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4 years ago

Haikyuu Characters on Call of Duty

Haikyuu Characters On Call Of Duty


Daichi- first one to die in the game the players weren't even ready he already died

Sugawara- The person who will trash talk the player who killed him

Asahi- Didn't want to play because it involves ✨violence✨ but played one round because Noya forced him and he let himself die instead of killing the enemy

Nishinoya- Was having fun and fucking got obsessed using the striker and even call it the thunder gun

Tanaka- Man got obsessed using the purifier and fucking burning the enemies left and right and when he can't use it anymore the fucking other team legit targeted him through the whole round

Ennoshita- Played it chill and was just vibing with Hisahi and Narita while sniping people at a high ground

Hisahi- Just vibing with Ennoshita and Narita ready with a chicom to protect Ennoshita when he was sniping

Narita- Was also vibing with Ennoshita amd Hisahi with a shotgun just incase someone wanted to infiltrate there high ground

Kageyema- Was so damn clueless and thought that his OWN teammates was also an enemy and just randomly shooting his teammates

Hinata-Keep accidentally throwing bombs at Daichi and keep trying to stab Kageyema with a knife

Tsukishima- Was just no scoping people he sees and i dont know how he even no scopes people from far away

Yamaguchi-Was just behind Tsukishima tryna help him and just keep getting assist but didn't mind

Kiyoko- Keeps using tanaka as bait and just kill them behind there backs

Yachi- Unexpectedly was on a full rampage and keep shooting people left and right

Ukai-Was an ok player and keeps nudging Takeda to play with him

Takeda-Absolutely refusing because he is too busy or did not want to play the game

Aoba Johsai

Oikawa- Keeps dying and thinks that they were just jealous because he was pretty and not because he was bad at the game

Matsukawa-Keeps using flashbang grenade for no reason at all he wasn't even killing people

Hanamaki-Says he was good at the game when he played he was shit and says he was just not on the mood

Iwaizumi-Keeps killing oikawa

Shigeru-Idk man his just there to watch and question why did he even show up

Shinji-Sniping enemies and camping at the same time

Kindaichi-Confused on where the hell was the person shooting at and keep dying when entering the middle ground

Kunimi-Shooting people he sees and sometimes send a hunter killimg drone

Kyotani-Throwing a fit because someone keeps killing him with hunter killing drones


Washijo-Was an expert at the game man keep roasting the shit out of the students for not beating an old man on a game of there time except for Goshiki

Akira-akwardly laughs and see the madness thats just happening

Ushijima-A fucking boomer when he played instead of holding the shoot button to continuosly shoot at enemies he taps it and ends up breaking the device and gotten a laugh from his coach on how confuse he was

Soekawa-Shock that their coach knew the game

Eita-Asking the coach to 1v1 him but ends up losing and did 15 laps around the gym

Reon-Questioning how the fuck did their coach end up becoming a pro at call of duty

Tendou-Keeps singing and just keeps shooting Ushijima because free kills

Sagae-Was suggesting coach to stream when he retires from coaching

Yunohoma-Was just as shitty as Ushijima on the game so he ask coach if he could teach him or give him some tips to be better but just got a no

Goshiki-Wasn't surprise when coach know since he was the one who introduce him to the game and thought it was a good game to relieve some stress and played with him sometimes at lunch time but he was really good at the game and felt special when Ushijima was shit at the game

Shirabu-Frustrated because enemies keeps bombing him


Kuroo-Was ok but keep getting bombarded and trampled on a war field

Kenma-Fucking recreating world war 1 and 2 and was on a fucking rampage and was killed because of a bomb drop on him his reaction:https://youtu.be/ilJ57Ap5DP8

Yamamoto-Getting the fuck away from what Kenma is going on about

Yaku-Keeps killing Lev

Lev-Keeps provoking Yaku

Fukunaga-Witnessing the horror

Nobuyuki-Quoting war quotes while godzilla Kenma is fighting in a war

Inouka-Making a conspiracy theory that Kenma is the next hitler

Tamahiko-Just vibin and snipe at a distance


Bokuto-Tryna save Akaashi on the world war 1 and 2

Akaashi-Is on a rampage and release all his stress and rage on the world war 1 and 2

Konoha-*calls mom to pick him up*

Takeyuki-Wanna make an alliance with hitler so him and akaashi can win the whole fucking world war 1 and 2

Tatsuki-Telling stories on how the nazi people were a fucking problem as if he was alive at that time

