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Bouei-Bu SU AU #4
Here’s Part 4 - The Snakeskin Followers Group
Character - Gem - Placement - Cut - Weapon/Ability
Hireashi - Snakeskin Jasper - right shoulder/upper arm - Square - Horseman’s Pick/limited power mimicry(has to touch the target in order to mimic,can only mimic one power at a time,and it is always a weaker version of that power)
Kou - Forsterite[green type of olivine] - front of the neck - Pear - Glaive[half handle/half blade]/limeted telekinesis(can only move objects less than half his body size and only up to two at a time)
Masuya - Fayalite[reddish brown type of olivine] - center of chest - Marquise - Pistol[shoots bullets made of energy]/limited levitation
And Some Basic Info for Hireashi/Snakeskin Jasper:
◆Is actually older than Mint and Raspberry Diamond, but younger than Chameleon. ◆Really wants to be a diamond himself. Literally the only thing he wants in life at the moment. ◆Encourages fights between diamonds so that they ignore their planets/galaxies/etc. enough for him to swoop in and steal them. ◆Is currently scheming to steal a couple of less-used planets under Chameleon’s rule.