Hector Castlevania - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

GOOFY castlevania doodles. i haven't drawn hector before this so plgease forgive me šŸ«”

GOOFY Castlevania Doodles. I Haven't Drawn Hector Before This So Plgease Forgive Me
GOOFY Castlevania Doodles. I Haven't Drawn Hector Before This So Plgease Forgive Me
GOOFY Castlevania Doodles. I Haven't Drawn Hector Before This So Plgease Forgive Me

bonus richter too :3

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1 year ago

Castlevania AMV || Lenore & Hector - Howl

Lenector fans, I've made a little something for y'all! Hope you like it!

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4 years ago
Hector Deserved To Be Happy. So I Gave Him Happiness With My OC Kenma, I Think It's Cute. ^^

Hector deserved to be happy. So I gave him happiness with my OC Kenma, I think it's cute. ^^

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3 years ago
Season 3, Episode 6 - The Good Dream
Season 3, Episode 6 - The Good Dream
Season 3, Episode 6 - The Good Dream
Season 3, Episode 6 - The Good Dream

season 3, episode 6 - the good dream

"can I see you tomorrow night?"

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1 year ago
trevor belmont from castlevania. his scarred eye is circled, and has a bright red arrow pointing to it. the caption reads "this man is fucking disabled bottom text"
richter belmont with the caption "this person is fucking disabled bottom text"
leon belmont from castlevania. his arm, which is covered in a piece of armor that, based on historical accounts, could easily be a prosthetic, and his knee, where he wears a piece of armor that looks like a knee brace, are both circled in bright red. the caption reads "this man is fucking disabled bottom text"
two side-by side images of hector from castlevania sitting down in various chairs. the caption reads "this person is fucking disabled bottom text"

(operating off the headcanons that:

- trevor is blind in his scarred eye

- richter has chronic pain, fatigue, and symptoms associated with brain damage (+ multiple mental disorders)

- leon uses a knee brace and, based on historical accounts of armor that looks similar, a prosthetic arm

- hector, as the only castlevania character we see regularly sitting (he also sits to teleport, and in elevators), has some sort of chronic pain in his legs)

feel free to add your own headcanons for disabled characters and i will add them to the post :)

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9 months ago
This Is Based Off Of An Audio Clip From Silent Hill, A Game I Sadly Have Not Gotten To Play Yet :(, But
This Is Based Off Of An Audio Clip From Silent Hill, A Game I Sadly Have Not Gotten To Play Yet :(, But
This Is Based Off Of An Audio Clip From Silent Hill, A Game I Sadly Have Not Gotten To Play Yet :(, But
This Is Based Off Of An Audio Clip From Silent Hill, A Game I Sadly Have Not Gotten To Play Yet :(, But
This Is Based Off Of An Audio Clip From Silent Hill, A Game I Sadly Have Not Gotten To Play Yet :(, But
This Is Based Off Of An Audio Clip From Silent Hill, A Game I Sadly Have Not Gotten To Play Yet :(, But
This Is Based Off Of An Audio Clip From Silent Hill, A Game I Sadly Have Not Gotten To Play Yet :(, But

This is based off of an audio clip from Silent Hill, a game I sadly have not gotten to play yet :(, but I saw someone elseā€™s animation of the clip and got really inspired by it. Idk if Iā€™ll ever actually animate this scene or anything, but it got me to draw Hector and Julia so it was worth it lol

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2 years ago


IG: ArmandSolaris Twitter: Thatvvitchazure

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2 years ago
It Was Time To Draw My Good Boy Hector.

It was time to draw my good boy Hector.

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7 months ago

Hector from Castlevania terrifies me

No but seriously hear me out, he might be one of the most frightening characters of the series. Here's why:

Hector From Castlevania Terrifies Me

Hector is a skilled necromancer and just generally very strong as we have witnessed. He is used to dealing with dead bodies that stuff absolutely does not repulse him. If anything he is very capable of killing humans and bringing them back into an altered existence.

Hector was completely cool with the idea of enslaving a ton of humans as long as it was presumably merciful. He wasn't fond of the "let's kill everyone" but totally on board with "let's enslave them all to drink their blood" which is not much better. Seems like he thinks it is.

As many other characters that are "better with animals than with people" I feel like he is not very good at understanding social behavior/rules and feelings of other humans in general (add to that lack of good parent treatment and help growing up, as we've seen in the flashbacks) which is not bad in itself, but added to his overall standing... being used to cruelty, being alright with using the term "pet" when talking about humans - something tells me he does not fully grasp boundaries and need of others for freedom and safety.

To conclude it feels like he just doesn't fully understand. Unlike the vampires that know that they are killing and hurting people to benefit themselves, make the world more to their liking, Hector operates in the terms of greater good that he believes in.

That's why he is terrifying. Vampires know when they inflict pain and suffering. Hector? He can do terrible things to someone and not even realize that it would hurt them. Imagine what the souls that were locked in his night creatures felt? Yet he's forging on. Hector does not realize he is doing damage and because of it you'll never see it coming nor how much of it is coming.

