Hail - Tumblr Posts

Tornado warning issued for Calgary. #yyc #weathernetwork #rain #hail #lightning
Severe thunderstorm. #rain #hail #yyc #weathernetwork #extremeweather #lightning #flooding https://www.instagram.com/p/CBZg6n8AbCr/?igshid=xv8j628gyist
For those who want to know what spring is like in Australia. It has been a warm day a little overcast and I was doing some housework with my dad out he back.

It is now FUCKING HAILING, it went from warm, to overcast, to heavy rain (approx 30 seconds), to hailing. It is still fucking hot tho.

Tenderly soft pink flowers under hail. Tenere testoline rose torturate dalla grandine Stormy weather in the garden #rain #igersToscana #grandine #hailstorm #stormyweather #tempesta #haglvejr #storm #grêle #tempête #hagel #granizo #tormenta #dolu #firtina #tempestade #雹暴 #عاصفة البرد #あられを伴う嵐 #嵐 #عاصفة #風暴 #dhoruba #шторм #sturm #fırtına #сильныйград #ঝড় #폭풍 #bagyo

Triste giornata sotto una violenta grandinata Stormy weather in the garden #rain #igersToscana #grandine #hailstorm #stormyweather #tempesta #haglvejr #storm #grêle #tempête #hagel #granizo #tormenta #dolu #firtina #tempestade #雹暴 #عاصفة البرد #あられを伴う嵐 #嵐 #عاصفة #風暴 #dhoruba #шторм #sturm #fırtına #сильныйград #ঝড় #폭풍 #bagyo

Green pomegranate by beautiful scarlet flowers … resist the hail O verde melograno dai bei vermigli fior.… resisti alla grandine

Fairy bottle~
Hail and Bunny both belong to me!
Guess who got pastry cookie?

Haha nun go...
The Order IS a LIE