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Hello I'm Not Sure If The Request Is Open But May I Please Request For Silverwolf And Herta X ! GN Reader

Hello I'm not sure if the request is open but may I please request for Silverwolf and Herta x ! GN reader jealousy headcanons?

Thank you!

Hello! My requests are open! And of course!! SOrry if Silverwolf Is OOC I have yet to meet her fully (other than the intro scene) in game.

Characters: Herta and Silverwolf

CW: Semi Yandere behavior (mainly because the i see the two characters don't understand how to deal with these emotions), but nothing to intense, breaches of privacy (not the readers)

Theme: Jealousy Headcannons

Reader: Gender Neutral

Premise: How Herta and Silverwolf deal with their jealousy of their crush talking to someone else who seems interested in their crush.

Hello I'm Not Sure If The Request Is Open But May I Please Request For Silverwolf And Herta X ! GN Reader
Hello I'm Not Sure If The Request Is Open But May I Please Request For Silverwolf And Herta X ! GN Reader


Herta doesn't understand how she feels about you in the first place.

Emotional connects are foreign to her so having a crush and feeling the intense jealousy when someone else flirts with you is weird

She tries to do experiments and see what may be the causality of her feelings but it takes both Himiko and Asta to tell her how she's feeling

It's denial at first even with what Himiko and Asta had said, and it takes a while for her to accept she even has a crush on you

Jealousy is a whole other beast in itself that Herta has to deal with

She'll often demand you to her office to help her when she sees someone flirting or making advances toward you

If she can't and you're busy with something else, then she'll join you which is odd for anyone to see

Her excuse is that where your going is where she needs materials

When a person seems to persist you and trying to capture your heart, she'll just make them do menial and long tasks if they work at the space station

If its someone that she doesn't really have authority over, she'll just push you away, interrupting rudely saying you two have important work to do

If you do happen to come to her about her behavior, she just denies everything saying that you should focus on your work and commissions rather than talking to people

If you happen to catch her behavior, you'll tease her but to no avail of getting a visible reaction

On the inside though its a full blown panic of flustered feelings and a bit of guilt since she didn't intend to do most of her behaviors

If you don't catch on, Herta praises you're oblivious and that you are to ignorant for your own good

It's not like she's going to admit her feelings to you any time soon so it'll be a lot of avoiding people with her and helping Herta with her job

Hello I'm Not Sure If The Request Is Open But May I Please Request For Silverwolf And Herta X ! GN Reader
Hello I'm Not Sure If The Request Is Open But May I Please Request For Silverwolf And Herta X ! GN Reader


Silver wolf is another person who isn't the kind of person to really understand emotional connections with people but seems to ask Kafka about it

When she realizes its a feeling of romance and jealousy she is one to ignore it

Silver wolf won't deny that she has these feelings directed at you, but she'll just not acknowledge them

However is someone seems to be getting to close to you, she'll make a note of it and try and occupy your time

She doesn't understand why she acts like this around you when she obviously is 'ignoring' her feelings for you

You often join Kafka and her on missions but you're on Silver Wolf's team and helping her hack things

Since you are always on the move with her, no one really gets a chance to flirt with you or make any advances

But when they do, Silver Wolf just glares at the person and makes them feel uncomfortable

Silver Wolf also hacks their phone and sort of see's what kind of person they are

She knows its wrong but its something she can't really help when it comes to you

Its really hard to tell she is actively jealous because she doesn't show visible emotion but if you come to her about her behavior she'll just say something about them being evil or her gut feelings having a bad vibe from them

If you somehow happen to connect the dots and tease her about it, she'll ignore you and continue with her work

She's just panicked you'll see her differently

If you don't catch on though then she is in utter relief

Silver wolf does try and hint about her jealousy but if you don't catch on then she doesn't really continue

She finds your ignorance to her feelings a bit annoying but she'll come around soon

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Have a small crackfic with riddle because I said sooo


Riddle: *gives you a rose he handpicked as a gift* For you.

