Hey there! This is just a place for me and my autistic brain to share and appreciate stuff about my biggest interests and hyperfixations; these will usually be FNAF and Rise of the TMNT, but others will occasionally show up if I remember to or feel like posting. I'm new to this whole actually having a social media account thing, but maybe it won't be so bad. Age: None of your business; Gender: Nonbinary/genderfaer/jellogender; Orientation: Aromantic/demi-fictoromantic, asexual/demi-fictosexual. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. :)
892 posts
Grizzlyofthesea - ND Nonsense - Tumblr Blog
Halloween Progress Report #2: Accessories/Jewelry
One Michaels shopping spree and one Amazon visit later, and I have everything I need for my accessories!

I got these chunky gold Bead Chest beads for the bracelet...

A fake tiger lily to cut from its stem and glue to a barrette (plus a spare, just in case something goes wrong and I have to start over)...

...And this cute little seahorse pendant necklace, which I honestly wouldn't mind incorporating into my everyday wear.
I also scored some craft foam and molding latex to make my ears and fins. I'll talk more about them when I'm closer to finishing them.
You may also notice the lack of earrings. I consider them more of a "bonus objective". They don't always show up in the artwork due to Lagoona's hair, and I don't know how well they'd work with the ear fins I'm going to make.
33 days isn't a lot of time in the grand scheme of things, but I think I might actually be able to pull this off!

(Lost Company Official is Andy Suriano)
Hey, I have a quick, unimportant question for all of you.
Examples of lines released during each year:
2010: Core, Gloom Beach, Dawn of the Dance
2011: School's Out, Sweet 1600, Dead Tired
2012: Dot Dead Gorgeous, Ghouls Rule, Scaris
2013: 13 Wishes, New Scaremester, Sweet Screams
2014: Freaky Fusion, Gloom and Bloom, Coffin Bean
2015: Great Scarrier Reef, Monster Exchange, Freak du Chic
I chose not to include 2016 because, while there was technically a new G1 release, the year was focused more on the rollout of G2.


Update: I've already reached Book #4 (Back and Deader Than Ever). I think I can safely say that this book series is mostly mindless fun.
Secondary plot threads like the ghouls' weekly spa days are honestly pretty cute.
The monsters (or "R.A.D.s") feel reasonably in-character and well-written most of the time.
The ways each monster type has to blend in with normie society are consistent, relevant, creative at times, and generally well-done.
Candace is a bit more than the stereotypical "dumb blonde." Not that much, since she's a secondary character at most, but enough to make her more fun than annoying.
We stan Brett as our resident monster-lover. The dude legitimately finds bolts and green skin attractive.
Jackson and Holt ("D.J.") exist and are important. This is sadly not consistent in most Monster High media.
Sirens are bird women.
The foreshadowing leading up to Melody's big plot twist is present as early as the first book. I like that.
The Wolfs' monthly transformation and pre-transition symptoms (especially the appetite and irritability) speak to me as a PMS-haver. I think that's what Harrison was going for, so...yeah. Good job.
Melody is basically the "Not Like Other Girls" female YA protagonist. Dark hair, frumpy clothes, was ostracized for her appearance in the past, described as effortlessly pretty in the present, quiet until she needs to deliver some plot-relevant sass, secretly "special"... Yeesh.
Bekka's writing takes a hard turn for the cartoonish after the first book.
So many outdated pop culture references. So many.
Holt being flirty? Reasonable, given his characterization in other places. Him being an outright pervert at points? Really freaking weird.
An odd amount of revenge-kissing and other petty relationship stuff
Not enough Lagoona. The higher-ups really did hate her from the beginning. :p
About to read the first Monster High YA novel by Lisi Harrison. I had #2-4 when I was younger, and frankly, I don't remember much. Wish me luck.
About to read the first Monster High YA novel by Lisi Harrison. I had #2-4 when I was younger, and frankly, I don't remember much. Wish me luck.
As a Donnie fan, agreed. Some people took it way too far last time. Heck, I got a little too into it myself. I hope I didn't hurt anyone.
Let's all strive to be our best selves this year.
Got a post in my reccomended that reminded me of something I need to make clear, that's gone poorly addressed here until now.
Last year, while you may remember it fondly, the toxicity demonstrated by my voters and fanbase regarding who to vote for (especially during the later rounds) was genuinely atrocious. It moved well beyond the point of lighthearted competition and into genuine vile behavior and often ableism that I cannot let slide as we go further into season 2. This extends to (and is primarily relevant to) Donatello fans. I give you guys a lot of credit for the success and fun of this blog, but it is pertinent that you also remember that Donatello fans in particular were credited with the most cruel attitudes in the wake of Mob's victory. I understand being upset because of a loss, but this is ridiculous.
I am not "calling out" or targeting anyone in particular with this. I am well aware that this behavior does not belong to all of you. The majority of yall are darlings and I couldn't be more grateful for your support. But I let you all off way too easy last time.
Let me make it clear: You are voting on your favorite autistic headcanon/canon character. The metric of "autism swag" does not exist, and should never be used to bully or harass other voters. It's a title that was made up and based off of the names of the other poll bloggers at the time, not a real concept. It is not serious, nobody is winning anything besides a PNG that gets put next to their character if they win.
If I catch wind of any genuine death threats, bigotry, or otherwise unnecessary cruelty sent towards any participants during the course of this season, I will start disqualifying characters. If you cannot keep it civil when polls are live, I see no reason why you should be rewarded with your character's victory.
I deeply apologize to anyone who has been by this cruelty. It is my responsibility as this blog's operator to keep behavior civil, and it's something I've been mishandling up until now. This poll has grown well beyond what I originally thought it would be, it has since day one, and I need to prioritize learning how to handle its reach if it's something I want to continue.
The polls will still run as scheduled, this is not an announcement of a delay or cancelation, simply a firm reminder of where I stand on the harassment demonstrated by people in my follower base.
Thank you for your time and understanding. I hope going forward we can all be kinder to eachother, and understand that at the end of the day, we are here to show love towards our favorites, not hatred towards strangers that have done nothing to you.