Shuichi-Listens to tatsuki and wrote it down on his notebook for homework

Yamato-Just shoot shit

Haruki-Gets comforted by the managers because his honestly scared about Akaashi

Wataru-*Sips starbucks and watch the war going on and is thinking on what he should watch on netflix*

Yukie-Comforts Haruki

Kaori-Comforts Haruki


Norimune-Was just casual about it but gets excited when he can use the machine gun

Tarou-So invested on the game but still is shit at it

Kita-Fucking doesn't play and thinks when you play the game you also die in real life but he does cheer and give motivations to his team on winning

Ren-Wanna be good at the game and watches so much of it he is good at the game but he compares himself to the twins

Aran-Average at the game but he keeps sticking with the twins to watch there backs

Hitoshi-Keeps an eye out if Suna is gon come for his ass

Atsumu-Great at the game but.... his twin is way better than him so he fucking gets opposite team to kill him but then he gets bombarded and gets snipe

Osamu-Better than Atsumu can kill a team on his own

Suna-The one who snipes Atsumu's ass

Kosaku-Just vibes with the captain

Heisuke-Finding on who was sniping

Akagi-Kills people he sees just casual but gets frustrated when people use the machine gun


Terushima-Acts as if cod is ros and fucking jumo to dodge bullets

Sakusa-The one who dropped the bomb on Kenma while sniping people on a distance

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4 years ago

I been watching too much national geographic so i now have a theory or some shit

So since owls are like weak at daytime but they become merciless predators at night and will drop kick an eagle as a hobby sooooo the thing is what if fukorodani go against shiratorizawa at night time since owls are like merciless predators and eagles are practically would get drop kick by them at night time so if anything bokuto would be better than ushijima at night time

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2 years ago

Hey hey hey! ❤️ @lyditheoverthinker

Here are my 3 favorite characters personality-wise

Hey Hey Hey! @lyditheoverthinker

#1 Bokuto is just a moody baby but I love him to death❤️

Hey Hey Hey! @lyditheoverthinker

#2 is the cheeky bastard Kuroo, his smirk and his teasing personality are just too entertaining

Hey Hey Hey! @lyditheoverthinker

#3 Suna, because he always looks so tired of everyone’s shit and his expression is just always the same bitchface but I love it

Now by appearance 🔥

Hey Hey Hey! @lyditheoverthinker

#1 Atsumu will always be my number one bae. His eyes, his smile, his laugh,… gosh I have it bad with him lol

Hey Hey Hey! @lyditheoverthinker

#2 Sakusa <333 his height, hair and eyes are what get me the most. Also, the Itachiyama volleyball uniform makes him drop dead gorgeous not gonna lie

Hey Hey Hey! @lyditheoverthinker

#3 The Great King 🔥❤️ I didn’t like his appearance in the beginning but after I rewatched Haikyuu like 3737299365201 times, I kinda thought „hm this guy is actually hot“ lol

Tell me yours @wake-uptoreality @satisfactooru @nerd-of-karasuno ❤️

Hey! I need to know! What are your three favourite HAIKYUU!! characters

Personality‐wise AND appearance-wise???

I'll start:


Hey! I Need To Know! What Are Your Three Favourite HAIKYUU!! Characters

My beloved Kuroo (whom I like so much I can't even write him)

Hey! I Need To Know! What Are Your Three Favourite HAIKYUU!! Characters

Mr Freshness Sugawara. He's just a great person.

Hey! I Need To Know! What Are Your Three Favourite HAIKYUU!! Characters

Funniest guy Makki ♡


Hey! I Need To Know! What Are Your Three Favourite HAIKYUU!! Characters

Tsumtsum will always be in my heart

Hey! I Need To Know! What Are Your Three Favourite HAIKYUU!! Characters

I always lose myself in those blue eyes...

Hey! I Need To Know! What Are Your Three Favourite HAIKYUU!! Characters

The great Kuroo again ♡

Little special:

Hey! I Need To Know! What Are Your Three Favourite HAIKYUU!! Characters

I adore Tsukki but he's a bit too mean xD

Now tell me yours!

@sassycheesecake @tojidreams @ukiyotsu @owlnymph and whoever wants to do this!