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7 months ago

about lenore from castlevania

tw : rape, abuse, toxic relationships, suicide

donā€™t get me wrong. lenore is a great character. i almost wrote was, but in the end, yes, she still is. 

but the way her relationship with hector evolved in season four is truly so f*cking messy. and this is, imo, the biggest problem with lenore.

i loved that she was this cute, seemingly soft vampire (even though it was too good to be true, yeah, iā€™m looking at you hector) but well, she is a vampire, part of an evil sisterhood with a super-evil vampire as its head. she had a mission, she did it in the most cruel way, thatā€™s true, but she succeeded. i personnally despised people who use their power as she did with hector, who was abused, denied food and clothes, tortured (probably) and literally treated like a dog. it might be ~ sexy ~ in some situations (the bdsm vibes, not the abuse ofc) , itā€™s not supposed to be when youā€™re a prisoner.

thatā€™s the key word here : hector was a prisoner. and lenore was his torturer. letā€™s not forget about this. PLEASE, LETā€™S NOT FORGET ABOUT THIS.

what happened at the end of season three is definitely super upsetting. itā€™s obviously very morally wrong as lenore tricked him, forced him to have s*x with her. yes, she forced him. i wonā€™t listen any justification of what she did. it was morally SUPER wrong. it was r*pe. i only see two options here, from hectorā€™s perspective : one) he wanted her because he developed feelings/some sort of comfort for/from lenore, or two) he didnā€™t and thought that having s*x with her would probably help him with his situation. 

Keep reading

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7 months ago

Honestly, the Hector fic I'm working on made me even more bitter against N!Hector, because, on paper? His concept is sound. Not only in S2 he had the potential to be a very creepy anti-villain, with his complete lack of feelings towards humanity (not disgust like N!Isaac, nothing at all, he just thought of them as another species of animals)... but his superficial traits would have been nearly perfect for another version of a pre-betrayal Hector.

Lacking of empathy towards humans but not to the point of wishing them to suffer? Sure. Hector in the MF manga mostly talks about his refusal to be used as a tool, and a neutral stance on genocide, as horrible as it sounds, means that Hector could both go through with it and then reason himself out of it, at first for pragmatic reasons. I also appreciate that N!Hector deliberately killed his own parents as a child, showing that he always had the capacity for murder, and I wish that was canon.

"Unlike humans, vampires see value in Hector's knowledge and forgemastery. The vampires are his natural social group." From the wiki, and this can apply to Dracula in particular. Of course Hector would at first gladly serve Dracula, when he's the only one who "gave him a place where he was allowed to exist". I don't think this would extend to every vampire, though.

Animal lover? It's canon that Hector has an affinity for animals, in both prequels.

Honestly, The Hector Fic I'm Working On Made Me Even More Bitter Against N!Hector, Because, On Paper?
Honestly, The Hector Fic I'm Working On Made Me Even More Bitter Against N!Hector, Because, On Paper?

Not too hard to make the jump that Hector prefers animals to humans. It's not even hard to make the jump to "Hector loves animals so much that he compares other creatures to them as a compliment".

Sheltered? Nowhere near to the point of trusting an obviously evil vampire lady, but if Hector lived in Castlevania ever since he was a child/teen, he can't have developed great social skills. I imagine Hector has trouble with talking and also with understanding others' body language, taking things too literally.

Cute, gentle demeanor? Nnnnnno... but also yes-ish. Kinda. The thing is that Hector can be legit cute when he wants to: he can go from this

Honestly, The Hector Fic I'm Working On Made Me Even More Bitter Against N!Hector, Because, On Paper?

to this

Honestly, The Hector Fic I'm Working On Made Me Even More Bitter Against N!Hector, Because, On Paper?

and there is no contradiction. he's a babyfaced gigachad :P

What N!Hector lacks is the first part. The rare times he fights back, it's only to emphasize how weak he is. Had the writing combined his soft attitude with more showings of his power and ruthlessness, it would have worked perfectly, and it would have justified why Carmilla wanted him so badly for herself. But oh well :^)

Love-starved to the point of overriding his logical part? Oh yes. Hector is very much love-starved and he becomes completely devoted to Rosaly simply because she's nice to him. She lets him stay with her, and he's all "Iā€™ll do anything for you, Iā€™ll give you my arms and my eyes, Iā€™ll give you my life without forgiveness or atonement". She says "thank you for being born" and that is enough for this battle-hardened ex-general to burst into tears. When Hector falls in love, he falls hard. The idea of someone pretending to love him only to betray his trust, hitting in his weak spot, would be soul crushing if done well :(

It's just. I vehemently reject the notion that Hector could ever be a manchild: it would have been perfect if this was teen Hector, and then he grew up into the coldy proudful Hector we see in the MF manga, to then become the sensitive empathetic Hector of the PtR manga once he's with Rosaly, to then finally transition into his cursed and belligerent CoD self. You know. A character arc, which N!Hector lacks until S4 suddenly turns him into a sassy bitch?

But of course, it's not just that: it's the fact that N!Hector was purposefully stripped of his agency; his growing moment of realizing that no, he doesn't have to kill innocents, he can affirm himself, he can leave, being turned into "sexy vampire lady sweet talks him until she beats the shit out of him"; and also, well, Season 3 was too busy jerking off and coming all over N!Hector being tortured and raped by deception to give him a personality; and as the cherry on top of the shitcake, N!Hector is theoretically turned into a badass in S4, but 1) he still doesn't do much compared to Creator's Pet N!Isaac, and 2) nothing he went through matters because they had a Lenector agenda to push.

What a waste of a very intriguing character. Insulting writing for many more reasons than "but hector is supposed to be a chad".

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