It's that time of the year again :D
I was bored/sleepy at work, needed to stay awake, and felt edgy, so I drew some sketches based on Once Bitten, Twice Dead. Major spoilers ahead, in both the drawings and the descriptions/explanations. Proceed at your own risk.
Yeah, you can tell I'm excited for Halloween. ^^"
All drawings are completely freehand and pen-based. No rough pencil drafts, no opportunity to erase if I made a mistake. The only pen used was my awesome but cheap 10-color pen I got at a museum a few years ago.
Also, mild to moderate content warning for Draculaura: blood
Draculaura - The Ghoul at the Crossroad

After Dracula's death due to medical negligence, Draculaura begins to lose her vampiric traits. Her fangs slowly dull into normal canine teeth. Garlic and sunlight no longer hurt her. Her skin loses its pinkish pallor. She gains dark circles under her eyes as her circadian rhythm shifts from nocturnal to diurnal. She is losing her monster self...but in a way, it doesn't bother her. Her mother was human; maybe this is just a sign that she should follow in her mother's footsteps and give humanity a try.
But her body is screaming out for blood. Her eyes turn a ravenous red as she finds herself unable to stop staring at the neck of Poe, a bubbly normie boy she meets at a cemetery. As tensions rise at Monster High, and as time until her full transformation into a human runs out, she must pick her path.
Poe survives, but the two may never cross paths again.
Frankie - The Ghoul Who Wants to Fix Everything

Frankie just wants everyone to be happy. She smothers Draculaura with affection in an attempt to alleviate the latter's grief. She wishes everyone--monsters and normies, students and faculty, every group in the student body--could just set aside their differences and stop fighting.
But kind is not always repaid in kind. For all her well wishes, she is kidnapped during a break-in and held for ransom by a group of anti-monster extremists. Her favorite group of ghouls are able to rescue her, but her days with her captors are long and terrifying.
Imagine if she hadn't been so lucky.
Clawdeen and Lagoona - The Ghouls in the Crossfire

Clawdeen and Lagoona don't want to cause any trouble. They just want to hang out with their friends, live their lives, and work toward achieving their greatest dreams. A future fashion designer and an aspiring world-class athlete... What an ambitious duo.
But the chaos at Monster High will not tolerate any bystanders. Clawdeen is on the front lines of a social battle with Cleo, practically snarling as she watches the mummy mimic her father's arrogance. As for Lagoona? She is scared out of her wits after being burned in the swimming pool, even thinking of transferring elsewhere.
You know things are bad when these two feel restless.
Deuce and Cleo - The Couple Who Lost Their Way

Maybe Monster High's most famous couple isn't so dynastic. Cleo finds herself torn between expressing her honest self and supporting her father's bid for Dracula's spot on the school board. Her desire for her father's affection wins out, and she breaks off from Deuce to seal the deal.
Deuce holds stone-firm in his opposition to Ramses, but he slithers away heartbroken and seeks comfort from the rest of the crew. He still loves Cleo and wants the best for her...but is this for the best?
Teenage love is as complex as it is volatile.
Ghoulia - The Invisible Backbone

As the chaos ensues, Ghoulia commits herself to researching just what is going on with Draculaura; we know that she's becoming human, but why? And why is the school falling apart at the same time? It takes a while, but with her dedication and bright mind, she is able to discover the link between these events and a possible way to save everyone.
Ghoulia may be quiet and understated, but without her, all of monsterkind could have been placed in grave danger.

