Hindu - Tumblr Posts

Neemrana Fort-Palace In Rajasthan, India

Neemrana Fort-Palace in Rajasthan, India

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1 year ago

DEUS é a ORIGEM, dos pássaros também!

Falando em evolução, alegro-me quando encontro uma pessoa consciente em saber que a sua Origem como centelha foi a mesma de um pássaro. Para quem ainda não acredita na espiritualidade, fica difícil de compreender essa informação. Porém, tenho certeza que um dia, saberá disso e muito mais, pois a realidade é a que somos espíritos ocupando corpos materiais. Somos centelha e lá atrás tivemos a oportunidade de ocupar um corpo para vencer as alturas, como fazem as aves do nosso Orbe.

O exemplo dos pássaros não deixa você curioso? Temos a capacidade de pensar e criar, ocupando um corpo que é a formação material mais evoluído, comparado com os outros seres encarnados do planeta na matéria. Então por que o nosso corpo não foi criado para voar (independente de instrumentos)? Não estou dizendo que deveríamos ser cobertos de pena com asas, kkkk. Seria mais fácil para chegarmos no ponto mais alto do Everest, por exemplo.

O homem por Eras, em várias culturas, tinham como deuses mitológicos, diversas Aves e faziam grandes oferendas, construindo réplicas gigantes, adorando-as e fazendo sacrifícios diante de suas imagens, onde pessoas tiravam a própria vida, como ato divino. Muitos até desejavam encarnar na próxima vida em corpos assim, para poder dominar os céus. Até hoje, estudamos esse passado, talvez para lembrar o quanto o homem foi dominado por estas ideias, criadas para o controle de povos e nações.

Não há como vencer as leis físicas do planeta ocupando corpos físicos. O homem, com o tempo, graças a alguns iluminados, desenvolveu instrumentos para conseguir vencer as alturas. O que era para ser uma vitória da humanidade, infelizmente, usou também para guerras, mantendo o seu desejo de dominação. As aves, com o avanço da humanidade, perderam esse título de ser deus - o trabalho realizado pela Direção Planetária, fez o homem pensar melhor e despertar o conhecimento do Deus Único. As barreiras do campo vibratório que dominam a mente da maioria dos encarnados, presenciou de muitas oportunidades para fazer a humanidade avançar, e Jesus, no pentecostes, consegue derrame os dons mediúnicos para toda a carne - dons do espírito santo, onde espíritos encarnados usassem as portas abertas para o intercâmbio entre os planos.

Aqueles homens do Oriente Médio, descobririam que o poder divino era infinito, talvez descobriram com o mestre Jesus que voar pelos céus, poderia ser feita de outra forma, como acredito que faziam os mestres videntes e oráculos dos Templos fechados, por conhecerem nos planos invisíveis essa liberdade que não obedessem as leis físicas no plano onde estão os encarnados. Além disso, existia uma simbologia que representavam essas aves, como era de conhecimentos desses semideuses.

Jesus, preparado pelos Essênios abriu as portas dos céus e essa humanidade dava mais um passo no firmamento da consciência do Deus Único, só de conhecimento nos Templos fechados da antiguidade.

Aprenderam sobre os planos invisíveis, através da psicometria, em vidência, inspirações e outras inúmeras formas de mediunidade. Deixaram a forma material (mandamento de Deus, quando se falava das imagens) e estática, para compreender o movimento dentro e fora da carne. Através dos espíritos comunicantes, aprenderam que as aves eram parte da chamada Criação, ou seja, filhos de Deus, deixando os pensamentos de divindade no passado.

Uma vez, um vidente disse a um encarnado que nos planos invisíveis, os pássaros auxiliavam muito e disse que a pomba, como símbolo era a "mensageira" e a águia "veloz e certeira no cumprimento do objetivo", e assim, quando em visão, eram visto sobre a cabeça de um encarnado, significava que esse seria um porta voz dos espíritos entre os encarnados.

