Hikaru Hitachiin X Reader - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

I'll just copy paste while changing it to one fandom ^-^

Hello! Can I please request Tamaki, Hikaru, and Kaoru in a hurt comfort fic where the male reader realizes they're bi because they've fallen in love with the character, but the reader is afraid their friendship with the character will end if they confess?

Preferably a sort of comfort fic where the character actually does love the reader and they end up together?

Thank you very much for writing and not being mad ^-^


Hooh hooh hooh hooh hooh okay okay okay okay I got this

This was way harder than it had to be q_q

Ouran Highschool Host Club Masterlist

I hope this is what you wanted & you enjoy reading!

Hikaru Hitachiin x male! reader

Kaoru Hitachiin x male! reader

Tamaki Suoh x male! reader


Bi panic

(Y/N) broke out in a cold sweat. This wasn't really happening, was it? No, the bi panic felt too real, as he eyed his friend from across the room. Damn, he looked good in that suit...The girls around him ruined the picture, though. The amount of jealousy crawling up inside of the male was almost suffocating. It hadn't been long since (Y/N) started to feel this way whenever he saw the host doing his host thing, and he really hoped this phase would go away soon.

There was no way he could like his friend that way. He never even considered being into guys too, and this was a terrible way to find out. What was he supposed to do? Wait this out and let the feelings build up inside him until he eventually gets invited to his friend's wedding years later? Or come out of the closet and confess his affection and make things awkward between the two? (Y/N), a pessimist, was going crazy.

Wait, did he just admit liking his friend? Fuck, shit. No, this was bad.

It wasn't until said friend pulled him to an empty room one day that his mind completely shut down before it could explode. "You haven't been acting like yourself...", is how he explained his worry.

(Y/N) bit his bottom lip, his heart pounding so hard it was almost painful. He didn't even react when tears of panic and fear rolled down his cheeks.

"I...I like you, okay?? And- And I think that's why we shouldn't be friends anymore...", that was a lie, he would never want this friendship to end. But the words just dripped out of his mouth, rejecting himself before the host could. "I get if this makes you uncomfortable, and I swear I just recently found out I was bi. I didn't befriend you because I wanted to date you-"

I'll Just Copy Paste While Changing It To One Fandom ^-^

"Shut up.", Hikaru's words came out way harsher than intended, but he couldn't help the anger. (Y/N) flinched, immediately shutting his mouth. He was too occupied holding back his tears, he didn't notice Hikaru holding back his own. "Why the hell would you think that?", the brunette was met with silence, he clenched his jaw tight, "(Y/N), look at me!", he grabbed the shaking male by the shoulders and forced him to look at him, "How dense can you be...?"

Hikaru looked frustrated, flustered, angry...the sight shocked the (Y/HC)-haired. Both of them froze once their eyes locked, suddenly overwhelmed by the situation. It was like they both got woken up by a sudden loud noise. The host felt his cheeks getting hotter and hotter, as the other's words finally started to sink in.

(Y/N) liked him...he liked him. He had been too angry to hear (Y/N) assume such things that his actual confession was secondary to him. But now it started to hit him. And that embarrassed him. It was Hikaru that he liked. Not Kaoru. It was Hikaru, and Kaoru wasn't even in the picture. Multiple people confessed to the twins and couldn't care less about which twin they ended up being together, but (Y/N), he cared.

A little yelp escaped (Y/N)'s throat, suddenly pulled close to Hikaru's chest in a tight embrace. "I like you too...dumbass...", a shiver was clear in the male's voice, which made him hit himself on the inside, "About time you came out and said it..."

I'll Just Copy Paste While Changing It To One Fandom ^-^

"I thought you would never notice me."

(Y/N) snapped his head in Kaoru's direction, disbelief clear in his teary eyes. He couldn't believe what he just heard, but being met with Kaoru's sweet smile, and a blush adoring his cheeks, it was hard to disprove. The brunette laughed sheepishly, scratching the back of his head, "I was trying really hard to make you realise how I feel about you, you know?"

The (Y/HC)-haired began stuttering nonesense, nothing that could be recognized as words at all, overwhelmed by this unexpected turn of events. Kaoru laughed again, "You're so cute.", he cooed and booped (Y/N)'s noise, playfully. But no matter how calm and collected he seemed on the outside, the host was doing cartwheels of unbelievable joy on the inside. He just felt he should contain himself, seeing how struck (Y/N) was.

