Haikyuu Terushima - Tumblr Posts

SUMMARY → how terushima got his tongue piercing to impress a girl but massively failed… kind of.
PAIRING → terushima yuuji x fem!reader
GENRE → crack/humor, drabble
MASTERLIST → if you want to read other works of mine
A/N → this came to me when i saw a fanart of him with his tongue stuck out ( also, lowkey, want to make more drabbles in this universe with terushima )

LISTINING TO TERUSHIMA RAMBLE on about how he made the winning spike last week, you hum. Not quite sure what you are suppose to think; it is not like you know anything about the sport, nor do you care about it… but you decide to indulge him anyway, “You know what you should get what girls like?”
He shakes his head, getting better in his seat to give you his full attention, which kind of makes you feel bad but not too much so. Leaning closer, you motion for him to come closer you whisper in his ear; “You should get a tongue piercing.”
Watching his eyes widen, you smile the most innocent smile the world has ever seen as you lean back, “That’s pretty hot.” you say softly.
Nodding along at your words, you see the distant look in his eyes as if he was really thinking it through. Glancing back at your friend she is already shaking her head at you.

Walking up the stairs to your class the next day ( f/n ) shakes her head yet again at your seeming lack of caring, “You should not say that to him, he will get it just because you said it was hot.”
Wrapping up your earbuds up, you roll your eyes, “No, he won’t.”
“Yes, he will. You talked about under cuts. He did an undercut. You said that one blond guy from Inarazaki was hot and how you were into blonds. He dyed his hair blond.”
Making you raise an eyebrow; it is not like you forced him to do those things, nor did you give him any signals that you were into him… like ever, “Now you said tongue piercings are hot — hot, ( y/n ). He will be showing it to you as soon as he sees you.”
“He won’t ram a metal through his tongue just because I said so.”
“He already did it to his ears what makes you think his tongue is off limits.”
Making your way to the back of the classroom, you place your phone on your desk as you look up at her, “His tongue will be all swollen, he won’t be able to talk properly for days and we all know he loves to talk.” you remind her.
“He will be walking in to class today with metal in his mouth and he will show it off to you the moment he sees you.” she says taking her seat.
Placing your bag down, you think it over for a moment as you take your own seat; yeah, he did do most thing you said but Terushima is smart. Changing your hair, getting your ears pierced are a completely different thing then putting a hole in your tongue. Especially for a girl in your class that made it very clear she isn’t interested, “He might do dumb things but he won’t do that.”
“Want to bet a steam bun, that he has it.”
Glancing at the door every few moments, the faux blond finally makes his entrance. Making you eye your friend again as she wiggles her brows at you; shifting your eyes back to him as soon as you do his face lights up.
“Oh, oh—” she hums rubbing her tummy, “Hmm… I can already taste the spicy buns.”
Sigh at her dramatic behaviour, you move over to her, “We don’t know it yet.” you deny, flicking her forehead.
As the boy makes it over to his own seat infront of you he places his stuff haphazardly all over the chair and desk. Fighting with the strap of his bag before finally being freed.
Turning to you he sticks his tongue out and indeed there is a metal right through it. Which you surprises quite a bit and it is kinda cute he would go that far just for you… but you would rather stab yourself in the face then ever admit that.
So, instead you just nod slowly, blinking at the tongue presented to you, “Wow.” you say softly. As he tried to talking to you with his tongue still out.
Not being able to do so he puts it back in, slurring all his words to a point you could not understand what he was trying to say and being the little shit you are; you hum, holding your hand behind your ear, “What? I can’t hear you.” you tease.
“I don’t understand, it’s almost like your tongue is swollen…” you say, pouting as the boys continues stumbling over his own tongue.
Taking his tongue between your fingers, you pull him closer. Making eye contact with him, “A couple days of peace for you. Sit down, dummy.” you whisper softly, letting go.
Watching him take his seat still facing you. Deciding to write his question down instead; ‘You don’t like it?’ the notebook had written, as he frowns at you.
Making your face soften for a moment, “I don’t hate it…” I trail off. A teasing smirk comes to his face, as he quickly scribbles in his notes again, ‘You totally think it’s hot.’
Raising a brow at him, he grins at you, “Shut up, you can’t even talk, dumbass. Who even does that?” you ask him, but his grin doesn’t falter, if anything his grin became brighter.
‘Don’t worry, your mouth heals the fastest. I will be all yours in just a bit, babe.’ you read from his note making you roll your eyes, already regretting it.