Y/n: *looks at the rose and takes it while examining it*

Riddle: Is something wrong Y/n? *blushing*

Y/n: *chomps the rose petals in one bite while riddle looks horrified*


Y/n: *looking unphased* I was hungry and roses are nontoxic

Riddle: *pure disappointed face but head pats you* Lets.. Get you a proper snack and a new rose

Y/n: *smiles* Okay!

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Hello!! How are you? If it's okay, can I ask for platonic headcanons with the kid characters from Genshin Impact and a Traveller!Reader (reader is the traveller, but has no specific physical descriptions)?

Ofcourse!! Sorry if YaoYao is OOC because I haven't gotten to her story yet. Characters: Diona, Klee, Qiqi, YaoYao, Qiqi, Sayu, Nahida

CW: None

Theme: Basic headcannons

Reader: Gn Traveler Reader

Hello!! How Are You? If It's Okay, Can I Ask For Platonic Headcanons With The Kid Characters From Genshin
Hello!! How Are You? If It's Okay, Can I Ask For Platonic Headcanons With The Kid Characters From Genshin


Klee is a very eccentric child, so everyone around Mondstadt was relived when you showed up and made fast friends with Klee

Klee begs you to take her on adventures even if they're dangerous, but she'll go even if you say no

Whenever she's sent to solitary confinement, you go in with her even if she protests

She blames herself whenever you get in trouble with Master Jean on her behalf, but you just chuckle and tell her there's nothing to worry about

Albedo is very thankful that you watch over her while he's busy

He's able to get work done without worrying about Klee blowing things up... Well sort of

You go fishing with her and that's how you end up getting in trouble most of the time

People call you the sibling chaos duo

She always holds your hand no matter where you guys are

When she cries, you comfort her by telling her stories or coloring with her

When you cry, she makes you drawings and picks flowers as well as patting your head

She loves telling you all about Dodoco and her mom

When you travel to other nations, Klee misses you dearly

She doesn't have the energy she used to when you were around and its just as concerning

Jean tries to help but realizes she really can't do much

Klee writes you letters all the time (with Albedos help) and you write back with a little trinket from the nation you're in

"When are they gonna come back Mr. Albedo?"

"When they get back Klee."

Her impatience drives her to try and get to you

Though either Kayea, Diluc, or Jean will catch her before she leaves

Once you come back, Klee clings to you and takes you on many playdates with her

"Yay! Y/n's back! We're gonna play all day!!"

"Uhm Klee, don't you think the traveler should rest before you two play?"

"It's okay Master Jean, I always have time to play with Klee."

Hello!! How Are You? If It's Okay, Can I Ask For Platonic Headcanons With The Kid Characters From Genshin
Hello!! How Are You? If It's Okay, Can I Ask For Platonic Headcanons With The Kid Characters From Genshin


She's reluctant at trusting you at first

She thinks most adults are the same so when you came to her tavern, she didn't think you were any different

But when you asked if she wanted any help with anything she was sort of shocked

'Why do they want to help me?'

She lets you help and you often go to the tavern just to help

This starts the friendship between you and Diona

After an adventure in Mondstad you'd always order a non alcoholic drink and tell Diona about things that might help her with her alcohol demolish goal

She always appreciates the information you give her, but is disappointed that it never seems to work out

Whenever she has a day off, she'll always spend it with you

Whether it be helping with chores or walking around the forests

She loves any gift you make for her and will hang it on the wall of her tavern

If you ever catch her crying, you'll always pat her head and give her words of affirmation and comfort

If she ever catches you crying, she makes you your favorite drink and tells you all sorts of funny stories from her witnessing drunks around her place

She always enjoys your tales of adventuring

Whenever you go, she always tells you to come back safe and that she'll save a snack and drink for you when you get back

When you're in another nation she worries about you endlessly

She wouldn't admit it, but the ways she serves customers is way more snarky than usual

"Please be safe Y/n."

"Do not worry Diona, Y/n will be back before you can even tell any time as ever passed."

"I know that Prince! But I won't stop worrying about my sibling-"

"You called Y/n your sibling Diona."

Diona gets so flustered when people figure out that you're like a sibling to her

When you get back she treats you to so many sweets while she listens to your tales

"I'm so glad you're safe Y/n!"

"Thanks Diona! How about I help you now?"

