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1 year ago

Everybody needs a magical star in their life! ✨

HSR characters x Glitter Clover! NB! Reader

Part 1!

Featured characters: Himeko, March 7th, Stelle, Caelus, Herta, Dan Heng, Welt Yang.

Notes: I tried 😔

Everybody Needs A Magical Star In Their Life!

Everybody Needs A Magical Star In Their Life!

Everybody Needs A Magical Star In Their Life!


Okay, honestly, if it were from my point of view, Himeko would find you so adorable due to your bubbly, yet calm personality

When she first took you in, on the express, she didn't know you were a Glitter Warrior, but when she found out, she was visibly shocked (she was a bit worried for your safety but you reassured her that you'll be fine!)

She was really curious about how you could transform, how you became so strong.

"Wait, but how does this all work?" Himeko speaks while carefully inspecting you. "Well, it's all magic from my Glitter charm and Glitter pad!"

"Ohh, so that's the source of your power?" You hand her your Glitter pad as she then takes it and inspects it, then hands it back to you.

Everybody Needs A Magical Star In Their Life!

March 7th

Ohoho you're in for a bigger surprise when March finds out you're a Glitter Warrior.

Her eyes literally sparkle with excitment, i mean like, you follow the path of preservation aswell?? You ALSO like sparkles and glitter? It's like you're made for eachother!

She is so eager to know more about your powers.

"[Name]? Is that actually you?" March quickly runs towards you after you helped her fight a Void ranger, placing her hands on your shoulder, inspecting you, surprised and eager. "In flesh and bone!" Her eyes sparkle "woahh you look so cool and-and pretty! I mean you already are pretty!" You just let out a chuckle at her statements.

In conclusion, you both are made for eachother, either romantically either as bestfriends. (She's the head of trouble and you just help her! <3)

Everybody Needs A Magical Star In Their Life!


Stelle wasn't really surpirsed, she knew something was up with you, especially after she saw you talk with your "plushie" (ifykyk what i mean).

She liked the idea of you two being a team, even as strong as you are, with your shields she still liked protecting you.

"Stelle! Watch out!" Stelle looks behind her as a reaver is ready to strike her, but you were quick to act. "Insert Glitter charm! Clover Reflection!" You manage to ward off the blow with your clover-shaped shield. Stelle quickly takes down the reaver, thanking you in the process. "Thanks for helping me there, [Name]." You look at her with a confused expression, "you're not surprised?" "Honestly i knew something was different about you"

Deep inside she was actually surprised at your strength.

Everybody Needs A Magical Star In Their Life!


Ah, yes Caelus, the same as Stelle, unsurprised, he already knew about your little secret, but dw he won't tell anyone. <3

Unlike him, you didn't like digging through trash, so you were visibly horrified seeing him dig through trash.

Even if you were visibly disturbed by it, you remained calm. Grabbing him by the hood of his jacket.

Caelus was digging through trash, as usual, but it was the first time you saw him do it. "CAELUS!" He then redirects his attention to you, replying unfazed of the situation. "Yeah?" "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS? DO YOU KNOW HOW UNSANITARY IT IS?!" you quickly grab him by his hood and pull him away. "Wait- Hey!" He knew you were a Glitter Warrior but he wasn't expecting you to be this strong. He had to blackmail you into letting him continue his "treasure" hunt. "If you don't let me go, i'll tell everybody about your little secret." You tried playing dumb, but it didn't work so you ended up letting him go.

He's a bit of a prick but it's okay, cuz it's Caelus. <3

Everybody Needs A Magical Star In Their Life!


You're her new favourite "testing subject", she wouldn't actually try to hurt you. <3

She's gonna keep pestering you about it all! She really wants to know if your Glitter pad and charm are curios or if they're relics. She wants to know how you got them, who gave them to you or where you found them.

