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Boku no Hero Academia || Hitoshi Shinsou Episode 92
aot 139 rant bc i dont think ppl r understanding this chapter lmao
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After seeing a number of posts I’m gonna address something real quick. There is a difference between being upset over the end of chapter 139 and acting completely disrespectful towards Isayama. Let me remind y’all that there is no right or wrong ending, there is not going to be an ending to your preference, this man is the reason AoT exists in the first place and he had thought out the entire story long before your goofy asses could develop any opinion on it. Learn to respect the person who brought your favourite characters to life, learn some respect period.

y’all i am suffering. hisu looks so happy with her baby, gabi and falco are grown up and taking care of levi (??lmaooo), mikasa is the love of eren’s life. this chapter definitely wasn’t a bad ending, i really like it. i wish it had been more sad but i also think mostly everyone was given a realistic conclusion? from what i’ve seen at least. levi has finally attained the peace he and his comrades had dreamed of so long ago, eren managed to protect his friends, also we got petra panels and mikasa in the ponytail which are both clearly the best parts of the chapter.
i might have different thoughts on the ending when i read the full chapter though!
also y’all need to realise that eren wasn’t the fucking bird. y’all look so stupid using that to criticize the ending, yall made it up just as an excuse to bitch about snk. you guys look so stupid, it’s embarrassing. at least give valid criticism.
Well said
I love the bittersweet ending, and I think it truly suits where the story went from the end of season 2/3 - it was no longer black and white “kill the titans to save humanity”.
To be honest the worst part of this whole thing is how the fandom is misreading the characters and being selfish about the ending. No, the ending is not going to satisfy everyone, but be grateful for the incredible story that has been built up over eleven damn years. Being so rude and selfish over an ending that doesn’t suit your taste isn’t going to change the author’s vision. Isayama created something beyond what anyone else had come up with in its time.
Instead of whining over one chapter, say
Thank you, Isayama
What Was It All For?
Or, Hamliet’s review of SnK 139: the Final Chapter.
Disclaimer: this isn’t intended to dunk on people who love/dislike things I love/dislike in the review. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and feelings thereof.
That said, the ending is pretty in line with my predictions. While I’d give the final chapter an 8/10, the series as a whole gets a 9/10, because it nailed its themes. I don’t think endings can ever please anyone, but this is a solid one narratively. It is bittersweet: there is hope, but also pain, cruelty and beauty. It isn’t perfect, but the story was never set up to end with a fairy tale eucatastrophe. It was also never set up to end with a nihilistic ending. Whether the ending feels more bitter to you or more sweet depends on particular attachments, and it’s okay to feel how you want to feel.
The reason I personally find it satisfying is because the text did not suddenly swing a way it wasn’t heading all along: the message and themes and majority of the arcs were very, very clear, throughout the manga for the most part but especially this final arc. In fandoms, especially in long-running series, people can get attached to their theories and headcanons at the expense of ignoring the actual text. I’ve been guilty of this myself too, but I don’t think SnK pulled any last minute switches (yes it dropped some things; I’ll touch on that below).
About the conflict not being solved…
There is hope now. Paradis does have allies. Like, that’s Hizuru.