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Os ciclos evolutivos passam e as Eras marcaram o desenvolvimento das centelhas ligadas ao planeta, nossa Casa Cósmica, que emanada de Deus, tem como dever realizar a Sua vontade. Aquele que é o Princípio de Tudo e de Todos no Universo, aguarda o nosso retorno, acompanhando o nosso progresso, não deixando faltar nada.

Temos todos os elementos necessários para agir. A matéria, também emanada de Deus, é o instrumento para cumprir a Vossa vontade. E usamos essa matéria, ocupando corpos dos mais variados. Cada qual, servindo em acordo com a nossa condição evolutiva. Ocupamos corpos no reino mineral, depois no reino vegetal, no reino animal, até chegar nessa fase evolutiva, homem, consciente e capacitado de seguir por conta própria seu caminho, podendo usar instrumentos mais avançados, tratando de corpo, até à Sagrada Finalidade.

Hoje, temos condições de entendimento para saber que os animais, vegetais e até os minerais, são ocupados por centelhas emanadas, em pleno desenvolvimento desde a sua concepção, até atingir essa condição humana. Os pássaros são comandados por espíritos em condições de evolução muito atrás de nós. Já passamos dessa etapa e de acordo com os informes, não há retrocesso de etapas ou voltar a estágios anteriores, como gatos, cães, etc. Isso só acontece em filmes e histórias infantis.

Esse entendimento é muito respeitado no Oriente. Espero que essas ideias distorcidas que ensinam por aí, acabem o quanto antes pois o homem sem conhecimento, acredita em qualquer bobagem e ideia que vendem por aí

DEUS abençoe.

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Just found out McDonald’s fries have beef

Just Found Out McDonalds Fries Have Beef

I’m a Hindu

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2 years ago
By Indianhilbilly On Flickr.Mahabat Maqbara, A Fine Mausoleum In Junagadh - Gujarat, India.

by indianhilbilly on Flickr.Mahabat Maqbara, a fine mausoleum in Junagadh - Gujarat, India.

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1 year ago

It was indeed a genocide yet people just reduce it to just being an exodus. Like no, people have been killed & torture and the only fault of them was that they were Hindus. People raises questions to Bharat and says that Kashmiri's are suffering, while after the abrogation of article 370 Kashmir has developed for good. While in their so called "Azad" Kashmir, people are literally asking Bharatiya pm for help. They are told that in Bharat they will be prisoned and treated like slaves, and do you know what their answer is to that statement??

They say if this is what freedom looks like then they would like to be in that prison.

Bharat never illegally occupied Kashmir, it was freaking Pakistan. They killed our people, our soldiers and forcefully convert our Hindu brothers and sisters.

If Pakistan really want Kashmir then I demand them to bring back the lives of people who fought for that land till their last breath and bring back the lives of Kashmiri pandits who were killed by those terrorists. Return every single life then think of taking it.


A tale through pictures


Hindus are native to Kashmir. This was them before and as they were killed, tortured, discriminated and thrown out of their homeland by Islamic invasions and later on by Islamic militants bent on making Kashmir a muslim only land. The hindus of Kashmir were forcefully converted years ago during the medieval times and the ones who did not convert were finally kicked out of their land in the year of 1990.

Hindus all over India have faced such atrocities.

Hinduism was wiped out of Afghanistan which was once fully hindu and today is an Islamic stronghold.

Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh are currently facing these ethnic cleansings while the world remains silent.

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1 year ago

Period 🔥

Why only our dharma is constantly questioned? Why only us after being the oldest have to still provide those who don't believe in with proofs of our culture our HISTORY?

And even after many proofs why do they still say that our gods are a myth?

Why a dharma, the ONLY dharma that has not one but many ancient scriptures said to be illogical?

Why the Dharma that has scriptures like Bhagvad-Gita, 4 vedas, over two hundred Upanishads, a lot of puranas and many more that has answers and to all the questions that one must have and cover everything with reasons, logic and science still questioned and said to be illogical or 'andhvishwas' ?


Remember people it's not a religion it's what life is about. It's not backwards, it's the most liberal, scientific dharma.