The two of them sat in near silence for a few moments in order to calm down, with the brunette giggling and the (Y/HC)-haired letting out gasps instead of words, with a small smile appearing on his own face nonetheless. And once they did cool down, Kaoru gently grabbed (Y/N)'s hand, "So...wanna go on a date?"

I'll Just Copy Paste While Changing It To One Fandom ^-^

For another minute or two (Y/N)'s rambling went on, avoiding any eye contact with Tamaki. Said male initially didn't know what to do, what to say. He himself only recently had his bi discovery, and didn't expect his crush to feel the same. (Y/N) was always there for the blonde and supported his dreams and goals, no matter how ridiculous they seemed to be.

Tamaki zoned out. He still heard (Y/N)'s voice, but didn't hear the words he was saying. A hand rose to his face to cover his mouth, while the other supported his elbow. Was it getting hot in here? His face felt incredily hot.

Only once the (Y/HC)-haired dared to look him in the eyes, the host snapped out of it, "So, you like like me, huh?", he stuttered out, definitely not the way he wanted to sound, but he just didn't seem to get the needed confidence, still in shock, "Wait, why are you crying...?", he moved his hand to wipe away the male's tears with his thumb, now concern adoring his face instead. (Y/N) swallowed, repeating his words, "Yeah, I like like you, but...You can just...We can just forget this and-"

"What do you mean 'forget this'??", the blonde's sudden loud voice made him flinch, "I could never forget this." Clearing his throat, Tamaki pulled (Y/N) into a stiff, yet loving hug, "I'm new to this whole guy likes another guy thing, but I will be the best boyfriend ever for you. Just you wait."

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11 months ago

Hi pooks I would absolutely love a fanfic with a trans male reader x Hikaru (ouran highschool host club) where Hikaru and the reader r already dating and the reader has a nightmare due to childhood trauma (maybe getting yelled at by their stepdad? And the thing the reader is being yelled at is kinda dumb (ie. Messing around with the TV remote, spilling tea on accident) but still super duper scary) and Hikaru comforts the reader with gentle cuddling and soft, comforting words 🙏🙏 (I know this is sorta a lot so take all the time you need pooks 🫶)

its quiet here

hitachiin hikaru x male reader

asshole stepdad yelling, comfort, does this count as a blurb idk

a/n: HI POOKIE !!!!! sorry if its not up to par 😣😣 i didn't know how to incorporate the readers trans identity into the story since i write in the second person so im really sorry abour that ☹️💔 I HOPE YOU DTILL LIKE IT !!!! (ignore how long it took to write i had ummm aummm uemmm EXAMS thats a good excuse)

Hi Pooks I Would Absolutely Love A Fanfic With A Trans Male Reader X Hikaru (ouran Highschool Host Club)

it's a quiet night, the air outside is misty and the faint light coming from hikaru’s bathroom is the only thing illuminating the bedroom you're sharing.

its loud. its really loud. your head is spinning and the air is caught in your lungs, you can’t think, everything is just too loud. what did you even do? why does this always happen to you?

but its quiet here. the only noises are the stirring of the bedsheets and hikaru's quiet breaths.

“you always find a way to ruin things, don’t you?” his voice is laced with venom, and its all too familiar. “you can't even handle a cup of tea.”

he storms off, not far enough that you can't hear him complain about you.

"our son is a fucking wreck! god, it's like he can't do anything."

you have so many things you want to say, but you don’t want to say anything. you could scream and cry and shout, but the only noises you make are the ragged sobs that spill out as you try to maintain your breathing.

and then you’re awake. and you’re back in his peaceful room, you’re back with him. your face is tear stained and slightly sticky and your breath is shallow.

breathe in for 4 seconds

hold for 7

exhale for 8

breathe in for 4

hold for 7

out for…

you’re interrupted by your boyfriend's careful movements.

“are you alright…?” he says hesitantly. is he scared to startle you or does he think youre annoying, are you annoying? does he hate you? oh no, what if he just wants to sleep, and you're interrupting-

your thoughts are cut short when he wraps his arms around you. he’s warm and soft and you can tell he's sleepy.

and he just holds you. just like you needed. you’re safe and loved and you're okay here. you're okay with him. you knew your boyfriend wasn't the best with words, but he was always enough. you lean into his hold a little more.

“i’m sorry.” you breathe out, “for waking you up n’ stuff.” you're overflowing, you’d rather die than have him asleep right now but how his head is leaning in the crook of your neck and his arms are loosely wrapped around your waist shows you how tired he is and god does it make you feel guilty.

“shut up. i love you.” and his hold around you gets a little tighter.

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