The fact that the conflict is not solved is at admittedly disappointing, because I’d like it to be, and yet thematically better that it is not solved. The framing of the genocide has always been wrong, but my one qualm has always been that if the genocide actually led to peace, then… the framing would be a bit whacked. I thought this would be explained away by saying the cost wasn’t worth it, that it was a pyrrhic victory. Instead, Isayama’s doubling down and saying not only is the cost not worth it, it solved nothing and set the stage for potential future conflict, which is probably the best way he could have ended this.
They have only to work towards peace slowly, with lots of risks, but it’s the only option. That’s part of what freedom means: freedom to make choices, good and bad. Eren’s attempted shortcut only hurt.
There are never guarantees.
About Ymir…
The attachment she feels towards King Fritz is framed as a negative thing and tt isn’t romanticized. However, I feel this wasn’t fleshed out well and that we needed more build up to this, but it’s not the end of the world (OR IS IT? sorry I couldn’t resist).
Basically, I felt it was hamfisted and a bit told, not shown. I think Ymir’s story suffered the most this ending, which sucks because she’s important to it. I don’t think the fact that Ymir loved King Fritz is inherently problematic–feelings towards abusers are very, very complex (yes, you can love or be in love with an abuser, and it doesn’t justify what they do to you, really). I think the series needed a chapter or two to explore this better.
About Historia…
Along with Ymir, this is the biggest complaint I have about this final arc. I think we should have gotten the rest of that conversation in 131–as I’ve said before, I think the point of that conversation was that Eren could not stop his friends from making a decision he did not like. However, this needed to be emphasized more, especially given the context of what that choice was and its disturbing implications.
My sister commented that the pregnancy is likely intended to be Historia choosing a pregnancy to maintain her life instead of being fed to Zeke as a way of fulfilling her promise to Ymir: to live instead of martyring herself. This is probably the case, but personally, I think Isayama really goofed with the framing. Historia seemed miserable, was even commented to not be taking care of herself, and while that can be explored with nuance (sometimes choices aren’t what we want), it wasn’t, so Isayama messed up here too.
As for early leaks suggesting she was just fine with genocide, it’s actually much more nuanced in the translation. Her actions here don’t seem exactly OOC given her declaration about not caring about the world, but it needed more exploration.
I don’t like that she didn’t get to see freckled Ymir again like everyone else did. Even a panel of her appearing as she delivered the baby or something–c’mon, Yams.
I’m going to headcanon Historia named Baby Girl Ymir.
About Mikasa…
I love that Mikasa is the hero in the end, even more so than Armin.
Personally, I see that last panel as Eren sending a memory before he died as a way to tell Mikasa it is okay to move on, and the bird flying away as a sign Mikasa will indeed rise and move on despite Eren always being a part of her. That said, I personally would have preferred to see Mikasa be rewarded for choosing to kill Eren, at least by giving her a family and/or showing her in Hizuru. But again, unlike the early leaks which framed it as Mikasa abandoning everyone and being miserable forever, the others are on their way to her. She will live, and she does have a family on their way to her.
About Hizuru, her mark wasn’t fully explored, which is one of the dropped points, but not one with a lot of consequence.
The implication is vague enough, but I liked Jean combing his hair and it being either for Pieck or Mikasa ;)
About Eren…
I don’t like Armin thanking Eren for destroying the world, because it doesn’t fit with the rest of the framing, but otherwise the story hit the framing well.

The takes that Eren is OOC aren’t textually supported at all. Eren has never, ever been rational. Like, find me ONE place in the entire story where he’s been rational, and where he hasn’t wanted to escalate from 0-100 real quick. He’s always been a hothead with a child’s black and white view of the world. Historia called him out on it, Levi did, everyone did. Throughout the story, it was a recurring challenge.
Eren is a big baby who has always been prone to violent outbursts (I mean he killed people at age 9 with no remorse and at age 10 went up to soldiers who were drinking on the job and screamed at them), and it’s tragic. Yet it’s why Eren has always stood out as a protagonist–because he’s allowed to be extremely flawed instead of a role model. And it sounds like I’m dunking on him, but I’m not, because this chapter reminding me of what I loved about Eren: he is a terrified, traumatized, self-loathing child.

I wish he had let Mikasa hug him. Good grief, she loves him so much, and he needed that love so desperately.
The point of his character is that it is tragic: he’s stuck in Neverland. It’s why he’s such a good character. I wish he had been able to grow up, but he didn’t and he chose not to. He chose to die; this was a sort of suicide. If I were in his place, I hope I would choose better, but who really knows? SnK doesn’t encourage us to condemn, so I don’t say this to condemn him.
About fandom…
It is really intriguing to me that Reddit Dudebros are raging that Isayama made Eren “an incel” as if their theories about Eren causing the rumbling all to protect Historia and the baby weren’t incel-esque? Like, it’s not that Mikasa wouldn’t sleep with him (she loved him), but instead that Eren could not be vulnerable enough to accept that love. He was too scared, too selfish and too selfless at the same time in that paradoxical human way.
Vulnerability is the opposite of toxic masculinity. It is brave, far braver than going into battle, and Eren was too scared, too ashamed to look Mikasa in the eyes, even though Armin begged him to keep trying.
She would have forgiven him. She would have run with him.