I saw one of these stories on the Sailor Moon subreddit yesterday and thought it was just a Chibi Moon joke, but I guess it's real.
Cool. :)
Man, the story of Chris-Chan is something else. It doesn't sound real at all, yet it is. I don't know how to feel about it.
On one hand, Christine has done some truly heinous things and is definitely past the point of no return. No amount of autism can excuse her poor treatment of others. On the other, most of the people in her life were also pretty rotten and exacerbated her issues. You don't just repeatedly catfish or stalk someone "for the lulz."
And as an autistic person, I look at her younger self and think, "That could have been me." I was the awkward, awareness-lacking nerd who would insert my interests into everything I could. I was awful at making real friends. I was prone to freaking out when things didn't go my way.
But I was fortunate enough to have grown up in the 2000s and 2010s instead of the 1980s and 1990s. Autism acceptance wasn't perfect during my childhood (and people like Andrew Wakefield certainly didn't help), but it sure as heck was in a better place than it was before the turn of the millennium.
And I was (and am) lucky enough to have parents who worked to accommodate and support me properly. Christine didn't have that. I don't know for sure how she would have turned out with different parenting, but Bob and Barb evidently stunted her chances of becoming well-adjusted.
It really is a train wreck of a situation where the abused became an abuser.
I know Marcy is going to win at this rate, but I just want to give a shoutout to my boy Sig. He's great, especially in that one bonus chapter of Puyo Puyo Tetris.
You know the one. That one, with Schezo. Sig's line delivery is just perfect.
Round 1 Part 2

Halloween Progress Report #1: Accent Cosmetics
I found the perfect face makeup and nail polish for my Lagoona costume at the drugstore today! We've got...

The Covergirl Trunaked eyeshadow palette, "That's Rad" (not quite as bright or saturated in real life)

The Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Pearl nail polish, "Rare Red Pearl"

And the Burt's Bees gloss lip crayon, "Pacific Coast."
The names being as fitting as they are was purely coincidental. I just thought they looked the closest to what I'm going for.
I'm not used to wearing this stuff, and I'm garbage at nail polish application, but I'm doing it for authenticity.
Bonus: Each individual eyeshadow has a name that works well with Lagoona's personality, too!

In order from left to right on the palette, they are:
Leg Warmers
Take a Chill Pill
No Duh!
Totally Tubular
Pump it Up
Again, a super fun coincidence that makes me even more excited for Halloween!
Donnie sweep!!!
Round 1 Part 1

I've got my Halloween costume idea for this year!

(Man, I wish the YRU shoes weren't so expensive and out of stock... T^T)
Keep your eyes out for Donnie's poll. We will avenge him after what happened last time!
Round 1 starts this Monday, the 16th!
I thank you all for your patience with me while I work towards getting the first wave of polls out. As a reminder, Round 1 will come out in waves, running across 4 days from the 16th to the 19th. Each poll will last only 1 day, so get your votes in while you can! Thank you!
YES. Thank you. I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw a connection to Ennard!

Is this anything
P.s. comms r open again for all u lovely fnaf enjoyers who appeared from within my walls, hi there
Do any of you think your dreams can tell you stuff about the future? Sometimes, I think mine can (not super seriously, but you know).
I had a dream about Funko FNAF Mystery Minis last night. Today, I found a single one from the Security Breach series at my local Five Below...and some mint Pocky.

I put my Pocky in the fridge, then opened the Mini box. I felt the figure through the black bag. It was a Glamrock Freddy (1/6), who I already have one of. A bit annoying, as there are two guaranteed Freddies in every case, but I'd still welcome him into my collection.
But there are four variants of him in this series. Maybe it was one of the rarer ones, like his black-light version (1/24).
Rarer it was, indeed.

Glitter Freddy is one of the elusive 1/72 figures; there is only one of him in every sixth case of minis. I got him by pure coincidence, and I absolutely love him.
This time, we make sure Donnie wins!!!!
The Bracket has been set!