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2 years ago

I found these pictures of couples in a Facebook group, just wanted to share them with you. Unfortunately I don’t know the name of the artist, but I am still looking for it! Also, this is what I imagine some Haikyuu characters would look like in their relationship <3

I Found These Pictures Of Couples In A Facebook Group, Just Wanted To Share Them With You. Unfortunately

- Daichi Sawamura, Kōshi Sugawara, Asahi Azumane, Keiji Akaashi, Tetsurō Kuroo, Shinsuke Kita, Hajime Iwaizumi, Issei Matsukawa, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Eita Semi, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Motoya Komori

I Found These Pictures Of Couples In A Facebook Group, Just Wanted To Share Them With You. Unfortunately

- Osamu Miya, Tetsurō Kuroo, Shōyō Hinata, Lev Haiba, Tōru Oikawa, Kenji Futakuchi, Kōtarō Bokuto, Satori Tendō, Kyoomi Sakusa, Rintarō Suna, Atsumu Miya, Sachiro Hirugami, Shūgo Meian

I Found These Pictures Of Couples In A Facebook Group, Just Wanted To Share Them With You. Unfortunately

- Shōyō Hinata, Morisuke Yaku, Lev Haiba, Tōru Oikawa, Kōtarō Bokuto, Satori Tendō, Yūji Terushima, Atsumu Miya, Yū Nishinoya

@wake-uptoreality @nerd-of-karasuno @lyditheoverthinker

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2 years ago

Headcannon #1

You know he always has long days of work behind him.

So like the good s/o you are, you make his favorite food and clean up the house/apartment real nice. You hear the sound of keys unlocking the front door as he walks in with an exhausted frown resting on his face.

But his mood quickly changes as soon as he smells the mouth-watering scent coming from the kitchen.

He drops his stuff at the front door and walks into your shared kitchen, noticing you have your back turned to him, as you hum a lovely song under your breath.

All his senses have been heightened and his bad mood is already so much better, that he slowly walks behind you and wraps his strong arms around your waist.

Gasping in surprise, you immediately smile and blush when the scent of your partner fills your nose.

“Welcome home my love.”

- AKAASHI, Bokuto, Osamu, Kuroo, Asahi, KITA, Suna, Ushijima, Sakusa, IWAIZUMI, Tsukishima, Sugawara, DAICHI, Matsukawa

@wake-uptoreality @lyditheoverthinker @nerd-of-karasuno ❤️

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2 years ago
Haikyuu Boys That Would Text Like This (lol)

Haikyuu boys that would text like this (lol)

- Atsumu Miya, Shoyo Hinata, Rintaro Suna, Kōtarō Bokuto, Tobio Kageyama, Yu Nishinoya, Ryūnosuke Tanaka, Yūji Terushima, Lev Haiba, Kenjo Futakuchi, Kanji Koganegawa, Tōru Oikawa

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2 years ago
Haikyuu!! Headcannon #2

Haikyuu!! Headcannon #2

- Osamu Miya, KIYOOMI SAKUSA, Tobio Kageyama, KEI TSUKISHIMA, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Takanobu Aone, Kentarō Kyōtani, Hajime Iwaizumi, Shinsuke Kita

@wake-uptoreality @rukia-uchiha-98 @nerd-of-karasuno

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2 years ago
Haikyuu!! Headcannon #3

Haikyuu!! Headcannon #3

- ATSUMU MIYA, Shōyō Hinata, KŌTARŌ BOKUTO, TŌRU OIKAWA, Hajime Iwaizumi, Osamu Miya, TETSURŌ KUROO, Shūgo Meian, YŪJI TERUSHIMA, Issei Matsukawa, Kiyoomi Sakusa, Rintarō Suna, Asahi Azumane, Kōrai Hoshiumi

@rukia-uchiha-98 @wake-uptoreality @nerd-of-karasuno

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2 years ago

Hello baby

What do you think the miya twins , Kyoomi, Kuroo, Bokuto and Wakatoshi would answer if you asked them "would you cheat on me for a million dollars?"

Hello Baby


Love you 😘

Oh honey you’re making me cry with this 😭😭😭😭

For Atsumu I think he would think it would be a trick question not gonna lie 😂 he‘d just stare at you with frightened eyes and not answer for a couple of seconds lol. Then I think he would say he wouldn’t do that to you. If his s/o is a confident and bold person, Atsumu would be scared af of his partner. Nonetheless I don’t think he would do it.

Miya 2, Osamu ❤️, he would give you a look that says „Are you stupid or something?“ from the Forrest Gump movie scene, where Jenny asks Forrest that. If I were to repeat the question he would simply say no. I think he is 100% loyal and wouldn’t cheat on his s/o for any money in this world. (My bae 🥹)

LOL Kyoomi. That dude wouldn’t even answer me. He‘d just give me a look and then leave the room 😂😂 but that’s how I know he wouldn‘t do it🥰 (no answer is also an answer aye?)