Honestly, Eren is a Reddit Dudebro. That’s the point. They were reading themselves into Eren–as they were meant to–but failed to comprehend the framing and themes of the series, because they’re used to stories catering to their fantasies. They expected Eren to validate them, but instead Eren was written to call them out on their toxicity, entitlement, and lack of actually creating meaningful change. But also like Eren, they do have some reasons to feel scared, feel traumatized, and are genuinely suffering–but it doesn’t excuse their inflicting that suffering on others. They are still human.
The beauty of Eremika is that even if Eren was a nightmare for most of the world, he was loved. Even if he couldn’t accept that love, he was loved. Even if he hurt and lashed out and was the worst villain in history for no reason other than “I felt like it,” he was loved.
And it was that loved that saved the world. It was that love that made him existing in this world worth it. We know that Mikasa would never wish she had never met Eren. We know she would and will love him unconditionally, forever. Even if she moves on, she will love him.
For Mikasa, despite the pain he caused her, the fact that he was born into the world was enough, and without her love, the world never would have been saved. It’s complex and hard to articulate exactly what I mean, but essentially SnK is saying Eren still deserved to be born and despite his cruelty and evil towards the end, he was loved, and that was beautiful.
It’s not a popular message, this callout of toxic masculinity, nor the undercurrent underneath it, which challenges humanity to love and find beauty in the middle of cruelty, and asserts that no one, no matter how horrible a person in the world’s eyes, has a wasted life just because they’re here.
About Armin and Annie, Gabi and Falco, and Levi:
I never thought Armin and Annie’d be canon, and now Armin’s out here saving his father-in-law. Cherry on top. Annie and Gabi are kind of foils to Eren in that Annie is very selfish and Gabi is very ideologically-focused, but they are able to overcome their flaws, get positive growth, and deserve their happy endings. I also loved Gabi throwing Falco into an embrace. Levi, too, deserved this.
Anyways, I found the ending beautifully existentialist, far from perfect and worthy of criticism, sure, but highly satisfying on a thematic level. SnK was my first manga and anime ever, so really, it’s a major part of the reason I have this blog.
Thank you, Isayama,
After reading chapter 139... all I can say is I cried in public and now I’m really embarrassed
I’m going to fistfight anyone who ever hated Eren’s character because he was so well written.
The ending was so bittersweet I couldn’t have asked for anything better.

And yes I did read the leaks and see everyone criticising it and want to say they should not have judged it before reading the whole thing
( I will admit I was sceptical at the start too but reading it completely shattered all conflicted feelings I had)
It’s kiyoomi’s birthday today!!
Happy Birthday to such an adorable boy

Boy I thought aot was the only manga that was gonna cause me emotional distress....
i just want to have omi lay on top of me while I run my fingers through his curls and call him my pretty boy🥺 is that too much to ask ?:(
aot 138 spoilers:
it’s heartbreaking because being a pure titan is like an endless nightmare so jean and connie won’t even get to see sasha 💔

“This is the end... for us...”
“That’s the Scout’s way.”
“We ended up saving the world... because of you...”

“To the boy who sought freedom... goodbye”

Y'all: ugh I wish fandom content creators would post more 😩😩😩😩😩😩
Also y'all when someone posts fanart/fanfic/edits/etc:

