Seokjin Scenarios - Tumblr Posts
just say goodnight n go | prologue

pairing ↠ jin x reader, fuckboy!jungkook x reader
genre ↠ college au | love triangle | strangers to lovers | slow burn | fluff, angst, smut | multi-chapter
word count ↠ 4.7k
18+ | warnings ↠ mentions of death, a little bit of jealousy, swearing, no sex in this part, but I'll keep the 18+, because there will be soon.
summary ↠ when your mother passes away, you go back to your college student life, only to find out the guy you liked (and were friends with benefits with) had a girlfriend now. trying to get over him and your mother’s passing, seokjin, the friend of a friend wants you to give him a chance. will you find your way back to yourself?
A/N ↠ hi, y’all. this is the first time I’m writing, English isn’t my first language, my boyfriend hates fanfiction (so I had to write when he wasn’t around)... anyway, I had 1000 reasons not to right this. but I just needed to let it flow. this is it. it may be shitty, but I like it lol so I hope you enjoy it too.
so here’s a playlist for you to listen while you read :) feedback is always appreciated, my inbox is always open

You've been through the hardest week of your life. It was the type of week we all know it’s gonna come, eventually, but in your case, it came just too soon. You look at your reflection in the mirror close to the door and what you see is the sight of a broken person. Dark circles under your tired eyes show a worn out expression, the reflexes of the events happening in your life for the past eight months.
Yesterday, you buried your mother. Alone, except for the presence of your best friend, Jimin. You understood the absence of your other friends, after all, you used to live in a city that wasn’t exactly close to where you study. But your brother Namjoon’s absence, though, was a little harder to understand. You were the one who dealt with all the difficult things regarding your mother’s health, since you got that goddamn call from the hospital. And now you had to deal with the post mortem paperwork, burial, relative phone calls and everything else, again, all alone.
He and your mom didn’t have the best of relationships, that’s true. He never wanted to come back home, and you understood that. After your parents’ divorce, she became a darker version of herself. She used to lash out on Joonie when things didn't go her way. And you understood his bitter feelings towards her. It has been like that since your father left. But not with you, though, she always treated you differently. She was kind to you, in her own manner. You never really knew why. Loving her was hard at times, but she was your mother. The one who stayed, unlike your father. The one who cried and laughed with you. The one who cooked you dinner. The one who drove you to the train station when you moved. Looking back, she has always been there.
She always took care of everything and, honestly, looking at yourself now reminds you of her. Since Jimin got your text with the heartbreaking news, he has been by your side. He didn't even ask if you wanted him to come, he just came to be there with you. That’s the thing about Jimin, he’s always so tender and attentive. He’s always there. You hope someday you'll be able to repay everything he does for you.
Right now, standing in your mother’s empty apartment, you feel as empty as the room. This is the place you lived since you were little. You can not describe the feeling in words, it's overwhelming. You feel empty. You don't know what to do and how to react to things, what to say to people or how to respond to the hundreds of texts you gotten since yesterday. You feel the touch of a warm hand on your right shoulder and turn around to face Jimin.
“Sweetums… Shall we?”, he asks with a soft voice, a comforting expression in his eyes.
“Sure, let's go”, you say as you take one last look in the empty room where you grew up.
“Go ahead and wait for me in the car, I’ll handle the last details with the realtor, don't worry”, he says as you two turn to leave the apartment and hands you his car keys.
“Don't worry, Chim, I got-”, not really allowing you to finish the sentence, he grabs your hand and places the car keys on its palm. Defeated, you smile weakly at your friend and head to his car.
Sitting on the passenger’s seat, you start thinking about your life from now on. Nothing would ever be the same again. You had an absent father, who never cared if you and your brother were sick, well, dead or alive. Your only family now was Namjoon. Namjoon and Namjoon alone meant home to you, now.
At some point, Jimin opened the car door and gave you a reassuring smile. You were too lost in your own thoughts to notice he was ready to leave. He got in the car and turned the car keys. Now you were going back to the life you left behind to take care of your mom, eight months ago. College, your friends, Jungkook.
But how? Your mind wandered as the car ride made you fall asleep. Something you haven't been able to do properly for a couple of days.

You feel your shoulders being softly shaken. Squeezing your eyes open, you find Jimin alongside Namjoon babbling something to you. You still don’t really understand what they say, but you flash their way a delicate smile as you take your back off the passenger’s seat. You didn’t really notice, but you must have slept through the whole journey back.
Before you could say anything, you feel your brother’s arms around you, holding you tightly. You didn’t do much, just allowed him to hold you.
“Y/n, I’m so sorry. I couldn’t…”, he whispers that in your ears, his voice is so low, you can barely listen.
You don’t really know how to respond to that. Yes, you were hurt, you were aching, but the pain in his voice showed a vulnerability he didn’t show to anyone else, except you. You know how he felt about your mom, how he resented her. How their relationship was complicated. It was his weight to carry now, you had your own, but the two of you could help each other every now and then. You had to.
You managed to wrap your arms around him, in a way to show him you were listening and that you were there for him, as always. You would always be there for him. The two of you had much to talk about, but today you just wanted to comfort him and to be comforted by him.
“Joonie, I’d love to stay here, but my butt is numb. I’ve been sitting in the same position for two hours”.
He chuckles as he lets you go of his hug. You get out of Jimin’s car and stretch, still feeling the numbness in your butt. You look at your surroundings and recognize Eunjoo’s condo. You didn’t realize how much you missed being back until this point. Being back at your best friend’s place, with your other best friend and your brother, it was almost like things were normal after the eight months you went away and after every shit you have been through.
You had decided to stay at Eunjoo’s until classes returned, which she was more than happy to hear from you. She had moved in with her boyfriend Yoongi after you went away. He was a very nice dude, a little reclusive, but nice. You’d be crashing on their couch for some days, but it was ok, because 1- you missed your bf and 2- the two of you had been 8 months apart, you had sooo much to catch up with (and no phone calls could replace being physically together, let’s be honest).
In the meantime, while waiting for the beginning of the term in college, you and Namjoon were probably going to start looking for a place to rent for the two of you. Back in your hometown, you were able to arrange things and the paperwork (with Jimin’s help, thank God) and rented your mother’s apartment. It was a good apartment, so you wouldn’t be in financial trouble. And luckily, in order to keep you and Joonie away, your father had agreed to keep on paying your child’s support. Yeah, he’s an asshole, fuck him. What’s really important here is that you and Namjoon would be able to get by until your graduation.
The boys helped you with your luggage up to Eunjoo’s place. Both of them wanted to stay with you there, but you were more than quick to send them back to their frat house, promising you all would get together later on. You not only wanted, but needed some girl time with her.
As soon as you got to her door, you felt excited. Something you didn’t feel for a long, long time. You knock at her door and, a few moments later, she opens the door with a wide smile on her face.
“Oh, it’s so good to see you, lovey!”, she pulls you into a tight hug. “How are you? I know it’s a stupid question given the circunstances, but…”
“Yeah, I’m…”, you look at her and her expression shows that you don’t need to worry about finishing that sentence. She understands, as she always has.
“You know what? Come on in, I’ll make you a cup of hot chocolate and we’ll watch 10 Things I Hate About You or whatever else you’d like to. I told Yoongi to go to Hoseok’s house so we could be alone today”.
And that’s exactly what the two of you do. You and your best friend spend the rest of the morning and afternoon on her couch, betweens sips of her famous hot chocolate, sobs and chuckles.

As you got out of the shower, you hear your phone buzzing against Eunjoo’s sink. You dry your hands in the towel that wrapped your body and look at its screen.
[5:43 pm] joonie: y/n
[5:43 pm] joonie: what do you think of a little gathering here at the house?
[5:43 pm] joonie: the guys want to see you
[5:43 pm] You: hmmm
[5:43 pm] You: ok, i guess
[5:43 pm] joonie: it’s ok if you dont feel like it
[5:44 pm] You: no, its ok
[5:44 pm] You: i think it will make me feel better being with friends
[5:44 pm] joonie: i think so too
[5:44 pm] joonie: ok, then, see you in a few
[5:44 pm] You: 💛
A part of you wanted to feel guilty for not staying home, feeling the sadness and the numbness your mom’s absence left behind. But the other part of you wanted to see friendly faces and be comforted by them. You decide to ignore the shitty part of yourself and start getting dressed to go to the boys’ frat house. You go through your luggage to find something other than the sweatshirt and the yoga pants you spent the day with. You decide to go for something simple, a shirt, a pair of jeans and your signature black converse.
You open the door of Eunjoo’s room (where you kept your luggage, at first, but when Yoongi returned, you’d have to keep your stuff at the living room, alongside the couch where you’d be sleeping on), bumping into her in the corridor. Your shoulder hurts, but she seems not to worry about that. You find her with an already worried expression, looking at her phone as she fidgeted her fingers. She gives you a smile, probably trying to convince herself (more than to convince you) that she looked just fine.
“Joo, Joonie just texted me-”
“Yeah, I know, I was talking to him too. What do you think?”, she stops for a second after looking at you. “Well, I think you’re even ready, right? I’ll hit the shower and we can go, then.”
But she’s still standing in front of you, still fidgeting her fingers, looking at you with the same weird expression. Something’s off.
“What, woman?”, you ask her with an unsure voice.
“I didn’t want to do this now, but I’ll have to…”
“What is it, Joo? Something happened?”, you start to worry about her. “OH MY GOD! ARE YOU PREGNANT?”
“What? No… I-I need to tell you something”.
“You’re making me nervous, Eunjoo… What happened?”
“Ok, let’s do this... You’ve been away for eight months, right?”
“Yes?”, you look at her still trying to understand where she's coming from.
“While you were away, things… Well, they changed a little around here”, she says that as she makes exaggerated hand gestures. “There’s no easy way to say it, lovey, so I’m just gonna cut to the chase, ok?”.
“Ok...”, you respond, realizing she expects your feedback.
“JUNGKOOK HAS A GIRLFRIEND”, she screams, while looking at the ceiling.
Her words hit you like a bullet. You just stand there dumbfounded, as Eunjoo looks at you with an anxious expression.
“Oh”, and that is all you manage to say.
“Just ‘oh’?”
Your heart was pounding out of your chest. You were still trying to make sense out of Eunjoo’s words.
“What do you want me to say? We were never boyfriend and girlfriend, he can do whatever he wants” you say it and chuckle nervously, letting her words sink in. “Since when?”
“I think they’ve been together for 2 months, I’m not sure”.
“Why the fuck didn't you tell me this before? We text each other every day! Didn’t it occur to you that this is something I’d like to know beforehand?”
“Y/n, you had enough on your plate already, I didn't want to make things worse for you”.
“There’s nothing on his Instagram, I checked it yesterday! What the fuck?!”
“I know, lovey… It fucking sucks. He sucks”.
“My life fucking sucks!”
“Don’t say that, lovey, things will get better. Fuck Jungkook!”
“Well, fuck me”.
Of fucking course you felt like shit. It was sucker punch kind of news. You and Jungkook had been friends with benefits in secret since your first year in college. He was a freshman at the same time as you were and you two instantly connected, both of you were into arts, especially cinema. You two spent a lot of time together, you took the same classes, studied together, hated the same professors and classmates. He loved photography and wanted to be a director. You also wanted to be a director, but he made you see the magic in being assistant director and you loved working on his projects. One thing leading to another, you two started hooking up, but no strings attached.
Honestly, he was way out of your league, you were lucky he even looked at you. He was actually a dream. Super sweet, funny and to make matters worse, he was hot as hell. To make matters worse big time, he was a gym rat, so his body was chef’s kiss. And also he’s such a fucking talented singer. Like, he can really sing. It’s hard not to fall for him… Wait, did you say fall? Sorry, you mean, it’s hard not to be amazed by him.
He was also a member of the fraternity Namjoon and Jimin belonged. Hence, he was friends with your friends and with your brother. That seemed to be the reason he was “scared of taking your relationship to the next level”, so you settled for just being secret friends with benefits. Of course, Eunjoo knew everything about it. She liked Jungkook, but she often said she didn't think settling for this “friends with benefits” shit was such a good idea.
You two were “together” for a little more than a year, funny thing that in eight months he managed to find someone else and got himself into a relationship. Even funnier, it all happened behind your back, while you were out of town taking care of your sick mother. While you were away, he didn’t even text you. Occasionally, he sent you a funny meme or some shit. But he never texted you for real, like, to check how you were doing and it was all you needed, really. You just wanted to know he cared. Now you know he didn’t and it hurted like hell. Losing your mother and then losing whatever the shit you had with Jungkook, to whom you were clearly attached to, was a nightmare.
Eunjoo is still looking at you, waiting for you to say something. You unintentionally frown and she notices, softly pulling you into a hug. In your best friends’ arms, you allow yourself to cry for, maybe, the hundredth time today. For a new reason, though. You try to say something, but you just babble unintelligible stuff.
“Don’t worry, lovey, I’m here for you”, she says as she caresses your hair softly. “Do you want to cancel the plans with the boys? I can call them and say I got period cramps or something”.
“N-No”, you manage to say as you sob. “I don’t even want to think about him today.”
“He’ll probably be there, y’know?”
“I’ll ignore him, whatever. If we stay home, the night will end up in tears and that’s not what I want”.