Kuroo, Kuroo. My first crush in the Haikyuu!! Series. Not gonna lie, he’s a teaser and has a smart mouth just like me. He would like 80% say yes and then after seeing the betrayal and sadness in my eyes, his cocky attitude be better dropping in seconds. I would give him the cold shoulder for the rest of the day haha. 😂 And he would be trying to apologize the whole time but I remain ice cold ❄️. Just the nerve 😭

Omg BABY Bokuto. 🥺 He‘d probably start crying and being immediately sad af. He would question all his life choices, his hair would drop like in the anime and I can already imagine THE BIGGEST pouty face ever. I am gonna feel so so bad for even asking that and I would hug him crying that I didn’t mean it. Bokuto is like the best hugger ever, I can’t believe I did that to my baby 😭 10/10 would never ask that again

Hmm Wakatoshi-san….. he would probably take the question so serious and he would give his serious answer. Just a blunt „no“. End of discussion lol still I can imagine if it was pre-timeskip he‘d ask Tendou if it’s normal that their s/o ask something like that haha. If it’s posttimeskip, he would ask in the group chat why tf his s/o would ask such a ridiculous question lol.

Hope you’re satisfied with my answers 😂😂😂

And I wauw you too ❤️😚

Hello Baby

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2 years ago

Playing the sorting hat for Haikyuu characters in Hogwarts Houses❤️🧙🏻‍♂️

Thanks for helping out with the sort @rukia-uchiha-98!❤️

Playing The Sorting Hat For Haikyuu Characters In Hogwarts Houses

- Yu Nishinoya, Daichi Sawamura, Asahi Azumane, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Lev Haiba

Playing The Sorting Hat For Haikyuu Characters In Hogwarts Houses

- Tōru Oikawa, Kei Tsukishima, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Kyoomi Sakusa, Atsumu Miya, Hajime Iwaizumi, Issei Matsukawa, Takahiro Hanamaki, Suguru Daishō, Yūji Terushima, Kōrai Hoshiumi, Rintarō Suna

Playing The Sorting Hat For Haikyuu Characters In Hogwarts Houses

- Kōtarō Bokuto, Tobio Kageyama, Shōyō Hinata, Ryūnosuke Tanaka, Morisuke Yaku, Satori Tendō, Motoya Komori, Aran Ojiro

Playing The Sorting Hat For Haikyuu Characters In Hogwarts Houses

- Keiji Akaashi, Kenma Kozume, Tetsurō Kuroo, Kōshi Sugawara, Chikara Ennoshita, Osamu Miya, Shinsuke Kita, Sachirō Hirugami

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2 years ago

Headcannon #4

When the neighbors visit your apartment/house because your sex noises are too loud and concerning the kids

- ATSUMU MIYA, TŌRU OIKAWA, Hajime Iwaizumi, KŌTARŌ BOKUTO, Tetsurō Kuroo, YŪJI TERUSHIMA, Issei Matsukawa, SUGURU DAISHŌ, Kiyoomi Sakusa, Osamu Miya, RINTARŌ SUNA, Shūgo Meian, ALEXANDRE JOFFE (have you seen that beast?), Wakatoshi Ushijima

@rukia-uchiha-98 (who gave me the idea lol), @wake-uptoreality @lyditheoverthinker

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2 years ago

A/N: Salut everybody, this work was inspired by a recent tattoo visit of mine lately. Got the idea during the session with my tattoo artist.

genre: fluff

warnings: cursing, my bad writing

words: 2925

@nerd-of-karasuno @rukia-uchiha-98 @wake-uptoreality @lyditheoverthinker

The Room Where It Happens: Tattooartist!Tetsurō Kuroo x f!Reader

Why, just why did you lose that bet?

Stomach grumbling in nervousness, you still hesitate to enter the front door.

Three days ago, you went drinking with your friends and one of your male friends, who is fond of the company of other men, said he can 100% get a phone number from a girl if he tried hard enough.

You, being drunk out of your mind, agreed to the bet.

Then again, all four of your friend group were intoxicated as hell.

So the next morning, you receive a text from your friend, reminding you that you lost the bet like the other two who also bet he wouldn’t be able to do it.

The other two who had lost, had to do something as well.

One of them had to color their hair blue and the other one had to call up their mother, saying they are expecting.

