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6 years ago

i love andrew minyard with my entire heart and soul but i honestly would not want to spend more than about a minute in his presence 

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6 years ago

do you ever think about how weird it is that the moral of Frankenstein is kind of less just “graverobbing is weird and creepy” and more “take some fucking responsibility if you’re going to do so”

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5 months ago

mya and lucy with my hcs after death ♡

Mya And Lucy With My Hcs After Death

one of my mutals on here who i was friends with texted me on here saying that they’re mental health wasn’t great and they had to take a break from the app , some of you might know her as a big maritza fan! we met through our liking for hello neighbor , we shared so many things and exchanged alot of theories ! we where such good friends , i truely miss you i dont know where your account went but i just hope your safe and doing better than before! please be okay. keep her in your prayers <3 heres a mya and lucy art i made not so long ago ! although this fandom isn’t big , and im not a big fan of the current game/plot , i always loved the alphas. it’ll always be somewhere! :D

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5 years ago

23 years

First, I give thanks to God.

I’m grateful to Him for allowing me to see 23 years of life. There are people who don’t make it this far, so I don’t ever take the gift of life for granted. 

Up to a few weeks ago, I didn’t know where I was going in life or if I was happy at all. For a long time, it felt like I was on a road heading to nowhere, which if you know, is truly, the worst feeling. But with growth comes maturity (I don’t actually know if that’s a real saying or if I’ve just plucked it from thin air but it makes enough sense to me so whatever) and a big part of growing up and maturing is knowing and figuring out what does and what doesn’t make you happy and once you have, being strong enough to walk away from that which no longer brings you pleasure. 

So, I made a big decision. I walked away from a well paying retail job to pursue my writing dreams which never was an easy decision. But I decided I no longer wanted to waste my time on something when I was sure I could be making better use of my time and skills elsewhere. So, I traded in security and stability for a dream and how right I was in making that decision is something that I’ll just have to wait and find out.  But, I’m confident that I have set myself up for a good year and I’m pleased to say that I’ll begin posting on this blog more regularly from today. 

A word of advice for other writers out there who might be struggling too; Don’t wait, just do. Often times, and I’ve noticed this with myself, we get trapped into this way of thinking, that our writing just isn’t good enough and we stall ourselves from just getting on with it and doing the damn thing. 

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