"sooo, [Name], how did you get those curio-relics?" Herta asks you on a curios yet mischiveous tone. "Madam Herta, you know i can't tell you." You keep walking towards your destination, as Herta wraps her puppet hand around your wrist trying to stop you. "Oh, cmon, can't you even give me a hint?" You sigh, knowing that there was no escape from her. "No, no i can't." Herta rolls her eyes annoyed that you wouldn't tell her. "Ugh, can you at least come test the Simulated Universe once more?"

Everybody Needs A Magical Star In Their Life!

Dan Heng

Even tho, Dan Heng doesn't seem surprised, he is very shocked deep inside, trying his best not to show that.

Now, he tries his best not to let March know, she knows how to get anything out of him, no matter what it is.

"[Name]?" You heard that same monotone voice, from behind you. You were transformed. And he caught you, on the luofu, you were helping some cloud knights with two mara-struck. "O-oh! Hey Dan Heng!" Dan Heng walks over to you. "So, you're not what you say you are," you looked away a bit ashamed for holding such a secret away from your bestfriend/ s/o. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." He places a hand on your shoulder reassuringly.

Everybody Needs A Magical Star In Their Life!

Welt Yang

Oh boy, Welt never really expected this from you, since you're usually calm. But he never knew how angry you could get..

When a halfway infected mara-struck called Welt an old man and refused his help, you couldn't hold back your rage and anger, you ended up beating the mara-struck into a fetal position, Welt had to yank you off of 'em..

"i don't need your help, you old man." The mara-struck spoke on a hateful tone. "I-" you then cut off Welt, "How dare you be so rude to Mr. Yang? He is trying to help you and you just refuse it and insult him?!" Walking towards the mara-struck, cracking your knuckles, a few minutes later, you were kicking the poor mara-struck until it was crying on the ground, curled up in a ball. Welt then wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you and dragging you away from the mara-struck.

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7 months ago

Dating Them! Characters: Himeko, Welt, Firefly, Herta, Ruan Mei, Fu Xuan & Obsidian Warnings: Penacony questline spoilers (Firefly)

Dating Them!Characters: Himeko, Welt, Firefly, Herta, Ruan Mei, Fu Xuan & ObsidianWarnings: Penacony

- Himeko is more of a quiet, gentle lover

- Her main love languages is quality time so she loves to hangout with you every single day, even if its as simple as chatting over tea or as big as going on an adventure to find a stellaron

- Following that it would be gift giving, giving you small but simple gifts of things that you like or reminded her of you

- In the past she has given you

Tea Cups (or Coffee cups if you're a coffee drinker)

Specialized Jewelry

- When she does cuddle its usually whenever you both are in bed getting ready to sleep

- But you don't go to sleep cuddling like that-she'd prefer to hold you a bit before and then sleep separately (although you both are still in the same bed)

- Himekos favourite dates include Coffee/Tea hangouts or Movies

- PDA is okay but only if its the express crew and only a little bit, not full on making out infront of them-holding hands, occasional kisses and hugging is okay. Infront of anyone else she sticks to hand holding or hugging

- Himeko also isn't too jealous as a person, she trusts you won't leave her so she trusts you fully

Dating Them!Characters: Himeko, Welt, Firefly, Herta, Ruan Mei, Fu Xuan & ObsidianWarnings: Penacony

- Welt is very similar to Himeko in a loving sense

- Similar to her hes gentle and quiet-not to mention he never gets jealous over you

- One thing he does get is protective, specifically when someones overstepped the boundaries a little bit

- His main love language would be acts of service. Welt loves helping you out whenever you need it, holding the door for you, protecting you from an enemy etc!

- Some gifts he would give you include...



