Wait What - Tumblr Posts
i love that post thats like “never trust how you feel about your life after 9pm” that shit changed my life. every time i feel bad i look at the clock and i’m like Aha It’s 10:26 PM You Cannot Fucking Fool Me
edit: if you want to tag this with some variation on “but i feel bad during the day,” read this to understand what i’m really saying here. also, please stop putting triggering content in my notes
Why did I only find out today that the “I think we need to kill this guy meme” was a fucking Steven Universe vs Hitler comic?????

I was just caught so off guard by this

Because I'm only seeing other Jews posting about this, non-Jews I need you to be aware that for the past month or two there has been a wave of bomb threats and swattings at synagogues all across the US. They usually do it when services are being livestreamed. I haven't seen a single non-Jew talking about this. High holidays are coming up in a few weeks, which is when most attacks happen against our communities. We're worried, and we need people to know what's happening to us.

Killer Sans by @rahafwabas
You do what
i keep seeing people talk about their bfs/husbands weaponizing incompetence to avoid grocery shopping or purposefully fucking it up. mine doesn't do that he'll shop on his own prerogative like an actually functional adult, his issue is he occasionally brings home a Cursed Item

A very strange dream I had about Cedlock
(yes, just as you read)
This, as always, is a rambling of mine telling the dream I had of a very strange fic I dreamed I wrote. If you're not interested in Cedlock, you probably won't be interested in this, so keep scrolling. Thanks!
So lately, I've been working as much as I can on some WIPs I had pending (though I keep creating new ones instead of finishing the old ones, lol), and I've been especially focused on finishing my Cedlock fic that I mentioned the other day.
I think maybe I've been thinking about it too much because yesterday, somehow, I dreamed about it.
But it was a really strange dream, to be honest. I wasn't writing my Cedlock fic where Greylock tries to ask Cedric out, but rather something weird that I found amusing.
Did I just get a fic idea revealed to me in a dream?
In my dream, I was editing a WIP I had in my folder that was about Cedric being engaged to King Magnus. Stay with me, I know how it sounds, lol.
Yes, it was pretty strange. According to what I was reading in my Word document, King Roland had arranged Cedric's engagement to Magnus as part of some treaty or agreement (my dream didn’t make much sense, and the words looked weird).
Something happened in the middle that I don’t remember reading, and then there was a part about how Cedric was (Obliged) moving to Rudistan’s castle, where he met Greylock, who was more than angry about the situation.
I mean, I think he was angry because Cedric had married Magnus and not him, ahahaha.
Anyway, then something else happened that I don’t remember, but it was something like Magnus mocking Greylock and basically rubbing the marriage in his face.
And then, well, I wish I could remember how it ended. But I do remember that in my dream, I was like: This is the best thing I've ever written.
And then I woke up and just laughed at that idea.
Dreams are weird.

I really love that when you finish the game, and you go to the market, aunt Taffy will finally give some candy to Emmy if you insist and then go around the market as she asks you.
It's like really nice after seeing Emmy so eager to try the candy.

