Hopie - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago

When Fangirling About K-Pop Around Friends Pt 3

-Purely BTS btw-

Me: oh

Friend: yeah?

Me: oh...

Friend: ...yes?

Me: oooohhhhhhh...

Friend: Koreans?

Me: yes

Friend: what now?

Me: Bangtan

Friend: the heck is a Bangtan?

Me: they posted another Bangtan Bomb

Friend: tf?

Me: excuse the weirdness but I have to watch this













Friend: this is literally them opening and closing a window while one of them eats standing out the sunroof

Me: exactly

Friend: are all of these like that?

Me: no

Friend: okay good

Me: sometimes Jin eats food

Friend: srsly

Me: and opens and closes a door

Friend: you're kidding me

Me: for 30 seconds

Friend: and you find it entertaining

Me: yes




Me: I've watched it twenty times

Friend: just leave


Me: omgggg

Friend: more Koreans

Me: why do you assume that?

Friend: because it's all you've been talking about lately

Me: not true

Friend: you were watching videos during class

Me: they were important videos

Friend: of Koreans eating?

Me: no, this one was V

Friend: doing what?

Me: no one knows


Friend: what tf are you watching?

Me: what?

Friend: they look possessed

Me: what do you mean?

Friend: and what is he doing- is that what he calls dancing?

Me: hey, Jin's traffic control dance is adorable

Friend: um...

Me: it's his thing

Friend: and the two doing the- WTF

Me: what?

Friend: what are the two in the middle doing

Me: oh I think that's Rap Mon's signature move

Friend: and the three on the side?

Me: imitating EXO's tree at the beginning of Growl feat Yoongi being cute

Friend: and I'm not gonna even talk about the other two

Me: hehe Hopie and Jin... Omg I forgot their ship name

Friend: their /what/

Me: ship name

Friend: ship?

Me: yes

Friend: you mean you ship these guys with each other?

Me: yes

Friend: like as in love and kiss and sex?

Me: well, I'm more of a BroTP fan

Friend: the heck is BroTP

Me: but some fans do

Friend: oh gosh

Me: you should see the edits, hold on lemme find the V-Hope one-

Friend: bye

-Admin Jinnie

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9 years ago

My life goals right now are just like 1. Meet Bangtan 2. Meet Bangtan 3. Meet Bangtan 4. Meet Bangtan 5. Meet Bangtan 7. Meet Bangtan 8. Meet Bangtan 9. Meet Bangtan 10. Marry Bangtan Okay the last one is pretty much impossible but that doesn't mean it can't be a goal -Admin Jinnie

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