“Hey, sweetums!”, a smiling Jimin welcomes you and Eunjoo in the boys’ frat house with his usual amazing manners, even though the three of you were intimate friends.
And well, this was your brother’s house too, so you were used to being there all the time.
Taehyung, another member of the fraternity was also home and seeing him was a breath of fresh air. He was always a nice person to be around, he’s always sweet and spirited. He was also an art hoe and you used to talk about it a lot whenever you got together (not very often, he was always on a date with someone, somewhere, the guy was cute af).
Namjoon was also home and he was super worried about you, asking how you were feeling every 2 minutes. At first, you thought the “older brother mode” was cute, but now it started annoying the shit out of you. Maybe you were just taking your frustration out on your brother, because you know that any moment Jeon Jungkook is gonna come through the door and you’d have to see his stupid face. His beautiful stupid face. He’d probably bring his girlfriend along. And you weren't officially allowed to be mad or hurt, not in front of Namjoon and your friends, at least.
At least an hour had gone by and you hadn’t really noticed, too involved in this moment with your friends. Sharing laughs, jokes and rolling your eyes at your brother from time to time. At some point, the door swings open and through it walks in Yoongi, with his usual resting bitch face; a smiling Hoseok, aka Hobi, you were not really sure why the guys call him like that, but you do too. Hobi was also a member, but he moved out of the frat house, you were also not sure why.
Right after him, there was Jungkook (looking divine, as fucking always) and some other guy you didn't know. Your heart skips a beat and as soon as your gaze locks with Jungkook’s, a bittersweet feeling bursts into your stomach.
His eyes were different. He knew he screwed up big time. Was he looking at you with… pity in his eyes? Or was it guilt? Is he fucking serious right now? Either way, screw that, you didn’t need that shit. You might be devastated right now, but you’d rather get hit by a fucking truck than letting him know that. You’ve spent too many years of your life working on your strong self for a guy to mess with you like this.
“Hello, sunshine!” Hobi greets you with open arms, inviting you into a hug, taking your attention away from Jungkook.
“Heeeey! I’ve missed you, Hobi”, you say as you wrap your arms around him. He gives a tight hug and it feels nice being in the arms of the people you love, the family you kinda chose for yourself.
“And how are you feeling?”, he asks, as he looks you in the eye. “Forget it, it’s a stupid question”, he states and laughs at himself.
“Yeah, honestly, I feel like shit”, you say that as you look unwittingly at your feet.
“We’re here for you”, he lifts your chin up with a delicate touch of his index finger and he says looking you in the eyes. “You have your brother. You have Eunjoo. You have us. You’re not alone, ok?”
You know that if you try to answer him, you’re gonna end up crying in front of everyone, so you just flash him your right thumb, smiling softly and he pats your head affectionately, smiling back at you. That’s the thing about Hobi, he called you “sunshine”, but actually, that’s exactly what he was. Whenever he walks into a room, he’s able to lighten up anyone’s mood.
Right behind him, you see a very awkward Yoongi getting closer to you and then giving you a very uncomfortable hug, as you hear him say: “I’m sorry for what happened”. After that, he looks at Eunjoo and she smiles at him, like this was some type of rehearsed scenario (and you don't think it's unlikely to be just the case).
After Yoongi, you know you can’t escape facing Jungkook. He comes over to you and you freeze. You couldn't believe how hot he looked with a fucking white oversized shirt and a pair of ripped jeans. Unfortunately, seeing him just made pretty clear to you how deep you were into your complicated past. The butterflies flying all over your stomach were there for a reason, that's for sure. Honestly, you could throw yourself at him then and there and you’d let him manhandle you as much as he wanted.
But instead of that, you just stood in their living room and allowed him to wrap his arms around you in a friendly hug. My, my how you've missed his perfume. And his touch.
“Hey, beautiful. I’m sorry for your loss”, he whispers only for you to hear, lips close to your ear. You shiver faintly. He pulls away from the hug and holds both of your hands in his, looking you in the eyes. “How are you?”
“Well… as I told Hobi, I feel like shit” you let out a nervous chuckle, more related to you and him than to what happened to your mom. That's the effect this bastard had on you.
“I can only imagine… Again, I’m really sorry” he squeezes your hands in a reassuring way.
“Thanks, Jungkook. And how are you? Why didn't you bring your girlfriend? I’d love to meet her sometime”, you say that before you can give two thoughts about this sentence.
You regret saying this the moment the words leave your mouth. Cool, now he knows you’re jealous. Eunjoo, who was sitting on the sofa right behind Jungkook, just widened her eyes and looked at you with a desperate expression, almost begging you to shut up. You just needed to throw a jab at him to get it out of your system. Jungkook looks at you with an awkward smile, barely looking at your eyes now.
“Oh, yeah… I-I’m good. Sure, yeah, I’m sure Seulki would love to meet you as well”, he pulls one of his hands away from yours and rubs his neck.
Seulki. You hated how he pronounced her name.
“Why didn't you bring her today, man?” Namjoon asks his friend, completely unaware of the tension between the two of you.
“She was busy today, hyung. With her friends. Girl's night out and stuff”.
“Maybe next time, right?”, you smile at Jungkook with the most plastic way you could. You know he knows you’re pissed (and hurt). And you’re... Still holding his hand. Honestly, why the fuck were you holding his hand?
You pull your hand away from his hold in a soft movement as you turn to grab your wine glass on the coffee table, if there was anyone looking at you, they wouldn’t notice the tension.
That’s when you notice there's a guy sitting right next to Yoongi, focusing on something he was showing him on his phone. Yes, the guy that walked in with the boys, you’d forgotten about him. You didn't notice it before, but his hair was fully bleached. Which is ironic, since bleached haired people are hard to ignore. Against all odds, he looked really good with this hairstyle. He was actually quite handsome, even more than Jungkook, whom you just left there standing, as you turned around focusing on your glass of wine and now, on this guy.
“Y/n, Yoongi has absolutely zero manners and didn't introduce you two”, Eunjoo says, as she stands up and gets closer to you. “This is Kim Seokjin, Yoongi’s former roommate”.
“Hi, Y/n, sorry to be an intruder here today, but Yoongi didn't want to leave me alone… been through some shit as well. Anyway, it’s nice to finally meet you, Eunjoo talks so much about you I feel like I know you already”, he also gets on his feet and puts a hand on one of your shoulders, tapping it lightly. “I’m sorry for your loss”.
He’s nice. His touch feels nice.
“Thanks”, it must be the tenth time you’ve had to say this to someone tonight, you wish people would just stop bringing it up all the time. You just flash him a faint smile. “I hope you’ve heard good things… I’ve heard a lot about you as well, Yoongi’s best friend, right? Also, bold hairstyle, I like it”.
You just needed to change the subject. About Seokjin’s hair, well… You really meant it.
“Oh”, he looks surprised to hear that and he lets out a loud chuckle, sounding more like a windshield wiper than a human being. You end up smiling as well. “Really? Do you like it? You are the only person, so far... When my mom saw it, she almost fainted”.
Cute, did he show his hairstyle to his mom?
“I liked it too”, said Yoongi as he shrugged.
“Yeah? But she told me first and she just met me, which makes you an ass”.
Yoongi just raises his eyebrows and looks at Seokjin with his resting bitch face as his friend laughs again with his kinda cute, kinda obnoxious loud laugh.
And that's pretty much how your evening goes, actually, with your friends helping you carry the weight of the loss of your mother, by simply being there with and for you. You haven't felt this relaxed in months. With them, right then and there, you could be and have fun again. Be the old Y/n. It was refreshing, even in the situation you found yourself in.
As always, Hobi lightens up the mood of the room, but you couldn't help but notice how fun Seokjin is as well. Which is funny, because he was the complete opposite of Yoongi. They say opposites attract, don’t they? It must be true. You and Eunjoo weren’t really opposites, though, neither were you and Jimin… Maybe this rule doesn't apply to you.
Your normal self would kill Eunjoo for introducing you and Seokjin only at this point of your friendship. He was amusing and really good looking. But you do remember her mentioning he had a girlfriend back then. Was he single now? It's none of your business, anyway. You weren't ready for that right now.
And there’s Jungkook.
You can't help but notice he seems a little off today. He’s way too quiet and you are sure you can feel his gaze burning the back of your neck every time you’re not looking. And even when you two locked your eyes, he’d stare. Well, fuck him and his puppet eyes. He had no right to look at you like this.
“Earth to Y/n!” Namjoon shouts at you and waves his hand in front of your eyes. “Since I know you zoned out, I won't even ask if you heard me… Can you please go get the last wine bottle in the fridge? Your turn now”.
“Last one already? Ugh!”, you say rolling your eyes.
“Do you want to drink some more? We can go out and buy more wine, right, hyung? There’s always a convenience store somewhere”, Jimin asks as he grabs your hand, to direct your attention to him. Bless his heart, this man is always so sweet.
“No, honey, I’m ok”, you take a look at the bottles piled up by the coffee table and laugh, squeezing his hand affectionately. “Also… It’s been eight bottles already, I’m good. I’ll go get the last one”.
As soon as you get on your feet, you realize the amount of alcohol present in your veins was a little higher than you thought. You feel woozy and your feet feel heavy, so you make your way to the boys’ kitchen stumbling a bit. As much as you know this house like you lived here, you took your while to cross the kitchen door. You grab the fridge door handle and suddenly a hand is placed on top of yours. A tattooed hand you know very well.

Ch 01 ⋙

just say goodnight n go | chapter 01

pairing ↠ jin x reader, fuckboy!jungkook x reader
genre ↠ college au | love triangle | strangers to lovers | slow burn | fluff, angst, smut | multi-chapter
word count ↠ 5.6k
18+ | warnings ↠ mentions of death, a little bit of jealousy, swearing, no sex in this part, but I’ll keep the 18+, because there will be soon, drinking and smoking.
summary ↠ when your mother passes away, you go back to your college student life, only to find out the guy you liked (and were friends with benefits with) had a girlfriend now. trying to get over him and your mother’s passing, seokjin, the friend of a friend wants you to give him a chance. will you find your way back to yourself?
A/N ↠ heyyy, y'all! I'm back with the 1st chapter... I don't have much to say, I just hope everyone can enjoy this story as much as I'm enjoying writing it. feedback is always appreciated :) and I hope you enjoy it!! and also: I'll be attaching a moodboard and a playlist here soon.

⋘ Prologue
Jungkook’s hand. His body was pressing onto yours from behind, while his face was buried in your hair, touching the back of your neck with his nose. You feel his hot breath against your soft, sensitive skin and shiver. Unfortunately, you realize you miss him a little too much.
Though you are drunk right now, you still hold onto your dignity like your life depends on it. The guy literally ditched you for another girl while you were away looking after your sick mother. You try to free yourself from his touch, turning around as fast as you can. Yet, the drunkenness seems to be affecting your logical thinking, you didn't realize doing so would have you trapped between Jungkook and the fridge, where you find yourself now.
He doesn't waste time, pressing your body against it with his own again. His crotch touching yours, which made your own burn with how much you missed being exactly like this with this man.
His dark eyes on you, his gaze so intense it burnt like fire into your core. There’s something so intense in them... An intensity you know very well, one that he doesn't show to other people very often. People generally get to know the cute, pleasent Jungkook, you know this one very well, but you also know the fierce, predator-like Jungkook. Then a name pops into your mind, one that must also know this particular look in his eyes as well as you do. Seulki. And just like that, you wake up from the trance you were in, averting his gaze.
“Did you come for the wine as well? Easy, tiger, I’ll bring it in a second”.
He doesn't answer. Jungkook puts one of his hands right next to your head and leans forward in your direction. You start getting nervous with the proximity of his face, of his lips. His body touching yours. You flinch slightly and he notices.
“You wanted that didn’t you? I’m not gonna kiss you, Y/n… They are all here tonight. Do you want your brother to find out about us?”, he says this in the raspiest voice he could manage, his mouth very close to your ear, sending shivers down you fucking spine yet again. But you refuse to give in.
“What's all this, then?” you say pointing your index finger to him and then to you. You push him away with your free hand on his chest, it’s not very effective, since he's way stronger than you. “And do I want my brother to find out about what? Get out of here, you're officially taken now…”
“I missed you, noona”, he touches your earlobe with his nose faintly. He’s a fucking bastard, that's what he is, he just knows how to make you weak. “We still got a lot to talk about… So much has happened since you left. And I’m also worried about you and everything you had to go through”.
You close your eyes and think about what your therapist used to say about self love and self respect. He could not win so easily.
“First of all: stop calling me noona, you know I hate it! I am only two months older than you and we have nothing to talk about, Jungkook, we weren’t a couple, ok?!” You whisper angrily. You bet acknowledging it hurts you more than it hurts him. “And what did you expect? You thought I’d be back and be all over you after eight months away? I do have a life, you know?... And not ONCE did you text me to check how I was doing, even Yoongi texted me a couple of times! Don’t come with this ‘I worry about you’ bullshit”.
“I didn’t want to bother you!” He looks hurted. Funny thing, you were the one going through all that shit by yourself and he’s the one who’s hurted. “I always asked Jimin and Namjoon about you. I know things got complicated back there, they kept me updated”.
“You could’ve asked me yourself… I still had my phone with me”.
“I’m sorryyy”, he whines as he pouts, placing a hand on your cheek tenderly. And then you’re done for. “I never meant to hurt you. You do know that, right? If there's anything I can do so you can believe me, I’ll do it”.
“Yeah”, you murmur. But do you, really?
“I can't lose my partner in crime in filmmaking, y’know?”, he smiles softly and tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“All that matters is not losing your school project partner, right?”
“Of course not, babe”.
When he calls you his babe… that’s where he breaks you. His duality was always something that hurted and confused you. He was always saying he didn’t want a relationship, that he didn’t want to ruin your friendship, but he was never really able to let you go. You got used to your situation and at some point you realized you were in too deep, not really able to walk away from him.
And when he calls you babe… It’s hard. If Eunjoo could see you right now, she'd slap you.
“You know it, right?”, he tries again.
He looks at you deeply in the eyes, with his beautiful dark eyes and smirks. Who can blame you for not walking away? It was impossible to do that with a guy like him. Who could say no to his cute little face and his fucking sexy muscular body?
He knows you too well, maybe he saw right through your lie, but fuck it.
“Good. I was worried for a second”, he says, touching your chin with his index finger playfully. You jerk your head away from his grasp, just because you were petty.
“Ok... Now if you could be kind enough to move your hand away from the fridge, I’d love to get that wine bottle”.
“Oh, please, allow me”, he moves the hand he rested on the fridge to your waist and moves you to the side, so he could open it. “I saw how hard it was for you to get here without falling flat on your face, that's why I came to help”, he states it casually, like he wasn't cornering you one minute ago with his fucking crotch against yours. He opens the fridge and gets the wine bottle, turns around and leaves you right there, with a wink of his brown eyes.

Jin, as Seokjin asked you to call him, is actually a very funny person. From what you could gather from the couple of hours you've spent with him, he had a very unique sense of humour and the way he laughed was something else. Even though you two had just met, you felt he was an easy person to talk to, which was something you could not say of many people. Maybe it was the wine, but you two kept the conversation going.
You feel your phone buzz in your hand and take a look at its screen.
Text Message (sent now)
What the fuck? You choose to simply ignore it. You two were literally at the same place, if he had something to say to you, he should come over and say it. And also, note to self: you should definitely change his contact name now. Yeah, your feelings were all over the place right now, you didn’t need to make it all worse by reading his cute little nickname on your screen.
“Aren’t you gonna answer that?” Jin asks you, looking at you with intensely.
“Nah, it’s not that important”, you lock your screen again and put your phone on the coffee table, with its screen facing down the flat surface. “I’m tired of texting, this weekend I had to answer to so. many. people. I’m tired of looking at my phone”.
“Aish, I can only imagine”.
“So, you were telling me you think Matrix is the most important trilogy in the history of Cinema? What kind of blasphemy is that?”, he laughs, and you continue. “Have you ever heard of The Godfather? The Lord of the Rings? Toy Story? Shrek?”
“You know there are four Shrek movies, right?”, he states it as he lets out his squeaky laugh again.
“I ignore the existence of the fourth movie, thank you very much” you say, raising your hand dramatically.
“This is the first time I see a film student being so chill about those kinds of movies”, he says that smiling, his aligned white teeth calling your attention. Everything about his appearance is so perfect, what the hell?! His skin, his hair, his face proportion, his fucking teeth even!
“What? You think we spend our entire lives talking about Iranian art films and nothing more?”
“Uh, yeah?” he furrows his brows flashing you the most “captain obvious” expression you’ve seen in your life.
“She’s saying all this, but she does like Iranian art films very much, don't let her fool you with all this blasé film student talk” Jungkook’s voice startles you, you didn't notice he was now standing, back against the wall, glass of wine in his hands, looking at you with his dark intense eyes. It seems like he stole all the air from the room and you suddenly forgot how to breathe.
Why was this bastard so breathtaking? And wanna know the worst part? He knows it.
“Oh?” Jin shifts, sounding a little off now. He looks from Jungkook to you and something seems to change in his eyes, like he’s noticing the tension between you two. “So, all this cheap talk was some kind of scheme to sound more down to earth?”, he squints.
This bothered you. Jungkook had no right. Of all days… Today was the least suitable day for him to stake some kind of claim towards you. Especially, since he was the one who had moved on. He was the one in a relationship with someone else. Seokjin was just being nice to you, he didn't need to deal with Jungkook’s shit.
“Busted”, you raise your hands like you were surrendering. He laughs again, like there was nothing funnier in the world than silly old you. His laugh makes you smile too, you don't really know why. From the corner of your eye, you see Jungkook is still staring, in the same position as before. “Hey, Jin, do you smoke?”, you ask.