This year's competitor pool is hot, with 23 returning competitors and 41 new appearances. In Round 1, the matches will be broken up into 4 waves, divided by the quadrants displayed on the bracket. The matches will all be listed below the cut, for everyone's reference.
Donatello Hamato (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) v.s L Lawliet (Death Note)
Mary Anta (Cemetery Mary) v.s Rui Kamishiro (Project Sekai)
Izuku Midoriya (My Hero Academia) v.s Branch (Dreamworks Trolls)
Snufkin (Moominvalley) v.s Futaba Sakura (Persona 5)
Gordon Freeman (Half Life) v.s Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes)
Blathers (Animal Crossing) v.s Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time)
Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives) v.s Zane (Lego Ninjago)
Tomoko Kuroki (Watamote) v.s Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy 7)
Frieren (Sousou no Frieren) v.s Papyrus (Undertale)
Tech (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) v.s Ferb Fletcher (Phineas & Ferb)
Stanford Pines (Gravity Falls) v.s Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Berdly (Deltarune) v.s Gregory House (House M.D)
Data (Star Trek) v.s Idia Shroud (Twisted Wonderland)
Peridot (Steven Universe) v.s Penny Polendina (RWBY)
Sig (Puyo Puyo) v.s Marcy Wu (Amphibia)
Jotaro Kujo (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) v.s Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney)
Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece) v.s Alhaitham (Genshin Impact)
Laios Touden (Dungeon Meshi) v.s Iggy Maxwell (Our Wonderland)
Dendy (OK KO: Let's Be Heroes) v.s Gin Ibushi (Your Turn To Die)
Norma Khan (Dead End: Paranormal Park) v.s Link (The Legend of Zelda)
Starfire (Teen Titans) v.s Luz Noceda (The Owl House)
Siffrin (In Stars And Time) v.s Huey Duck (Ducktales 2017)
Lilo Pelekai (Lilo & Stitch) v.s Saiki Kusuo (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.)
Woo Young Woo (Extraordinary Attorney Woo) v.s Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Razputin Aquato (Psychonauts) v.s Linhardt von Hevring (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Ranpo Edogawa (Bungou Stray Dogs) v.s Entrapta (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Murderbot (The Murderbot Diaries) v.s Kieran (Pokemon Scarlet & Violet)
Twyla Boogeyman (Monster High) v.s Marina Ida (Splatoon)
Hiccup Haddock (How To Train Your Dragon) v.s Batman (DC Comics)
Abed Nadir (Community) v.s Red Son (Lego Monkie Kid)
Uzi Doorman (Murder Drones) v.s Bingo Heeler (Bluey)
Gillion Tidestrider (Just Roll With It) v.s Spongebob Squarepants (Spongebob Squarepants)
I got my first Classic Mode 9.9 last night!

This was Peach's route. I had to use a ticket to continue with Master Hand and Crazy Hand, but thankfully, Bowser got me to 9.9 beforehand. King K. Rool was also generous enough to die to a lucky down-B Bob-Omb.
I'm still struggling with Daisy's route; I've only made it to 9.8. Zelda and Lucina are generally fine, but it's a rollercoaster after that. Rosalina is either super annoying, juggling me like there's no tomorrow, or I'm able to KO her in 30 seconds using the walk-off. I don't know how to manage Corrin's range yet, so she still scares me, but I can gimmick her with Toad and items. The Miis are a 50/50, either dying in rapid succession or ganging up on me with hive mind levels of coordination. And if I make it past the Miis with an intensity of 9.0 or higher, Peach goes sicko mode and does crazy combos that I don't even know how to do yet.
I'll get there. Eventually. I hope.
I'll probably take a break and go for the Palutena and Snake achievements in the meantime. They have lax difficulty requirements, so they shouldn't be too bad (even though I've never played as them).
My amiibo has now been trained!

She's probably only good for casual rules (she loves items), and she loves to hold up-smash...a lot, but she's terrifying when her brain cells connect.
I named her Sakura after her pink dress, and to stick with the flower theme. I actually have fruit/flower/space nicknames for all of the Mario princesses' alts; maybe I'll share them in a follow-up post.
This was fun! I think amiibo training is a cool use for Spirits, too. It's interesting to chuck a bunch of Spirits into the amiibo blender and see what kind of personality comes out. :)
Just got an ask from this individual. I'm so glad I checked the tags before I did anything impulsive. Thank you, @u-reblogged-a-scam !
Aid needed for a poor disabled mixed indigenous latine! I didn't have work for a while due to me being very sick.
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This is a life-threatening. situation.share widely & donate
GOAL: $105/$450
Here is the link to donate