Halyna Hutchins - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
Halyna Hutchins Was Shot And Killed Yesterday With A Misfire From A Prop Gun By Alec Baldwin (who, Yes,
Halyna Hutchins Was Shot And Killed Yesterday With A Misfire From A Prop Gun By Alec Baldwin (who, Yes,
Halyna Hutchins Was Shot And Killed Yesterday With A Misfire From A Prop Gun By Alec Baldwin (who, Yes,
Halyna Hutchins Was Shot And Killed Yesterday With A Misfire From A Prop Gun By Alec Baldwin (who, Yes,
Halyna Hutchins Was Shot And Killed Yesterday With A Misfire From A Prop Gun By Alec Baldwin (who, Yes,

Halyna Hutchins was shot and killed yesterday with a misfire from a prop gun by Alec Baldwin (who, yes, is dealing with the unbearable weight of having accidentally taken a life). I don't understand why real guns are still used as props. Brandon Lee, perhaps the most infamous death from a prop gun misfire, died in 1993. It should only take one time to make drastic changes.

No, I don't know anything about filmmaking and what the technicalities are but if the gun can shoot real bullets, it's not a prop. If the bullets can cause death, they're not props.

My minimal understanding is that the guns are real but the bullets are supposed to be blanks.

The director of the film, Joel Souza, was also injured but I believe he is expected to recover.

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3 years ago
Halyna Hutchinss Death Was 100% Preventable And Is Absolutely Part Of The Same Labor Issues Iatse Has
Halyna Hutchinss Death Was 100% Preventable And Is Absolutely Part Of The Same Labor Issues Iatse Has

halyna hutchins’s death was 100% preventable and is absolutely part of the same labor issues iatse has been fighting to rectify and making it about anything else or anyone else is disrespectful

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2 years ago

Alec Baldwin demanda a la Produccion de 'Rust' por negligencia; Actor quiere "limpiar su nombre" después de un tiroteo fatal en el set, dice que el incidente le costó papeles...

Alec Baldwin demanda a la Produccion de ‘Rust’ por negligencia; Actor quiere “limpiar su nombre” después de un tiroteo fatal en el set, dice que el incidente le costó papeles…


Alec Baldwin Demanda A La Produccion De 'Rust' Por Negligencia; Actor Quiere "limpiar Su Nombre" Despus

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2 years ago

Alec Baldwin y 'Rust' Armorer enfrentarán cargos de homicidio involuntario por muerte a tiros.....

Alec Baldwin Y 'Rust' Armorer Enfrentarn Cargos De Homicidio Involuntario Por Muerte A Tiros.....

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2 years ago

Alec Baldwin ya no enfrenta 5 años de prisión por tiroteo fatal en El Set de ´´RUST´´; Gran victoria para el actor en la batalla con Santa Fe D.A.

Alec Baldwin Ya No Enfrenta 5 Aos De Prisin Por Tiroteo Fatal En El Set De RUST; Gran Victoria Para El

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2 years ago

Alec Baldwin demanda a la Produccion de 'Rust' por negligencia; Actor quiere "limpiar su nombre" después de un tiroteo fatal en el set, dice que el incidente le costó papeles...

Alec Baldwin demanda a la Produccion de ‘Rust’ por negligencia; Actor quiere “limpiar su nombre” después de un tiroteo fatal en el set, dice que el incidente le costó papeles…


Alec Baldwin Demanda A La Produccion De 'Rust' Por Negligencia; Actor Quiere "limpiar Su Nombre" Despus

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2 years ago

Alec Baldwin y 'Rust' Armorer enfrentarán cargos de homicidio involuntario por muerte a tiros.....

Alec Baldwin Y 'Rust' Armorer Enfrentarn Cargos De Homicidio Involuntario Por Muerte A Tiros.....

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2 years ago

Alec Baldwin ya no enfrenta 5 años de prisión por tiroteo fatal en El Set de ´´RUST´´; Gran victoria para el actor en la batalla con Santa Fe D.A.

Alec Baldwin Ya No Enfrenta 5 Aos De Prisin Por Tiroteo Fatal En El Set De RUST; Gran Victoria Para El

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1 year ago

Alec Baldwin fracasa en su intento de poner fin a la demanda de los miembros del equipo de 'Rust' por el tiroteo fatal en el set.

Alec Baldwin Fracasa En Su Intento De Poner Fin A La Demanda De Los Miembros Del Equipo De 'Rust' Por

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