You honestly did want to stop smoking, you even promised your brother you would, but life seemed to make you break this promise every damn time. Promises break before the’re made, right? Cigarettes were something that brought you a weird sense of comfort, you were sure there was some chemical explanation to that (of course), but you didn't really care about it, so you never looked it up. Whenever you felt sad or stressed, the thought of going somewhere quiet and smoking a cigarette was comforting, it was a moment you could quietly enjoy your own presence, think things through.
The night had something that has always called you. Namjoon used to say both you and him were children of the moon. Yeah, your brother is a poetic man. You used to talk the night through, looking at the stars and the moon back at your hometown, where the sky was starrier. You still do that here, sometimes. Right now, you were at the frat house’s backyard, looking at the moon and feeling a bit nostalgic. You weren’t really sad, but you also weren’t really happy.
“So… How did you and Yoongi meet?”, yeah, you sucked at small talk, you know.
“We’ve known each other since we were babies, I guess. I don't even remember”, he smiles. “Our fathers work together, so they've known each other since God knows when and when we both found out we were going to study together here our families pulled some strings and managed to get us to be roommates. We were close already, but after living together we really became brothers”.
“Oh, that's cute. I love these stories... It was just like me and Eunjoo”.
“Yeah, I think it was luck. You’re just as lucky as me, Eunjoo is also an amazing person”.
“Yes, I am”, you take a pull at your cigarette and offer it to Seokjin, he waves his hands, dismissing it. “You lied, didn’t you?” you ask quirking one of your brows.
“About smoking? Yeah, I did” he says nonchalantly, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “Just wanted to keep on talking about the Shrek franchise with the expert… Aaaaand I thought maybe your friend wouldn’t follow us out here. He was staring like a hawk”.
“Oh, Jungkook? Don’t mind him, he feels a little uncomfortable around people he doesn’t know very well”, you just made that shit up and you probably didn't convince Jin at all.
Jungkook could be a perfectly normal human being in a social event, he was acting normal before you sat by Seokjin and he probably noticed. You just sounded dumb, but you felt you needed to give Seokjin some sort of explanation.
“Yeah, right”, he looks at you with suspicion in his eyes.
“What?”, you laugh nervously.
“It’s pretty clear that there’s something going on between you two, you know?”
You swallow hard. How the fuck did this guy found out? Fuck, maybe he saw you two in the kitchen, which makes this even more embarrassing. Of course you weren't going to ask that and give yourself away so easily. And if this guy you just met noticed, it means someone else could have seen something too. Wouldn’t it be neat? Your friends finding out you and Jungkook were a thing, when you clearly weren’t and couldn’t be a thing anymore, because he had a fucking girlfriend now. Didn't you have enough on your plate already?
“There’s nothing between us”, not sure if you sounded convincing, but you did try your best.
“Y/n… The way he was looking at you when we were sitting on that sofa… We were talking abouth Shrek and it looked like he was about to punch me! Come on, I’m not stupid”.
“I swear to you, Jin, there’s nothing between us. He’s got a girlfriend… And uh, she’s not me.”
“I see”, he says, raising his hands. “Not judging, ok? It’s none of my business”.
“Dude, I’m telling you! There’s nothing going on between Jungkook and I”, you say as you slap his shoulder playfully.
“Not buying it, Y/n, sorry”, he looks at you inquisitively and you sigh, defeated.
“Jeez, ok. Not anymore... And no one knows, so keep your mouth shut” you whisper aggressively.
“Oh, thank God”, he holds his hands in front of his chest, as if he was about to say a prayer and looks up and then, he starts laughing at himself. "I mean, I'm sorry, it must a complicated situation..."
"Yeah, I found out about her today... But... Whatever", you look away from him for a second.
"It's better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone, right?", you look in his direction again. "Aish, nevermind, it was way too cheesy".
Then he looks at you with the sweetest look in his dark eyes almost covered by his bleached fringe. And you could not resist, as random as this conversation has just been, you couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. Was he hitting on you? It was a little awkward, but kinda sweet. Plus, he was one the most handsome guys you’ve seen in your life, so it's a win/win anyway, he didn't need to be a fucking Shakespeare.
“But why do you ask? Are you interested?”, well, you had to ask.
If nothing, this was a great chance to show Jungkook you had moved on, thank you very much. Not that you really had, but it’s a process.
“Actually, yes”, he smirks.
And then, the atmosphere changes. You felt something shifting inside you with the way Seokjin looked at you when he confirmed he’s interested in you. He probably knew how breathtaking he looked and he was using his full player game right now. His eyes fell on your lips and he just stood there, with a smirk on his lips. His smirk made you notice how plump and sexy his lips looked, you imagine how would they feel against yours. You were not gonna kiss this guy today, of course not. But it was nice to know that you had the option, should you decide to.
“How is a guy like you not taken?”, you try your best to sound flirty, you end up sounding like an ordinary fuckboy you find in bars, but ok.
“You mean handsome, smart and funny, right? Yeah… Not anymore”, he answers as one of his hands rubs his long and totally kissable neck. “Lucky you, am I right?”
“Lucky me!”, you continue. “You must be the only person on this planet that doesn't smoke and doesn't get sick thinking about kissing someone who does”.
“Babygirl, the only thing that would make me not want to do that would be if you killed kittens or something like that…”, the pet name fell from his lips so naturally it was like you were used to it.
You were enjoying this… Fuck, why were you enjoying this? He was getting closer and closer to you, your heart beating faster and faster.
Suddenly, the back door swings open and you look in its direction right away. You don’t really move from where you are and, let's say, you are pretty close to Seokjin right now. Through it, you see Jungkook’s head emerging and he just had the sulkiest expression on his face. Of course he’d make up an excuse to come after you. Jin growls in frustration and for some reason, it makes you shiver.
He walks towards you furrowing his brow, completely ignoring Jin’s presence, eyes fixating on your figure. Jin’s eyes also never left you, you noticed it by the way and you felt the burn of his gaze on your cheeks.
“Aish, Y/n, aren’t you cold? It’s too cold out here”, he asks, placing a hand on your arm. “You’re definitely cold, let’s go back inside. Do you want a sore throat or what?”, he puts the other hand on your other arm, trying to guide you back inside.
You show him the lit cigarette between your index and middle finger, looking at him like he was out of his mind.
With a sudden gesture, he lets go of one of your arms and places his finger on each side of your cigarette and snatches it from your grasp. You look at him gawking as he takes an extremely long pull at the cigarette, finishing it right away. He puts it out dramatically in Taehyung's lilac ashtray.
“What was that for? You could’ve asked me for one, you know?”
“Sorry, it’s just silly old Jungkook worrying about your health”, he says ironically. “I’m happy to take that bullet for you. Excuse us, Seokjin”.
“Actually, no, I won’t excuse you”, Jin answers calmly.
“Well, then, it’s your own problem…”, Jungkook shrugs, his hands still around you.
“Why do you think you can come here and boss her around? Are you her boyfriend or something?” Jin stands up straight, folding his arms.
“What if I am?” Jungkook asks, sliding his arm around your neck.
You felt… weird.
“Then, you are really fucking stupid...”.
“What the fuck have you just said?”, Jungkook’s grip around you neck as he raises his voice at Jin.
Concerned, because you know Jungkook’s temper, you decide to act. You grab his hand that rested dangerously close to your boob and freed yourself from his grasp, turning to face him. You look deep into his eyes and he stares back at you, with a gaze so intense, you can feel its heat.
“Hey, enough!”, you (try to) state calmly. “I think both of you had too much to drink”.
There was something different about his eyes tonight, you were not sure why. They looked… possessive?
You knew he could beat pretty much anyone’s ass, since he was trained both in Taekwondo and Boxing. And he was much stronger than Seokjin. And both of them in fact had their fair shares of wine glasses tonight. This would not end well.
“I feel perfectly fine”, Jungkook answers you, cracking his knuckles as he stares Jin down.
You shoot daggers at Jungkook and he does exactly the same back to you. You decide not to pick this fight with him right now and you know he was expecting you to, since he knew your temper. This time you were going to be the bigger person. You felt angry, hurt, sad, excited and honey, all at the same time. But you definitely wouldn’t argue with Jungkook in front of Jin right now. Especially, because you didn't want this discussion to lead to something worse, the two of them in a fight would be hard to explain to your friends. The fact that Jin stood up for you, even if it meant getting into a fight with a guy who's much stronger than him, after stating he was into you was super sweet (and honestly, kinda hot).
“You know what? I am cold”, you say, looking deep into his dark, intense eyes. “I can get back inside by myself, I know the way. Thanks, Jungkook. You coming, Jin?”
“Yeah, right behind you”.
You didn't see it, but he smiles as he follows you back inside.

At some point, the ones who didn't live at the frat house understood the hosts had had too much to drink, Taehyung had already left to his bedroom, Namjoon was babbling about something you weren’t paying attention to a sleeping Jimin and Jungkook, the last one truly standing, didn't really stop scowling at you for the rest of the evening. And you also didn't really stop giving much of your attention to Seokjin. If Jungkook wanted to have it that way, so be it. You thought you’d have to sulk by yourself thinking about him tonight, but ironically he was the one who felt jealous. Good.
Eunjoo and Yoongi suggest it’s time to leave and you are more than quick to agree, having had your fair share of alcohol yourself. You don’t really worry about cleaning the place, despite Seokjin insisting it was the right thing to do. These guys were used to throwing parties all the time, cleaning after a small get-together wouldn’t be a problem, after all, they invited you.
Yoongi drives you and Eunjoo back to her place, Jin leaves by himself, even though Yoongi insisted on giving him a ride home, since he was going to Hoseok’s house.
You finally unlock your phone to take a look at the text Jungkook sent you earlier in the evening. He sent you this while you were talking to Jin for the first time.
kookie [1:08am]: 👀
Ok, confirmed. He was jealous. Good.

As soon as you two enter her apartment, she slaps your arm playfully and screams like a schoolgirl. You wish you could just scowl and leave her be, but you know damn well she had plenty of reason to react like that.
“I was about to explode!” she says as she laughs out loud. “Oh my God! Jin was hitting on you so hard!”
“You think?”
“Oh, fuck you. You know very well he was!” She looks at you anxiously. “So, what do you think of him?”
Well, truth is: you weren't sure. 1- you just met him. 2- you have just found out Jungkook had a girlfriend. 3- your mother passed away recently. You just don't need anymore drama right now. It was time to heal. Sure, you really felt like kissing him in the backyard, but it was due to the heat of the moment. You weren’t after any drama right now.
“He’s like… really handsome” you shrug.
“And that's it, Eunjoo. This is really not the time for me to look for new dick in my life. I've had enough of it with Jungkook for the time being”.
“Uh- ok”, she says, getting closer to you, resting a hand on your shoulder. “But can I just say something? You need new things in your life. What you're going through right now… I can't imagine what it feels like, but I think you need a fresh start. Let the bad things in your past stay there, let Jungkook stay there. I know you like him, but he was never the right guy for you, I must have told you this a hundred times. You need to let him go. I’m not saying, like, you should start dating right now, but when you're ready, you should start again”.
You don't really say anything back, letting her words sink in. It wasn't gonna be easy, but she isn't wrong… You needed to move on, eventually. What you and Jungkook had was never a relationship, he was never really your boyfriend. You liked him, he liked you (you think), but he had a rule and you respected him, he didn't want to ruin the friendship. You never asked if he was seeing other people and neither did he ask you. You weren't, but who could tell if he was? It wasn't only his fault, though, you had only yourself to blame. You shouldn't have fallen for him.
Moving on from a guy like Jungkook was almost impossible, that's the truth. He was sweet, smart, handy, funny, hot (like, you can't even believe how hot he is, especially, when he was fully undressed, sweaty and looking at you like you were the only person in the world). Fuuuck your life, really.
The worst part of it all was: you would have to try to move on from a person that was part of your only group of friends. And you were classmates, as well. Not only classmates, you two were more like a team: he was a director and you used to be his assistant director. in. every. god. damn. project. You’d have to put on your best poker face pretty much everyday, especially when the term starts. Everything would have to remain as it’s always been, only you would have to pretend you don't feel like you feel. Yeah, it's probably gonna be a piece of cake.
You notice Eunjoo looks at you like she was expecting to keep the conversation going, however you’ve forgotten what was the last thing she said, since you zoned out in your train of thought.
“Yeah… You’re right”, you decide the best thing here is just to agree with her.
“And also… Don't think I didn't see Jungkook following you around the entire night, ok?”, she smirks at you.
“Did you notice?” you cover your mouth with your hands, giggling like a schoolgirl. “I think he was jealous of me, can you fucking believe it?”
“You think? It was so obvious, Y/n. Thank God most of our friends are men, so they never really pay attention to anything in their surroundings, but when he followed you into the kitchen? And when you went out to smoke with Jin?! He was about to lose his shit, then Hoseok complained he was cold and he was like ‘Y/n is gonna catch a cold, I’ll go get her’”.
You know you really shouldn't, but when Eunjoo told you these things, you couldn't help it but feel funny. He’s so fucking confusing and you are so weak. Hopefully, he would see how much you two worked well together, how in sync you were, how he should be with you, instead of trying to find what you had with someone else.
“And in the kitchen… He kinda tried to kiss me”.
“WHAT?”, she gawks. “Y/n, that’s…”
“Don't worry, nothing happened”, you reach for your phone inside the back pocket of your jeans, unlocking its screen and flashing it into Enjoo’s direction. “And he sent me this while I was talking to Jin as well”.
She squints her eyes while looking at your phone, seconds later she scoffs.
"Well, you think a filmmaking major would have more to say than a fucking eye emoji", she hesitates. “Can I… say something?”
“Of course”, you smile softly.
“I’m saying this as your best friend. I know your history, so take my words under consideration, ok?”, she looks you in the eyes with a serious expression. “Just stay away from that guy. Don't let him play with you again”.
“Sure”, you wince slightly.
“Just "sure"? Y/n... Promise me?”
She looks at you suspiciously. You laugh nervously and punch her shoulder playfully. Well, of course you can't promise that, but she wouldn't leave you alone until you did. Eunjoo always had strong feelings about Jungkook and she had no shame to be vocal about them. You know this isn't the last time she'll bring this up.
“Well, you're an adult… I’m just looking out for you”.
“I know, Joo, and I love you for it”, you say smiling.
“Yeah… I love you too, but I’ll be watching you, girl”, she answers trying to keep a straight face.
Your phone buzzing in your hand startles you and on its screen you can see that an unknown number has sent you a message.
Unknown Number [2:26am]: did you get home safe?
Unknown Number [2:26am]: also: this is Seokjin, not a crazy stalker or anything
Ok, he was texting you already. No joke, he really was interested. Not that you’re complaining.
You [2:26am]: hey, jin!
You [2:26am]: yeah, yoongi drove me and eunjoo to her place, remeber? we r fine
You [2:26am]: did you get home safe too?
jin [2:27am]: sure did, I’m a man of the streets
You [2:27am]: aish 🙄
You [2:27am]: go to sleep, jin hahaha
jin [2:27am]: I will
jin [2:27am]: not cause you're telling me, tho
jin [2:27am]: I really am sleepy
jin [2:27am]: had too much wine, i guess
jin [2:27am]: goodnight, y/n
jin [2:27am]: it was nice meeting u, hope u still want to keep on discussing shrek theories
You [2:27am]: good night, jin, it was nice meeting u too ☺️ ttyl
“Did you give my number to Seokjin?”, you ask Eunjoo, as you slide your phone back into your pocket and cross your arms in front of your chest.
“Did he text you already?! Oh my Gooood, this is happening!”, she laughs. “I can already see you and him, Yoongi and me on double dates, like, my boyfriend’s best friend is dating my best friend, totally a dream come true!”
“You’re impossible, Choi Eunjoo”, you shake your head disapprovingly.
“Oh, come on. I’ve dreamt of introducing you two since day one, thankfully his ex is totally out of the picture now. Plus, he’s a much better catch than Kookie. He’s rich, really handsome, funny, gentle, caring, unproblematic… The list goes on, I can keep going”, you wave both of your hands at her. “Alright, you'll see for yourself. He's already super into you… Anyway, I’ll hit the shower so we can go to bed, will you wait for me?”
“Sure, I want to wash before going to bed as well”.
She nods, walking towards the bathroom. You lay on her bed and just stare at the ceiling, feeling the remains of dizziness from the wine you’ve had. It reminds you of when you two were roommates in freshman year, coming home from a party, drunk, hitting the shower, waiting for one another and then talking about what happened at the party. The two of you bonded so quickly it felt like you’ve known her your whole life. You’d tell her your adventures with Jungkook and she’d tell you how Yoongi was staring at her from a corner and smirking and etc.
As you were waiting for her and scrolling through Twitter’s timeline, rolling your eyes as you read some random guy talking shit about Avatar Aang (which had you keyboard smashing in the past while discussing with strangers online), then you received another text message.
jungkook 👺 [2:34am]: will u really leave me on read?
Was this guy for real? After the scene he almost started with Jin?
You [2:34am]: ??
jungkook 👺 [2:34am]: you didnt reply to my text
jungkook 👺 [2:34am]: is there a reason?
jungkook 👺 [2:34am]: or are u too busy talking to kim seokjin already?
You [2:35am]: you didnt really say anything, u know?
You [2:35am]: what reply did u expect for an eye emoji?
jungkook 👺 [2:35am]: you didn't answer to my question
jungkook 👺 [2:35am]: ok so are u texting this seokjin guy?
jungkook 👺 [2:35am]: am i interrupting the two love birds?
You [2:35am]: whats with you today, dude?
You [2:35am]: what do u want??
jungkook 👺 [2:35am]: idk, y/n
jungkook 👺 [2:35am]: i feel like shit when i think about how youve ignored me today
jungkook 👺 [2:35am]: it was like i wasnt even there, babe
jungkook 👺 [2:35am]: please
jungkook 👺 [2:35am]: i know we have a lot to talk about yet
jungkook 👺 [2:35am]: just dont ignore me
You don't really know what to say to him. There are so many things left unsaid between you and Jungkook, as he stated himself. And honestly, you felt like shit too. You were so hurt before, but the way he acted today… Jealous, caring, considerate. You were confused. And you missed him, like, a lot. Having him jealous of you today made you feel funny, it was wrong (you knew), but it made you feel very funny. Can you elaborate on that? No. You just know it was a funny feeling.
You [2:36am]: sorry
You [2:36am]: i wont
He mixes your feelings so hard. You are not sure you’re gonna be able to stick to your promise to Eunjoo.
jungkook 👺 [2:36am]: thank u for apologizing
jungkook 👺 [2:36am]: gotta go, babe
jungkook 👺 [2:36am]: night, Y/n 🖤
jungkook 👺 [2:36am]: i'll text you when im awake
You [2:36am]: good night, kook
You [2:36am]: ttyl 💛