Yo I really needed this today ❤️
you’ll be okay
Kuroo x Reader
desc: kuroo probably could’ve been a(n) (unorthodox) therapist.
a/n: for @kuroolongtea and @kuroopaisen - because kuroo fluff is a necessity when life is rough. i put this together in an hour, so apologies if it isn’t great, but i hope you feel loved and cared for. you’re both incredibly precious and deserve the world and a big ole forehead kiss from this guy (in the meantime c’mere and I WILL GIVE YOU ONE)
warnings: crying, (light) anxiety, kuroo being goofy and soft (beware)
wc: 675
You’ve already soaked through the fabric of his shirt with a generous number of tears, but Kuroo doesn’t seem to mind. After all, he hasn’t said anything denoting irritation about his shoulder being the basin of a salty waterfall.
Instead, he’s whispering sweet words into your hair.
Well, they’re kind of sweet?
“Hey, now,” he murmurs, “at least your crying face is cute,” Kuroo threads a hand into your hair, twirling a piece between his fingers.
You let out a scattered breath, your chest shaking with each inhalation.
Since your chin is on his shoulder, he shakes a bit too, but he’s quick to bring another hand to your back. You’re thankful for his sturdiness in this moment.
Kuroo’s fingers massage at the base of your back.
“If I looked as good as you when I cried, I’d try to do it every week.”
He grins against your cheek and you almost smile. Almost.
If you could laugh at his comments, you would. But today couldn’t have possibly been shittier. And people? Well, let’s just say you’re sick of a majority of the human race right now. Maybe you should get Kuroo to ask Kenma about buying a VR headset to take you away from this place, even just mentally.
But like a dam brimming full with water, you were already on the verge of spilling over. It only took a little rainfall, a few thunderclouds, to send you over the edge. So, for the first time in a while, you finally succumbed to the weight of it all.
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This is so cute I’m obsessed
right where you want me (eren yeager)
↯ pairings: eren yeager x (fem) reader
↯ genres and warnings: more modern au, fluff, eren is a baby but i think we all knew that
↯ word count: 1.2k
↯ notes: i saw @eremiie’s post which reminded me of a draft i had, which resulted in editing this for eren. pls enjoy one thousand words of me, once again, pushing my quality time is eren’s love language agenda.

“And then Jean said that he didn’t have aim assist on, but I swear he’s a fucken liar,” Eren rambles, completely in a world of his own as you rub sudsy circles into your face.
He’s been following you around since you came home from school, chattering about anything and everything that happened to him during his day off. It’s not an unusual occurrence; whether he knows it or not, Eren has a habit of hovering around you when he sees you for the first time in a while. Particularly when you’ve been out all day, and he’s been home (see: freeloading in your apartment) waiting for you to return.
He’ll babble and follow you as you settle into your night routine like a puppy. A very loyal, very tall, very overgrown puppy. It usually carries on until you’re ready to shower, but today Eren seems to feel extra clingy; having followed you all the way to the bathroom, where he currently sits on top of the closed toilet seat, telling you about Jean and Connie and the details of their match earlier while you wash your face.
You don’t even think Eren notices that you’re taking longer than usual; or, that, subsequently, he’s been talking for longer than usual. You know how much he hates to be home alone or bored, but you didn’t know that the result of a few hours of limited contact would be this.
It’s cute. But you’re curious to see how far he’ll go; or, rather, how long he’ll stay. You think he might stalk you into the shower if given the opportunity. So, with a knowing smile, you pat your face dry, and decide to test your theory.
“—Then, of course, Connie’s dumbass died. Armin was able to revive him, but he couldn’t play long after that, because he had to go to his lab.”
You hum, pulling the curtain back and twisting the knob to turn on the shower and adjusting the water to your preference, “Right, but I thought you said Armin wasn’t that good at this game.”
Eren huffs, bending his legs to sit criss-cross on top of the toilet now. You have to refrain from chuckling when you take a look at him—completely unaware of his size in comparison to the small porcelain underneath him. He looks like a child. You would take a picture of him if you had your phone with you.
“He’s not,” Eren sighs, “But he’s more fun to play with than Jean, because at least Armin’s not a cheater.”
“But if the game comes with an aim assist option, is it really cheating?”
“Obviously, babe,” Eren gesticulates, hands flailing around him, “Everybody knows that you’re not as good as you say you are if you have to use the assist—it’s like, like… like people who say parallel parking is easy just because their car has one of those automatic sensor thingies.”
Ah, right.
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good morning/afternoon/night everyone,
today we will be thinking about kiyoomi holding his tiny newborn baby in those big ol’ arms of his, a towel thrown over his shoulder as he gently bottlefeeds them, grinning down softly at his baby

