HELP THIS IS CUTE- - Tumblr Posts

Credit: @madishon_ (at twitter)

TROPE: non-idol!hanni x non-idol!reader; best friends to lovers; summer trip
SYNOPSIS: you and your friends go on a trip to spend summer at Minji's family lake house and hanni has a peculiar gift that'll soon make all the sense to you
CONTENT WARNING: one double meaning joke that's too cringe for it's own good honestly; synopsis suck pls trust the story; but other than that it's all pure fluff!!; not proofread
A/N: heyyy, guess who's back? hahaha I wrote half of this last year and the other half right now so if the writing style changes halfway through don't mind much!
"Alright guys! Are you all ready?" Minji's dad clapped his hands together after he closed the truck of his car.
"Yes!" You all agreed with excitement. The six of you, plus Minji's family, are going to spend the first week of summer break at their lake house and you were all very excited about it.
"Dani unnie, come sit with me and Minji!" Haerin unlaced her arm from yours and pulled Danielle in her direction as she hurriedly entered the car after her girlfriend.
You looked at their disappearing figures with betrayal all over your features. You knew exactly why she did that. A warmth sensation started spreading over your face when you felt a pair of hands on your shoulders.
"Ready to go?" You didn't have to look at Hanni's face to tell she had a smile on her face. You simply nodded at the girl and followed her inside the car, avoiding eye contact with her as you did so.
As soon as you entered the car and closed the door, you turned around to give Haerin a panicked look. But she only smirked at you, eyes traveling to Hanni beside you and wiggling her eyebrows. You sighed in frustration and turned around, feeling your face warm, hoping Hanni wouldn't notice your face and how stiff you were beside her.
The thing is, you had a massive crush on your friend Hanni. It had been a couple of years since you'd known her and had slightly different feelings for the vietnamese girl compared to your feelings for your other friends. But it had only been recently that you had realized what your feelings for the girl at your side were and now everytime you were with her you'd become a blushing mess.
Haerin, being your ride or die, and also a very observant person, was the first one to know about your crush on Hanni, although you were pretty sure she told Minji since the two of them started dating a few months ago. The older girl always gives you two suggestive glances whenever you and Hanni are together. And the cat-like girl has been trying to set you two up at any moment she got. Including right now. On this five hour car ride. Where you'll spend all of this time sitting beside Hanni. The thought made your face get even more warm than before, fingers playing with each other at your lap.
"You okay? Your face is all red." Hanni looked at you in concern as Minji's dad started the car, putting her hand on your forehead and then on your neck, frowning. "You're warm." You swear you heard Haerin snickering at the backseat.
"I-I'm okay, Han. It's just the weather. You know how I am during the summer." You mutered, trying your best to send her a smile that didn't look awkward. She looked at you for a few seconds, but seemed satisfied with your response as she nodded and turned to talk to Hyein.
You occupied yourself with watching the street, leaning your head on the door and taking deep breaths in hopes of calming your lovestruck heart.
It worked for a few minutes, until you felt wind being fanned in your face and you looked around confused, seeing Hanni smiling at you as she fanned you with a paper fan.
You blinked for a few seconds, feeling yourself getting flustered again at the kind gesture. "Thank you, Hanni. Won't your arms get tired though?" You looked at her hand. She was fanning pretty fast. "I can do it myself if it's too much for you."
"Nonsense!" She simply smiled at you and you failed notice how her eyes sparkled at the cute way you were looking at her. "My girl's hot and I'll gladly cool her down if I can." You knew she didn't mean it that way, but your mind short-circuited at her words and this time you knew for sure Haerin was laughing at your red face and dazed expression.
You only hummed, avoiding eye contact and leaning down to lay you head on Hanni's shoulder, half wanting to get her gaze off of your face, and half hoping with this new angle she would get some of the air on herself. The weather was indeed warm and you weren't sure if the air-conditioner would be effective with seven people in the car anytime soon.
"You're cute." Hanni giggled as she booped your nose, turning her head to bicker with Minji about a comment she made you honestly didn't hear. The only thing you could hear was your heart pounding in your ears.