Flowers (lots of flowers)


- Welt loves cuddling whenever you both have free time, specifically either you laying on top of him or the other way around

- If you both wanted to, he would also love to cuddle to sleep

- Some of the dates you guys go on can include:



Teaching you skills

Dating Them!Characters: Himeko, Welt, Firefly, Herta, Ruan Mei, Fu Xuan & ObsidianWarnings: Penacony

- Now to be dating firefly you have to know about her being SAM + know the other Stellaron Hunters

- As a lover, Firefly lets you take the lead in the relationship a bit more but she isn't afraid to talk to you about things that are needed

- Her main love language is Words of Affirmation & Gift Giving

- She always loves to say "I love you" or "you're beautiful" or even how cute/adorable/handsome you are

- Other than that we've seen before in the Penacony quest how she loves to give gifts/food to her partners whenever they remind her of them! The same goes with you! Whenever she seems something she think you might like she always goes out to buy it for you

- Which includes pastries, keychains, necklaces and a lot more

- Dates with firefly would occur really anywhere. She's not really known for being wanted like the rest of the hunters so she does have creative freedom-just don't do anything or go anywhere where she would need to activate SAM and you're fine!

- Occasionally she might get a little jealous/question if she deserves you but just talk her out of it and make her understand how much you love her

Dating Them!Characters: Himeko, Welt, Firefly, Herta, Ruan Mei, Fu Xuan & ObsidianWarnings: Penacony

- Dating Herta is special since she does have countless copies of herself all over the space station

- You could talk with her at her office and then walk out...BOOM! There's another Herta standing in front of you

- On that note, Herta's main love language is Quality Time!

- It works out since there are many Hertas-even so she wants you to hangout with her main body (the one in her office) the most, so its where you spend most of your day

- Some popular dating spots she'd bring you:

Researching together

Eating lunch together

Dating Them!Characters: Himeko, Welt, Firefly, Herta, Ruan Mei, Fu Xuan & ObsidianWarnings: Penacony

- Ruan Mei is a careful lover

- Her love language is Acts of Service & Physical Touch

- Ruan Mei enjoys helping you out with small tasks & she enjoys whenever you help her out aswell

- Physical Touch for her is mainly holding hands while walking and doing various things

- Jealousy doesn't exist in Ruan Mei's books either-why would you leave her for someone you met 0.5 seconds ago? That isn't like you at all

- Dates with her vary, some can include:

Going out for lunch together

Working on science projects/experiments

- Ruan Mei is very protective of you-its like she has a third eye watching you at all times to ensure nothing bad happens to you

Dating Them!Characters: Himeko, Welt, Firefly, Herta, Ruan Mei, Fu Xuan & ObsidianWarnings: Penacony

- Fu Xuan's love language is mainly acts of service

- She is very shy with physical affection most of the time, especially if you do something in front of others

- But she will help you out from time to time and occasionally takes your fortune if you wish

- Date spots with Fu Xuan include...

Walks around the Luofu

Combat training to up your skills

Going to an arcade together

- Occasionally she will also give small gifts that she think you'd enjoy, usually its only on special occasions though

Dating Them!Characters: Himeko, Welt, Firefly, Herta, Ruan Mei, Fu Xuan & ObsidianWarnings: Penacony
Dating Them!Characters: Himeko, Welt, Firefly, Herta, Ruan Mei, Fu Xuan & ObsidianWarnings: Penacony
Dating Them!Characters: Himeko, Welt, Firefly, Herta, Ruan Mei, Fu Xuan & ObsidianWarnings: Penacony

- From what we seen Obsidian likes to cause chaos and start "bloodbaths" as she'd say

- But in a relationship she'd treat you as a Queen/King

- Always paying attention to you, Always doing what you'd like

- Her servants always follow your orders because if they don't well lets just say Obsidian won't be happy

- Having baths together in "blood" is also her favorite activity

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Hello I'm not sure if the request is open but may I please request for Silverwolf and Herta x ! GN reader jealousy headcanons?

Thank you!

Hello! My requests are open! And of course!! SOrry if Silverwolf Is OOC I have yet to meet her fully (other than the intro scene) in game.

Characters: Herta and Silverwolf

CW: Semi Yandere behavior (mainly because the i see the two characters don't understand how to deal with these emotions), but nothing to intense, breaches of privacy (not the readers)

Theme: Jealousy Headcannons

Reader: Gender Neutral

Premise: How Herta and Silverwolf deal with their jealousy of their crush talking to someone else who seems interested in their crush.

