Castlevania Lament Of Innocence - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago
Average French Man

average french man

original art by ayami kojima, under the cut šŸ¤

Average French Man

i grew lazy when it came to drawing the flowers, so i just put a filter on them and called it a night...

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6 months ago
One More Castlevania Doodle For Now

One more castlevania doodle for now ā›“ļø

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1 year ago

AUGH. thinking ab leon and how hes such an effective foil to mathias and how the events of lament wouldve changed him as a person AUGH. its all so much.

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1 year ago

Ok so I ran into a post on Reddit a while ago about the Undead Parasite boss from Lament of Innocence and what it looks like and itā€™s been bothering me for a looooong time because I think it looks like something else.

Iā€™m putting a cut here because there will be pictures of medical diagrams and brief mentions of sexual implications so those who are discomforted by that can scroll past d(^^ ).

Ok So I Ran Into A Post On Reddit A While Ago About The Undead Parasite Boss From Lament Of Innocence

So the post was basically saying that the whole boss is very uh a certain private opening shaped and has worms going into the holes meaning it could be some kind of a sexual implication.

But looking closer at it, I really think thatā€™s supposed to be something else. Shapes and patterns are often repeated in nature, especially in anatomy, so I can see how someone might think of that first, but that green hard structure in the inside looks wayyy more like something else to me that is also a tube in the body: the trachea.

Ok So I Ran Into A Post On Reddit A While Ago About The Undead Parasite Boss From Lament Of Innocence

Flip this image upside down and suddenly the layers around the hole start to line up, and that characteristic cartilaginous looking green structure makes more sense. But why would this area have references to neck and throat anatomy? For that answer we have to look at the context clues in the rest of the stage.

Ok So I Ran Into A Post On Reddit A While Ago About The Undead Parasite Boss From Lament Of Innocence

Oh wow, ok that is almost certainly brain tissue. The folds especially give it away, but the little node looking clumps that pop up are also evidence towards it. Those little things shoot out electricity!!! Like what the neurological system does! Not exactly sure what these might be specifically in anatomy because they donā€™t really look like anything, but they could just be a cluster of neurons of some sort. And well the neck is kinda situated right below the brain and houses the spinal cord, so it makes sense that references to its structures would be here.

Idk, this area just immediately screamed brain parasite horror to me. Which is interesting since it takes place in the church area, the house of sacred remains. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s probably some kind of symbolic reason for it, but I donā€™t know what it is tbh. General cynical poisoning the mind stuff? A metaphor for manipulation or brainwashing? Something about corruption? Who knows, just throwing out some ideas that might fit with other themes in the game. Thereā€™s also the chance that this might be referencing both anatomical things!!!

Anyway, just random thoughts, hope this makes sense :3

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1 year ago

ok so. sara trantoul as a character has SOOOOO little lines and im attempting to extract and reconstruct her personality around it, and in attempting to study her to better understand her as a character, this is what ive so far found.

sara has exactly 3 scenes. one where she awakens to leon, and says maybe one thing to him, one where sheā€™s electrocuted by rinaldoā€™s barrier, and of course, the one where she martyrs herself to create the vampire killer. we also have some very minor clues about her, such as her art, the music that plays during her last scene, the dramaticized scene with the succubus (iirc in sotn the succubus mentions being able to see into alucards mind enough to immitate lisa), and the emotions leon displays towards her, and towards her kidnapping / the situation in the first place. i donā€™t have the information booklet that comes w the game disk (anymore šŸ˜­) nor have i read the manga adaptation. i feel like i remember there also being a manga that follows, the one where leon meets trefor llewelen and liza marquis, but i dont know anything about it.

as a sidebar, if anyone has access to any of those things please for the love of g-d PLEASE let me see them

ill get into the more minor tidbits first. we have the succubus scene, which IS dramaticized, but its meant to at least somewhat believeably be sara. the only thing of note i really noticed here was that she says ā€œi cant believe youre safeā€, which speaks to her thinking of leons safety before her own, and thus putting him before herself. theres the music thats played when shes killed, which is meant to be very tragic and sad, and is very delicate, with harp and flute. which leads into a classical piano solo. these are often used to symbolize beauty and innocence in music. however, to me, since this scene and the game is from leons pov, it feels more like its how leon views sara, and how he views her death. (rear garden is a beautiful piece btw. go listen to it.) she also has her bio, which mentions she is the daughter of a wealthy merchant, and that despite being rich she will be the first to help anyone who needs it.