RadheKrishn 🙏🏽

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1 year ago

Our Moon Has Blood Clots -

Exodus Remembrance Day :

Rahul Pandita was fourteen years old in 1990 when he was forced to leave his home in Srinagar along with his family, who were Kashmiri Pandits: the Hindu minority group in Kashmir.

January 19, 1990

It was a very cold day despite the sun’s weak attempts to emerge from behind dark clouds. In the afternoon, I played cricket with some boys from my neighbourhood. All of us wore thick sweaters and pherans. I would always remove my pheran and place it on the fence in the kitchen garden. After playing, I would wear it before entering the house to escape my mother’s wrath. She worried that I would catch cold. ‘The neighbours will think that I am incapable of taking care of my children,’ she would say in exasperation. We had an early dinner that evening and, since there was no electricity, we couldn’t watch television. Father heard the evening news bulletin on the radio as usual, and just as we were going to sleep, the electricity returned.

I am in a deep slumber. I can hear strange noises. Fear grips me. All is not well. Everything is going to change. I see shadows of men slithering along our compound wall. And then they jump inside. One by one. So many of them. I woke up startled. But the zero-watt bulb was not on. The hundred-watt bulb was. Father was waking me up. ‘Something is happening,’ he said. I could hear it—there were people out on the streets. They were talking loudly. Some major activity was underfoot. Were they setting our locality on fire? So, it wasn’t entirely a dream, after all? Will they jump inside now? Then a whistling sound could be heard. It was the sound of the mosque’s loudspeaker. We heard it every day in the wee hours of the morning just before the muezzin broke into the azaan. But normally the whistle was short-lived; that night, it refused to stop. That night, the muezzin didn’t call.

That night, it felt like something sinister was going to happen. The noise outside our house had died down. But in the mosque, we could hear people’s voices. They were arguing about something. My uncle’s family came to our side of the house. ‘What is happening?’ Uncle asked. ‘Something is happening,’ Father said. ‘They are up to something.’

It was then that a long drawl tore through the murmurs, and with the same force the loudspeaker began to hiss. ‘Naara-e-taqbeer, Allah ho Akbar!’ I looked at my father; his face was contorted. He knew only too well what the phrase meant. I had heard it as well, in a stirring drama telecast a few years ago on Doordarshan, an adaptation of Bhisham Sahni’s Tamas, a novel based on the events of the 1947 partition of India and Pakistan. It was the cry that a mob of Muslim rioters shouted as it descended upon Hindu settlements. It was a war cry. Within a few minutes, battle cries flew at us from every direction. They rushed towards us like poison darts.

Hum kya chaaaahte: Azadiiii!

Eiy zalimon, eiy kafiron, Kashmir humara chhod do.

What do we want—Freedom!

O tyrants, O infidels, leave our Kashmir.

Then the slogans ceased for a while. From another mosque came the sound of recorded songs eulogizing the Mujahideen resistance to the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. The whole audio cassette played through, and then the slogans returned. We were still wondering what would happen next when a slogan we heard left us in no doubt. I remember Ma began to tremble like a leaf when we heard it. ‘Assi gacchi panu’nuy Pakistan, batav rostuy, batenein saan.’ The crowd wanted to turn Kashmir into Pakistan, without the Pandit men, but with their women.

They’ll come and finish us. It is just a matter of minutes now, we think. Ma rushed to the kitchen and returned with a long knife. It was her father’s. ‘If they come, I will kill her,’ she looked at my sister. ‘And then I will kill myself. And you see what you two need to do.’

Father looked at her in disbelief. But he didn’t utter a word. We are very scared. We do not know what to do. Where would we run away to? Would Ma have to kill herself? What about my sister?

My life flashed in front of me, like a silent film.

I remembered my childhood with my sister. How I played with her and how she always liked to play ‘teacher-teacher’, making me learn the spellings of ‘difficult’ words.






