Hello Hello! - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

Hello everyone! My name is Cheshirsena, but you can call me Cheshirka, I registered here not long ago, probably I will rarely be here, I'm not an artist, but I'm an animator :)

“…Ouch..As I was saying.. we would love too dear.”
Anyone up for a chat??
im mostly better and im leaving for a cruise tm if im fully healed

a friendly reminder from your local korean blogger that “lunar new year” is inclusive of the many cultures who celebrate, and “chinese new year” should be used only if you’re referring to specifically chinese cultural practices of the new year. thank you!!!
why the actual h*ck do I see more tumblr memes on pinterest than on LITERAL TUMBLR?!
Conta nova, pra começar um projeto que tenho adiado faz bastante tempo por medo... finalmente aqui estamos, yeeey!!
New account, want to start a project that i've been hiding for a very long time because of fear... finally here, yeeey!!