her first two scenes tell us effectively nothing about sara, as she does very little actual speaking in them.

in the last of saraā€™s exactly 3 scenes however, the one where shes basically sacrificed/martyred, it opens with leon & rinaldo finding out she has been eavesdropping on their conversation regarding her becoming a vampire. immediately this tells us two thingsā€”one, she is curious by nature, and two, more importantly, she is absolutely fed up with being kept in the dark regarding her situation & her fate, as no one will tell her whats going on really. shes having to piece it together from what little information she can glean, and having things just happen to her outside of her own control, and others basically making decisions for her, which walter did by kidnapping and eventually turning her, and, at the time of this conversation, leon is actively doing right now. (and, which, she never finds out, but which mathias effectively also does by orchestrating all of this) she is being used as a pawn in everyone elses games, and shes tired of this. she feels helpless, and she does not like it!!!

the next scene, the actual scene itself that i referenced, she tells leon to ā€œstay awayā€, which speaks to her desperately trying to take control of the situation and of her own fate, trying to protect leon, that she views vampires as inherently dangerous and by extension, views herself as dangerous, and, correlated to her trying to protect leon, it speaks to her first instinct be to protect and/or help others before taking her own needs into account. however, she is able to stand up for her own desires if they directly conflict with someone elseā€™s, even leons, as she begs him to kill her, and he refuses initially, still in denial and shock and convinced he can save her, and that theyll make it out of this, and everything will return to normal. sara knows this wont happen, explaining that it is already too late for her, which tells us she is not in denial about her own impending death. it doesnt necessarily mean shes fully accepted itā€”thats unlikely, due to the amount of trauma shes undergoing in such a short time. to me it, along with her first action of threatening to stab herself if leon approached, reads more to imply that when sara is faced with an upsetting and traumatic situation, her brain shifts into problem-solving mode, and surpresses her emotions until the situation is dealth with. she wouldnt be able to relax, grieve, really let herself feel any emotions until afterward, because the stress of the situation being ongoing forces her to prioritize making it through this situation before anything else.

she seems to describe the situation to leon, in presumably an attempt to make him understand the situation as it actually is and convince him to agree with her. again, trying to Fix the situation. part of the reason she has accepted death as the best option, too, is that she mentions that ā€œif [her] soul can save others, then [she] wont die in vainā€. this, too, speaks to her tendency towards putting others first even before her own life.

more than anything though, the way she describes it also reads to me as fear, which is natural. it partially implies that part of why shes not in denial about her death is that shes MORE scared of what she could become if she ISNT killed now, ESPECIALLY with how vampirism is treated/referred to in game, with the tale of rinaldoā€™s daughter justine completely changing, personality wise, and slaughtering the rest of her family, describing her basically as becoming a soulless monster.

sara tends to want to help people as much as she can, to the detriment of yourself. no matter how you interpret vampirism, your very survival FORCES you to place your own needs above others in a way that often endangers others. and the way vampirism is described IN GAME, its likely she believes that if the turn is completed, the vampire she will become will not only WANT to do that, but actively ENJOY it.

it is antithetical to her view of herself and her values, and THATS why she fears it so much. its also what i refer to by her putting her needs first. shed rather die as she is than live as an inverted version of herself.

when leon continues to refuse, she basically tries to manipulate/guilt trip him into agreeing, but this seems to be a last resort. but it IS a resort, which is also worth noting to her character. it implies that if she absolutely, DESPERATELY wants something, she will manipulate to get it, but ONLY as a last resort.

which draws a very interesting parallel to mathias, to me.

she also invokes this as an act of agency on her part, basically asking leon to honor her wishes instead of, like everyone else, making those decisions for her.