I remembered the red ribbon she wore; I remembered how she waited behind the closed gates of her school to catch a glimpse of father’s shoes from beneath; I remembered how she threw a duster at one of her friends who tried to bully me; I remembered how I left her alone in the middle of a game of hopscotch because I saw Ravi’s mother entering the house with a parrot in a cage. Would Mother stab her? And herself? What would we do? ‘The BSF will do something,’ Uncle said. But nobody does anything. The slogan-mongering continued all night. We could see searchlights from somewhere making an arc over and over again. Was the BSF keeping a watch? Why were they not stopping this madness?

The slogans did not stop till the early hours of the morning. We remained awake the whole night. As the first rays of the sun broke, I dozed off for a while and when I woke up everyone was still there. Ma was still holding on to the knife.

The crowd took a break in the morning. I don’t think we had ever been as happy as we were when dawn broke that day. It gave us an elemental sense of hope, of security. It was later that we realized that it was not only in our locality that this had happened. These incidents had occured all over the Kashmir Valley at around the same time. It was well orchestrated. It was meant to frighten us into exile. Three hundred kilometres away, in a former palace, a man spent that night feeling absolutely helpless. Jagmohan had been sent by New Delhi to take charge as the governor of Jammu and Kashmir.

On the afternoon of January 19, he had boarded a BSF plane that had brought him to Jammu. While being driven to the Raj Bhavan, he saw people lining up on both sides of the road to greet him. Jagmohan was a very popular administrator and, during a previous stint in 1986 as the governor of the state, he had won the hearts of the people by undertaking large-scale reforms. That night in Jammu’s Raj Bhavan, the phone began to ring from 10 p.m. onwards. ‘They are coming to kill us,’ a scared Pandit from somewhere in the Valley whispered to him. ‘Please ask the army to help us,’ begged another. But that night, Jagmohan was not in a position to help them at all.

The administration, he knew, had collapsed completely. Some sections of the police were sympathetic to militant groups. No one was in charge. And as usual, in New Delhi, the babus in the government had no idea what was happening. On Doordarshan, as Jagmohan would recount in his memoirs later, a special programme on the ‘ethnic revolt’ in Azerbaijan was being telecast. Only a week earlier, in the Azerbaijani capital of Baku, a massive crowd demanding independence from Soviet Russia had attacked the Christian Armenian community, killing hundreds in a bloodied frenzy, and looting their homes and business establishments. And oblivious to New Delhi, a similar episode was about to occur in Kashmir.

Only the gods could save the Pandits now

- Excerpted from 'Our Moon has Blood Clots', a memoir of the exodus of the Kashmiri Pandits, written by senior journalist Rahul Pandita.

Today is the darkest day in the history of Kashmir -

January 19, 2024 marks the beginning of the 34th year of exile of the Kashmiri Pandits. 19 Januaryis observed as Exodus day by Kashmiri Hindus.

Who are the Kashmiri Hindus??

Our Moon Has Blood Clots -


Our Moon Has Blood Clots -

A little History on Kashmir -

Our Moon Has Blood Clots -

Kashmir acceding to India -

Our Moon Has Blood Clots -

The Multiple Exoduses -

Our Moon Has Blood Clots -


Our Moon Has Blood Clots -


Our Moon Has Blood Clots -


Our Moon Has Blood Clots -


Our Moon Has Blood Clots -


Our Moon Has Blood Clots -
Exodus of Kashmiri Hindus - Wikipedia
Exodus of Kashmiri Hindus - Wikipedia

Today Kashmiri Hindus still live like refugees in their own country. Their homes and properties remain vacant or occupied.

The valley awaits them.

And we remember their loss and their suffering.

Always and forever.

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1 year ago

Settler colonialism and denial of the hindu history of Kashmir.

Settler Colonialism And Denial Of The Hindu History Of Kashmir.


Settler Colonialism And Denial Of The Hindu History Of Kashmir.