MASTERLIST | TAGLIST → @suga-tofu @lovinnoya @tanakasimpcorner @lonelyweeb77 @tanakasprayer @bakugoubiddies
A/N → a repost bc i accidentally deleted the last one 🤡
I was KIDNAPPED???? by Johnzenji 😗✌️

@undermattsun what in the fresh hell did you create
baby’s first fanfic 🥰🥰 and it’s this absolute monstrosity,,,i felt physical pain writing this.
Enjoy 🗿🗿
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• “come one pheebs” my friend calls, jarring me from my book my nose is buried in. Im upset, npbody cares about good literature anymore. I close my copy of Twilight and look up at my friend. “What,” i say, sighing. I love my friend Hannah, but she’s so loud and perky, she won’t let me enjoy my books. “You promised” she whines, “you said you’d come to the Johzenji game with mee”. I sigh again. I DID say I would go with her, but now i regretting that. Who cares about boys volleyball? Everyone says they’re hot but I just don’t see the appeal. Idk, i guess i’m just not like other girls.
“Fine” i say resigning to the fact that i’ll have to go to the volleyball game. “Ooo yay” my friend squeals again “well come on get ready then!” I look down at my Forever 21 i love ramen <3 crop top and black leggings “whats wrong with my outfit?”
“Nothing! Just look a little cuter will you?” I decide to *spice* up my look with a tattoo choker and throwing my long messy brown hair with caramel highlights into a cute messy bun.
“Is this fine?” I ask Hannah. “Hmmm it’ll do” she responds with a toss of her long blonde hair. “Now lets go!”
Authors notes: omggg haiiiiii thank you SO much for reading!!!! Don’t forget to rate and review if you like it so far ;))))))
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SKIP TO THE GAME~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*drum beats* “Johzenji! Johzenji!” i still hear the loud cheering even over my edgy music playing in my headphones im using to help me read. I decide to tun off 5sos since i cant hear luke’s gorgeous voice anyway. A loyd cheer erupts from the johenji student section. I guess they did something idk. I look up from my book and down at the court because of the noise, NOT because i care wht happened. I see piss-yellow uniform boys all jumping around and assume thats johnzenji. I feel a jolt going down my spine and look more intsently (i couldn’t decide between intently or intensley so i combined them!!!!) at the court. My piercing emerald orbs are met with the dark chocolate brown orbs of a volleyball player with also piss colored hair but like, more dehydrated than his uniform. Our gazes battle for dominance, who will back down first? I do, of course because i dont care about him. Im not like theses other girls at the game.
We just scored a point because we’re so fucking cool (ehehhe i added language bc theyre hot badboys). I look up at the stands to wave and see a girl who looks weird. She has a book with her and shes not even looking at the court. As I stare, she stares back. Her green orbs stare into mine and i think to myself “wow she has a book at a game? She must not be like other girls” i decide i have to talk to her, so after the game….
After the game I want to leave. Hannah stayed back with her other friends to try to flirt with the boys, so I’m walking home alone jamming to 5sos again, god i’m so quirky then out of nowhere like a pokemon a sea of piss-yellow jerseys comes out in front of me blocking my path. The blonde one speaks to me first “hey i remember you, you were reading a book during the game, I’m terushima btw!”
A chorus of voices errupts from the boys “why’s you bring a book to the game? What book we’re you reading? You didnt pay attention to us?” a boy with sandy blonde hair and the only one wearing a white jersey says “why would you even come to a game if you’re just going to read? Thats weird.” All of the other boys lookat him meanicingly. Dehydrated piss hair says “Shut up Tsuchiyu what the hell do you know dont you think its sexy that this girl isn’t interested? I think it makes me want her more” his eyes twinkle michiviously with a predatory sparkle (omh whAt why does nobody thinks this when i read at games ugh nobody appreciated diff girls :((((() the one now called Terushima turns to me saying “idk you’re not that attractive actually you’re kinda ugly and that shirt is weird but theres just something about you reading a book, and the rest of my team agrees” I glance over at the rest of them and their eyes are now also twinkling michiviously. “I care more about luke hemmings and edward cullen (TEAM EDWARD DUH IF YOU DONT AGRRE STOP READING)” i say as i walk out of the gym. Wow i relly am so weird and quirky and edgy i feel so mysterious i think to myself as i begin my walk home with earbuds in listening to daddy issues by the neighborhood, not noticing the white van following me suddenly i get YANKED from the sidewalk and get thrown into the back of a van!!!!!!!!!! Its dark in here as my eyes adjust i notice the same piss yellow when i realize its the team from the game. A bright light shines in my face as Terushima says “you’re ours now”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~authors note: oh em geeeeee guys thanks so much for all the love!!!!! don’t hate me for the cliffhanger;))) i’ll post part 2 soon *evil laughter* don’t forget to rate and review!!!
god forgive me for i have sinned.
Terushima x fem!reader: One of Those Mornings
Requested by @school-is-slowly-killing-me who said:
Hiya bestest pal in the world 😊 can I request an imagine for Terushima x f reader? Just lots of fluff please 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
don’t you just love that I’m spiralling into a beautiful obsession 😂
(I even tried to make it sound like a professional request 😁😁)
From your bestest friend in the wholest widest world 😁
A/N: Hey bb!! I’m glad that I get to fuel your obsession 😈 You did great sounding like a professional request I applaud you!! Terushima is a bit harder for me to write for so I hope he isn’t too ooc, I tried my hardest for you 😘 I wrote my favourite thing to read and I know that we have similar tastes so I really hope you like it!! Love ya ❤️
Genre: Fluffffff
Word count: Drabble length really

