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4 years ago

Haikyuu Characters on Call of Duty

Haikyuu Characters On Call Of Duty


Daichi- first one to die in the game the players weren't even ready he already died

Sugawara- The person who will trash talk the player who killed him

Asahi- Didn't want to play because it involves ✨violence✨ but played one round because Noya forced him and he let himself die instead of killing the enemy

Nishinoya- Was having fun and fucking got obsessed using the striker and even call it the thunder gun

Tanaka- Man got obsessed using the purifier and fucking burning the enemies left and right and when he can't use it anymore the fucking other team legit targeted him through the whole round

Ennoshita- Played it chill and was just vibing with Hisahi and Narita while sniping people at a high ground

Hisahi- Just vibing with Ennoshita and Narita ready with a chicom to protect Ennoshita when he was sniping

Narita- Was also vibing with Ennoshita amd Hisahi with a shotgun just incase someone wanted to infiltrate there high ground

Kageyema- Was so damn clueless and thought that his OWN teammates was also an enemy and just randomly shooting his teammates

Hinata-Keep accidentally throwing bombs at Daichi and keep trying to stab Kageyema with a knife

Tsukishima- Was just no scoping people he sees and i dont know how he even no scopes people from far away

Yamaguchi-Was just behind Tsukishima tryna help him and just keep getting assist but didn't mind

Kiyoko- Keeps using tanaka as bait and just kill them behind there backs

Yachi- Unexpectedly was on a full rampage and keep shooting people left and right

Ukai-Was an ok player and keeps nudging Takeda to play with him

Takeda-Absolutely refusing because he is too busy or did not want to play the game

Aoba Johsai

Oikawa- Keeps dying and thinks that they were just jealous because he was pretty and not because he was bad at the game

Matsukawa-Keeps using flashbang grenade for no reason at all he wasn't even killing people

Hanamaki-Says he was good at the game when he played he was shit and says he was just not on the mood

Iwaizumi-Keeps killing oikawa

Shigeru-Idk man his just there to watch and question why did he even show up

Shinji-Sniping enemies and camping at the same time

Kindaichi-Confused on where the hell was the person shooting at and keep dying when entering the middle ground

Kunimi-Shooting people he sees and sometimes send a hunter killimg drone

Kyotani-Throwing a fit because someone keeps killing him with hunter killing drones


Washijo-Was an expert at the game man keep roasting the shit out of the students for not beating an old man on a game of there time except for Goshiki

Akira-akwardly laughs and see the madness thats just happening

Ushijima-A fucking boomer when he played instead of holding the shoot button to continuosly shoot at enemies he taps it and ends up breaking the device and gotten a laugh from his coach on how confuse he was

Soekawa-Shock that their coach knew the game

Eita-Asking the coach to 1v1 him but ends up losing and did 15 laps around the gym

Reon-Questioning how the fuck did their coach end up becoming a pro at call of duty

Tendou-Keeps singing and just keeps shooting Ushijima because free kills

Sagae-Was suggesting coach to stream when he retires from coaching

Yunohoma-Was just as shitty as Ushijima on the game so he ask coach if he could teach him or give him some tips to be better but just got a no

Goshiki-Wasn't surprise when coach know since he was the one who introduce him to the game and thought it was a good game to relieve some stress and played with him sometimes at lunch time but he was really good at the game and felt special when Ushijima was shit at the game

Shirabu-Frustrated because enemies keeps bombing him


Kuroo-Was ok but keep getting bombarded and trampled on a war field

Kenma-Fucking recreating world war 1 and 2 and was on a fucking rampage and was killed because of a bomb drop on him his reaction:https://youtu.be/ilJ57Ap5DP8

Yamamoto-Getting the fuck away from what Kenma is going on about

Yaku-Keeps killing Lev

Lev-Keeps provoking Yaku

Fukunaga-Witnessing the horror

Nobuyuki-Quoting war quotes while godzilla Kenma is fighting in a war

Inouka-Making a conspiracy theory that Kenma is the next hitler

Tamahiko-Just vibin and snipe at a distance


Bokuto-Tryna save Akaashi on the world war 1 and 2

Akaashi-Is on a rampage and release all his stress and rage on the world war 1 and 2

Konoha-*calls mom to pick him up*

Takeyuki-Wanna make an alliance with hitler so him and akaashi can win the whole fucking world war 1 and 2

Tatsuki-Telling stories on how the nazi people were a fucking problem as if he was alive at that time

Shuichi-Listens to tatsuki and wrote it down on his notebook for homework

Yamato-Just shoot shit

Haruki-Gets comforted by the managers because his honestly scared about Akaashi

Wataru-*Sips starbucks and watch the war going on and is thinking on what he should watch on netflix*

Yukie-Comforts Haruki

Kaori-Comforts Haruki


Norimune-Was just casual about it but gets excited when he can use the machine gun

Tarou-So invested on the game but still is shit at it

Kita-Fucking doesn't play and thinks when you play the game you also die in real life but he does cheer and give motivations to his team on winning

Ren-Wanna be good at the game and watches so much of it he is good at the game but he compares himself to the twins

Aran-Average at the game but he keeps sticking with the twins to watch there backs

Hitoshi-Keeps an eye out if Suna is gon come for his ass

Atsumu-Great at the game but.... his twin is way better than him so he fucking gets opposite team to kill him but then he gets bombarded and gets snipe

Osamu-Better than Atsumu can kill a team on his own

Suna-The one who snipes Atsumu's ass

Kosaku-Just vibes with the captain

Heisuke-Finding on who was sniping

Akagi-Kills people he sees just casual but gets frustrated when people use the machine gun


Terushima-Acts as if cod is ros and fucking jumo to dodge bullets

Sakusa-The one who dropped the bomb on Kenma while sniping people on a distance

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