the last thing she says in that vein is her offering leon reassurance , which ALSO speaks to her tendency to put others before herself.

then of course we get the scene with the creation of the whip. the way rinaldo describes it in the ritual implies its SARAS rage and hatred which gives the whip its power, not leons (a mistake i made at first), and that vampires inherently carry a sort of hatred within their soul, but we dont directly see this with sara. she doesnt seem to be filled with hatred. in addition, she never completes the transformation into a vampire in canon, so she wouldnt be filled with hatred JUST by virtue of being in the process of turning into a vampire. however, i think this brings an opportunity for an interesting interpretation. she IS angry. she IS full of rage. but its nothing inherent to vampirism; shes angry she was put into a situation outside of her control, shes angry she was turned, shes angry her life had to be taken from her, shes angry at walter for all of this. and i think we dont really see this for some reason or another (my personal headcanon is that she doesnt really Allow herself to feel rage, so she surpresses it, which is why it doesnt INHERENTLY read that way when shes talking) but the thing that gives the whip its power is 1) the vampirism itself, the power of the demonic nature of her soul (vampires ARE a type of demon in the cv universe), and 2) the rage she feels towards walter, and towards vampires in general, for taking her life from her, which, now that shes in the whip, with rage being what powers it, she is basically stripped away to ONLY rage

which, i think is a very interesting metaphor to mathias and leon themselves, and how the story leaves them.

saraā€™s last words are ā€œthank you, leon.ā€ she finally feels like she can rest, like she was able to help and more than that, that her wishes were respected. it is her only true act of agency within the series.

theres of course a conversation to be had about how the writersā€™ misogyny played into both her characterization and lack thereof, her death and how it impacts the narrative, but thats for another time. this is what i have based on what we get in the games

BONUS: since i am an enjoyer of the victorian flower language as well as modern flower meanings, the choice of flowers in the wreath in her full body picture likely means little, but iā€™m still going to analyze it.

i can see 3 different flowers here: red anemone, white daisies, and bluestars

red anemone, the most prominent flowers here, and they represent death or forsaken/lost love. in christianity, they are used to represent the blood jesus shed during the crucifixion. which lines up with saraā€™s role as the ā€œnecessaryā€ sacrifice, the martyr, and kind of feeds into leonā€™s superiority complexes in an interesting way imo.

the white daisies represent innocence and loyalty, purity and joy.

these first two line up very well with the narrative. the death of joy, of purity. a lament of innocence of sorts.

the bluestar is interesting. it can represent hope, and strength and determination, and reaching for the seemingly impossible. this is VERY interesting in the context of the narrative, as the task of defeating walter seems an impossible task, as no one has survived him before, and leon could not even land a hit on him before completeing the whip, but theres also hope now that the whip has been completed, the one thing that can defeat him, which was only possible because of sara, and with it, the determination and strength to see it to the end.

there appears to also be olive branches amongst the leaves, at least as near as i (not a botanist) can identify, which is interesting; olive branches are often associated with dovesā€”which sara embodies very well. the bringing of an olive branch is meant to symbolize peace and hopeā€”which isā€¦ FASCINATING to me, as she had hoped her death would prevent others from having the same fate befall them, but was consumed by rage after becoming one with the whip, the very rage which seems to perpetuate a lot of the conflict within the series. its also interesting to me bc walter returned sara to leon in a way that could be viewed as a corruption of the concept of extending an olive branch.

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5 months ago

HAPPY CASTLEVANIATOBER !!! (...Vaniatober? Draculatober? Oh well! >vv<)

HAPPY CASTLEVANIATOBER !!! (...Vaniatober? Draculatober? Oh Well! >vv

for day 1, i decided to draw leon! what better way to start castlevaniatober with the first belmont, after all? (Ė¶ā—œįµ•ā—Ė¶)

close-ups under the cut! X)

HAPPY CASTLEVANIATOBER !!! (...Vaniatober? Draculatober? Oh Well! >vv
HAPPY CASTLEVANIATOBER !!! (...Vaniatober? Draculatober? Oh Well! >vv

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