You closed your eyes and took deep breaths, once again trying to calm yourself down. Hanni was still your friend and you didn't want to make things weird, specially because you knew she would eventually realize you only reacted that way with her. Hyein was already taking notice of your exclusive behavior around Hanni. It wouldn't take too long for her to realize too. And you didn't want to ruin your friendship over a stupid crush.
You felt your phone vibrating inside your pocket and you opened your eyes to grab it and unlock the screen, seeing a message from Haerin. You looked back at the younger girl before going to answer her.
bro's a cat π: You're such a fool in love
You rolled your eyes at the text, looking back at her once again to give her an annoyed face before quickly replying.
You: Said the one that would blush and giggle everytime Minji looked at you before you became official
You smirked to yourself as you pressed send, suppressing a laugh as an answer came only seconds after.
bros a cat π: I DID NOT GIGGLE
Was the reply, alongside an angry cat emoji. It made your smirk get bigger, the tip of your tongue between your teeth as you felt mischievous with the opportunity to tease your friend back.
You quickly typed something else as the three dots signaling Haerin was replying appeared.
You: I bet you still do
You: Minji has you wrapped around her fingers so bad you don't even listen to people's opinions anymore
You: Only baby Minji's
You heard Haerin gasp from the backseat, turning around to catch her with an embarrassed face and red cheeks.
"What's with you two?" Danielle asked as you and Haerin shared looks, laughing at the catlike girl's clear embarrassed face at whatever you texted her.
"She's teasing me!" Haerin's squeal got the attention of the other girls as she pointed at you accusingly.
"You started it!" You were quick to defend yourself, looking at Minji's questioning face, one of her eyebrows raised. "She called me a fool, Minji!" This time, you were the one pointing at the other girl.
"Let's not fight in the car, girls!" Minji's dad yelled from the driver's seat, looking at the six of you through the rearview mirror.
"Dad's right." Minji said with a sigh. Although she knew you two never fought and just bickered, she didn't want to stress her dad any more than he already was. He wasn't exactly happy about being the one driving the six of you alone, since her mom was in another car with her brother, sister and grandma. "Rinnie, stop teasing her. You know that's mean and she's trying her best." The three of you shared knowing looks at her last statement. "And you stop teasing my girlfriend! She's only trying to help." Minji pulled Haerin closer and planted a kiss to her temple, making you and the others groan at the PDA.
"Geez, go killing the mood with your couple stuff." Hanni rolled her eyes, nudging your shoulders to get your attention. "Can you believe them?" She whispered to you. "Wasn't Minji the one to establish a 'rule' to not do couple stuff around us?" You giggled between yourselves, leaning against each other as you tried not to laugh loudly and get caught by the older girl.
"You're all just mad you're single." Minji teased and you had to hold Hanni back from firing back, glancing at Minji's dad looking nervously between the rearview mirror and the road.
"Let's see how you guys will be when there's a new couple in the group." Hyein said, laughing to herself as the five of you looked at her in shock.
"You're not crushing on anyone are you?"
"You know you're not allowed to date, Hyein-ah! You're too young!"
"Who's the person? Sorry, kid. I need to have.... a conversation with them."
"You're not allowed to date, end of debate."
"Absolutely not!"
Hyein blinked as she stared at the five of you after being bombarded with your disapproval of her dating anyone. "I wasn't talking about me though?" And then she looked at you.
"Glad you weren't. Cause even if you were, we wouldn't allow it." Hanni said, clueless as the other girls caught on Hyein's eyes on you, also staring as your face grew red again.
The car was silent for the next seconds, only being filled with Hanni asking Minji's dad to put a playlist on. You could feel all the other four girls staring at you and now you knew all of them knew about your crush on Hanni, except the girl in question.
"Wait." Hanni suddenly said, Perfect by One Direction now playing in the car, turning to look at the youngest in the group. "If it wasn't you then who was it?" You stared at Hyein and shook your head violently, silently begging her not to say anything too obvious.
"Hm.... No one!" She squealed. "You're just all old enough to date and Haerin unnie and Minji unnie are already dating so it's only a matter of time until the rest of you find someone too that's what I meant!" She rambled quickly, giving you and the vietnamese girl an awkward smile. You mouthed a 'thank you' to her, which seemed to calm her down a bit as Hanni only shrugged her shoulders and nodded at the girl.
