows you wild never accept him so he will have to force you to.

Mask โ€” are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?

Nah. Well not at first. Like I said until he trusts you he'll be harsh until he softens up.

Naughty โ€” how would they punish their darling?

Insults and screaming. Now I don't believe he would ever truly hurt you unless absolutely necessary. He may grip your arms and leave marks/bruises or leave a few scratches but nothing major.

Oppression โ€” how many rights would they take away from their darling?

Most of them if not all. Gyutaro just simply doesn't care. He'll barge in on you changing and just blames you for not locking the door but even if you did he would break it down.

Patience โ€” how patient are they with their darling?

He has hardly any patience if any. So darling needs to know how to be submissive and not press them.

Quite โ€” if their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?

If darling dies he would be devastated and poison the person who did it. If darling escapes he would search forever. You have a good chance of successfully leaving but if he catches you he'll make sure that it will never happen again.

Regret โ€” would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling?

No ๐Ÿ’€

Stigma โ€” what brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?

Most likely childhood and his upbringing.

Tears โ€” how do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?

He could care less sometimes but other times it pisses him off. He doesn't want to hear your screams and pleas and isolating yourself is pointless because he can just break the door if needed.

Unique โ€” would they do anything different from the classic yandere?

He doesn't like to hurt you but will if needed. He's gotten the worst of the treatment and knows how it feels and he views darling as something precious. So he wouldn't want them to get dirty because the scars won't go away and he doesn't want to be reminded of how he beat you.

Vice โ€” what weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?

He can't go out in the day time so if darling can somehow manage to escape then they will have to run fast because we it comes nightfall Gyutaro will hint after you.

Witโ€™s end โ€” would they ever hurt their darling?

He would try not to but do it as a last resort if you don't behave.

Xoanon โ€” how much would they revere or worship their darling?

He doesn't worship you but you are someone high in his eyes. Not as high as Daki but almost on her level.

Yearn โ€” how long do they pine after their darling before they snap?

Maybe a couple days at the most a month. He isn't patient.

Zenith โ€” would they ever break their darling?

He would if you didn't behave and never fell to Stockholm syndrome.

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1 year ago

Imagine Gyutaro holding you tight in his arms swinging you back to forth while humming the whole time.

Imagine Gyutaro Holding You Tight In His Arms Swinging You Back To Forth While Humming The Whole Time.

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1 year ago

Gyutaro hugging you never wanting to let go after an argument because he is afraid you'll leave him

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1 year ago

Idk if this is how you send in requests or not but wtf Iโ€™m here lol kinda embarrassed to write this but I gotta get this thought outta my head bro

Idk if this request would fit within what you enjoy/can/are able to write for but Iโ€™ll ramble on nonetheless

How do you think Gyutaro would work with comforting a s/o that struggles with Emetophobia that leads to seperation issues. Like Iโ€™m talking the phobia goes up sometimes to where s/o stops eating or is nonverbal, and the separation anxiety is bad to the point of freaking out if they donโ€™t know where Gyutaro is

Iโ€™m strugglin rn man I just need my favorite man to hold me

๐“–๐”‚๐“พ๐“ฝ๐“ช๐“ป๐“ธ ๐”€๐“ฒ๐“ฝ๐“ฑ ๐“ข/๐“ž ๐“ฝ๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“ฝ ๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“ผ ๐“”๐“ถ๐“ฎ๐“ฝ๐“ธ๐“น๐“ฑ๐“ธ๐“ซ๐“ฒ๐“ช

a/n- Hope this helps. And to anyone reading this my requests are always open

Idk If This Is How You Send In Requests Or Not But Wtf Im Here Lol Kinda Embarrassed To Write This But

In all the years you have been together he has never been aware of your phobia.

You both have separation anxiety. As much as it pains him to leave your side he has to do it sometimes for upper moon meetings, missions and getting food.

When he leaves your breaths feel cold. and you feel like curling up on yourself and cry.

You always feel so relieved when he comes back.

It got worse.

You stopped eating afraid of puking. and yo never talked anymore.

Gyutaro noticed this but didn't say anything.

One night you woke up and Gyutaro wasn't by your side.

Your breaths became short and your mind frantic.

You couldn't hold it back. You started sobbing and shaking.

Gyutaro came back. when he saw you he immediately went to check on you.

you grasped him like it was your last time ever seeing him.

He immediately hugged you back and held you in his arms letting you cry your heart out in his chest.

After an while your tears dried up. You told Gyutaro everything.

After that day he paid extra attention you and made sure whenever he had to leave for an while he cuddle you for hours before to make up for it.

He helps you through your phobia. And helps you eat again.

Idk If This Is How You Send In Requests Or Not But Wtf Im Here Lol Kinda Embarrassed To Write This But

a/n- hope this helps

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1 year ago


Fandoms: Demon Slayer (Everybody is okay)

Hazbin Hotel (NO VALENTINO, but everyone else is good) Death Note



Character x reader only

no nsfw (For the time being)

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10 months ago

@kimetsu-chan @larz-barz @night-mince0 @aceofstars0 @shycroissanti @demonslayerdoodles @demon-slayer-manga-simp @ta-ni-ya @pinkwisteria @warringwarrioridiot

and any other mutuals

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10 months ago

Gyutaro <3. I finally drew him. Should've done it sooner since he is the name of my blog.


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10 months ago

You wake up in the middle of the night to frantic shuffling beside you. The sound of sobs hit your ears and the grip around you tightens.

You wrap your arms around your lover. Comforting them like they had done to you.

You Wake Up In The Middle Of The Night To Frantic Shuffling Beside You. The Sound Of Sobs Hit Your Ears

Sanemi, Gyutaro, Genya, Obanai, Giyuu, Akaza

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9 months ago



upper!kizuki!Character x gyutaro cw: third person, she/her pronouns used, violence/gore/cannibalism/abuse, sub!Gyutaro, service!top!Gyutaro, nsfw content, oral (f!receiving), vaginal sex, minor size kink if you squint, semi edited wc:ย 7.1k a/n: istg the two of you say anythingโ€ฆ.you know what two you are (โ‰–_โ‰– )

ย  ย  ย minors - blank/ageless - blogs - DNI ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ๏ผreblogs appreciated๏ผ

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