"Nope! You're gonna rest, I can handle the Tavern for a bit longer on my own"

Hello!! How Are You? If It's Okay, Can I Ask For Platonic Headcanons With The Kid Characters From Genshin
Hello!! How Are You? If It's Okay, Can I Ask For Platonic Headcanons With The Kid Characters From Genshin


Its odd for Qiqi to remember someone like you for so long

She makes it a priority not to forget you

Baizhu is grateful for you to be so kind to Qiqi and take her on outings when he's busy

He's also quite baffled that you can understand her nonsense speaking when she confuses something with another thing

She always loves walking around with you around Liyue as you teach her things from the nations you've been too

Her book has become a scrapbook at this point of photos of you and her as well as notes that she takes so she doesn't forget your stories

Whenever you find a good secluded spot, you two stretch and just talk to each other

When people see you two together, they find it odd that you out of all people would be able to befriend the little zombie

Qiqi tries her best to tell you memorable stories but often forgets the ending or important parts to it

She gets sad when she can't remember a story for you but you cheer her up by creating your own endings or details

Qiqi genuinely laughs with you around and doesn't always have a flat face

When you catch her crying, she immediately hugs you telling you about how she doesn't like feeling this and you let her cry it out while cuddling her and teaching her breathing techniques

When she catches you crying, she's unsure what to do and gets Baizhu to help comfort you but if he's not around she offers you some snacks and hugs

Whenever you go adventuring to a new nation she gets really upset

Every time you mention it she runs away but comes back after a day and wishes you good luck

She sends you photos of her adventures while you're not around and you giggle all the time when you look at them

"Is Y/n okay?"

"I'm sure they'll be alright Qiqi."

She askes Baizhu that every day of every hour

He gets annoyed by it sometimes but understands the girls concerns

When you get back you immediately go to her and start your stories and give her photos of the places you saw

"Can we go there together next time?"

"Of course Qiqi! Wherever you want to go, whatever you want to see I'll take you!"

Hello!! How Are You? If It's Okay, Can I Ask For Platonic Headcanons With The Kid Characters From Genshin
Hello!! How Are You? If It's Okay, Can I Ask For Platonic Headcanons With The Kid Characters From Genshin


YaoYao cares for you so much and tries to protect you despite her age or stature

She loves taking care of you as if she were the older sibling

Whenever you get hurt during a commision or when you adventure with her, she brings Yuegui out to help you feel better

You often help her with her things when she has things to work on and such

Madame Ping loves that you have befriended her apprentice since YaoYao hasn't had many friends and seems so stuck on acting like an adult

YaoYao sometimes treats you as if you were younger but you don't mind since you get back at her and she doesn't mind

You often take her places and trust her the most when you adventure around Liyue with her

She loves telling you about all the things she's learning under Madame Ping as well as from you

YaoYao loves to take you to her safe spaces that are secret when she isn't feeling to good and just needs a break from people

You both often play around and climb trees together as well as joke a bit

When you catch her crying, its sort of rare since she never shares her true feelings with you but when she does you embrace her and reasure her that it is okay to cry and have the feelings she is having

When she catches you crying, YaoYao tries her best to make you feel better by letting you hold Yuegui and making you your favorite snack

When you go adventuring to another nation, she worried about you so much

"Still worried about Y/n YaoYao?"

"What if they come back hurt? I'm not there to help!"

"I'm sure they'll be fine, they are a very capable adventurer"

Madame Ping usually reassures YaoYao whenever she spirals into those what if thoughts

Whenever you send her something from the nation your from she is so relieved

She often sends 3 letters a day checking in on you and making sure you're eating well

Once you come back she immediately runs to the dock if she wasn't there already waiting for you

After she checks you for any injuries and such she takes you to the special spots you two have reserved for hanging out


"Hey YaoYao! Want to go to our special spot?"

"Yes please! I was so scared you wouldn't come back!"

"I always do and always will."