The intruders name (Six) means *OR* is supposed to parallele the Sixth Dimension. Im going to refrain from calling The Intruder "Six" because Im gonna talk alot about the Sixth Dimension, Yada-Yada and I dont wanna cause confusion.
On Alex's insta, someone asks a question about The intruder and the meaning of his name/ its meaning in general, to this Alex says "stay tuned".
Now I have a screenshot from and old video that Im pretty sure was unlisted from Alex's videos *OR* privated, this video is a "Trailer" for Mandela catalouge and features quite a bit of stuff that we havent seen in actual videos created, but what caught my attention was this frame from the video. It says '4th Dimension" and shows a cube inside a cube.
We know that Alternates themselves are "On different spectrums" which implies they can live in different planes and *POSSIBLY* different Dimensions of existance. So, that cube or the "4th Dimension" could mean that, Alternates live and/or are from the "4th Dimension".
We also know that Alex has stated that the Intruder isnt an alternate himself, and that he is something else entirely that *works* with Alternates.
This means that he is different in some way from Alternates that for some reason makes him special.
The Difference that divides Alternates from The intruder is that The intruder is on a *COMPLETELY DIFFERENT* spectrum, plane, or Dimension of existance *entirely*
Which is maybe why his name is literally Six. Its because he is on/in the Sixth Dimension We also know that this series isnt over yet so things can change, or we could get New information. Hold on to the idea of New information because im gonna take a LEAP stay with me.
The last screenshot says that Six-dimensional space is any space that has *six dimensions, six degrees of freedom, and that needs six pieces of data, or coordinates, to specify a location in this space.* There are an infinite number of these, but those of most interest are simpler ones that model some aspect of the environment. We have seen The intruder *SO FAR* in 4 different spectrums
1. Inside TVs ANALOG]
2. Physically [He has been called "the man in the corner"
which implies hes quite literally *HERE* in the moment
physically to be seen]
3. Inside dreams/nightmares [Adam says that The intruder
comes to him in a dream]
4. Inside Mirrors [Hes seen inside the girls mirror in the
newest Mandela catalouge video]
This all points to the fact that The intruder can appear on completely different spectrums. While we have only seen alternates appear physically and/or torment people mentally (inside dreams, nighmares, and hallucinations.)
So, the intruders name SIX paralleles the Dimension he exists inside.
why the actual h*ck do I see more tumblr memes on pinterest than on LITERAL TUMBLR?!
Moosen. Is that the plural of moose? Whatever.
Moosen are FREAKY. Like, 7 feet tall, huge horns, CARniVOReS?! WhAT?
When you see an elk and you go: Oh, a large deer! That’s an elk. But when you see an elk and go: DEAR LORD, IT’S AN ELDRITCH HORROR FROM THE DAWN OF TIME, that is a fear-instilling, utterly terrifying MOOSE.
It looks like an orc should be riding to battle on them. “Ride, Bullwinkle, ride! Lead me to GloRiouS victory!”
What the heck. You can’t tell me there’s not a God, ‘cause nothing else is creative and crafty enough to keep these things alive for this long.
rating my favorite musical artist names
Stray Kids: 5/10. Points deducted for age discrepancy. Considering that none of them are orphans, I don't believe the Stray part at all.
(G)I-DLE: 0/10, complete nonsense.
TOMORROW X TOGETHER: 4/10. Points deducted for aggressiveness. Good positivity, though.
Yaelokre: 9/10. Sounds like a faerie name.
Laufey: 4/10. Not a Frost Giant.
BABYMETAL: 9/10. Good job with the obvious name, people.
bbno$: 6/10, thought it was pronounced BEE BEE NO SSSS.
Thousand foot krutch: 7/10, are they okay? Why? Are they legs broken?
Bring Me The Horizon: 1/10 how the hell do I do that
Evanescence: ?/10 what even is an 'evanescence'?
Linkin Park: 3/10 thought it was LinkedIn Park and what? Are we middle-aged business people listening to muzak?
Fish In A Birdcage: 10/10 amazing, need I say more?
Neoni: 3/10 feels like gibberish to be honest
Imagine Dragons: 5/10 points deducted for making me use my brain
YUNGBLUD: 7/10 I need more child sacrifice in my life, don't I?
STARSET: 2/10 are we filming a space movie?
CLANN: 10/10 very faerie oriented, much likings.
Livingston: 4/10 is it the name? The Place? Points deducted for confusingness.
Radiohead: 9/10 like a TVhead but more creative
Creepy Nuts: 8/10 points deducted for sex jokes
AURORA: 4/10 good nature/Disney reference, but altogether a bit boring
TX2: 2/10 only two points, should be obvious
League of Legends: 8.5/10 nice alliteration
Paramore: 9/10 I see what this is doing
System of a Down: 3/10 what's a down and why does it need a system?
Måneskin: ?/10 what? How do you pronounce the Å?
Happy New Year y’all! Here’s to a great 2007!

It's my 7 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
According to this anyway, I have no recollection of such things.