Settler Colonialism And Denial Of The Hindu History Of Kashmir.
Settler Colonialism And Denial Of The Hindu History Of Kashmir.
Settler Colonialism And Denial Of The Hindu History Of Kashmir.
Settler Colonialism And Denial Of The Hindu History Of Kashmir.
Settler Colonialism And Denial Of The Hindu History Of Kashmir.
Settler Colonialism And Denial Of The Hindu History Of Kashmir.
Settler Colonialism And Denial Of The Hindu History Of Kashmir.
Settler Colonialism And Denial Of The Hindu History Of Kashmir.

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1 year ago

I am a proud hindu so i was angry about what happened to kashmiri hindus. but after reading up on it and the history of kashmir in general, one thing is really obvious: india failed kashmir (all of them not just hindus). It’s why I support their right to self-determination. I am based in America and I know several punjabis here who don’t consider themselves indian because their family/community was directly impacted by the 1984 anti sikh pogroms. ig i’m saying india has failed a lot of people (esp minorities) so if we are not from their ethnic group, we don’t get to selfishly claim them or impose our will on them. like i’m a kannadiga and i hate the imposition of hindi in my home state and while this is not even slightly comparable to the violence and trauma faced by kashmiris, punjabis and other groups, i would hate for a non-kannadiga (esp a hindi speaker) telling me how to feel and having the final say in the matter so kashmiri self determination just makes sense to me.

this just my two cents hope this didn’t sound rude because that’s not my intention.

I know you didn't mean to be rude here, but what you're saying is actually really out of touch.

I hope you're aware of what happened in Kashmir to Kashmiri pandits. Pakistan has dreamed of Kashmir since it was formed. That's why they wrongfully attacked India the first time, securing only POK which sadly was due to the UN, and weak Indian political power. Since then, they have infiltrated our country, and approximately 300,000 Kashmiri Pandits are reported to have left the region due to constant persecution from the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) and other militant groups, like Hizbul-Mujahideen (HM). In 1989, radical Islamists initiated an insurgency, fueled by covert support from Pakistan.

The party at the time did its best to hide this, and stifle it as much as possible, this got an ounce of coverage and light when The Kashmir Files was released

Hindus have 5000 years of recorded history with the land, that Islamists claim has “always been Muslim land”. "Kashmir" is literally named after Rishi Kashyap, if you're aware. On 19, January 1990 mosques blared out the infamous "convert leave or die" and finished their mission of converting the entirety of Kashmir to an Islamic state. Our pandits were told to leave their wives and daughters behind if they wanted to escape alive.

They're still living like refugees in their country, and now thanks to the scrapping of sec 370, things have taken a turn for the better.

Many Muslims of Kashmir still retain their Hindu surname. It was a deliberate attempt to wipe Hindus out that Islamists achieved and now THAT'S the free Kashmir they want, this slogan isn't promising actual Kashmiris that were displaced from their homes back, this slogan is furthering the agenda to chew Kashmir off India's map - the one true dream.

A similar approach is taken by Khalistanis, they aren't asking for Lahore, you know, the capital of Maharaja Ranjeet Singh, they're demanding INDIA to give Punjab away. They are funded by Pakistan as well that's why they can't say anything about Sikh treatment in Pakistan. That's why they can't say anything about Gurudwaras converted to garbage bins. You obviously, being far away, aren't aware of what's going beneath the surface, they have vandalized various Hindu Temples.

They take the name of their Guru who sacrificed his life for India, while they stomp on the flag of India.

In theory, I guess it sounds easy to say "Well, disagreements are flaring up, so let's just split and give them their own thing". But this isn't how it works. Compromise and collaboration is how decisions are made in a democracy. This is our motherland, the last time we split was painful as fuck. The only reason India didn't fall apart after Independence is because of the formation of linguistic states.

I lived in Bangalore for the majority of my childhood, and I left 2 years before the entire language debacle began. I don't know if you know, but now Kannadigas are getting violent if anyone speaks Hindi. They demand you to speak in Kannada even if you don't know how.

You're based in America, so I'm not holding this against you, but I'm begging you, please do more research.