Hello I'm Not Sure If The Request Is Open But May I Please Request For Silverwolf And Herta X ! GN Reader
Hello I'm Not Sure If The Request Is Open But May I Please Request For Silverwolf And Herta X ! GN Reader


Herta doesn't understand how she feels about you in the first place.

Emotional connects are foreign to her so having a crush and feeling the intense jealousy when someone else flirts with you is weird

She tries to do experiments and see what may be the causality of her feelings but it takes both Himiko and Asta to tell her how she's feeling

It's denial at first even with what Himiko and Asta had said, and it takes a while for her to accept she even has a crush on you

Jealousy is a whole other beast in itself that Herta has to deal with

She'll often demand you to her office to help her when she sees someone flirting or making advances toward you

If she can't and you're busy with something else, then she'll join you which is odd for anyone to see

Her excuse is that where your going is where she needs materials

When a person seems to persist you and trying to capture your heart, she'll just make them do menial and long tasks if they work at the space station

If its someone that she doesn't really have authority over, she'll just push you away, interrupting rudely saying you two have important work to do

If you do happen to come to her about her behavior, she just denies everything saying that you should focus on your work and commissions rather than talking to people

If you happen to catch her behavior, you'll tease her but to no avail of getting a visible reaction

On the inside though its a full blown panic of flustered feelings and a bit of guilt since she didn't intend to do most of her behaviors

If you don't catch on, Herta praises you're oblivious and that you are to ignorant for your own good

It's not like she's going to admit her feelings to you any time soon so it'll be a lot of avoiding people with her and helping Herta with her job

Hello I'm Not Sure If The Request Is Open But May I Please Request For Silverwolf And Herta X ! GN Reader
Hello I'm Not Sure If The Request Is Open But May I Please Request For Silverwolf And Herta X ! GN Reader


Silver wolf is another person who isn't the kind of person to really understand emotional connections with people but seems to ask Kafka about it

When she realizes its a feeling of romance and jealousy she is one to ignore it

Silver wolf won't deny that she has these feelings directed at you, but she'll just not acknowledge them

However is someone seems to be getting to close to you, she'll make a note of it and try and occupy your time

She doesn't understand why she acts like this around you when she obviously is 'ignoring' her feelings for you

You often join Kafka and her on missions but you're on Silver Wolf's team and helping her hack things

Since you are always on the move with her, no one really gets a chance to flirt with you or make any advances

But when they do, Silver Wolf just glares at the person and makes them feel uncomfortable

Silver Wolf also hacks their phone and sort of see's what kind of person they are

She knows its wrong but its something she can't really help when it comes to you

Its really hard to tell she is actively jealous because she doesn't show visible emotion but if you come to her about her behavior she'll just say something about them being evil or her gut feelings having a bad vibe from them

If you somehow happen to connect the dots and tease her about it, she'll ignore you and continue with her work

She's just panicked you'll see her differently

If you don't catch on though then she is in utter relief

Silver wolf does try and hint about her jealousy but if you don't catch on then she doesn't really continue

She finds your ignorance to her feelings a bit annoying but she'll come around soon

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Ehem, Hello! May I request for modern au wife ! Herta and Bronya where their s/o came home from work feeling not too well?


Characters: Herta and Silverwolf

CW: Small Angst

Theme: Jealousy Headcannons

Reader: Gender Neutral

A/U: Modern Au

Premise: How Herta and Silverwolf help thier romantic life partner with a hard day


Ehem, Hello! May I Request For Modern Au Wife ! Herta And Bronya Where Their S/o Came Home From Work
Ehem, Hello! May I Request For Modern Au Wife ! Herta And Bronya Where Their S/o Came Home From Work


It was a long and stressful day for you. You were tired and done with the social aspect of going outside since so many people made your job so much more difficult today.

One person put all their work on you to hang out with the hot dude in the facility and another asked you to do their half of the project for an upcoming sales pitch.

And of course your boss was really upset today so they made it everyone's problem, but specifically targeting you. It did not feel good in the slightest. So the drive home was full of solemn sadness. No music was playing and your head had no thoughts.