To be honest, it’s completely unfair that you had to do the most difficult one.

You’d rather call your mum and tell her that you got knocked up and listen to her shout at you for the next two weeks than get something tattooed on your skin that will last a lifetime.

The cool breeze of the wind that flows through your hair makes it flow to the side and you take the loose strands and push them back against your ear.

When you stare at the name of the tattoo studio in front of you, you can’t help but chuckle a little bit at the name.

‘Ink = Mc²’

Taking a deep breath, you keep telling yourself that you don’t even have to get something big or visible, just a little something, so your friend will stop spamming you.

Finally taking the big step, you push the door open and the doorbell of the shop chimes with your entrance.

The warm air of the shop makes you feel nice and warm, finally getting away from the cold autumn air from outside.

The distant smell of disinfectant and the rock music playing in the studio is filling your senses, taking away the nervousness a little bit from you.

The shop is wide and spacious, with an unoccupied front desk straight ahead and a little waiting area with two chairs on the left side. Light gray walls on every side of the room.

There are one or two plants in the lower wall corners, giving it a friendly atmosphere.

As you look around, you notice different kinds of tattoo pictures along the walls, some colorful or only black and white, others looking like fine line art style.

You can hear deep voices talking in some of the backrooms, along with the irritating noise of tattoo machines ringing in the back of your brain.

Just the sound of the machines is making your stomach twist in knots again but as you are about to turn around and leave, you hear a loud voice calling out to you, making you freeze in your steps.

“Hey! Can I help you?”, a hospitable voice asks.

Turning around to the voice, you see a very tall muscular guy with white and blackish hair, that’s a little bit spiked up.

Tattoos are covering up his entire arms, some poke out from the neckline of his white shirt and there’s a small one on the side of his neck.

Even with the shirt, you can make some faint outlines of some of the black ink of his tattoos on his chest and stomach.

His wide golden eyes shine with excitement and curiosity.

The artist is kind of hot, you’re not going to deny that fact.

As you are about to answer, another guy, much smaller than the other one, comes around the corner, typing something on his phone as he makes his way to the front desk.

He only has a few tattoos but his brown-blondish hair which is tight together in a messy small bun is the only thing that is colorful about him.

He is completely dressed in black. Black shirt, black jeans, and black sneakers.

Sitting down at the chair behind the front desk, he sits down with a huff and gives you a boring look.

Your gaze goes back to the tall guy with the spiky hair and you finally give him an answer.

“I wanted to get a tattoo today ”, you state.

“Do you have an appointment?” The blonde asks you.

"Uhm, no. I, uh, kind of came here spontaneously.” You explained to them in a shy voice.

They both stare at you for a few seconds, and the one with the spiky hair laughs loudly at your explanation.

You flinch a little bit at his loud laugh but remain silent.

“So you just came in here, with no plan of what to get, deciding to get something that’s going to be on your skin forever?” Bunhead asks you in a slow voice and gives you a critical look.

“That pretty much sums it up, yeah.” Taking in his words, you reply after a moment of thinking.

“Haha! Being bold I see! I like it!” The golden-eyed guy compliments you with a large grin.

You blush a bit at his comment, deciding he is a lot more friendly than the other one.

“Still.” The less friendly guy starts.

“You don’t have an appointment. We go by appointments only.” He squints at you in annoyance, hoping you get the memo and leave.

“Now now Kenma, don’t scare away our customers, just because you’re not in the mood to deal with them.” A third voice jauntily joins the conversation.

Now that’s a supermodel right there. A tall, lean but muscular guy struts in, his stature intimidating your small figure. He is wearing a Nirvana tank top and both of his arms and neck are covered in bursting tattoo colors, making his whole body look like a painting of a professional painter. His raven-black hair looks messy like he just rolled out of bed ten minutes ago. There’s a fringe covering his right eye a little bit. His good looks are giving you a tingling feeling in your stomach, your heart beating fast against your ribcage and you swear you’ve never seen a guy this attractive. It’s almost unreal that two people can make a guy as good-looking as him. After a few moments, a guy with colored hair walks out of the room, stretching his arms above his head, immediately flinching from his arm movement and you’re guessing he is a customer that just got his tattoo done.

The canvas takes a look at his upper arm, admiring the work that has been done on his skin in a wall mirror. It is an octopus holding planets in his arms, a few purple and blue watercolors dancing along his tentacles, making it look like shooting stars are flying around. It is impressive artwork, you have to admit.