Closing requests as I finish off my requests and drafts!! Stay tuned
It’s done here
Just reminding y’all that requests are open and I have some serious writing block so some inspiration would be greatly appreciated 🙏
Jealous Adult Trio
Chrollo, Hisoka, Illumi
Summary: What I think Chrollo, Hisoka, and Illumi would be like when they’re jealous.
A/N: First post with these three, and first hxh post too!I tried to make each scenario different, but they’d probably just murder the person making them jealous tbh💀

It depends on who is making him jealous
If he’s out on an undercover mission with you and in order to slip past the guards to get to the goods he wants you must seduce them, he’ll have to hold back his urges in order to not sabotage the job
He’ll keep his stone cold demeanour, eyeing you off front the distance
The boss will avoid the eyes of the pursuer, to not arouse suspicion
Fists clenched throughout the rest of the job, he’ll keep quiet, until the job is over
He can’t hold himself back, using that tone that makes your knees weak
“You couldn’t help yourself back there could you, darling? Making me jealous like that?”
But if its some random, maybe a friend of yours...
And if you purposely ignore him to continue your conversation, oooo boy
He doesn’t pout, or get moody, he’ll respond to you condescendingly for the rest of the day
With his power, the way he answered so aloof made you nervous
Which is exactly what he wanted you to react
The biggest extreme is if it was a bartender, waiter, etc
Let’s say they were getting way to familiar and touchy with you, Chrollo will shoot daggers through them
You can feel the bloodlust oozing off him, and the way he kept silent made it so much worse
You’ll return home for like five minutes and he’s got his coat back on and heading for the door
You’ll ask where he’s off to, and he’ll reply:
“I’ve got a little bit of unfinished business to attend too.”
You’re not dumb, you know he’s going to unalive that poor pal
Shalnark had already found his address within minutes of Chrollo sending him a picture
Let’s say the deed is done, how do you make it up to him afterwards?
He wants nothing more than for you to pamper him before he falls asleep
Comb his hair with your fingers, read aloud to him, let him lay all over you
Basically what he does for you, but he wants you to return the favour
He gets so unbelievably petty but once again, condescendingly
Forgives you nonetheless, but you should know that he knows you aren’t the one he should be forgiving
He’s got a reputation yall 🤚

Oh heaven help you if you make him jealous
100% blames you, even if you weren't the one putting yourself out there
Kills the other on the spot, no matter who it is, but he has to be really wound up
While Chrollo didn’t want to ruin his “boss” reputation, Hisoka’s reputation is literally being a creep, he’ll stop at nothing
His two approaches he uses, no matter the situation
One, he’ll try to get your attention
He whines, full on like
“Y/N, pay attention to me~ not this weasel”
Does not care what he says in order to get you to look at him, trust me
Even a bit nsfw if he feels like it, another that’ll make the other person get creeped out
Licks his lips at you, I really mean anything
Gets incredibly more touchy, holds your waste, hip, thigh, anything intimate to possibly scare of who you’re talking to
If being creepy and whiny doesn’t make them back off, or if you still won’t give him the attention he’s craving, that’s when he’ll kill em
Usually, it works, and you’ll excuse yourself just to stop this man from embarrassing you any further
His second tactic is to intimidate them
Questions them with the dumbest things ever like
“Have you ever heard that if you scratch your ear you can ease your tickling throat?”
If that doesn’t work, he’ll get up in their face, humming like he’s observing their every move
Touches them, pokes them, invades their bubble completely
It gets to the point where you tug him away and you scald him about ruining your conversation
You have to prove that you still love him and him only the rest of the day because he won’t leave you alone until you forgive him or prove it to him
Please just do as he says 🙄