[Exhibit 82]

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1 year ago

Absolutely. It's a harsh reality but it's true. We are cowards! Look what is happening to Hindus in Pakistan, look what is happening to Hindus in Bangladesh and look what has happened to Kashmiri Hindus. Those ones who are not like us are labelled as oppressors or casteist. Look at our ancestors and look at us. In a "democratic" country like India even Hindu politicians are not safe, so how can we expect that we are safe?

It's time to wake up, it's time to step against hinduphobia and it's time to awake other Hindus aswell!

Why do hindu rights posts have so few reblogs? Because hindus are cowards. They cannot even reblog stuff raising awareness about their own community even if it’s on Tumblr, a platform that provides anonymity. We are nothing like our ancestors. We are weak, vulnerable and pathetic and it sucks.

It’s easier to reblog shayari or desi stuff instead. Ik because I’ve been there. I know how it feels to be a Hindu. I know how it feels to look the other way and numb your heart but sometimes—

We just don’t flipping care.

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1 year ago

They are defending Babur as if he was their mommy's brother. Like bro no! He freaking killed soo many people and soo many people suffered because of him including ur ancestors. Then why are you soo obsessed with defending him!? It's literally like people who side with r#pist saying it was victims fault because she was asking for it.

Like why are they obsessed with linking themselves with a freaking murderer??

This Person Is Just So Flipping Dumb And Ignorant That I Cant Even Form A Reply In My Head For Their

This person is just so flipping dumb and ignorant that I can’t even form a reply in my head for their claims. Like literally so so so so ignorant and dumb.

But here we go— (I’ll do my best to explain it as if I’m explaining stuff to a 5 year old cuz that’s the level of understanding that we are dealing with here)

First of all to understand decolonisation we must first make sure that we know what is Colonisation.

So what is colonisation?

- the act of taking control of an area or a country that is not your own, especially using force, and sending people from your own country to live there.

Now that we’ve established what is colonisation lets move on to colonisers who came in as invaders and remained on Indian soil for more than 800 years -

The Islamic invaders were ruthless suppressers of this land and it’s culture. They not only destroyed hindu places of worship but also Sikh, Jain and Buddhist places of worship.

Most of the time the destruction of temples and hindu structures was followed by a raising of an Islamic mosque in its place.

These “mosques” are not your usual Islamic places of worship but symbols of colonisation and they represent the oppressors that came from outside.


also you are so shamelessly dismissing the Ram Janmbhumi as if it isn’t one of the holiest sites in Hinduism?? This is just as important to us as Mecca and Medina are for muslims!!!! Hello???! Tf is wrong with you?

How skewed does your perception has to be to think like that??

you’re literally saying every Islamic place of worship matters but hindu places of worship don’t? Especially hindu places of worship that are so important to the faith? Like it’s literally the birth place of lord Ram!!! What are you smoking? Muslims have Mecca and medina outside India. For us hindus THIS IS ITTTT!!!! Why is this not getting inside your thick skull??? (I’m literally so pissed off rn)

Also mosques are not house of god as you implied, they are a congregational space for prayer. It’s blasphemous according to Islam to refer to a masjid as a “house of god” i wish you had learnt that at least.

And think about this - tomorrow if hindu armies invade Saudi and take over Mecca and Medina and destroy the holiest Islamic structures there and build their temple and years later the Muslims try to reclaim it, they will be doing the wrong thing? NO! They would have every right to.

Please get a brain replacement surgery.

And I don’t even wanna know what crap you’ve been reading about and how it relates to hindus cuz seriously you’re the dumbest Tumblr blog I’ve come across so far.

Good riddance.

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9 years ago
Pankaj Mishra on Arundhati Roy: Hindu nationalists have many ways to silence writers
Author Roy is facing criminal trial for contempt of court in India. Of course, Narendra Modi’s government has left no clear fingerprints on this scene of a crime against art and thought

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7 years ago
More Chakras, Different Sources, Their Names, And Their Colors.
More Chakras, Different Sources, Their Names, And Their Colors.
More Chakras, Different Sources, Their Names, And Their Colors.

