ifeellikeameowster - ~Meowster~

🖤Hello everyone! Nice to meet you! 🤍My main fixations are Trolls, TMNT, Pokemon, MLP, DND, Sanders Sides, Homestuck, Doll Collecting and cartoons in general! 💜Meowster/Jess  🖤She/Fae/They 🤍25 💜Ace 🖤 DNI: Racist, Queerphobic, Pedophile, Proship ETC

520 posts

Bouei-Bu SU AU #4

Bouei-Bu SU AU #4

Here’s Part 4 - The Snakeskin Followers Group

Character - Gem - Placement - Cut - Weapon/Ability

Hireashi - Snakeskin Jasper - right shoulder/upper arm - Square - Horseman’s Pick/limited power mimicry(has to touch the target in order to mimic,can only mimic one power at a time,and it is always a weaker version of that power)

Kou - Forsterite[green type of olivine] - front of the neck - Pear - Glaive[half handle/half blade]/limeted telekinesis(can only move objects less than half his body size and only up to two at a time)

Masuya - Fayalite[reddish brown type of olivine] - center of chest - Marquise - Pistol[shoots bullets made of energy]/limited levitation

And Some Basic Info for Hireashi/Snakeskin Jasper:

◆Is actually older than Mint and Raspberry Diamond, but younger than Chameleon.  ◆Really wants to be a diamond himself. Literally the only thing he wants in life at the moment.  ◆Encourages fights between diamonds so that they ignore their planets/galaxies/etc. enough for him to swoop in and steal them.  ◆Is currently scheming to steal a couple of less-used planets under Chameleon’s rule.

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More Posts from Ifeellikeameowster

8 years ago
Your magical boy team consists of:

I made a magical boy team generator over at Generatorland! So anyone who likes magical boys, please check it out! ^ u ^

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8 years ago

I don't usually reblog things but THIS IS IMPORTANT. 

 One of my older cousins and his son got abused by his (now ex)wife and she got him thrown in jail instead of her on CHRISTMAS EVE. No one would listen to him at first because he was a fit male. Until tons of their neighbors backed his story up.

Yes, male abusers are real and a terrible thing, but female abusers EXIST TOO and are equally not a good thing.

Dear teen girls,

Stop abusing your boyfriends and yes what you are doing is abuse.


Yelling at him in front of his friends 

Hitting or slapping him when he does or says something you don’t like

Telling him he doesn’t have a choice when it comes to decisions that involve both of you 

Telling him he can’t hang out with friends because you don’t like him

Telling him to not talk to other girls even if they are his friend

Forcing him to spend every moment with you 

Belittling him and pointing out all his flaws

Calling him stupid or making fun of him for making a mistake

Threatening to break up with him if he doesn’t do what you want

Being emotionally manipulative and crying until he does what you want

Accusing him of cheating every time he’s not with you

Blow up is phone if he doesn’t text you every five minutes 

Telling him you are the must thing that has ever happened to him and no one else will love

Physically attacking him when ever you are mad

Forcing him to have sex despite that fact that he said he didn’t want to

Invading his privacy by going through his phone

Getting mad at him for changing his password and demanding he tell you what it is

If a guy did any of these things to a girl it would be considered abuse but since its the other way around its considered normal. Throughout High school I saw many girl treating their boyfriends like shit. Sometime even physically abusing them in the hallways and no one trying to stop it because its a girl attacking a boy. 

Boys: If your girlfriend does anything on this list leave her. It is abuse and you deserve better.

Girls: if you find your self doing anything on this list to your boyfriend you need to knock it off because you are being abusive. 

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8 years ago

Davekat and Rosemary Idea

Now that Karkat no longer has to worry about being culled for having mutant blood, Kanaya decides to design him a new outfit so he can start being proud/accepting/etc of his blood color. After she finishes it and gets him to try it on, Kanaya calls others(Dave, Rose, Jade, etc.) over to unveil her work. 

Dave thinks Karkat looks really good in his new outfit. And in red. Too good. (Oh no, he’s hot. Lol. I’m a lucky man. Etc.)

Rose notices this and teases her brother about it. Because that’s what siblings do. Cue Dave getting all blushy and flustered. (Flustered Dave is the best, tbh.)

Kanaya didn’t tell everyone, however, that she also designed a new (sexy) jade-colored outfit (dress?) for herself. While everyone is busy gawking at Karkat, she sneaks out to change into it.

When Kanaya gets back, it’s Rose’s turn to be both surprised and flustered. Dave then seizes his opportunity to tease her back. (Revenge! X 3)

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8 years ago


Mrs. Diaz is an octomaid(an octopus versian of a mermaid) and Mr. Diaz is a human. This makes Marco half monster and half human. Marco has two tentacle arms(smaller than monster-arm and not self-sentient) and gills either on his neck or waist.

Inspired by  kabuki-akuma’s halfmonster!star au:


This could be the Marco that goes along with her??? Half-monster bffs???

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8 years ago

Davekat Fusion Dance Idea

(Since I absolutely love gemstuck/sustuck/etc. I was trying to picture what Dave and Karkats fusion dance would be and decided it needed to be as dorky as they are. So I came up with this!)

Karkat beat boxes for Dave as he break dances. 

Dave accidentally spins too far over and ends up kicking Karkat in the leg.

Karkat curses as he falls over, on top of Dave.

They both stare at each other in disgruntled silence for a minute before breaking out into laughter.

They fuse while laughing!

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