Health Update - Tumblr Posts

10 years ago

I don't feel ready to get up But I will

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10 years ago

I shall work on schoolstuff Though I feel like crap

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1 year ago

Health Update

I've actually been meaning to post this for a while, but hey, better late than never.

Upon further ultrasound analysis, it seems that I don't actually have a teratoma!


The OBGYN thinks I have hemorrhagic cysts instead. So blood, clots, etc. build up into ovarian cysts over the course of my cycle and then just bleed out again when it's time to go. Not the worst thing in the world, but in my case, they're still getting big enough to be a risk factor for ovarian torsion. Fun.

Anyway, that's all for now. I'll see you on the next episode of "I hate my body and my body hates me."

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8 months ago

Hello, dearest readers-

I have just spent the last several hours in the ER.

I ended up with a 103 fever with dizzy spells, body chills, weakness, wanting to pass the fuck out, migraine, black spots in my vision, vomiting and constant nauseousness.

I am getting discharged. They lanced and drained the abscesses. The infection hasn’t gotten to my blood stream yet but it’s was showing signs of necropathy which they got rid of. I have to follow up with asap to get referred to general surgery to have them fully removed.

The next few chapters may be delayed because they are putting me on some strong antibiotics and Tylenol 4.

I ask for your patience as I deal with this health complication that popped up out of no where.

Thank you! πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

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8 months ago

American Mate & Health Update

Hello, Dearest readers!

I come bearing some good news!

Β I think I am a snake hybrid!

No, I am joking.

I finally got my cast off, and my foot/leg is shedding like hell. My break is healing well, but my ligaments are still healing from the severe "shredding" when I broke my foot. So this means that I will be in a walking boot for another week, then a specialized lace-up ankle brace. I will have to wear the brace for up to... 8 months!

American Mate & Health Update

In the meantime, I have been put on disability for a minimum of 3 months and get to start physical therapy in about 4-6 weeks. So we will see what happens then. Whee.

Anywho... The results are in! In our highest-participating Patreon poll ever, the results show who the next date will be with!

I am already thinking of a bunch of different dates for the chosen Bangtan mate and y/n to go on. I also have heard your comments and will try to include some of the others in this next chapter.

If you want to have a voice in any of my stories by voting in these polls, gain early access, and additional scenes, please join my Patreon!


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7 months ago

Hello, dearest readers!

I just wanted to update you. I should be getting a new modified ankle brace on Friday (yay, no more walking boots)!!!

Physical therapy starts on 8/2!

I am scheduled for surgery (outpatient) on Friday 7/26.

It should be simple, in and out, with about 3-4 days of not moving and then snail paces after that.

This means it will be prime for writing (while awake bc painkillers can knock me out) for the next few weeks!

I have a consultation today with an orthopedic surgeon for my right shoulder and right knee to see if they need to be operated on or not.

My oldest is FINALLY scheduled for their right knee surgery on 8/13, so things will be interesting for a while after that, but I will still do as much as I can.

Again, thank you all for your support and patience during this time.


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7 months ago


Hello, dear readers!

Tomorrow is my minor surgery. It is out patient, which means I don’t have to stay in the hospital over night. It’s a simple: get it, get it done, get out.

My oldest child’s knee surgery got moved up to next Friday because of some recent events which the surgeon believes that waiting much longer is a bad idea.

Other than that, everything is going good.

I already have 3k+ written for chapter 12. Currently picture hunting to create a Pinterest board for the next date.

If you are a Patreon member chapter 11 is out for early access!

I hope all of you are doing well! πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

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7 months ago

Here we go, it’s surgery time for me.


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7 months ago

I am home. Minor complications but nothing serious. Still feel super groggy but hey. Tonight and tomorrow is gonna suck. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

Here we go, it’s surgery time for me.


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7 months ago

Hello, dearest readers,

Thank you for your continued support.

I am still in the hospital because of a few things.

My kidneys are not doing well (but very slowly improving) because of the antibiotics I was on to clear up the sepsis.

Apparently, those two meds are great for infections but highly toxic, and now I have a minor/moderate kidney injury.

My original Hospitalist Doctor, who was off for a couple of days, has returned.

She found out that I can’t leave the hospital because they are still fighting about wound care.

We thought I had been accepted into Valley Presbyterian Hospital for daily wound care, but they will not let me start until September.

So now they are trying to find somewhere to go for wound care that the insurance will cover between now and September.

My insurance is fighting it because they don’t want to cover anywhere.

So even if my kidneys are good to go, I can’t go anywhere.

I still have major brain fog and what not which the doctor says may take a while to get over since when she first saw me I was β€œone foot in the grave,” and I need to give myself a break.

To be perfectly honest, I am getting clearer every day but exhausted easily.

So we will see.

I am not giving up on you guys or my love for writing anytime soon!


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6 months ago

Moving slowly but surely in the right direction

Hello, dear readers,

I am healing, but it is gonna take time.

I got told today that the wound would heal fully in about two weeks but that I couldn't start physical therapy to relearn how to walk without the walker and take stairs.

I can read short one-shots and drabbles without getting headaches or dizzy spells now!

I am going to try to write something small soon. It won't be something from any of my stories, but it helped me through this ordeal, letting my mind wander to our boys, Ateez, StrayKids, and BTS.

Now, I want to try to share it with you all.

Thank you again for the understanding and kindness you have shown me these past several weeks


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6 months ago

Updates... Where do we go from here?

Hello, dearest readers,

I published everything I wrote before going to the hospital, except new story ideas, for my Patreon Membership holders because of their early access benefit.

These will be released in proper order and at respective times on Tumblr and AO3.

As most of you know, I wrote chapter 13 of American Mate after it came out.

It took me a few weeks to complete and has also been released to my paid membership holders.

This shows me that my health is improving gradually, and I thank you all for your patience.

Insomnia has been keeping me up, but last night, I got almost 11.5 hours of sleep, I guess my body decided it was time to catch up.

I will start working around the house and doing simple chores while continuing my physical therapy, doctor's appointments, and caring for the kiddos more.

In the meantime, I will continue to write for American Mate, Incomplete, Breaking and Entering, and Reciprocal Synergy.

I will attempt to return to the weekly-ish updates of at least one story.

However, do not forget that those of you with a paid membership are allowed to:

Ask a Character a Question. Ask For Extended Scenes. Ask For Additional Scenes. Ask For Drabbles or One-Shots (like 'Was It Fate?')

Today and tomorrow, I will take a break from writing to give myself time to assess my physical abilities.

I am hoping to get rid of the walker this next week!

Thank you again for your support.

Updates... Where Do We Go From Here?

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Okay! Looks like the surgeon thinks it's okay to wait and monitor symptoms before going ahead with surgery. I'm relieved, for now. Hopefully the pain doesn't hit me again for another prolonged period of time.

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