Just focused on getting home. Once you pulled into the curb, you paused for a minute. Did you really want to go inside feeling like this? To your wife? With such venerability that was rarely expressed by you to her, you never wanted her to see you like this.

Herta never showed you much emotion so you didn't want to burden her, just in case she was feeling upset but didn't show it. You took a deep breath in and walked out of the car.

Once you opened the door to your home, you were met with piercing purple eyes full of concern. This was new to you, she never had that look in her eyes. 

“What’s wrong?”

Her voice was sharp and blunt, it caught you off guard.

“Nothing’s wrong, love. I’m okay.”

“Then why were you sitting in the driveway for 5 minutes?”

You were shocked that she saw you there. Did she always look out for you like this? Before you could respond, all the tears you were bottling up exploded. You grabbed her and cried into her shoulder.

She slowly patted your back as if she was expecting this from you. You told her about what happened at work, your intelligible words being consumed by the sobs. Somehow she understood.

She grabbed your hand and sat you down on the couch as she wrapped you up in a soft blanket, putting on a show that you like. She left to make you some food and a warm drink as you calmed down. Once there was a warm drink in your hand she held you close. Herta looked at you.

“Do you want to talk about today?”

You nod your head. You told her everything, about the workload and your boss taking things out on you. She held you tighter. No one should have done that to you, was the only thought in her head.

Once you had fallen asleep on her shoulder she gently placed you on the couch trying to get up to call your boss. She had called them to talk about the behavior and how she had the ability to make their life, as well as the two people who pushed their workload on you, more complicated if they didn’t show you the proper respect.

So when you went to work the next day, the three people who caused you trouble apologized and you were confused why.

Ehem, Hello! May I Request For Modern Au Wife ! Herta And Bronya Where Their S/o Came Home From Work
Ehem, Hello! May I Request For Modern Au Wife ! Herta And Bronya Where Their S/o Came Home From Work


Work was horrible for you. Today was a catch up day and there was so much to finish in such little time. Especially with the work assholes who would make your job so much harder. You were trying to hold your tears in while you were driving home, but some slipped out.

The more embarrassing part was going to be facing your wife with a tear stained face and glossy eyes. Once you stepped into the house you sat on the couch. You were lucky Silver Wolf was busy with her project in her office.

But sadly that luck was very short-lived. Silver Wolf had only walked out of her office, leaving her project unfinished, once she heard your quiet sobs. It hurt her to see you like this, especially since she didn’t come to see you the first thing you got home.

You were on the couch cuddled in blankets, quietly sobbing as to not interrupt her work. She felt her heart sink even more. She walked over to you and brought you into a hug.

This startled you because you didn’t see her come out of the room on account of you focusing too much on being consumed by the blanket draped around you.

You felt your crying become more like sobs. The one person you didn’t want to see you like this was now here with you. 

“What’s wrong darling?”

You buried your face into her face as she pet your hair. Words couldn't form, and she understood why. You’re crying hadn’t calmed down yet, you two were like this for a good 30 minutes.

All she was doing was cuddling you and you felt a bit more at ease as each tear rolled down your cheek. Once you felt like your crying had ceased for the time being, you took this chance to pour your heart to Silver Wolf.

You told her about how work wasn’t good and that people were being mean to you, demanding things you couldn’t give because of your own work needing to be done.

Silver Wolf had ordered your favorite food to help you calm down because she didn’t want to leave you like this. You two didn’t need words to share how much you loved each other or how safe the other was when one of you was showing a moment of vulnerability.

All you two needed was the other's embrace. So Silver Wolf held you close, and once the food came, she still held you close. She had put on a show she knew you enjoyed and didn’t mind if it was not of her preference, she would sacrifice anything for you to smile.

Once you had both finished eating, she brought you even closer and covered you tightly in the blanket. You were so thankful she came to comfort you, even if you were embarrassed at first.

Once you had fallen asleep, she had managed to contact the assholes who were bothering you, exposing all sorts of secrets to get back at them for how they treated you. The next day it was weird to hear them apologize. 

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