Ch 02 ⋙

Seeing Their S/o Barefaced
Ot7 x Reader
Summary: How they would react to seeing the S/o without makeup for the first time
Warnings: none
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this!
Jin: He’s openly staring at you with a tiny grin on his face, telling you simply “I like you like this.” He absolutely loves that you trust him enough to show the real, unfiltered you, spots and scars and all.
Yoongi: Tries not to react much to avoid making you feel awkward, but he’s secretly so soft. Seeing you relaxed and in your natural state makes him so happy, he can’t help stealing little looks.
Hobi: He promised he would be calm about it, but as soon as he sees you, he’s cooing and squishing your face. He just thinks you look so fucking cute, he can’t help himself!
Namjoon: He tries not to react, but you repeatedly catch him looking at you, and when you finally ask what he’s doing, he kinda sheepishly admits that he really likes seeing you barefaced.
Jimin: He knows it shouldn’t be that big of a deal, but he’s soo soft about the fact that you feel comfortable enough with him to show your natural self, he can’t help doting on his “pretty little baby”.
Taehyung: He tries to be calm about it, but he really loves that now he doesn’t have to worry about smudging your makeup when he kisses your face(which is what he will be doing for the next half hour).
Jungkook: Genuinely can’t stop giggling and squishing your cheeks bc, according to him “You’re just the fucking cutest!” It makes him really happy that you both can just be yourselves around each other.
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
Roommates with Jin(College au)
Jin x Reader
Summary: Headcanon list and blurb about moving in/being roommates with Jin
Warnings: not proofread
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! I started it as a drabble, but couldn’t decide on a single idea, so I made it a hc list instead, I hope that's alright. Also, big thanks to everyone for your patience as I slowly catch up on requests.
Requests are open
Moving in together was technically his idea, after your roommate announced they were transferring and you were stressing about finding a new one
“What if I just move in?” He’d all but blurted one evening over dinner, leaving you to nearly choke on your drink before gaping at him.
You’d only been dating for about six months, so you definitely had some concerns about moving too fast, but you couldn’t deny that the idea was a lot more appealing than living with a potential stranger, so ultimately you agreed.
He was so happy when you said yes, practically skipping to buy packing supplies.
The two of you fell into habit with each other surprisingly fast, balancing out tasks and chores almost without thought.
He makes sure you wake up on time in the morning, you make his coffee. He takes the trash out, you do the vacuuming. Etc…
You’re friends joke that you’ve become the parents of the group, bc there’s always someone sleeping over on your couch or staying for dinner(and by someone, I mean usually Jungkook)
Which reminds me, he’s a really good cook(he jokes that he almost went to culinary school instead of majoring in film) He was lowkey horrified by the amount of instant ramen and takeout you’d been surviving on previously, so your diet definitely improved when he moved in.
Half of your conversations are yelled because you’re on opposite ends of the appartment and refuse to walk through the house to find each other.(yeah, the neighbors kinda hate you, but it’s just Joon and Yoongi, so it’s nbd)
Late night cram sessions, where one or both of you are almost falling asleep on the other’s shoulder, but you won’t just go on to bed because you’re trying to be supportive.
Movie nights that he claims count as studying for him(even tho you’re like 99% sure his professor didn’t assign Shrek 2 as viewing material)
Being able to find each other's things, but never your own.
Going all out for holiday decorations, but you have to agree on them before purchsing bc one time you bought one of those motion activated figures for Halloween without telling him and he almost had a heart attack and punched it in the face.
Groaning as you set down the last box, you staggered over to where Jin sat unpacking another box before sliding down to sit next to him on the floor with a soft thud.
“Is that the last of it?” He asked.
“Yep, everythings here.” You slumped against his shoulder, “Ugh, I’m so tired. I think I went up and down those stairs two hundred times.”
“Hey, look.” Jin nudged you as he looked around at the disorganized mix of furniture and boxes scattered throughout the space.
“We did it. We’re in our apartment.” He said, grinning at you proudly.
“Yeah, we are.” You agreed, returning his smile.
”This is our living room. That’s our bedroom, our bathroom.” He pointed as he spoke.
“We have a kitchen too.” You noted.
“You wanna cook dinner together in our kitchen?” He asked, raising a brow at you.
“Maybe tomorrow, I’m too tired now.” You sighed, falling back on the floor dramatically. “Can we just go to bed?”
“Fine by me.” He chuckled, getting to his feet and turning to face you. Rather than helping you up, however, he simply grabbed hold of your ankles and began pulling you across the floor.
“What are you doing?!” You squealed.
“Taking you to bed.” He said. “I can’t carry you right now, my back hurts.”
Dating headcannons pt.2
Seokjin x Reader
Warnings: swearing, suggestive, mentions of illness, not proofread
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! These made me soo soft I miss him so much😭
Requests are open
Tries to claim that anything can be romantic. Like you could be sick in bed and he’d still be trying to make it a vibe.
“Will you just let me eat my soup in peace?” “What if I feed it to you?” “Get the fuck away from my face!”
Actually does a pretty good job of making things romantic though.
He’ll catch you off guard by pulling you in for lil slow dances on empty isles during late night grocery trips.
Or just sudden moments of sincerity when he just wants to make sure you know how much you mean to him, bc he knows most softer moments with him tend to be full of lil jokes or teasing remarks. “You know you’re like my everything, right?”
The most random texts at all hours of the day.
“Would you still love me if I was a worm?” “Jin, it’s 2am.” “So? Answer quickly and then you can go to bed.”
His phone homescreen is a zoomed in pic of you, and he refuses to change it even if you hate it.
Loves finding hobbies for the two of you to do as a couple(Matching tennis outfits, just saying)
Play fights/wrestles with you a lot and will not give up till he has you pinned beneath him(who's actually winning here?)
As much as he teases you on a daily basis, he’s the exact opposite when it comes to intimacy. Does not stop until you’re an absolute mess.
He’s the softest though and never actually wants to be too rough when it comes to you. Handles you like you’re made of glass.
If you ever get hurt or sick tho, he turns into a complete mess. Basically becomes your live-in medical aid.
(would actually sing you to sleep if you ask him to)
Gives quite possibly the most healing and comforting hugs in the world(like, I feel like a hug from him would help so many problems)
Idk, he's just the best🥺 I miss him.
cherry blossom avenue.

❀ genre: angst/fluff; arranged marriage!au; f2l!au;
❀ pairing: jin x reader;
❀ length: 23.0k;
❀ synopsis: college would’ve been unbearable if it weren’t for your wallowing sessions with your best friend jin over a shared “forever alone” woe, so it really was only a matter of time until the two of you sealed a shoddy promise to betroth the other at the age of 27. perhaps it was only a silly joke to you then, but you should’ve known better nonetheless; because when a wedding invitation arrives five years later down the road with his name signed next to another’s, feelings that were once buried begin to blossom once again.
“Don’t be a homewrecker.”
What was supposed to be a light-hearted tease over your fleeting glimpses in his direction bears much more weight than even reality should have; and unbeknownst to her, even if your friend’s commentary strikes a fear in you, a fear that has some creature eating away at you and a horrifying drop in the twisted pain of your chest, the daunting knowledge of a potential truth behind her words pale in comparison to the anguish brought upon by a familiar face of the past.
Keep reading
First Impressions | Seokjin

Summary line: What is the first encounter/interaction with BTS? What were you doing that made them so interested to interact with you?
“Girls, congratulations! Finals are over!” You and your friends all cheered and clinked your drinks before taking a sip. You all put down your glasses and everyone started to chow down on the appetizers. You, of course, multitask between eating and cooking the Korean bbq.
“(Y/N), (Y/N)! That’s BTS! They’re here!” One of your friends excitedly kicked you under the table.
“Ow!” You cried, glaring at your friend and rubbed your shin. She excitedly gestured to your left and you looked over as well. Sure enough, the boys dared to come out in public to eat together. It seemed like such a rare moment so you didn’t want to disturb them, unlike all the other ARMYs in the restaurant.
Many of them are already getting out their notebooks for a signature and all other invasive things. You frowned. It was uncommon for them to eat out like this without any schedule, no Big Hit staff around, no camera crew. It wasn’t fair for them to be bombarded like this, no matter how much the boys wanted to be nice to their fans. Time off was time off; you out of all people wanted to respect that.
“Excuse me.” You walked to the kitchen to find your mother. She was there, with your father, preparing dishes while making sweet little jokes at each other. They were the shining example of your relationship goals.
“Mother, I need you to do something for me…”
“Excuse me everyone! I realize that this is a very exciting moment for all of you, but this is my restaurant. I do not want to see any more harassment to anyone here or else you will be kicked out. Don’t you dare tell your friend’s who’s here. Everyone please go back to your tables and eat. Do not disturb each other and don’t loiter at your table, I still have a business to run. Thank you!” Your mother announced as you slipped quietly behind her, you lowered all the blinds of the restaurant so outsiders couldn’t see in and returned to your table.
Some of your friends had joined the crazy frenzy since you weren’t there to hold them down. You smacked all your friends lightly upside the head when they got back and they sheepishly grinned at you. You shook your head and gave a light smile. You looked around. The restaurant was full of girls at this point but they started to file away.
You glanced at the boys who were thanking your mom. Your mom was talking to them and then gestured at you. They all looked at you and you quickly looked back at your grill, currently passing out the food to your friends. You felt your cheeks and the back of your neck getting hot but you knew it wasn’t from all the grilling. Most of the boys turned back to their food but you still felt a stare and you wouldn’t dare try to find out who it was at this point.
“Jin’s staring at you.” Your friend said loudly across the table to you. Thanks, that’s exactly what you needed. Your bias staring at you? And more surprisingly, there’s food in front of him, and he’s staring at you?! You looked up to your friend, and tried to peripherally look at the boys. Seokjin had already turned back to his table’s own grill. You looked back at your own grill and let out a breath.
Over time, people started to file out, of course the girls did their best to stay but you asked your mom to keep pushing for people to finish their food, pay, and leave. This was normal in this restaurant so it wouldn’t hurt the restaurant by doing so. This time was just a little more rushed than usual.
Being your friends, they had an excuse and stayed as long as possible. You didn’t mind them though, you were biased that way. Besides, without them, you would feel very awkward as the daughter of the restaurant. You could be busy and clean the tables and stuff, but as long as the boys were here, you felt like you couldn’t be as natural as you wanted to be.
It was time of closing. Girls finally gave up since they were restricted from using their phones and couldn’t approach the boys. Now, it was just your friends and the boys. Somehow, they just kept ordering and ordering. You looked at their table and calculated the bill in your head. Sweet Lord Jesus, have mercy on their bill.
You got up from your seat again and went to the back of the counter. You double checked their order, sure enough, it was what you calculated. You shook your head and let out a small laugh. You took the bill and went to the back to see your mom giving your dad a back massage.
“Mother, father. Did you see how much they ordered? Did you see that they cleaned off every single plate?! How do they do that?!” And maintain their figure, nonetheless!
Your father shrugged, “Boys can eat! What do you expect?! It’s not like you eat very little. It’s lucky for us we raised you in a restaurant where we have large stock of food and you learn to cook for yourself.” You pouted at your father’s poke at your appetite, but you knew he was always happy to see you finish your bowl.
You took in a large breath and headed out. You walked up to the boys table and they all stopped what they were doing at looked at you. Your friends looked up as well. They were done and just scattered all over the restaurant like they owned the place as well.
“How are you paying this bill?” You put the bill on the table with a worried look. Jungkook saw the total and did a small water spit take over his plate. You almost laughed but you were even more worried for their wallet at that point.
“Seokjin was the one who told us to come here!” Namjoon pointed out.
“So I’ll pay, no big deal. How much does it cost?” Seokjin picked up the bill.
“It’s the amount of nope!” You cried. You saw his eyes widen and looked back up to you with a sheepish smile. You couldn’t help but let out a small laugh under your breath.
“I can give you a discount, but it won’t help much.” You shrugged.
“Oh, give them a break! They need food! And you love them!” One of your friends cried from the nearby booth. The boys looked back at you and some even raised an eyebrow with a small smile. You made a small head turn to your friend and pursed your lips, “Thanks for that.” You turned back to them.
“I do love you guys. But this is my home. I can’t do this because you are celebrities or I’m biased, I’ve done enough biased things for you guys tonight. Even when GD came here, I didn’t let him off the hook; I gave him a discount though, which is the last thing I’ll offer you guys too.” Jungkook stood up in excitement, “GD was here?!” You smiled, he was such a cute kid. You put your hands on your hips and gave him such a mother-like attitude, “Yeah, at this exact table actually.” Jungkook looked down at the table and grinned and slowly sat back down.
“We will respect that you are firm with your restaurant.” Jin smiled at you and took out his card. He gave it to you and you walked back to the cashier, charging his card with the discount you offered. You looked down at his card as the receipt was printing. You were holding your bias’ card, how many people can say they were given that chance?
You returned the card to Jin and went to your table to start cleaning up the dishes. Your friends were still scattered around.
“I can’t believe you are all still so lazy, even in front of these boys.” You said outloud to your friends. They all bolt up and came straight to the table to start cleaning up. You started laughing so hard, you sat down on your seat as your friends brought all the dirty dishes to the kitchen.
“And that’s how you get others to finally start cleaning.” You looked at the boys and lastly at Jin. He grinned, knowing that you were talking to him. The boys finally left and so did your friends. You were doing the accounting of the day and by Jin’s last receipt, you noticed he’s written a note for you.
Thank you so much for helping us to enjoy our meal in peace and giving a discount. I appreciated you being firm but you were very gentle towards us. The food was great, although pricey, the quality is worth it. I will be back. Next time, I would like to grill you some meat as a thank you. Also, I saw you grill some meat for your friends, I repeated your recipe, it tasted great! Well done!
Namjoon | Seokjin | Yoongi | Hoseok | Jimin | Taehyung | Jungkook
Eat Jin with Jin | Seokjin
Summary line: You are Kim Seokjin’s girlfriend and he invites you to be his guest on the Eat Jin Vlive
“Please, remember to keep your priorities in check. And hurry up and get started before I change my mind.” Bang PD-nim said as you and Jin set down your food on the table. The camera was ready to go.
Jin gave him thumbs up and looked at you who was busy arranging all the food. You guys have talked about this, you are his girlfriend, but it hasn’t been made public yet. This is going to be step one of easing in the rumors.
The room was silent as Jin pressed the record button for the live V app. You both just sat there with eyes wide and adorable with light smiles, waiting for people to come in to the live feed.
“Hi everyone!” Jin waved with both hands and tilted his head.
“You get to see my handsome face again. That’s right, it’s Eat Jin.” He looked at all the food and grinned, “We have good food today. We’re doing Japanese food today. We have sushi, ramen, and donburi.
“Look! You have 8000 people right now.” You pointed out. You both looked at the heart count but didn’t say anything, 100,000; much lower than normally with 8000+ people. Most comments were either giving love to Jin or asking who you were.
“Y/N, introduce yourself.” He said as he opened up the food in front of you two. He acted nonchalant, but the whole point of this Eat Jin was to introduce you. This was live and it had to go well. Bang PD-nim rarely showed his nervousness, but he was fidgeting in his chair.
“Hi everyone! I’m Y/N. I’m JUST a friend of the lovable BTS. I’m here today because I was actually the one who brought the food here. Jin asked me to be a guest star very abruptly.” Lies, you guys had planned this out for two weeks now. You two were so nervous.
“So do you work at a Japanese restaurant or something?” He asked for the fans as you two finished opening up the last box.
“Yes I do. My shift just ended and BTS is my last stop, so I’m free. But the boys are not, so I’m going to leave after we finish eating really quick.” Jin looked at you and nodded and nodded back to the camera.
“Okay! Let’s eat!” You two opened up your chopsticks and looked at the different food.
“What’s the order you eat first?” You asked him. You knew very well.
“I start with the ramen first, then the sushi, and finally the donburi.” You nodded at his answer and watched him grab the ramen to-go cup.
“What’s your order?” He asked you.
“I can’t say I have a particular order. I eat with which ever looks most appetizing first.” You shrugged and reached for a sushi in front of Jin. Jin looked up at the comments. He ignored the mass questions of who you were. Right now, the people count was at 90,000 with 600,000 hearts.
“How long have you known us?” He read. Luckily some fans weren’t so obvious about asking who you were, but actually asking introductory questions.
“I’ve known you guys for a good year and a half now since you guys go to the restaurant pretty often, but I’ve only really talked to you guys for the past 10 months, haven’t I?” You asked as you took a bite from your donburi. You looked at him and chewed. In his eye, you could see a smile when he sees you eating. It’s actually been 10 months since you actually made conversation with them, but 8 months since you’ve been dating.
“Yes I think it’s been that long.” He continued his ramen. Your turn to look at the comments.
“What restaurant I work at? I’m sorry, I don’t think I should disclose that information.” You said politely. One of the things that made you really nervous was when people would start stalking you because of this. But with Jin, you were reassured that everything would be a-okay.
“I can’t say she eats a lot, but she does eat well, and she eats like me.” He laughed.
“But, for sure I don’t take as big of bites as you do. Not everyone has such a big mouth.”
“I am genetically born to eat.” He made his point by opening his mouth up and taking a huge chunk of noodles, making you laugh.
“Aren’t we all?” You teased. He shrugged and continued to eat on his own.
“I do what I can.” You said, taking a big bite of your own rice.
“Some people came in later so they don’t know who you are.” He reminded you.
“Ah, I’m Y/N. I’m just a friend of BTS, here as a guest star.”
“Yes, please don’t spread rumors. She has a very capable boyfriend right now. Please don’t make it hard on them.” He reminded the people you guys couldn’t see. You nodded in gratitude.
He looked at you as you took another piece of sushi, dipping in the soy sauce.
“No wasabi?” You shrugged.
"I don’t do wasabi for every piece. I can’t handle too much. Can you?” You asked. He stopped to think for a moment, grabbing a piece of sushi, “Ah, seriously. I can’t help but ruin my order trying to answer that question.”
He put a large chunk of wasabi onto his sushi and you widened your eyes with a surprised look. You looked back and forth between him and the comments. You quickly grabbed the bottle of tea, ready to open and pass it to him when he was ready. You started laughing before he even put it in his mouth.
“This is for you.” He put it on your plate and your jaw dropped in shock. He laughed so hard at your face.
You looked at him with a playful glare, putting the rest of the wasabi on another piece of sushi.
“This is yours. Hurry and eat it before I finish this type of sushi.” You teased back.
He gave you an “Are you serious “ look.
You handed him the bottle of tea before either of you even looked at your sushi again. You grabbed your own and opened it. You raised your bottle, “Shall we?”
He sighed and took his bottle, and raised it against yours. He took the whole sushi in his mouth. You quickly ate another large piece of rice before stuffing the sushi in your mouth, lowering the wasabi ratio of your bite.
Jin immediately jumped up and down in his seat, screaming and choking. You laughed and pat him on the back. You put down your bottle and helping him drink his.
You continued to laugh but then you felt it. You didn’t take in enough rice and your wasabi tolerance was so much lower than his.
“ACKKK!” You slapped your hand to against your mouth, covering it as you imitated the man next to you, jumping up and down your seat. He instinctively gave you the bottle in his hand, both of you forgetting your own. You downed at least half of his bottle.
You looked at each other and laughed so hard.
He wiped away a tear and looked at the comments, hearts, and people. This has to be the highest count of people he’s ever seen on Eat Jin. 700,000 with already 20,600,000+ hearts.
“Oh, thank you, Y/N. Because you’re here, I’ve never seen so much people watch me eat.” He was still getting over the laugh as you were. He really wished he could openly agree with the people commenting on how pretty you were.
“But is your voice going to be okay? I’m sorry, I forgot and put too much wasabi.” You stopped your laughing with concern.
“I’ll be okay. Tea is my friend and I have honey and lemon water before I go to bed every night. It helps soothe the voice.” He said, bringing in the remedy he learned from AHL. This was low-key reassurance to Bang PD-nim that his girlfriend did not just ruin his career. He looked at the bottle in your hand.
“Oops, I didn’t know I gave you mine.” You looked at his bottle and your own. Uh oh. You two were comfortable sharing bottles, but this was dangerous for your introduction.
“You already had some, so you should just keep that. I’ll take yours.” He grabbed your bottle and took a sip from it, trying to stay casual. You nodded and had another sip. He looked at the comments, some were gushing over you two, some were commenting how funny everything was, some already started flames which he hoped you couldn’t see. You guys knew coming in that not everyone would have a good reaction in the very beginning, not even when you guys make it public, it will take time.
“You two are so cute! Are you sure she’s not your girlfriend?”
“You can tell us if you guys are together.” Jin read the comment. You laughed. It was nice to already have the support, but it wasn’t time yet.
“Everyone, I have a boyfriend. I’m just here as a guest today.” You reminded everyone. It was a special code for you guys today. Yes, BTS Jin wasn’t your boyfriend. KIM SEOKJin was.

