Hmmmm Wed Just Have To Figure Out What To Name It And Do Some Decorating And Figure Out A Tag System - Tumblr Posts
Hello! I am sorry for the weird ask, but you were one of the first ones I felt safe in asking, but you don't happen to know any kind of term for a member that mostly does the 'adult' stuff? Such as mostly fronting/co-fronting/co-conning whichever when the host is at work, job hunting, driving, etc.
I thought of 'manager' or even 'overseer' (which is funny to me, a Doctor Iceberg fictive, the promotion we all deserve I think) but I don't know if that exactly fits, and we cannot seem to find an actual proper term for it, like caretaker doesn't make sense since i don't look after the body itself just I don't know job shit, and stuff like driving. I know we have the power to coin a term but the anxiety.
Thank you for the help in advanced. - ❄️
Ok, we just did a pluralpedia dive for you, and here are a few terms that might fit!