Mr Mans over here has no idea what to do
He doesn’t even know how to name the weight and anger watching another get too familiar with you
He’d shrug it off, probably thinks he’s angry for some reason, watching you from a distance with his chin in his palm
If the conversation goes awry and you get uncomfy, he’ll call you over to him
You’ll thank him and make a quick exit
Over the next few weeks, Illumi notices this feeling keep coming back when you pay more attention to someone than him
It gets so on his nerves that he genuinely gets frustrated and asks you one day what you think it means
You kind of just laugh at him and say that he’s jealous
0_0 “You can feel jealous of people?”
“Yeah, it’s probably because you love me~”
“Oh. Yeah.”
Now he’s even more angry about the feeling because he thinks that people will know that he loves someone
Uses his aura to chase people away from you, and tugs you away if that doesn’t get them away
People will definitely be able to tell he’s jealous if he’s doing that, dummy
That’s really with randoms or your friends, but if Hisoka ever makes him jealous (he definitely will)
He has nothing to hide as Hisoka is well aware that you’re dating
But with Hisoka being, well, Hisoka, obviously he isn’t going to let that stop him
Gets so mad that he does that thing where his hair flies up and the crows come flying
It takes a bit to calm him down from that, and you have to dismiss Hisoka yourself in order for Illumi to chill out
The fact he gets jealous is kind of heartwarming, knowing his background
Settle him down and reassure him that you love him
He’s capable of love just give him time ☺️
i think...
...when you get out if the shower, sakusa loves playing with your wet hair
he need your smell like seriously he need it he always when you're both showered and alone has his nose on you. on your hair, your neck, his face on your chest when you’re cuddling, he doesn't even know how he could even live without your smell, before meeting you
Sakusa brainrot
A/N: I’m bored and am devoted to one man so here is a collection of random Sakusa headcanons.
Warnings: all over the place, eczema mention? ocd mention?, kinda self-indulgent in some places

My mans suffers from eczema on his back and sometimes his cheeks, and his back gets really itchy with shirts so he has researched specific materials that he gets all his shirts in
I said this in my ‘how they sleep’ post but he loves!! back!! scratches!! when cuddling (except for when his eczema is appearing ofc)
Ik its canon that he likes dogs but I feel like he likes cats too
Expert at head-cradling, holds and strokes the back of your head when you hug/cuddle :’ )
Loves to do chores, not just cleaning, he loves folding and especially ironing laundry (he lives for the smell)
Speaking of domestic scents, ascends if there are clean sheets on his bed and they’re all fresh-smelling
If you are the type to get freckles in the summer that fade during the winter, he always hopes that they stay for a little longer
If you are the type to apologise for everything, he thinks its really cute and sweet of you, but if you ever apologise for accidentally making him uncomfortable when he’s being germaphobic, he’ll genuinely get mad at you for ever apologising for something he claims is his fault
Also hates that he feels this way about germs too, constantly wanting to be better for everyone around him
Not only hates his germaphobic behaviours for the sake of his loved ones, but because he feels that he misses out on fun activities that he’d normally be repulsed by, such as going to the beach (sand) or theme parks (touching ride handles etc)
Most of his germaphobia is a result of ocd
Once felt so unclean that he scrubbed his skin raw :( , definitely wasn’t good with his eczema, he was in pain for days with carpetburn-like wounds
A/N: Wow that got a bit angsty, back to the fluffy stuff
When he’s jealous, he gets extremely pouty and it’s really cute
Drinks milk straight like Kageyama, Atsumu hates him for it, but he genuinely doesn’t see the issue (I don’t either it’s ok)
This might just be me being self-indulgent, but I think he likes thick girls :”)
Definitely doesn’t mind extroverts deep down, but in the long run, he just moulds better with introverts and would end up with one
Kiss his moles please, he’ll melt
Dresses like someone straight out of the dark academia aesthetic, idk he just gives off that vibe
Remembers the exact type of tablets you like taking, if you struggle to swallow the large ones, he’ll get small ones, if you don’t like that lingering taste on your tongue, knows to get sugar-coated
His strongest subject in school is english, his worst is science
He dabbles in a bit of art, simple sketching and painting, also loves when you’re an artist too
If he were to play an instrument, he’d play the cello
Loves skincare and has this major routine that he does every night and invites you to do it with him on little self-care dates
Atsumu caught him chuckle at one of his jokes and he’s never been able to live it down since
If he’s overwhelmed in a crowd, he’ll follow you around like a lost puppy or hold onto your hand and you’ll have to drag him everywhere
Back at the start of your relationship before he was comfortable to hold your hand without asking, his way of asking to link fingers would be to tug on your sleeve or your shirt
His hair is the fluffiest when he blowdries it after a shower, and it is in the most perfect but messy ringlets at the same time
A/N: That’s all the headcanons I can think of for now, there may be a part 2 sometime because I live for this man :)
Don’t ya love it when tumblr deletes a draft you were working on just an hour ago 😡
Say it with me:
👏Stop dismissing Sakusa’s germaphobic nature as his only personality trait👏 👏Stop abusing it as a sense of comic relief👏 👏Stop normalising it as his only characterisation in fics👏
Be original!! There is so much more to him than his hate for germs!!
Terushima x fem!reader: One of Those Mornings
Requested by @school-is-slowly-killing-me who said:
Hiya bestest pal in the world 😊 can I request an imagine for Terushima x f reader? Just lots of fluff please 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
don’t you just love that I’m spiralling into a beautiful obsession 😂
(I even tried to make it sound like a professional request 😁😁)
From your bestest friend in the wholest widest world 😁
A/N: Hey bb!! I’m glad that I get to fuel your obsession 😈 You did great sounding like a professional request I applaud you!! Terushima is a bit harder for me to write for so I hope he isn’t too ooc, I tried my hardest for you 😘 I wrote my favourite thing to read and I know that we have similar tastes so I really hope you like it!! Love ya ❤️
Genre: Fluffffff
Word count: Drabble length really