Sorting Kim Seokjin | BTS Scenario ~ Hogwarts AU
“Pretty boy can’t wait to eat, huh?” the Sorting Hat cackled at the boy’s trying patience. Ah, this boy will grow well.
This boy was already self-aware on a very mature level for a child his age. He knew his personal struggle on which side to choose, he honestly felt conflicted since he grew up knowing both sides. It would have been comfortable to be in Hufflepuff, but something told both Seokjin and the Sorting Hat that he wants more than comfort. Seokjin seemed to be a surprisingly spontaneous kid, with a daring heart to explore. The Sorting Hat decided to play on Seokjin’s innermost desires that he didn’t even know.
The Sorting Hat surprised Namjoon when he heard his friend be called to the Gryffindor table with him. Surely, Seokjin was a Hufflepuff, but Namjoon quickly decided that it was too short of a train ride for him to deduce him (truly, Namjoon felt a little disgruntled that he’d lost to his own game of guessing the different first years on the ride to Hogwarts, especially to a friend he actually met on the train). Namjoon felt a little challenge in his heart when his new friend strolled over to him with an excited smile, ready to explore. But it was that challenge in Namjoon’s heart, and the excited-looking Seokjin, that made Namjoon realize exactly why the Sorting Hat sorted them in Gryffindor.
Sort the rest! -
Unofficially Mine (Jin & Yoongi)
Request: _________ gets jealous when another member get’s an excuse to hold you.
A/N: There well be a Hoseok & Namjoon addition plus the maknae line. Scenario request are opened.
-Admin D
Jin watched as you were trying to balance yourself on the chair to reach over the cupboard for the pasta. He got up to help you but then as you were still reaching you slipped. He quickly went over to you just in time to grab onto you, holding you by the waist. He felt his cheeks flush as he looked down to where he’s hands were located.
“Jin! Thank you. I’m so stupid for trying to get…” You rambled on but he wasn’t paying even the slightest attention.
At some point in your friendship, Jin noticed that he would stare a little longer than usual and that he felt so much different whenever the two of you hung out. But now, for the first time, that his arms were around your waist he knew for sure that he liked.
“Are you going to let go of me or?” you asked smiling at him.
He quickly let his hands drop to his sides mumbling,“I have to go.”
You stared as he stumbled out of the kitchen causing you to laugh,”He’s always so weird.”
A few hours after your slipping incident, Jin went back to talk to you trying to figure out if you felt the same way. As he got out of his room he heard you giggling along with Taehyung’s raspy voice. He furrowed his eyebrows thinking,”What the hell are they doing?”
When he reached the living room, he saw that Taehyung was chasing after you. You were trying to get away but his long arms quickly captured you holding onto you from behind.
“Caught you! Now give me back my phone.”
Jin stared at the two of you feeling his anger rise at the younger boy. “Taehyung what are you doing?”
“Trying to get my phone back do you ne-”
Jin rubbed his forehead,”Yes I do need something from you.” He motioned to the younger boy as you stared in confusion.
Jin lowered his voice,”Do not touch her. Even if she’s not mine she will be soon enough. Now I’d like for you to stay away from her, if possible for the remainder of the day.“

He wasn’t aware that you were going to be hanging out with him and Jungkook. It was partially the younger boy’s fault because he knew how Yoongi felt about you and he should have told his hyung about you being there. It was clear to you that the atmosphere changed once you reached the two boys.
“Hey, everything alright?” you asked with a worried look on your face.
“Everything’s fine. Do you guys want to get a bite to eat?” Jungkook asked.
You looked over at Yoongi, who had a rather uneasy expression on his face. You felt uneasy and seeing that Yoongi wasn’t too happy about your presence being there. “Oh! I’m so stupid. I forgot I had to,” you said beginning to turn but resulted crashing into Yoongi. He steadied you by placing one hand on your shoulder and one on your arm.
You muttered a rushed sorry, feeling embarrassed for not seeing him in the first place. “I’m sorry that I have to cancel boys,” you said rushing out the park. The two boys staring at you as you drove away.
“You were acting so cold hyung. It was honestly so awkward,” the younger boy said laughing.
“Shut up idiot. I just freeze up every time she’s near,” Yoongi muttered embarrassed that he’s telling this to him.
Jungkook made an ‘aww’ sound poking at Yoongi’s side. “Never thought I would see you like this.”
“Jungkook! (Y/N) is looking for you!” Hoseok yelled out. Yoongi quickly turned to look at the younger boy, who was standing up. “I’ll be right back,” he said walking out to the front of the house.
Yoongi became curious when Jungkook didn’t come back after 10 minutes. What is this kid up to now? When he was reaching the front of the house he heard Jungkook chuckle.
“I’ll see you later Jungkook,” you said smiling up at him. Yoongi stood behind the wall hoping he wasn’t visible as he stared at both you and Jungkook.
You walked closer to the younger boy hugging him. Yoongi gripped at the edge of the wall feeling his jealousy rise. He counted the seconds expecting it to be a short goodbye hug but then Jungkook wrapped his arms around you hugging you even more tightly.
“Jungkook! I have to go,” you said pulling away playfully pushing him as you opened the door waving goodbye.
“What was that?” Yoongi asked coming out of his hiding place.
“Yoongi you scar-”
“Why were you hugging her for so long? Do you like her too?” he asked getting closer to Jungkook.
“Of course not. What I can’t hug my friends?” Jungkook challenged.
“Not her. Anyone but her,” he said getting closer to his face on finger on his chest,”Got it?”

Super ARMY
Imagine pocket-sized you trying to jump up to hit the little wooden block hanging over your head. Seokjin got bored and actually created a little Mario obstacle course for you and had you run through it like his own little Mario character. He got really into it, commanding you go faster which made you wonder how you even got caught up in this.
You had to jump a couple times because he made it a little too high for you. Finally you punched the box, quite irritably. But instead of Seokjin’s chocolate coins he was ready to drop in front of you, the box truly exploded and a mushroom came out of it. You looked up at Seokjin and he raised his eyebrows too, curious about the item. You picked up the mushroom.
An idea popped into your head, if this was a mushroom in a Mario game… Before Seokjin could nag you about eating things you don’t know where it came from (as if he was the one to talk, he drank random water from a mountain in Norway), you took a giant munch on the mushroom. You two stared at each other for a while before you felt yourself lengthening, growing. You were human-sized, and then you surpassed him. You grew taller than the building and your usual high-pitched laughter turned into a hearty cackle as your size broke through every wall and floor of the building…
Now it was Seokjin’s turn. You had him run all over Seoul, watching him turn at every corner he could find to get away from you but you could always see him. You threw your head back in laughter as you watched him sad attempt to flee from you…
Seokjin turned his head at the sound of high-pitched squeaking. He turned his head to see you all snuggled in his scarf, cackling at some dream of yours. He chuckled at the sight, wondering what silly dream you could be having right now.
(F) Worth it | KSJ

Pairing: Reader x Seokjin
Genre: F2L - Fluff - Mutual Yearning
Warnings: None
Summary: Jin's visit to prepare pizzas turns into something unexpected... but so, so wanted💜
Word Count: 1.547
A/N: Let me know what you think about this little something! I'm missing Jin so so much! 😔
- Joy 🐰