"Oh! I love this part!" Danielle chimed in, starting to sing the song in hopes of changing the subject and making everyone's mood more bright. You felt grateful for that and you were sure Hyein was too, after almost spilling the beans about your apparent not so subtle crush on Hanni.
"This girl, I swear." Hanni mumbled to you, giggling quietly to herself before joining Danielle on the song.
You giggled nervously, looking at her as you got mesmerized by the image of her singing passionately to her favorite band. You just hoped no other close calls would happen in this car trip....
"Alright, kids! Go to the bathroom, relieve yourselves and wash your faces! We'll meet in the restaurant over there to have lunch!" Minji's mom clapped her hands together to gather all of your attention as she spoke.
You had made a stop at a gas station to fuel the cars, go to the bathroom and eat.
Stretching your arms above your head you let out a loud sigh, watching as everyone dispersed to do their necessities or buy snacks at the gas station convenience store.
"You're not coming?" Hanni's voice startled you, thinking she had followed Danielle and Minji's sister, Minyoung, to the bathroom. You turned your head to look at her, smiling unconsciously.
"Yeah, just getting my limbs awake again." She laughed, imitating the stretch you were doing seconds before. "Thanks for waiting, Han. You didn't need to." You pressed a peck to her cheek, skipping ahead as she stared at you with a dazed smile on her face. "Last one to get there has to eat a spicy apple!" You laughed as her expression turned into a dumbfounded one, turning fully to run to the bathroom.
"Hey, that's not fair!" Hanni ran after run, not caring if the people around you were staring or not.
After doing your necessities, the six of you plus Minji's siblings found yourselves at the trinket store by the restaurant while you waited for the food to get ready.
"Oh, look!" Minji's older brother, Minhyuk, turned around with something on his hands, making a show of suspense before revealing a funny looking wooden bear. "I found Minji over here!"
"You ugly manβ" You quickly walked away laughing as Minji and her brother began bickering, not wanting to be in the middle of their harmless siblings fight in case they got in trouble with the store's owner.
Walking down a section you haven't seen yet, you spotted many different keychains and fridge magnets on sell and decided to carefully inspect them, wishing to buy something to take home for your family when you're back.
Picking up a cute little bee keychain, you smiled to yourself before you felt a familiar hand slipping on your free one and a weight on your shoulder.
"Do you like it?" You turned to show the item to Hanni, watching the girl bring her free hand to hold yours and inspect the bee keychain, her head never leaving your shoulder as she did so.
"It's cute." She concluded, smiling at you. "Who's this for?"
"You." You giggled as she shoved you away in embarrassment, turning her attention to the items on display to pretended to be unfazed. "You don't want it?"
She mumbled something you didn't understand, still not looking at you. But as she laced her arms with yours once again you knew she liked it.
You became distracted watching Hanni's beautiful concentrated face as she looked through the souvenirs, mindlessly nodding along to whatever she was saying as your cheeks began hurting with the amount of time you stayed smiling at her.
"I'm getting you this." She stated suddenly, shoving a keychain in your face as you blinked away confusedly. She giggled, knowing you were distracted.
Finally inspecting the item she still had close to your face, your eyebrows furrowed at the four-leaf clover. "Thanks?"
"Don't be silly." She tugged you to the cashier, passing through Hyein and Minyoung with a basket full of things to buy you weren't even sure they had space to store. "It fits your vibes."
"I didn't say I didn't like it!" You dropped your things at the cashier, greeting the store owner quickly, pulling your credit card out to pay for it all. "Why a clover though? I got you a bee because you're Hanni."
"And you'll understand my gift soon." She smiled at you, and was about to say something again when some loud knocks startled you. The two of you turned to see Minji's father in patiently ushering you all from outside the door, signaling the food had arrived.
Everyone quickly payed for what they got, all of you splitting the bags of things the two youngest girls bought as it got too heavy for just the two of them.
But before getting to sit down at the table to eat, Hanni pulled you to her, whispering in your ear. "Oh, by the way." She says her next words rather seriously. "When we get there, I wanna talk to you in private."
You whipped your face around alarmed, but the vietnamese girl only smiled at you and sat down, engaging in an excited food talk with the other girls.
The rest of the car trip was calm, with most of you sleeping the rest of the way while you and Hanni silently listened to music on your shared playlist.