(a/n: he’s so cute what)
You love waking up like this most mornings. Sweet birds singing outside your bedroom window, your thick curtains blocking out all morning sunlight. This allowed you to sleep in as long as you liked. Unless, it was one of those mornings your overactive boyfriend felt like getting out and about.
Today, it seemed that Terushima was excited to go out, bolting up from his pillow. His arm ripped from your hold. It was this disruption that woke up abruptly, but you pretended you were still asleep. When it was one of those mornings, he always found a creative way to wake you up.
“Hey, baby girl,” Terushima shook your shoulder, softly at first, “I wanna go out to the park~ Y/N.”
His fingers brushed the hair from your face, exposing your features that battled to stay still. Your eyelids cramped as you forced them to shut and bit the inside of your lip to keep a laugh from bubbling up your throat. You always struggled to stubbornly reject your boyfriend during one of those mornings.
A smirk slid onto Terushima’s face, “I know you’re trying not to smile, you suck at fake sleeping, baby.”
You fought the temptation to smile, but the corner of your lips wriggled into a smile nonetheless. Unfortunately, Terushima had found a way to win in seconds on one of those mornings.
Grumbling, you blindly reached towards him, your hand slapping onto his face.
“Hey,” Terushima warned, muffled by your hand over his mouth.
He took you by surprise, his teeth latching onto your hand. You yelped, pulling your hand away with a glare. It was one of those mornings that he caught you off guard with his antics.
“What was with that?” You wiped your hand on his shirt, faking disgust.
You knew you should have seen it coming, but Terushima snatched your hand again and blew raspberries, kissed, and bit it all over. Yelping again, you saw no other means of escape but yo fight him off you. The two of you always let loose on one of those mornings.
“I want to go to the park,” Terushima hauled you towards him as you thrashed about, “and you’re coming with me.”
“No!” You protested, twisting your wrist in a means to break free. “I will kick you if you don’t let me sleep.”
“You wouldn’t dare, honeybun.”
“Oh, yeah?”
You swung your legs about underneath the sheets, one of your feet colliding with his shin.
He tugged you into his chest, pecking you on the lips. The cold metal of his tongue piercing teasing your lips. You were always defeated on one of those mornings.
Pulling away, Terushima smiled, “Didn’t put up much of a fight this morning, eh?”
“Shut up, Yuuji,” you threw the sheet off the two of you, giggling, “You pulled a dirty trick. You cheated.”
“How dare you accuse me of something so low.”
You shook your head, swinging your legs over the edge of your bed, “Well, are we going to the park?”
Turning back to face him, you drank in the sight. His messy blond hair, spiked up in all directions. That stupid shirt he wore with “skaterboy” scrawled across the chest. His beaming smile after you giving in gave you a giddy feeling you only felt during one of those mornings.