(a/n: he’s so cute what)
You love waking up like this most mornings. Sweet birds singing outside your bedroom window, your thick curtains blocking out all morning sunlight. This allowed you to sleep in as long as you liked. Unless, it was one of those mornings your overactive boyfriend felt like getting out and about.
Today, it seemed that Terushima was excited to go out, bolting up from his pillow. His arm ripped from your hold. It was this disruption that woke up abruptly, but you pretended you were still asleep. When it was one of those mornings, he always found a creative way to wake you up.
“Hey, baby girl,” Terushima shook your shoulder, softly at first, “I wanna go out to the park~ Y/N.”
His fingers brushed the hair from your face, exposing your features that battled to stay still. Your eyelids cramped as you forced them to shut and bit the inside of your lip to keep a laugh from bubbling up your throat. You always struggled to stubbornly reject your boyfriend during one of those mornings.
A smirk slid onto Terushima’s face, “I know you’re trying not to smile, you suck at fake sleeping, baby.”
You fought the temptation to smile, but the corner of your lips wriggled into a smile nonetheless. Unfortunately, Terushima had found a way to win in seconds on one of those mornings.
Grumbling, you blindly reached towards him, your hand slapping onto his face.
“Hey,” Terushima warned, muffled by your hand over his mouth.
He took you by surprise, his teeth latching onto your hand. You yelped, pulling your hand away with a glare. It was one of those mornings that he caught you off guard with his antics.
“What was with that?” You wiped your hand on his shirt, faking disgust.
You knew you should have seen it coming, but Terushima snatched your hand again and blew raspberries, kissed, and bit it all over. Yelping again, you saw no other means of escape but yo fight him off you. The two of you always let loose on one of those mornings.
“I want to go to the park,” Terushima hauled you towards him as you thrashed about, “and you’re coming with me.”
“No!” You protested, twisting your wrist in a means to break free. “I will kick you if you don’t let me sleep.”
“You wouldn’t dare, honeybun.”
“Oh, yeah?”
You swung your legs about underneath the sheets, one of your feet colliding with his shin.
He tugged you into his chest, pecking you on the lips. The cold metal of his tongue piercing teasing your lips. You were always defeated on one of those mornings.
Pulling away, Terushima smiled, “Didn’t put up much of a fight this morning, eh?”
“Shut up, Yuuji,” you threw the sheet off the two of you, giggling, “You pulled a dirty trick. You cheated.”
“How dare you accuse me of something so low.”
You shook your head, swinging your legs over the edge of your bed, “Well, are we going to the park?”
Turning back to face him, you drank in the sight. His messy blond hair, spiked up in all directions. That stupid shirt he wore with “skaterboy” scrawled across the chest. His beaming smile after you giving in gave you a giddy feeling you only felt during one of those mornings.