What's better than pizza? Homemade pizza with Jin! That's what Jin himself enthusiastically announced as he showed up at your apartment door. It's not unusual for you and the boys to organize things to do throughout weekends, in fact, in addition to the countless friday nights spent drunk at the club, saturdays's karaoke battles and sundays's museum visits, it's usually almost a tradition to get together at one of you's apartments to eat pizza and watch a movie, just for the simple sake of being together. Something less chaotic and a bit lazier that doesn't require leaving home. Hence Jin's sudden and early visit. You look at him in surprise, albeit with a smile that immediately forms on your lips at the sight of him. "Well- hello to you too, huh?" You huff in amusement as you follows Hurricane Jin's way into your kitchen, clutching heavy envelopes in his hands. "Technically, there's nothing like freshly made pizza delivered right to your door," you pointed out as you walked up to him. "But yes, homemade pizza tastes better." Jin looks away from the envelopes just placed on the kitchen counter, to look at you, offended by your previous sentence. "You're forgetting the most important thing," he moves to position himself directly in front of you "There's nothing like delicious homemade pizza AND a just-as-delicious Jin to make it with— you're welcome Y/N!" he snorts dramatically in one breath, making you laugh. Between you two there has always been this playful atmosphere, constant exchange of jokes and teasing. But you realized you felt something more than friendship for him when you genuinely started laughing at his awful dad jokes. Seriously, even the sleaziest of jokes. A little secret you've been keeping to yourself all this time. "I apologize to have offended you with my shallowness, Mr. J—" "Chef Jin," he interrupts to correct you, while a pleased smile forms on his face "Tonight I'm Chef Jin, the best pizza chef in town baby!" Although the nickname is used to joke with you, the way it rolls out of his mouth always affects you. You shake your head smiling, partly to hide the slight blush that colors your cheeks, partly because you've realized what spending time with him will entail, completely alone (even if for a few hours).
Organizing your tasks wasn't difficult, after taking out all the ingredients from the bags, and the container with the dough already leavened and ready, Jin took the rolling pin to roll out eight pizzas, while you take care of cooking the sauce and cutting the ingredients. It all plays out with your favorite playlist playing in the background, with him softly humming the lyrics to the randomly spinning songs from the speakers. It all seems so domestic to you, it's not the first time that he has come to your house, that he uses your kitchen, that he sings for you. But tonight feels different, it's like you feel the effect of your surroundings right in your chest.
As if his presence is lurking deeper and deeper in your heart.
You watch fondly as you lazily stir the sauce, smiling lovingly at his appearance. His face is full of flour here and there and he wears that funny apron that he himself gave you some time ago, blaming you for being too clumsy and always getting your clothes dirty when you cook. Sometimes you still forget you have to wear it, like in this case. As you absentmindedly stir, some sauce splashes on you, staining your shirt. You hiss while cursing yourself, your sudden snap attracting Jin's attention that stops humming. You quickly abandon the ladle and grab a wet cloth from the sink, the gesture unfortunately further worsens the situation, enlarging the stain. "Nonono don't do it!" Jin exclaims, but the damage was already done. He quickly approaches you grabbing your hands and sighing. The sudden gesture immobilizes you while his hands stretch the fabric of the shirt together with yours. "It will go away with a little detergent," he releases your hands to untie the knot of the apron he's wearing "I got you this for a reason, didn't I?" he nods to the garment he's holding, his tone of voice is still sweet towards you, while he helps you put it on. As his hands guide the ring of fabric around your head, he gently strokes your hair and then your cheeks which immediately catch fire. He seems equally affected by the light touch, a light shade of pink tinge his cheeks. You look into his eyes, scanning carefully for any shift in his expressions. Unexpectedly, Jin lifts his hand, bringing it to your cheek again, this time to stroke it on purpose. His touch is delicate, almost imperceptible, uncertain, but there must be something magnetic in all of this, because he can't explain this so sudden attraction, this desire to touch your skin. His gaze travels from his hand on your cheek to your eyes, your gazes lock and in response you feel the need to press your cheek into his hand more firmly. "Jin-" You pronounce his name for some strange reason, in a thin voice. Your eyes close, a strange relief washes down your chest as you savor the sweet sensation of his hand on your face. There is something surreal in the air, an indescribable atmosphere.
Up until a few minutes ago you were laughing and joking preparing pizzas, the shift was sudden but natural, you feel your body drawn to his as if they've been wanting to collide with each other for too long. One caress that has only brought down an invisible barrier, the blown fuse that triggered all this.
His thumb gently rubs the apple of your cheek and one of your hands wraps around his, you don't want this moment to end, you can almost feel the warmth of your own cheeks through his hand, but you don't care, something has finally been released, and you just want to immerse yourself in it. You open your eyes to find Jin with his lip clamped between his teeth, an inner struggle can be seen in his eyes. But when he releases his lip to run his tongue over it, the uncertainty that seemed to swirl in his eyes seems to stop. A silent invitation to finally let yourself go into what you so desire right now. And so you do. You let go completely, thrusting yourself forward as you grip his clothes tightly, bringing your lips to his. He automatically moves his hand to the back of your neck letting it rest there as he wraps his other arm around your waist. And just like that, simultaneously, your bodies collide, yielding to the magnetism they feel. This moment seems to last forever and the flash of an instant at the same time. Enveloped in his arms, his soft plump lips on yours and the gentle grazing of his fingers along the back of your neck. You could live off of this, a long-dreamed-of moment finally savored. You thought it could only happen in your mind, in your night dreams and instead, here you are. Jin tightens his grip, his lips momentarily detach from yours to look at you and if a moment before your lips seemed to attract at the same time, the ardor inside him seems to take over, kissing you fervently as he deepens the kiss. You tilt your head to give him more access, allowing him to savor you as he desires. When your tongues caress and swirl together, you moans softly into his mouth and in response he wraps you around more firmly, if only he could make your bodies one, here and now, he would.
A sudden sound breaks the magic of the moment.
You start, returning to your senses, breaking the feverish kiss. Apparently the boys are early to start the hangout. Even though your lips and tongues have been forced to stop their dance, your bodies remain wrapped around each other for a while longer. "I'm gonna kill the boys—I swear." You sigh as you try to catch your breath. With your heart still beating hard. Jin laughs, the sound of his laughter echoing in your chest, causing you to giggle as a result. When you look into his eyes again, his gaze is still the same, perhaps… Clearer? You couldn't decipher it, until now. It mirrors yours, a gaze with growing affection and longing, something more than what you believed he felt for you. "Well I guess the sauce got burnt," He states between breaths, "I can already hear Namjoon's voice," he said as he hesitantly let go of your body heat. "You only had one job!" he recited in his usual dramatic way, imitating Joon's voice. You giggle again, approaching the interphone. Jin walks towards the sauce to try to recover the recoverable. "Seriously though, if he kills me tonight, just know it was worth it." Even though he says it in his usual joking way, you know there is much more to it and his kiss was the purest demonstration.
When you turn back to him you smile at him and he smiles back, making your heart beat almost faster than before.

Turn Up Trumps | Office!Seokjin
Summary line: Christmas prompt #1 - Character A and Character B, sworn enemies, are chosen to prepare the company Christmas party.
Namjoon | Seokjin | Yoongi | Hoseok | Jimin | Taehyung | Jungkook
“It’s an absolute nightmare!” You protest over the phone to your friend.
Namjoon chuckles at you, “You can always say no, you know?”
“No, I can’t.” You groan and slouch over your office desk, “He says if I do this, he’ll let me do the pitch.”
“That’s not fair.” Namjoon frowns.
“Tell me about it. But this is my first possible opportunity to show my work to the client and prove my worth. I’ve been here for two years. I’m even training new recruits!” You whine into the mouthpiece as quiet as you possibly can, “If I can build a good portfolio with my own projects that gets recognized, I can get out of here with a good name to use for myself.”
“Yeah. I know. It’s about time you leave this hell-hole. You’re wasted here.”
“You’re telling me.” You snort.
“But hey, while you’re looking at opportunities, use it as your strength to get through working with him.” You wrinkle your nose and sit up at Namjoon’s suggestion.
“You’d think that’s a good enough motivation. But it really, really isn’t.” You shake your head. You see him bobbing down towards you quickly.
“I got to go. The hellhound has arrived.” You end the call just as you hear Namjoon’s laugh.
“Tell me it isn’t true.” Seokjin arrives to your desk with eyes widened with disbelief.
“You better believe it, buster. We’re partners.” You fake a smile. He rolls his eyes and puts a hand on his hip.
“No. Nope. I can’t work with you. You have the worst ideas on this entire floor!”
“You’re controlling, nit-picky, and close-minded.” You shoot back.
He sighs and leans against your cubicle wall, “I don’t know how we’re going to get along long enough to prepare the Christmas party.”
You sigh and you’re about ready to flush, but you hear people opening doors and giggling.
“So I heard the pot has over ten thousand now.” You’re at the very last stall and there are six. For the two women, they enter two and three, so they don’t realize there’s anyone there.
“Yeah? What are the options?”
“So 1) Seokjin controls the plans, 2) Y/N controls the plans,” You perk up at both your names. What plans?
“3) it ends in a ball of flames, or 4) they actually work together for once and make the best damn Christmas party we’ve ever had.” Your eyes widen and your head whips to the direction of the voices.
“Who was the idiot to suggest option 4, much less bet on it?”
“No one,” the other giggles, “it’s just there for shits and giggles; just to see if there are any takers on it. I think someone is trying to open another option to bet any of the first three to happen instead of that.”
“Wouldn’t that defeat the purpose of having options 1-3?”
“It’s still just going to be there for shits and giggles.” They finish their business and leave the stalls.
“So what do you say, you want in?” One asks the other.
“What are the odds?”
“First option is +150. Second is +900. Third is +100.” The girl giggles before she continues, “No one’s bet on the fourth.” You clench your fists.
“So basically order of chances to win are ball in flames, Seokjin, dead last Y/N, and basically the fourth is practically off the table.” The other laughs.
“Yeah. Basically.”
“Alright I’ll bite. I’m going with Seokjin.”
“I’m on ball of flames.” The other laughs and they leave the bathroom.
You lean against the wall and exhale loudly. You don’t know what you should be mad at more: barely anyone believes that you can overpower Seokjin’s ruling, no one believes you can pull it off, or the whole damn bet in the first place. $10,000 in the pool. That’s absolutely ridiculous. You think of how many employees are on this floor. Not even 100. That’s an average of $100 put into the bets.
You stand up straight with determination. You’re not going to let this happen.
“Seokjin!” You yell down the hallway. Half of the people look up from their desk. You’ve never noticed until now, but people are already exchanging glances. Well then a show you will give them.
“I need to speak to you. Now.” You turn to your right to strut into an empty meeting room with as much authority as you can muster, but your forehead hits the glass door. You stumble back and you hear snickering. Tears prickle in your eyes but you swallow the tightness in your throat. You push in and later on Seokjin follows in. You tell him to close the door.
“What?” You hear his obnoxious voice. You swallow and clench your teeth again. You close your eyes and hold your breath so your tears will disappear. You don’t face him as you continue to rub your forehead and you breathe when you trust your voice again.
“They’re betting against us.”
“What are you talking about?”
“This whole floor. Everyone’s betting that we can’t work together to make this Christmas party a success. There’s $10,000 in the fucking pot, Seokjin. On this floor.” You stop rubbing your forehead but your hand is still supporting it as you lean back onto the table.
“Fuck.” You hear his hands slam down on the table. Good, he’s just as mad as you. Actually, that’s impossible, since you haven’t explained the whole bet in detail. You bet if he knows that he’s the second best option, it might shine up his ego more than it should, so you’re going to leave that out for now. You need his alliance. You turn around to face him.
“Seokjin, I propose this. We put away all our resentment towards each other to make this work. We’ll give Namjoon $100 each to place a bet on us. We make it a success and we split the money threesies.”
“I’m not going to argue with you now. I need your help.” You show the determination on your face to prove to him you’re for real. Forget the fact that he’s got an ego the size of the world. Forget the fact that he always goes against your suggestions and all opportunities you get in making decisions that matter. This is war.
He studies you for a bit and he finally agrees.
“But we have to plan in secret. We need to act like we can’t agree on anything so people continue to bet against us.”
“Like that’s difficult.” He interrupts. You exhale in exasperation with a pointed look.
“Sorry. Okay. Yeah, I agree. But since we’re calling truce right now, we have to not let our arguments in front of everyone get to our heads, okay? I’m all about showing them up just as seriously as you do. And if we’re too busy holding resentment for our act, then we’ll get nowhere and play right into their hands.” Seokjin explains. You agree with him. You don’t nod your head because you can see people attempting spy as they pass by. You cross your arms to act like you’re still trying to argue.
“We’ll work offline. We can’t plan in this building. Walls are thin and corners have eyes. We need to meet outside.”
“We can go to my place. I’m actually one of the people who live furthest from the company.”
“Okay. Text me your address.”
“I don’t have your number.”
“It’s on my business card.”
“I don’t have your business card.”
“Then find one, damn it. I can’t openly give you one.” He sighs and rubs his face.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m still willing to work with you. As much as I’m frustrated with you, this is just for show to the outside.” You resist raising your eyebrows. He’s not kidding when he’s trying to put away his resentment.
“Alright. I’ll find a way. I’m going to leave now, and I’m going to make fun of you for hitting your head.” He turns to open the glass door, making people scurry away so they don’t act like they’re spying.
“You know, if you want to somehow intimidate me to go your way, you got to at least know how to use your eyes before opening a damn door.” He makes his last remark and leaves. You pout and lean against the table, rubbing your forehead again.
As according to plan, Seokjin is able to text you his address. You’ve explained to Namjoon how the bet works and tells him the deal. Of course he’ll agree; he’s just as much as Seokjin’s friend as yours. With this newfound determination he sees in both of you, he’ll not only bet on it, he actually believes it. He’s the only person here that believes in you, it just sucks he’s not on your team. Given his friendship with both of you, it will be no surprise for people to see him bet on you two out of loyalty.
At 7pm, you show up to Seokjin’s building with hot Italian food in your hands. He asked you to bring dinner because he doesn’t have enough for two.
You ring him through the lobby and he tells the doorman you’re okay to come in.
Jeez. No wonder he lives so far away. If I had a place like this, I’d never move either. You think to yourself as you walk through the lobby towards the elevator.
When you get up there, you hear him shout that the door is open and you let yourself in. You smell amazing food. You’re hungry and your Italian food on the cab ride here was enough to make you salivate and stomach growl, much to your embarrassment to the cab driver, but this…wow. You’re ready to drop everything right now and start digging in to your food, container and all, anything just to get something in you to satiate your hunger. But your smell senses tell you that your Italian food won’t satisfy you anymore.
“Let’s eat in here.” He calls out from the kitchen. You walk in to see a whole meal placed before him as he unties his apron.
“You said you didn’t have enough food for two! This is enough for three!” You set your bags down on the counter.
“Have you seen me eat? This is my serving size.” You tilt your head to look at him up and down, “Where do you put it all?”
He doesn’t answer you and starts digging in. You sigh and take out your food that now looks measly and unappetizing compared to what he’s cooked for himself.
“Okay. So theme. Let’s start brainstorming.” You say as you take your first bite. He groans.
“Can we do this after we’re done eating?” He pleads with his mouth full and wide eyes. You twitch a grin, “Fine.” He doesn’t think much of your expression and continues to eat.
“You should have told me to come later.” You express.
“It’s fine. We’re going to have to get used each other right? What’s an extra thirty minutes for dinner?”
“Thirty minutes? That’s how long it takes to scarf all that down?” You widen your eyes.
“Yeah. Wanna bet that I can finish in 20?” He grins.
“No thanks. I’ve heard enough about bets for the rest of this year. And the next.” You continue your food.
Despite not betting on it, he still finishes it in 20 and he washes his stuff as you finish yours.
“Jeez, you eat so slowly.” He wipes his hands dry when you finish your last bite.
“You’re just insanely fast, especially for your portion.” You wrap up your trash and dump it, “Okay, theme…”
In three days’ time, you two have planned out the contents of the party. Now you have four days for its logistics and execution. What used to be the clash of the titans to the both of you turns into an inside joke as you two act out your arguments. You two go in circles and get nowhere. When you get to Seokjin’s home, you guys actually laugh over what you two argue. It’s sad to admit, but if you were anyone other than yourself or Seokjin on your floor, you’d find the two of your arguing just as entertaining; but you’ll be damned before you stoop to their level and bet on it. According to Namjoon, ball of flames is increasing its odds and the pool increased by $500.
“Look, a luau inside this building is stupid. We have no space for it, it’s a fire hazard, and really, during Christmas?” Seokjin raises his voice at you.
“So many people go tropical during the season so they can avoid the cold, it happens! And who said luaus have to include a fire show or tiki torches? You were the one who told me to think bigger last time. Is this not thinking big?”
“This is called thinking poorly. And if you have no fire show or tiki torches, you’re being even less inauthentic; and that’s bad enough. What kind of half-assed theme is that?” Seokjin’s phone dings and he ends this conversation with you.
You drop back down to your seat and blow away the bangs in your hair. You get a text message.
Seokjin: That was really good!
You smile and reply: Thanks. Not bad yourself.
Once again, conversations in the bathroom are the best ways to receive intel.
“Oh, you should have heard it. It’s like actually witnessing them light up a roll of toilet paper and getting ready to throw it in the middle of the party.” Someone laughs as they talk over the phone. You roll your eyes. We’ll see who’s laughing when you guys see how great it is. Even if everyone’s bummed out at the party, they won’t be able to deny, it’s going to be fantastic.
“Oh, and Y/N’s arguments. They’re terrible! She suggested a luau. Can you believe that? As if we have space for that crap…Yeah I know. I don’t understand why she’s even still here.” Your limbs grow cold and your breath stills.
“Yeah, I don’t know what the boss is thinking, letting her train new recruits. We’re just going to have to unravel all that training and start all over. I’ve already got two under my wings asking for some real advice under-the-table…Yeah, well, he started the bet. If he didn’t dangle the chance for her to pitch, she wouldn’t work with Seokjin. Not like she’s going to get the chance anyway…” The conversation leaves the bathroom.
You close your eyes and lean your head back against the wall. You try to take a deep breath, but it’s slowly turns into quiet sobs.
Tonight, you’re quieter than normal, letting Seokjin lead the conversation and make the final decision.
“What’s going on, Y/N? We’re halfway through. We’ll show them up, get our money, and go for a shopping spree! I’m already thinking about an extravagant dinner. Yum.” He sees that you make no expression, comeback, or share his enthusiasm. You don’t even look at him and stare straight between your knees.
His voice turns soft.
“Y/N? It’s obvious that you’re not okay. There’s no use in not telling me anymore. Come on, we’re partners on this.” In the light, he sees tears form in the corners of your eyes. Before he can think “uh oh”, they already begin to fall.
“What’s the use? No one here believes in me. Everyone is just going to think you were the one who planned it all and then decided to split the credit, all in the ‘spirit of Christmas!’ I-I didn’t tell you at first because I need you to work with me. There are two more options to the bet. One option bets that you are the one who makes all the decisions and pulls it off; the other is me. Every day, both our chances decrease because more people are starting to bet on ball of flames, but mine are now zero to none. Everyone here thinks I’m a fucking joke. Do they think I want to be here? I don’t want to be here. If I get a chance to pitch and let clients even know I exist, it’s my ticket out. I know that if people give me a chance, they will see that I can do really good. I can’t express my ideas well every time but I’m getting there. What I say and what I’m really thinking of are vastly different.” You’re choking your sobs and but continue.
“You know, our boss is the one who started the bet and he dangled the pitch to me just so I’ll bite. He still thinks I’m going to lose. W-what kind of lousy jerk is he? If he doesn’t believe in me, he should’ve just let me live and have you plan the whole thing. Why does he have to humiliate me like this? Better yet, just fire me. It’s better than this.” You put your head down into your arms that rest on your knees and let yourself go.
You feel Seokjin lightly put his hand on your shoulder to try to soothe you. Then he sighs and decides that you need more than just a hand on your shoulder. He reaches further to grab your other shoulder to pull you into his embrace. You two sit on the floor against his couch as you sob into his chest. He rubs your back and run his fingers through your hair as he watches his shirt dampen.
“First of all, I found out about the other options a long time ago. After you told me, I heard more about it in passing from other people. To be honest, I wasn’t mad at you. In fact, I got a mad for you too.” You’re a little shocked by his confession.
“You’ve been here longer than anyone else on our team; where’s that credit? I know you’re not planner as much as executioner. I have nothing to say against your case whenever the planning is over and you’ve been given responsibility. You’re reliable there, do you understand? I’m sorry in the past when I always seemed like I was against your ideas. Maybe they just weren’t fully formed verbally. But I should have paid more attention, give more patience, and try to find out exactly what you thought so. Working together with you on this shows me that you can do the job. It just depends on the communication, or how many people you need to communicate with to get the idea through.” He almost forgets why he started to talk or what his point is, but man, he’s got the ball rolling.
“And not only are you an executioner, but you have experience in this field, in this company, and on our team. You know every old trick in the book that others try to recycle over and over, and I agree with you when you say it’s not innovative enough. You do hold value. Our boss is an asshole. It doesn’t take this bet to realize that. If you think people don’t like you, you should listen to what people say about him. But you don’t. You don’t get into such office politics, I mean, other than when it’s against me. But it’s only arguing; you’ve never gotten in my way, or anyone’s way, for your own gain. You do everything for the good of the project. You stay away from gossip and you work diligently.” You don’t realize it, but he tightens his hold on you as he lists all your values.
“So, screw the bet. Screw the boss. Screw the party. Screw everyone who’s against you. You don’t answer to any of them for anything. You know you’re better than this. I know you’re better than this.” Your sobs subside and you just listen to his words and his heartbeat.
He takes a deep breath when he’s finally done. He repeats in his mind what he just said. He never consciously realized how much he can actually say about you. He never thought that he actually notices so many things about you.
You two sit there for a while. Tonight, planning is obviously shot. Forget that. But it’s okay, ‘cause you’re ahead of the schedule anyway.
“Thank you.” You croak. He takes a deep breath and runs his hand through your hair again, “No need to thank me.”
Your silent tears fall again, but this time out of appreciation.
For the next few days, it’s quiet in the office. You don’t want to be their entertainment feed like a circus animal. You no longer have the energy and patience to come up with false arguments with Seokjin, and he gets it; it’s actually his idea to stop the in-office arguments. Now everyone just thinks you two had the biggest fight ever which ends up to have to you two not speaking to each other. It still makes people talk, but they’re itching for an answer like they have lice. No one dares to ask though. Everyone tiptoes around you two like you’re a lioness taking a light nap. Latest news from Namjoon is that the pool is now a little under $16,000.
On the day of the party, you send a mass email reminder about the party invite. All guests have already RSVP’d in excitement to see the party results. Maybe at the party, you two will have a final showdown. You ignore all whispers as you quietly make your way through the office. Everyone gets a half-day off and come back in the evening in their best evening wear.
You look at yourself in the mirror at your party get-up. Even though you find solace in Seokjin’s words, you’re not excited to see everyone’s disappointment that they bet on the wrong horse. You sigh and make your way downstairs to see Seokjin waiting outside for you with a bouquet of red roses.
“What are you doing here? What’s this?” You laugh and take the bouquet from his hands. Your cheeks redden like the roses.
“Well obviously these are for you. And, we’re not going to the party.” You look up at him in shock.
“What? Why not?”
“Why should we? Just because we planned the best damn party doesn’t mean we have to show up. We don’t owe anyone. If anything, I believe the entire 16th floor owes us $16,000 in total. I already have Namjoon to host for us. You don’t need everyone going up to you saying, ‘Wow, I can’t believe you actually did this.’ Not tonight. Tonight, you’re going to be with someone who actually appreciates you.” He points at his own nose and you smile.
“So what are we doing instead?”
“We,” He leads you to his car and opens the door for you, “are going to celebrate early from that extravagant dinner I was gushing about. We are going to celebrate Christmas ourselves. Namjoon will reimburse tonight from my share. We,“ He closes your door when you’re safely tucked in and walks to the other side to get in, “are going on a date.”
You crack a smile and he looks over. He smiles and stretches out a hand to cup your cheek.
He leans really close and his forehead touches yours, “You have a really beautiful smile, you know that?”
“I do now.” You say quietly.