The third guy that told ‘Kenma’ off, takes off his black latex gloves and throws them into a trashcan right next to the desk. He grabs the disinfectant bottle on top of the desk and rubs the solution of highly concentrated alcohol over his large hands.

Kenma doesn’t say anything, just glares slightly at the black-haired guy before going back on his phone with a pout.

The canvas turns to his tattoo artist, thanks him a lot for giving him that tattoo with a bright smile, and hands Kenma a couple of bills, before leaving the shop.

“So what’s the problem?” The black-haired guy asks while glancing at you three.

The owl-looking guy takes over for you.

“She randomly wants to get a tattoo but she doesn’t have an appointment.”

“Oh, I see. Well sweetheart, go ahead to the front desk, make an appointment with Kenma, and then we’ll talk about what to get you. Bokuto, you’re done for the day, right? Go home.” He gives you a wink, as he turns to his friend and pats him on the shoulder.

Bokuto beams up at that, running to his tattoo room to finish cleaning up and getting ready to go home.

“Kuroo your next customer just canceled. Something came up according to her.” Kenma shows ‘Kuroo’ the text message on his phone and it makes Kuroo groan in frustration.

He rubs his big hands over his face and exhales deeply.

But suddenly a light bulb pops over his head, quickly turns to you with a dashing smile.

“Since I am free now, I can give you a tattoo after all” Kuroo suggests.

“Oh uh, really? I don’t want to make you stay here longer than necessary.” You worryingly reply, feeling guilty about everything now.

He waves you off dismissively and just tells you to follow him into his room, where the art and magic of tattooing happens, according to him.

“See you tomorrow Kuroo! Gotta pick up my girlfriend from work! Bye Kenma!” Bokuto shouts over his shoulder as he puts on his dark blue jacket along with a black beanie.

“Bye.” Kenma retorts in a quiet voice, keeping his eyes on his phone, as you pass the desk to follow Kuroo.

Once you enter his working room, you see multiple arts of watercoloring and fine line tattoos with all different kinds of motives hanging on the left side of the wall. From the smallest fine outlining of a rose to a big black and white owl with loose feathers flowing around it. It’s exactly what that guy Bokuto has on one of his upper arms.

The right side of his wall is decorated with pictures of friends and family, some official awards and also a little fan sitting on one of the many shelves in one of the corners.

The black leather furniture and a little armrest are standing neatly against the wall, sealed with protection foil, ready for the next tattoo customer.

Kuroo prepares a little table with paper towels, numbing lotion and bubblegum scented antibacterial fluid.

He gestures for you to take a seat on the tattoo chair and you comply.

“So what’s the story behind your little stunt? Rebelling against Mom and Dad? Boyfriend left you? Lost a bet?” Kuroo starts off like going down a checklist, still getting prepared by putting the tattoo machine together while gazing at you with a curious look.

‘Seems like he has enough experience to know about the reason I am here’ , you think.

“Third guess is correct. Lost a bet.” You admit with a tight smile and you can feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

He chuckles at your answer and sits down in his chair, to roll it in your direction where you are sitting.

As he comes closer, you can make out more of his countless tattoos across his body. Starting on the left side of his neck is the head of a Japanese dragon and its body goes all the way down to his left elbow. Its red and black scales look highly realistic, its sharp claws holding onto human skulls.

On the part of his low-cut tank top that doesn’t cover his collarbones, you see the lines of ravens fighting each other and his right arm is covered in different anime symbols, a few you recognize from Attack on Titan, Demon Slayer, One Piece and Seven Deadly Sins.

“So what did you want to get? Any wishes or any ideas?” He asks you with a raised eyebrow.

You think for a few moments, frowning deep in thought. Unfortunately, you can’t think of anything so all you say is:

“Surprise me.“ You suggest with a gleam in your eyes.

Kuroo puts on a black medical mask and nods in agreement.

Thinking your smile reminds him a little bit of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland, he has an idea what tattoo to give you.

Nonetheless, he will add a little bit of feminine touch to it.

Grabbing the black ink and different sizes of needles for the tattoo machine, he puts on his black latex gloves and puts the first needle equipment together.

Kuroo puts some of the numbing cream on the back of your upper arm, turning on the button of the tattoo machine.

He gives you one last look with his hazel-colored eyes, to make sure you actually want this.

You nod in determination and he starts tattooing you.

~ One hour later ~

Spraying the liquid of the bubblegum scented antibacterial bottle on your freshly tattooed skin, he gently wipes the remaining black ink away from your sensitive skin with some paper towel.