More chakras, different sources, their names, and their colors.

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5 months ago

The way Bollywood has ruined the term “Raasleela” is unforgivable. From the song “Character Dheela he” where the line “..Ishaq ke naam par karte sabhi abb raasleela he” where Salman Khan even does the hand gesture of a bansuri to the dialogues of movies like Bajirao Mastani where Kashi Bai played by Priyanka Chopra’s can be seen saying “..Humne apke sath Rasleela jo nhi ki.” These Bollywood songs and movies give a negative connotation to Raasleela and tries to portray it as something sinful. Do they ever research such things before they use it in their movies or is it deliberate? These questions have to be asked if we are to preserve our culture and it’s foundations. Bollywood has twisted so many things related to Hinduism and continues to do so in the name of creative liberty.

So what does Raasleela actually even means? - The term "Raas Leela" roughly means Dance of Devine Love. Raas Leela is an ancient Indian tradition that tells the love story of childhood sweethearts ~ Lord Krishna and Radha. Picture skilled dancers in colorful costumes, swaying and twirling to the rhythm of drums and singing voices. They move like moonlight on water, showing us adventure, love, and a journey of self-discovery. Raas Leela isn't just a dance; it's a journey for your soul. Each step tells a story, filled with deep meaning and a connection to something bigger.

The Way Bollywood Has Ruined The Term Raasleela Is Unforgivable. From The Song Character Dheela He Where

Imagine a dance that tells a love story that's been captivating hearts for centuries. This is Raas Leela, a mesmerizing performance that's become synonymous with Vrindavan. The exact beginnings are a bit of a mystery, but some believe it started as early as the 16th century. The Indian classical dance of Kathak also developed from the 'Raslila of Braj and Manipuri Classical Dance' (Vrindavana) also known as Natwari Nritya. Back then, these performances were a way for devotees to express their love for Lord Krishna and Radha. Through graceful movements and beautiful music, they brought to life the playful romance and spiritual connection shared by these divine beings.

Witnessing a Raas Leela performance is more than just entertainment; it's a journey through Vrindavan's rich history and a chance to connect with its enduring traditions.

Why is it important to push back against these false narratives and portrayals of hindu traditional and devotional rituals by the film industries? Because movies and songs are some of the most impactful forms of propaganda. They create long lasting impressions in the minds of its audiences.

It’s high time we take these things seriously and actually do something about it.

The Way Bollywood Has Ruined The Term Raasleela Is Unforgivable. From The Song Character Dheela He Where
The Way Bollywood Has Ruined The Term Raasleela Is Unforgivable. From The Song Character Dheela He Where

- A group of dancers portraying the Manipuri Raas Leela in their traditional dresses.

The Way Bollywood Has Ruined The Term Raasleela Is Unforgivable. From The Song Character Dheela He Where

- Vrindavan Raas leela

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1 year ago

Me watching that while being Hindu 👁️👄👁️

Hey I wanna know what’s your least favorite mcu line ever?

I’ll go first, mine’s “there’s only one god, ma’am, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t dress like that.”

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2 years ago

Hindu hate been spread :

Hi... I just wanna know why no one is talking about what's happening to Hindus in UK their temples are targeted, people who are standing against it are getting beaten up for simply saying JAI SHREE RAM... and police is saying it was a minor inconvenience.........?!

Mind you they literally attacked a temple in UK and and were shouting anti Hindu stuff....

So why are we not taking about this or even discussing about it.... Like we do on other problems...

You know what hurts me the most is that most of the Indians living in other countries are not aware about or they just wanna ignore it.

It's my humble request to any one who will be reading this post please don't ignore it... Repost and please do some research on the topics get aware please 🙏🙏🙏 ( and when you do your research please don't take the weather media as source)

All the Hindus in the world no matter where you are living Be proud of who you are.

I am an Hindu and I am proud of it 🧡🧡


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12 years ago
Temples Over Ganga River In Varanasi India

Temples over Ganga river In Varanasi India

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