Hello!! How Are You? If It's Okay, Can I Ask For Platonic Headcanons With The Kid Characters From Genshin
Hello!! How Are You? If It's Okay, Can I Ask For Platonic Headcanons With The Kid Characters From Genshin


Sayu considers you her sleeping buddy

She always depends on you for either distracting, avoiding, or talking to her caregiver

Sayu loves when you nap with her because it means she's even safer and is able to sleep longer when there is a disruption

Whenever she has a job she takes you with her and you always are willing to go

Even when you do most of the work, you just want Sayu to be well rested

Whenever she is upset about not being tall or the sleeping isn't making her taller, you take her on your shoulders and sort of help her feel better

You take her on sibling lunch dates and make sure she doesn't force herself to eat everything and tell her to set limits

You encourage her to do her own work when she brings you on missions bit by bit

Her caregiver is so grateful to you because she can finally take a break and not really worry about Sayu as much

You two tend to play games with each other but its very minimal and short

If someone were to call her lazy, you'd stick up for her and tell them that she works just as hard as anyone else

When you catch her crying you pull her into your lap and try to help her with whatever she is crying about but she ends up falling asleep in your lap

When she catches you crying she cuddles you and take you to where the foxes are so they can help you cheer up

When you leave to adventure other nations, Sayu is incredibly lazy and has to hide from her caregiver again

"Sayu! Come out this instant!"

"No! I'm not doing anything without Y/n!"

Sayu feels a bit better when you send her letters and telling her you're working hard

She works hard after those letters but its really rare

Once you come back, she drags you to the usual napping spot and naps with you

"I'm so glad you're back Y/n.."

"Did you miss me so much you didn't sleep?"

"No, I just like having naps with you."

Hello!! How Are You? If It's Okay, Can I Ask For Platonic Headcanons With The Kid Characters From Genshin
Hello!! How Are You? If It's Okay, Can I Ask For Platonic Headcanons With The Kid Characters From Genshin


She first found you in the forests of Sumeru before the whole incident in Sumeru

You caught her attention and always made sure to make herself present in your dreams

Once you saw her in person you connected the dots really quickly and she became one of the quickest best friends you have ever made

She loves teaching you new things and spends a lot of time with you in the forests or in the main areas of Sumeru taking you to a bunch of best food places

People are shocked to see you treat her as a sibling but they don't question it since they don't want to offend their god

She loves hearing all the knowledge you've obtained from traveling all over Tevat

She likes coming up with funny analogies with you and seeing you giggle with her

She loves introducing you to things she's interested in and helping her research topic

Nahida found it funny how you and Scaramouch/Wanderer met again after the fight

You were all protective of her and saying if he hurt your sister that he would be dead

Nahida likes that you consider her a sister and would do anything to protect you as well as help you grow as a person

Whenever she cries you always manage to make her laugh with a funny story or with funny movements

Whenever you cry she puts you into a dream world to distract yourself to calm down and then when you come back the two of you talk about it to find solutions to the issue

When you go adventuring to another nation, she always visits you in your dreams

It startles you every time but once you get used to it, the two of you talk about how things are in Sumeru

"When are you going to come back Y/n?"

"It's a secret little leaf."

"Aww please tell me! I miss you so much!"

"But if I tell you I won't get to surprise you when I come back"

Once your back you always make it a surprise by sneaking into her Sanctuary with a little tea set

The two of you have a tea party and talk about the stories and new knowledge you have obtained

Nahida loves that you travel and wishes to much to come with you

Sure being in your dreams helps her a lot but it doesn't compare to being there with you physically

"What happened next?"

"Well as I was fighting, I figured out that the weakness is behind the neck, so you just put pressure there and then it'll colapse"

"Can I come with you next time Y/n?"

"Maybe, you better learn how to fight if you want to come little leaf"

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How MC works in any head cannon/story I write

So as I'm getting sucked into obey me again I just wanted to express how MC works in my twisted wonderland stories and how MC might work if I do obey me stories. MC will be an whole different character with their own name and pronouns and they will usually be Y/ns old friend from either the world both MC and y/n was in (for twisted wonderland) or they'll both have been friends in the human world that got sucked into the devildom (obey me). Y/n will always be human or a human with powers (more examples below)

How rottmnt x reader will work

Another series I'm getting sucked into is rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles and I just wanted to say that all the x reader's involving them will either be

A.) Human reader with their own powers/god reader


B.) Powerless human reader

I wont write any mutant reader unless the base of the reader is mostly human (ex: human with butterfly wings and antena or just the wings. Or human with shark tail and fins). This is mostly because mutant readers and fem readers bring heavy dysphoria to me and would make me not want to write.