Flinching slightly when he goes over your skin, you can’t help but be giddy with excitement about what masterpiece he has created on your skin.

Taking a good look around it, he steps back and lets you get up from the black leather chair.

Throwing his mask and gloves into the trash, he watches with anticipation as you walk over the mirror to see it.

As you’re finally able to take a look at it, you gasp in amazement.

It is beautiful.

Kuroo tattooed the face of the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland, along with two little branches around the face, little flowers sitting in between the leaves.

It’s a fine line tattoo in simple black ink.

The lines are flawless, the Japanese cherry blossom flowers looking soft and real, some shadowing inside and outside of them.

“So? What do you think? Do you like it?” Kuroo gives you a look of interest as he begins to clean up.

“I-I… I don’t have the words for describing how incredible this looks. The lines are so smooth, it looks like you drew this so easily, like on a piece of paper. The flowers‘ petals look so soft, almost like they are flowing. Kuroo I don’t know what to say, except to thank you for tattooing this on me. What made you choose this?“ , you turn to him with a tilted head, making you look like a confused cat.

Kuroo starts to grin cheekily and points at his face, his long finger following his grin.

”Your smile looks cheeky and kind of intimidating. Almost like a cat that’s ready to hunt. And no problem. By the way, beautiful , call me Tetsurō.“ He gives you a playful wink with a flirty smile.

You giggle at his antics and take a look at your arm again.

“This is just so cool! You’re very talented!“ , you compliment him.

“Hehe, thank you. Been doing it since I graduated High School. Got my first tattoo while I was a Third Year, and have been kind of addicted to having them ever since“ , he reveals while wiping off the little tool table and the chair with disinfectant wipes.

“I could hardly tell.“ , you say as you glance over the different varieties of ink on his skin.

He laughs loudly at your retort and continues to wipe down everything properly.

“They look really good on you though“, you say in admiration as you move closer to him to let your finger unconsciously move over the lines of the chemical formula of dopamine on his forearm.

Your action makes him freeze but he doesn’t stop you from caressing it. Your touch feels like it’s setting his skin on fire, giving him goosebumps.

Realizing what you are doing, you quickly snatch your hand away in embarrassment and apologize quietly.

Kuroo coughs awkwardly with red cheeks and cuts a foil from a package.

“How much do I owe you for this Tetsurō?“ , you ask him as he carefully places a protection seal over your fresh tattoo.

“Usually I charge ¥21,000 for an hour from clients but I am going to be honest with you. I think you’re an absolute beauty. Looks-wise and personality-wise. I won’t charge you for the tattoo but I want something in return.“ He explains as he rubs his neck nervously with his hand and you can see the tips of his ears turning red.

You lift your eyebrow in return, waiting for the request.

Your eyes look like they’re shining with stars, making him feel like a teenager again asking his crush out.

“I uh… Would like to take you out on a date.“ He grins with a painful and unsure smile.

Your mouth opens in awe at his request before it turns into a breath-taking smile and it flusters Kuroo even more.

“I would love to!“

“Great uh… Here let me give you my number so we can talk about the details over text.“

You pull your phone out of your backpocket and hand it to him.

As you watch him type in the details, you begin to feel very excited and proud to have scored the shop owner‘s number.

When Kuroo hands you your phone back, he begins to walk with you to the entrance hall to see you off.

Kenma is still at the desk as he watches Kuroo say goodbye to you. After you leave, he begins lecturing his idiot of a friend.

“I can’t believe you gave her a tattoo for free. How stupid can you be?“ Kenma mumbles angrily under his breath as he glares daggers at his best friend and owner of the tattoo studio.

Kuroo just sighs like a lovesick fool and looks back at Kenma with a smile so wide, it almost makes him gag.

“I did it for love. Maybe you should try it out once in a while if you weren’t such a shithead to our customers.“

“Fuck off.“ Kenma snaps at him.