31 + chef!seokjin
thirty-one_catching the other before they fall
“Two grilled steaks medium rare!” Jimin hollers once he steps through the door, proceeding to swiftly remove his tie and tossing it to the rack beside it before he dashes towards the oven because - “Shit!”
Scoffing, you shake your head as you continue to mix your batter for deep frying the chicken tenders, then dipping them accordingly before it goes into the heated up oil. “Is it done for?” You coo, from a station away and Jimin’s wailing sob is all you hear before the clearing of his throat as he whips out another set of pots, “No! I’ll save it! It’ll work!”
With a snicker, you nod, looking over your shoulder, “Sure, Jimin. Sure,”
“Hey,” He huffs, glaring at you with a spatula in his hold, “Don’t sass me! You’re lucky hyung let you off being two timing cooking and taking orders or you’d be screwed!”
“Oh, really?”
“Wanna bet?”
“I’ll go out and take two orders and I bet I’ll be back in time for my chicken tenders,”
Jimin narrows his eyes at you to slits as he glances at his timer, “Go on. Your five minutes start now,”
That cue was ready for you to make a sprint towards the exit. Along the way, ripping off your apron and making sure your bun is still intact after removing the headband and rolling your sleeves down to be presentable when you step out. Immediately, there’s people waving for your attention and you grin, waving in return as a sign you’d tend to them.
Seokjin, on the other end, notices this at the corner of his eye at your appearance when specifically he’s mentioned for you to stay off double duties. Mainly because that one time you took it on, let’s just say his heart ached far too much than he thought it would watching you push yourself; wanting to make up for the lack of staff that while it made his heart swell, it infused with more pain. So when you’re juggling with darting back and forth between two tables to confirm and double check the orders, Seokjin quickly dusts his hands, passing on his pen to a staff conveniently nearby before his feet brings him across the room.
Jimin can suck it because: “One chicken chop, two steaks medium, and one platter of-”the words get stuck in your throat at the swipe that trips you from the sign being slid across the room. You mentally curse at the sudden “surprise” but it wasn’t your fault! No one’s blaming you but you feel it around your waist when you’re being held up and once your eyes gaze to its owner, you gulp and emit a nervous chuckle after, “O-Oh, hey… Jinnie…”
Seokjin clears his throat whilst keeping you in his grip, unwilling to let go and cause you to fall flat on your back as he looks over his shoulder to the careless janitor who’s biting his lip down in guilt, “Never do that again. Either walk all the way and place it or forget about it. That’ll cause less harm than sliding a god damned sign across the room,”
He doesn’t wait for a response, well aware it’s going to be yes sir, won’t happen again sir and soon the sign is being removed and when Seokjin returns to you, he notices how you’re glaring at Jimin’s who’s - “You sure proved me wrong, Y/N,”
Blowing your fringe off your face, you awkwardly tap your fingers on Seokjin’s shoulders, reminding him the both of you are not alone and are in fact, in the middle of a rush hour of dinner time and the whole kitchen is filled with working people with attentive eyes directed to your way.
He leans to your ear and whispers: “Do I have to make Jimin get out of the kitchen for full waiter duties?”
That’s when you smirk at Jimin’s way and it’s hilarious how he almost immediately knows - “NO! Don’t you dare, Y/N! Don’t-!”
“Jimin. Waiter duties. Out of the kitchen,”
“…you’re a devil…”
“Do you want me to double it up?”
“…I’m on my way…”
“I sure do amaze you, don’t I?”
“We’re so going to have a rematch for this.”
“At least do it when I’m not around,” Seokjin muses, and when Jimin’s on his way out, Seokjin won’t admit it but minus the fact you nearly got hurt, having your carefree and passionate spirit around here sure lifts things up. Apparently also Jimin’s competitiveness when you two - “Next Saturday then, rematch,”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever floats your boat, waiter boy.”
“Why I oughta-”
“Park Jimin,”
“Damn it, hyung! Cut me some slack! You can’t just take her side because she’s your-… I’m going, I’m going!”
Cookie Dough
Imagine pocket-sized you peeking over the mixing bowl that’s almost full of cookie dough. Your eyes shift upward as your fingers curl over the edge of the bowl, sneaking glances at the man whose broad shoulders is the only thing you see of him as he faces away from you. His head is ducked down to the oven as he removes pots and pans from the oven he uses as storage.
You look back up to the bowl and slightly bend your knees, gathering your weight in your feet. You pounce up and hurdle yourself over the edge of the mixing bowl. You would have gotten a perfect 10 landing, if Seokjin’s hand didn’t just dive underneath your body and catch you before you land yourself in the pillowing hills of sticky yumminess.
You huff in complaint and cross your arms, demanding for a bite of the uncooked cookie dough.
Seokjin, in turn, scolds you that you would eat all of the cookie dough and there would be none left to put in the oven. It doesn’t matter how pocket-sized you are; he knows you can finish that whole bowl of cookie dough.
You whine that it’s going to take the oven too long; and besides, cookie dough is one of the best parts of baking cookies.
He shakes his head as he puts you on the counter across from the counter where the mixing bowl is. Your arms are still crossed and you frown at him. He frowns back at you and crosses his arms. You can see a tug at the corner of his lips at how funny you look right now; sitting on your butt with your legs slightly spread out, your arms are crossed, and you’re pouting. He dares to mock a cookie dough-deprived person.
Seokjin sighs and steps to the side to open the freezer. He rummages through the freezer a bit before he takes out a gallon tub of cookie dough ice-cream. He takes off the top of the tub and hands you one of those small ice-cream sample spoons. He confesses that this is his secret stash, and you can only eat it with your dinky, little spoon until the cookies are baked. You take the spoon and smile deviously. The challenge is accepted.
Turn Up Trumps | Seokjin
Summary line: Christmas prompt #1 - Character A and Character B, sworn enemies, are chosen to prepare the company Christmas party.
“It’s an absolute nightmare!” You protest over the phone to your friend.
Namjoon chuckles at you, “You can always say no, you know?”
“No, I can’t.” You groan and slouch over your office desk, “He says if I do this, he’ll let me do the pitch.”
“That’s not fair.” Namjoon frowns.
“Tell me about it. But this is my first possible opportunity to show my work to the client and prove my worth. I’ve been here for two years. I’m even training new recruits!” You whine into the mouthpiece as quiet as you possibly can, “If I can build a good portfolio with my own projects that gets recognized, I can get out of here with a good name to use for myself.”
“Yeah. I know. It’s about time you leave this hell-hole. You’re wasted here.”
“You’re telling me.” You snort.
“But hey, while you’re looking at opportunities, use it as your strength to get through working with him.” You wrinkle your nose and sit up at Namjoon’s suggestion.
“You’d think that’s a good enough motivation. But it really, really isn’t.” You shake your head. You see him bobbing down towards you quickly.
“I got to go. The hellhound has arrived.” You end the call just as you hear Namjoon’s laugh.
“Tell me it isn’t true.” Seokjin arrives to your desk with eyes widened with disbelief.
“You better believe it, buster. We’re partners.” You fake a smile. He rolls his eyes and puts a hand on his hip.
“No. Nope. I can’t work with you. You have the worst ideas on this entire floor!”
“You’re controlling, nit-picky, and close-minded.” You shoot back.
He sighs and leans against your cubicle wall, “I don’t know how we’re going to get along long enough to prepare the Christmas party.”
You sigh and you’re about ready to flush, but you hear people opening doors and giggling.
“So I heard the pot has over ten thousand now.” You’re at the very last stall and there are six. For the two women, they enter two and three, so they don’t realize there’s anyone there.
“Yeah? What are the options?”
“So 1) Seokjin controls the plans, 2) Y/N controls the plans,” You perk up at both your names. What plans?
“3) it ends in a ball of flames, or 4) they actually work together for once and make the best damn Christmas party we’ve ever had.” Your eyes widen and your head whips to the direction of the voices.
“Who was the idiot to suggest option 4, much less bet on it?”
“No one,” the other giggles, “it’s just there for shits and giggles; just to see if there are any takers on it. I think someone is trying to open another option to bet any of the first three to happen instead of that.”
“Wouldn’t that defeat the purpose of having options 1-3?”
“It’s still just going to be there for shits and giggles.” They finish their business and leave the stalls.
“So what do you say, you want in?” One asks the other.
“What are the odds?”
“First option is +150. Second is +900. Third is +100.” The girl giggles before she continues, “No one’s bet on the fourth.” You clench your fists.
“So basically order of chances to win are ball in flames, Seokjin, dead last Y/N, and basically the fourth is practically off the table.” The other laughs.
“Yeah. Basically.”
“Alright I’ll bite. I’m going with Seokjin.”
“I’m on ball of flames.” The other laughs and they leave the bathroom.
You lean against the wall and exhale loudly. You don’t know what you should be mad at more: barely anyone believes that you can overpower Seokjin’s ruling, no one believes you can pull it off, or the whole damn bet in the first place. $10,000 in the pool. That’s absolutely ridiculous. You think of how many employees are on this floor. Not even 100. That’s an average of $100 put into the bets.
You stand up straight with determination. You’re not going to let this happen.
“Seokjin!” You yell down the hallway. Half of the people look up from their desk. You’ve never noticed until now, but people are already exchanging glances. Well then a show you will give them.
“I need to speak to you. Now.” You turn to your right to strut into an empty meeting room with as much authority as you can muster, but your forehead hits the glass door. You stumble back and you hear snickering. Tears prickle in your eyes but you swallow the tightness in your throat. You push in and later on Seokjin follows in. You tell him to close the door.
“What?” You hear his obnoxious voice. You swallow and clench your teeth again. You close your eyes and hold your breath so your tears will disappear. You don’t face him as you continue to rub your forehead and you breathe when you trust your voice again.
“They’re betting against us.”
“What are you talking about?”
“This whole floor. Everyone’s betting that we can’t work together to make this Christmas party a success. There’s $10,000 in the fucking pot, Seokjin. On this floor.” You stop rubbing your forehead but your hand is still supporting it as you lean back onto the table.
“Fuck.” You hear his hands slam down on the table. Good, he’s just as mad as you. Actually, that’s impossible, since you haven’t explained the whole bet in detail. You bet if he knows that he’s the second best option, it might shine up his ego more than it should, so you’re going to leave that out for now. You need his alliance. You turn around to face him.
“Seokjin, I propose this. We put away all our resentment towards each other to make this work. We’ll give Namjoon $100 each to place a bet on us. We make it a success and we split the money threesies.”
“I’m not going to argue with you now. I need your help.” You show the determination on your face to prove to him you’re for real. Forget the fact that he’s got an ego the size of the world. Forget the fact that he always goes against your suggestions and all opportunities you get in making decisions that matter. This is war.
He studies you for a bit and he finally agrees.
“But we have to plan in secret. We need to act like we can’t agree on anything so people continue to bet against us.”
“Like that’s difficult.” He interrupts. You exhale in exasperation with a pointed look.
“Sorry. Okay. Yeah, I agree. But since we’re calling truce right now, we have to not let our arguments in front of everyone get to our heads, okay? I’m all about showing them up just as seriously as you do. And if we’re too busy holding resentment for our act, then we’ll get nowhere and play right into their hands.” Seokjin explains. You agree with him. You don’t nod your head because you can see people attempting spy as they pass by. You cross your arms to act like you’re still trying to argue.
“We’ll work offline. We can’t plan in this building. Walls are thin and corners have eyes. We need to meet outside.”
“We can go to my place. I’m actually one of the people who live furthest from the company.”
“Okay. Text me your address.”
“I don’t have your number.”
“It’s on my business card.”
“I don’t have your business card.”
“Then find one, damn it. I can’t openly give you one.” He sighs and rubs his face.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m still willing to work with you. As much as I’m frustrated with you, this is just for show to the outside.” You resist raising your eyebrows. He’s not kidding when he’s trying to put away his resentment.
“Alright. I’ll find a way. I’m going to leave now, and I’m going to make fun of you for hitting your head.” He turns to open the glass door, making people scurry away so they don’t act like they’re spying.
“You know, if you want to somehow intimidate me to go your way, you got to at least know how to use your eyes before opening a damn door.” He makes his last remark and leaves. You pout and lean against the table, rubbing your forehead again.
As according to plan, Seokjin is able to text you his address. You’ve explained to Namjoon how the bet works and tells him the deal. Of course he’ll agree; he’s just as much as Seokjin’s friend as yours. With this newfound determination he sees in both of you, he’ll not only bet on it, he actually believes it. He’s the only person here that believes in you, it just sucks he’s not on your team. Given his friendship with both of you, it will be no surprise for people to see him bet on you two out of loyalty.
At 7pm, you show up to Seokjin’s building with hot Italian food in your hands. He asked you to bring dinner because he doesn’t have enough for two.
You ring him through the lobby and he tells the doorman you’re okay to come in.
Jeez. No wonder he lives so far away. If I had a place like this, I’d never move either. You think to yourself as you walk through the lobby towards the elevator.
When you get up there, you hear him shout that the door is open and you let yourself in. You smell amazing food. You’re hungry and your Italian food on the cab ride here was enough to make you salivate and stomach growl, much to your embarrassment to the cab driver, but this…wow. You’re ready to drop everything right now and start digging in to your food, container and all, anything just to get something in you to satiate your hunger. But your smell senses tell you that your Italian food won’t satisfy you anymore.
“Let’s eat in here.” He calls out from the kitchen. You walk in to see a whole meal placed before him as he unties his apron.
“You said you didn’t have enough food for two! This is enough for three!” You set your bags down on the counter.
“Have you seen me eat? This is my serving size.” You tilt your head to look at him up and down, “Where do you put it all?”
He doesn’t answer you and starts digging in. You sigh and take out your food that now looks measly and unappetizing compared to what he’s cooked for himself.
“Okay. So theme. Let’s start brainstorming.” You say as you take your first bite. He groans.
“Can we do this after we’re done eating?” He pleads with his mouth full and wide eyes. You twitch a grin, “Fine.” He doesn’t think much of your expression and continues to eat.
“You should have told me to come later.” You express.
“It’s fine. We’re going to have to get used each other right? What’s an extra thirty minutes for dinner?”
“Thirty minutes? That’s how long it takes to scarf all that down?” You widen your eyes.
“Yeah. Wanna bet that I can finish in 20?” He grins.
“No thanks. I’ve heard enough about bets for the rest of this year. And the next.” You continue your food.
Despite not betting on it, he still finishes it in 20 and he washes his stuff as you finish yours.
“Jeez, you eat so slowly.” He wipes his hands dry when you finish your last bite.
“You’re just insanely fast, especially for your portion.” You wrap up your trash and dump it, “Okay, theme…”
In three days’ time, you two have planned out the contents of the party. Now you have four days for its logistics and execution. What used to be the clash of the titans to the both of you turns into an inside joke as you two act out your arguments. You two go in circles and get nowhere. When you get to Seokjin’s home, you guys actually laugh over what you two argue. It’s sad to admit, but if you were anyone other than yourself or Seokjin on your floor, you’d find the two of your arguing just as entertaining; but you’ll be damned before you stoop to their level and bet on it. According to Namjoon, ball of flames is increasing its odds and the pool increased by $500.
“Look, a luau inside this building is stupid. We have no space for it, it’s a fire hazard, and really, during Christmas?” Seokjin raises his voice at you.
“So many people go tropical during the season so they can avoid the cold, it happens! And who said luaus have to include a fire show or tiki torches? You were the one who told me to think bigger last time. Is this not thinking big?”
“This is called thinking poorly. And if you have no fire show or tiki torches, you’re being even less inauthentic; and that’s bad enough. What kind of half-assed theme is that?” Seokjin’s phone dings and he ends this conversation with you.
You drop back down to your seat and blow away the bangs in your hair. You get a text message.
Seokjin: That was really good!
You smile and reply: Thanks. Not bad yourself.
Once again, conversations in the bathroom are the best ways to receive intel.
“Oh, you should have heard it. It’s like actually witnessing them light up a roll of toilet paper and getting ready to throw it in the middle of the party.” Someone laughs as they talk over the phone. You roll your eyes. We’ll see who’s laughing when you guys see how great it is. Even if everyone’s bummed out at the party, they won’t be able to deny, it’s going to be fantastic.
“Oh, and Y/N’s arguments. They’re terrible! She suggested a luau. Can you believe that? As if we have space for that crap…Yeah I know. I don’t understand why she’s even still here.” Your limbs grow cold and your breath stills.
“Yeah, I don’t know what the boss is thinking, letting her train new recruits. We’re just going to have to unravel all that training and start all over. I’ve already got two under my wings asking for some real advice under-the-table…Yeah, well, he started the bet. If he didn’t dangle the chance for her to pitch, she wouldn’t work with Seokjin. Not like she’s going to get the chance anyway…” The conversation leaves the bathroom.
You close your eyes and lean your head back against the wall. You try to take a deep breath, but it’s slowly turns into quiet sobs.
Tonight, you’re quieter than normal, letting Seokjin lead the conversation and make the final decision.
“What’s going on, Y/N? We’re halfway through. We’ll show them up, get our money, and go for a shopping spree! I’m already thinking about an extravagant dinner. Yum.” He sees that you make no expression, comeback, or share his enthusiasm. You don’t even look at him and stare straight between your knees.
His voice turns soft.
“Y/N? It’s obvious that you’re not okay. There’s no use in not telling me anymore. Come on, we’re partners on this.” In the light, he sees tears form in the corners of your eyes. Before he can think “uh oh”, they already begin to fall.
“What’s the use? No one here believes in me. Everyone is just going to think you were the one who planned it all and then decided to split the credit, all in the ‘spirit of Christmas!’ I-I didn’t tell you at first because I need you to work with me. There are two more options to the bet. One option bets that you are the one who makes all the decisions and pulls it off; the other is me. Every day, both our chances decrease because more people are starting to bet on ball of flames, but mine are now zero to none. Everyone here thinks I’m a fucking joke. Do they think I want to be here? I don’t want to be here. If I get a chance to pitch and let clients even know I exist, it’s my ticket out. I know that if people give me a chance, they will see that I can do really good. I can’t express my ideas well every time but I’m getting there. What I say and what I’m really thinking of are vastly different.” You’re choking your sobs and but continue.
“You know, our boss is the one who started the bet and he dangled the pitch to me just so I’ll bite. He still thinks I’m going to lose. W-what kind of lousy jerk is he? If he doesn’t believe in me, he should’ve just let me live and have you plan the whole thing. Why does he have to humiliate me like this? Better yet, just fire me. It’s better than this.” You put your head down into your arms that rest on your knees and let yourself go.
You feel Seokjin lightly put his hand on your shoulder to try to soothe you. Then he sighs and decides that you need more than just a hand on your shoulder. He reaches further to grab your other shoulder to pull you into his embrace. You two sit on the floor against his couch as you sob into his chest. He rubs your back and run his fingers through your hair as he watches his shirt dampen.
“First of all, I found out about the other options a long time ago. After you told me, I heard more about it in passing from other people. To be honest, I wasn’t mad at you. In fact, I got a mad for you too.” You’re a little shocked by his confession.
“You’ve been here longer than anyone else on our team; where’s that credit? I know you’re not planner as much as executioner. I have nothing to say against your case whenever the planning is over and you’ve been given responsibility. You’re reliable there, do you understand? I’m sorry in the past when I always seemed like I was against your ideas. Maybe they just weren’t fully formed verbally. But I should have paid more attention, give more patience, and try to find out exactly what you thought so. Working together with you on this shows me that you can do the job. It just depends on the communication, or how many people you need to communicate with to get the idea through.” He almost forgets why he started to talk or what his point is, but man, he’s got the ball rolling.
“And not only are you an executioner, but you have experience in this field, in this company, and on our team. You know every old trick in the book that others try to recycle over and over, and I agree with you when you say it’s not innovative enough. You do hold value. Our boss is an asshole. It doesn’t take this bet to realize that. If you think people don’t like you, you should listen to what people say about him. But you don’t. You don’t get into such office politics, I mean, other than when it’s against me. But it’s only arguing; you’ve never gotten in my way, or anyone’s way, for your own gain. You do everything for the good of the project. You stay away from gossip and you work diligently.” You don’t realize it, but he tightens his hold on you as he lists all your values.
“So, screw the bet. Screw the boss. Screw the party. Screw everyone who’s against you. You don’t answer to any of them for anything. You know you’re better than this. I know you’re better than this.” Your sobs subside and you just listen to his words and his heartbeat.
He takes a deep breath when he’s finally done. He repeats in his mind what he just said. He never consciously realized how much he can actually say about you. He never thought that he actually notices so many things about you.
You two sit there for a while. Tonight, planning is obviously shot. Forget that. But it’s okay, ‘cause you’re ahead of the schedule anyway.
“Thank you.” You croak. He takes a deep breath and runs his hand through your hair again, “No need to thank me.”
Your silent tears fall again, but this time out of appreciation.
For the next few days, it’s quiet in the office. You don’t want to be their entertainment feed like a circus animal. You no longer have the energy and patience to come up with false arguments with Seokjin, and he gets it; it’s actually his idea to stop the in-office arguments. Now everyone just thinks you two had the biggest fight ever which ends up to have to you two not speaking to each other. It still makes people talk, but they’re itching for an answer like they have lice. No one dares to ask though. Everyone tiptoes around you two like you’re a lioness taking a light nap. Latest news from Namjoon is that the pool is now a little under $16,000.
On the day of the party, you send a mass email reminder about the party invite. All guests have already RSVP’d in excitement to see the party results. Maybe at the party, you two will have a final showdown. You ignore all whispers as you quietly make your way through the office. Everyone gets a half-day off and come back in the evening in their best evening wear.
You look at yourself in the mirror at your party get-up. Even though you find solace in Seokjin’s words, you’re not excited to see everyone’s disappointment that they bet on the wrong horse. You sigh and make your way downstairs to see Seokjin waiting outside for you with a bouquet of red roses.
“What are you doing here? What’s this?” You laugh and take the bouquet from his hands. Your cheeks redden like the roses.
“Well obviously these are for you. And, we’re not going to the party.” You look up at him in shock.
“What? Why not?”
“Why should we? Just because we planned the best damn party doesn’t mean we have to show up. We don’t owe anyone. If anything, I believe the entire 16th floor owes us $16,000 in total. I already have Namjoon to host for us. You don’t need everyone going up to you saying, ‘Wow, I can’t believe you actually did this.’ Not tonight. Tonight, you’re going to be with someone who actually appreciates you.” He points at his own nose and you smile.
“So what are we doing instead?”
“We,” He leads you to his car and opens the door for you, “are going to celebrate early from that extravagant dinner I was gushing about. We are going to celebrate Christmas ourselves. Namjoon will reimburse tonight from my share. We,“ He closes your door when you’re safely tucked in and walks to the other side to get in, “are going on a date.”
You crack a smile and he looks over. He smiles and stretches out a hand to cup your cheek.
He leans really close and his forehead touches yours, “You have a really beautiful smile, you know that?”
“I do now.” You say quietly.