Her words never left your mind, an additional nervousness in your chest besides the usual one from being this close to her.
When you finally arrived at the Kim's lake house, you barely had any chances of bringing and leaving your luggage in the room you were staying as Hanni dragged you away from the house.
You only managed to catch Haerin's questioning gaze and shrug before you were both out of the door and heading who knowns where.
"Hanni?" You tried to ask but she only shushed you, tugging your hands as she ran with a big smile on her face.
And you couldn't help but appreciate the moment. The way Hanni's black hair flowed gracefully down her back as the wind hit her. The big playful smile that only seemed to get bigger each time she turned to look at you, which in turn made your face warmer each time. The laughter both of you began letting out at some point mixing together with the gentle chirping of birds and the oh, so present water sound from the lake. And the realization you had every so often in simple but magical moments like these that everything felt so perfect and in place with Hanni. So belonging. So right.
Being in love with your best friend was certainly one of the best feelings you could ever feel and you were forever grateful for having her in your life.
When you arrived at the lake pier, Hanni hurriedly sat down and pulled you with her, bringing you flush to her as she pointed to the ducks peacefully swimming in the water.
"Do you think they ever think about life?" Despite her eagerness to arrive here, she asked you quietly, possibly trying not to disturb the animals.
"Maybe?" You carefully watched as a trio of ducklings played in the water. "I'm sure that their worries are very different from ours, though."
"You might be right." Her voice came out a bit shaky and you turned around to look at her with concert, shying a bit when you found her intense gaze already on you.
"What are you lucky for?" Hanni suddenly asked you, barely blinking as she brought both of your hands to her lap.
"What?" You tilted your head to the side, trying to understand what the meaning for all of this was. "What are you on about? Why are we here anyways, Hanni?"
"Just answer it, come on!" She tugged your hands impatiently, still looking directly into your eyes with an intensity that was making your heartbeat quicken in pace each second.
"Hmm, I don't know. Not failing school?" You shrugged, caving in and looking down to your conjoined hands on her lap.
She laughed nervously, taking one of her hands away to grab something in her pocket before shoving it on your now free hand.
You opened your palm to see the four-leaf clover keychain she had bought hours ago was now there. You looked up to question her again, but she cut your words with an information that left you speechless.
"Well, I for one I am very lucky to be in love with my best friend."
You blinked dazedly at her, not knowing what to say or to do as your mind slowly processed the words that left her mouth and what they meant.
Hanni shyly turned her gaze away for the first time at your silence, but still kept one of her hands firmly on yours.
After long seconds you definitely had to apologize for later, you blurted the first words your brain could come up with to her.
"You're so cheesy, Han."
"Hey!" She whipped her head back to you, the both of you blushing as your gazes met.
"But I don't think I can say much neither." You mumbled, chewing on the inside of your cheeks as you gathered courage to mutter your next words. "I think I'm in love with my best friend too."
"Cool." She smiled with relief, leaning closer as a confident sparkle now adorned her eyes. "This means now I can do this." You closed your eyes in surprise and expectation once you realized what she was doing.
Her soft lips met yours in a sweet, gentle kiss. The both of you not being able to hide your smiles as she but a hand on your cheek, drawing you closer and prolonging the kiss.
Once air was necessary, you pulled away and simply stared at one another, smiling like fools in love as the gentle sounds of the lake water made the moment feel even more special.
But a crack noise disturbing the quietness made you both pull away further, looking around in confusion until your eyes landed into four familiar teasing smiles.
Your four friends stood a bit further away from the pier, both Danielle and Hyein carrying cameras on their hands while Minji faked disgusted upon being noticed and Haerin's smile grew bigger at being acknowledge.
You gripped Hanni's hand tighter, ready to get up and bolt towards them before they could go running to Minji's family with embarrassing but definitely cute pictures of the two of you kissing.
"Look who's giggling now!" Haerin shouted before you and Hanni got up, turning to run immediately as you and your hopefully soon-to-be girlfriend shouted back at her.
thank you for reading!! <3
a/n: the end was a bit abrupt but I didn't know what to do and I didn't want this to be super long π
HELP CUZ LIKE WHY IS THIS CUTE?? (Also, the bride doing the second dance looks STUNNING -)
Felt that itβs important to share videos like this too.