~ Here is a pic of the tattoo Kuroo did on Reader <3 ~

A/N: Salut Everybody, This Work Was Inspired By A Recent Tattoo Visit Of Mine Lately. Got The Idea During

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2 years ago
Haikyuu!! Headcannon #5 Petty Bois

Haikyuu!! Headcannon #5 petty bois

- OSAMU MIYA, ATSUMU MIYA, Tōru Oikawa, Tobio Kageyama, Kenji Futakuchi, Kanji Koganegawa, SHŌYŌ HINATA, Tetsurō Kuroo, KŌTARŌ BOKUTO, Suguru Daishō, Tsukasa Iizuna, RINTARŌ SUNA, KŌRAI HOSHIUMI, Shūgo Meian

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2 years ago
- Sakusa & Atsumu, Daichi & Sugawara, Hoshiumi & Hirugami, Hinata & Kageyama, Aone & Futakuchi, Iwaizumi

- Sakusa & Atsumu, Daichi & Sugawara, Hoshiumi & Hirugami, Hinata & Kageyama, Aone & Futakuchi, Iwaizumi & Oikawa, Ennoshita & Tanaka, Ushijima & Tendo, Asahi & Nishinoya, Bokuto & Akaashi

@rukia-uchiha-98 @nerd-of-karasuno @lyditheoverthinker @wake-uptoreality

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1 year ago
The Replier #2

The Replier #2


@nerd-of-karasuno @rukia-uchiha-98 @wake-uptoreality

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2 years ago

Haikyuu character cute scenarios


 Haikyuu Character Cute Scenarios



Scenario count: 4

You and Hinata are eating Ice-cream after school, since you and Hinata are still friends you decide to give him a small hug, since he ✨Likes you✨

After you guys begin dating he always likes to back hug you when you don't see him, and if you tell him that he scared you, he will make a cute little pouty face.

Tanaka would type in all caps in the team group chat that you are also in "HINATA AND Y/N SITTING ON A TREE, K-I-S---" and Nishinoya would probably join him.

Your first date was a picnic date 🌸 he wanted to kiss you


Scenario count: 5

You were the first one to like him and someone from the team told him that and he was what "Excuses me-?"

He started seeing you as more then a sister since then.

He confessed to you on Valentine's day with bringing you a bag of your favorite things and told you he liked you.

Suga would get really nervous or shy when someone brings you up to him.

He normally calls you every night and you have to get used to hearing "Have you studied?" As his hello.


Scenario count: 5

He was so nervous around you ALL the time. When you guys got closer, he viewed you so much as his sister.

He would get hurt very easily 🥲

Many times he would ask you in text or in person "Are we still friends?"

He started liking you after he noticed you're the only one who makes him feel truly the way he does around you.

He always complements you with things like "You look really pretty today" or "I really like your hair."



Scenario count: 5

He would view you as a sister too, mostly because he feels very comfortable around you.

He wouldn't really feel much for you until he realizes you're the only one who accepts him for who he is.

He would tell you sorry a lot because he feels bad for bothering you.

Your first date would be to a 🎰Arcade🎰

Kuroo would send you pictures of him in the corner playing games and ✨ sleep pics of him ✨

You guys wouldn't kiss for the first 2-4 months of your relationship.

✨ I like Kenma too so we're buddies ✨


Scenario count: 4

Man would like to call you Chan or Kohai

He would probably do anything in order to tell people you guys are a 🌸 thing 🌸

He would always say "Have you eaten?"

He would take funny close up pictures of himself and them to you, it's his way of saying "Hey", "Watcha doing?", "I'm bored" etc.


Scenario count: 6

"By the time I get back, you better not be on that stupid phone anymore!"

He would be a very strict 'older brother'

If you don't give him enough attention he will throw a fit, when he says words like that you know he's serious.

He will often rub your cheeks and run his fingers though your hair in order to make you fall asleep.

Despite being short, he gets very protective over you.

You can vent to him as much as you want. He will always be there listening.



Scenario count: 5

Too energetic of a crushy-wushy.

He would send videos of him and Kuroo in oversized hoodies with the tight hoods over their heads dancing to random songs and you can see poor Akaashi and Kenma in the back regretting all their life decisions.

Cuddles to sleep ✨✨✨

He would call you in the middle of the night asking if you still love him.

You and Akaashi are the only ones who can take care of his emo-mode.


Scenario count: 4

Teaser bf 🌸

He would tease you all the time, "Wow you're so short", "yn, please, stop being so stupid."

He would hug you from behind or keep you from kissing him just to tease, if you like reading books he would take your book from you.

Very passionate and responsible but also very immature.

Haha, I accidentally posted this before I was even finished with it 😂

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I just think that...🌟Konoha Akinori🌟

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Being in the haikyuu fandom really makes me wish I had had a better relationship with my own team v.v

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The Haikyuu!! Fandom is dangerous because you'll end up harboring so much love for people who aren't real and you'll just kind of cry because you want to protect them all

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