Hamas Propaganda - Tumblr Posts
Jews who experienced the genocide (Holocaust lived or died) HAVE to be rolling in their graves to know another genocide is being committed, but this time in the name of THEIR religion, within the SAME generation as their immediate descendants as if those descendants learned NOTHING from their OWN history, destroying the sacrifices they endured to bring light to the ways of evil and BECOMING the evil in this world.
Everyone who endured WWII, the victims, the soldiers who fought to stop an evil should be pissed right now because it’s was all for naught. In fact, the same countries they bled for are the ones complicit which makes it even more devastating.
Current soldiers helping Israel because of “orders” better realize you’re the very SAME as the Nazi soldiers who just followed orders too. YOU are the new BABY KILLERS. Either defect or GET READY FOR YEARS OF THERAPY. Don’t believe me? Go ask your fellow veterans of Vietnam, Korea, Desert Storm, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc, etc, etc who experienced bloodshed and see how they’re doing now. How many of them lost friends not on the battlefield but to their demons back home.
FYI don’t even bother bringing me any bullshit about antisemitism because by just doing so you obviously don’t know what the word means.