High Earth Defense Club Love - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago

Bouei-Bu SU AU #1

Update: Added images for reference!

I recently came up with a High Earth Defense Club Love Au based on the world of Steven Universe. Here’s Part 1 - The Raspberry Court Group:

Character - Gem - Placement - Cut - Weapon/Ability

Wombat - Raspberry Diamond - Left Hip - Heart - Song of Endowment (when sung it increases the special abilities of the target(s)) 


Yumoto - Red Pearl - left side of chest - Ball - Partisan/limited light manipulation


Io - Yellow Sapphire - inside of left wrist - Heart - Flanged Mace/limited earth manipulation/premonition[a weaker version of future sight]


Ryuu - Hot Pink Ruby - outside of left wrist - Heart - Peasant Flail/limited fire manipulation


Atsushi - Vermarine [green quartz] - inside of right wrist - Heart - Morning Star/limited wind manipulation


En - Aqua Aura Quartz [blue quartz] - outside of right wrist - Heart - Ball and Chain Flail/limited water manipulation

Bouei-Bu SU AU #1
Bouei-Bu SU AU #1

And Some Basic Info for Wombat/Raspberry Diamond:

❤Is a relatively young diamond, but wasn’t born yesterday.  ❤Just gifted his first pearl recently and still doesn’t know how to handle him.  ❤Has a couple of necessary base planets but mostly just travels space with his main court members. ❤Is actively against other diamonds taking over planets that already have intelligent life on them.  ❤His current mission is to protect the earth from Zundar/Chameleon Diamond.

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8 years ago

Bouei-Bu SU AU #2

Update: Added images for reference!

Here’s Part 2 - The Chameleon Court Group

Character - Gem - Placement - Cut - Weapon/Ability

Zundar - Chameleon Diamond - forehead - Trilliant - Song of Subjection  (forces it’s target(s) to fight certain opponents but turns the target(s) into darker versions of themselves)[kind of like a lighter, more controlled version of corruption]


Kinshiro - Matte Lavender Pearl - right palm - Ball - Katana/limited light manipulation


Akoya - Light Pink Sapphire - outer left hand - Flower - Rapier/limited plant manipulation


Ibushi - Prasiolite[green quartz] - outer right hand - Flower - Cavalry Sabre /limited metal manipulation 


And Some Basic Info for Zundar/Chameleon Diamond:

✿Is an older diamond but not as old as the main “big wigs”. ✿Has a few good sized planets under his rule but they aren’t enough to satisfy him. ✿Is highly ambitious and wants to take control of all the galaxies which are not currently under a diamond’s rule. ✿His current target to conquer is the Milky Way galaxy, starting with Earth.

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8 years ago

Bouei-Bu SU AU #3

Here’s Part 3 - The Mint Court Group

Character - Gem - Placement - Cut - Weapon/Ability

Dadacha - Mint Diamond - forehead - Teardrop - Song of Tranquility(calms the target(s) and temporarily gets rid of negative emotions)[if used correctly can make the target(s) lose the will to fight]

Haruhiko - Cranberry Pearl - left side of stomach - Ball - Shuriken[shaped like the sun]/can summon several weapons at once

Akihiko - Fuchsia Pearl - right side of stomach - Ball - Chakram[with two blades shaped like the moon]/can summon several weapons at once

And Some Basic Info for Dadacha/Mint Diamond:

✪Is the youngest of these diamonds and has a big heart. ✪So far he only has one base planet that’s pretty small. ✪One the first things he did after he came out of the ground was to take in two pearls that were abandoned by another, older diamond. ✪The two pearls are stubborn and still don’t consider him their diamond. ✪But he still loves them enough that when they requested to go to Earth, he took them no-questions-asked. 

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8 years ago

Bouei-Bu SU AU #4

Here’s Part 4 - The Snakeskin Followers Group

Character - Gem - Placement - Cut - Weapon/Ability

Hireashi - Snakeskin Jasper - right shoulder/upper arm - Square - Horseman’s Pick/limited power mimicry(has to touch the target in order to mimic,can only mimic one power at a time,and it is always a weaker version of that power)

Kou - Forsterite[green type of olivine] - front of the neck - Pear - Glaive[half handle/half blade]/limeted telekinesis(can only move objects less than half his body size and only up to two at a time)

Masuya - Fayalite[reddish brown type of olivine] - center of chest - Marquise - Pistol[shoots bullets made of energy]/limited levitation

And Some Basic Info for Hireashi/Snakeskin Jasper:

◆Is actually older than Mint and Raspberry Diamond, but younger than Chameleon.  ◆Really wants to be a diamond himself. Literally the only thing he wants in life at the moment.  ◆Encourages fights between diamonds so that they ignore their planets/galaxies/etc. enough for him to swoop in and steal them.  ◆Is currently scheming to steal a couple of less-used planets under Chameleon’s rule.

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