I will update my welcome post to add the 2 new fandoms and what I will and will not write because I feel like its very vauge.

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Hello, it's me again ehe (the one who requested for Herta and Silverwolf).

Anyways, may I request for Herta and Silverwolf again? Modern au Where their s/o is a streamer?

Thank you!

SORRY FOR MAKING THIS SO LATE! I'm gonna make a habit of posting requests on weekends, so if you request something expect it to come out between Friday-Sunday PST.

Characters: Herta and Silverwolf

CW: None

Theme: Reader is a streamer headcannons

Reader: Gender Neutral Streamer

A/U: Modern Au

Premise: How Herta and Silverwolf help their s/o being an internet live streamer


Hello, It's Me Again Ehe (the One Who Requested For Herta And Silverwolf).
Hello, It's Me Again Ehe (the One Who Requested For Herta And Silverwolf).


When you told Hera about being a internet live streamer, she was a bit confused.

She didn't really spend much time on the internet to understand most things other than looking up information for a project she was working on or music.

So she had you explain the concept of what an internet streamer was.

You just showed Herta to explain by having her join you during on of your streams.

This helped her so much to gain the understanding and she was shocked to see how many people around the world watched you play games and such.

Herta made it her priority to be your number one fan as well as to help you with any technical needs.

Broken computer? No problem, Herta is already working on a new one for you.

Broken webcam? Leave it to Herta to fix it and make it so much better than before.

Any technical difficulties during a stream? Herta is already on the case to help solve it.

You sometimes have her on stream and she gets caught up on how the audience seems to love her.

She doesn't understand why they do but it makes her happy she gets to be apart of your community.

Sometimes she explains her inventions and ideas on stream and is shocked about the amount of people who are interested.

Hello, It's Me Again Ehe (the One Who Requested For Herta And Silverwolf).
Hello, It's Me Again Ehe (the One Who Requested For Herta And Silverwolf).


Silver Wolf knows what an internet streamer is but didn't think much of it when you told her.

She does ask about what content you focus on and if the community you're involved in is pretty popular or not.

When you ask her to join one of your streams, she's hesitant.

She says she'll join through the chat and not show her face or anything on account of her being a hacker.

Silver Wolf does like how natural the whole streamer thing comes to you and she thinks you look cute.

She also keeps tabs on certain fans that either trash talk you or seem to stalk you.

How? Hacking their profile and seeing what they're like.

Silver Wolf would also be someone who would help with technical difficulties but would go overboard with upgrades.

She'll enhance your webcam to produce a quality no one even knew existed.

She'll also add so many upgrades to your pc set up so you can keep tabs on so many things and play games with zero stutter or lag.

Silver Wolf acts more like a moderator for your streams to make sure you stay safe and that no one hurts you.

This especially shows with haters and rule breakers which chats are immediately not seen and they never get to see you stream ever again.

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Silly internet meme bozo

With octavinelle

Another silly crack fic because I say so


Y/n: *sitting in monstro lounge with Floyd and Azul sitting across them playing a game*

Azul: *Looking frustrated because he's losing* Dont you fucking dare y/n!

Floyd: *giggling* Do it do it do it!

Azul: Don't encourage them!

Y/n: *Takes what Azul needs in the game* Hahaha Sucker!! L + Ratio, you've been Ben Shaprioed!

Floyd & Azul: *visable confusion* Huh?

Y/n: *Not looking up from the game* Just means you lost Azul.

Azul: *disappointed muttering to himself*

Floyd: *giggling hugging y/n* You're so silly Shrimpy!

Y/n: Am I the only one still playing?

Jade: *pats y/ns head* It would seem so.

Y/n: *looks up at jade* Wanna play?

Jade: *looks down at Y/n* I'm not sure, would I be 'Ben Shaperioed'?

Y/n: Only if you're bad at the game and I win

Jade: *joins them* Alright, lets play then.


An: just a silly lil thing from an audio stuck in my head right now

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