First Impressions | Seokjin

Summary line: What is the first encounter/interaction with BTS? What were you doing that made them so interested to interact with you?
“Girls, congratulations! Finals are over!” You and your friends all cheered and clinked your drinks before taking a sip. You all put down your glasses and everyone started to chow down on the appetizers. You, of course, multitask between eating and cooking the Korean bbq.
“(Y/N), (Y/N)! That’s BTS! They’re here!” One of your friends excitedly kicked you under the table.
“Ow!” You cried, glaring at your friend and rubbed your shin. She excitedly gestured to your left and you looked over as well. Sure enough, the boys dared to come out in public to eat together. It seemed like such a rare moment so you didn’t want to disturb them, unlike all the other ARMYs in the restaurant.
Many of them are already getting out their notebooks for a signature and all other invasive things. You frowned. It was uncommon for them to eat out like this without any schedule, no Big Hit staff around, no camera crew. It wasn’t fair for them to be bombarded like this, no matter how much the boys wanted to be nice to their fans. Time off was time off; you out of all people wanted to respect that.
“Excuse me.” You walked to the kitchen to find your mother. She was there, with your father, preparing dishes while making sweet little jokes at each other. They were the shining example of your relationship goals.
“Mother, I need you to do something for me…”
“Excuse me everyone! I realize that this is a very exciting moment for all of you, but this is my restaurant. I do not want to see any more harassment to anyone here or else you will be kicked out. Don’t you dare tell your friend’s who’s here. Everyone please go back to your tables and eat. Do not disturb each other and don’t loiter at your table, I still have a business to run. Thank you!” Your mother announced as you slipped quietly behind her, you lowered all the blinds of the restaurant so outsiders couldn’t see in and returned to your table.
Some of your friends had joined the crazy frenzy since you weren’t there to hold them down. You smacked all your friends lightly upside the head when they got back and they sheepishly grinned at you. You shook your head and gave a light smile. You looked around. The restaurant was full of girls at this point but they started to file away.
You glanced at the boys who were thanking your mom. Your mom was talking to them and then gestured at you. They all looked at you and you quickly looked back at your grill, currently passing out the food to your friends. You felt your cheeks and the back of your neck getting hot but you knew it wasn’t from all the grilling. Most of the boys turned back to their food but you still felt a stare and you wouldn’t dare try to find out who it was at this point.
“Jin’s staring at you.” Your friend said loudly across the table to you. Thanks, that’s exactly what you needed. Your bias staring at you? And more surprisingly, there’s food in front of him, and he’s staring at you?! You looked up to your friend, and tried to peripherally look at the boys. Seokjin had already turned back to his table’s own grill. You looked back at your own grill and let out a breath.
Over time, people started to file out, of course the girls did their best to stay but you asked your mom to keep pushing for people to finish their food, pay, and leave. This was normal in this restaurant so it wouldn’t hurt the restaurant by doing so. This time was just a little more rushed than usual.
Being your friends, they had an excuse and stayed as long as possible. You didn’t mind them though, you were biased that way. Besides, without them, you would feel very awkward as the daughter of the restaurant. You could be busy and clean the tables and stuff, but as long as the boys were here, you felt like you couldn’t be as natural as you wanted to be.
It was time of closing. Girls finally gave up since they were restricted from using their phones and couldn’t approach the boys. Now, it was just your friends and the boys. Somehow, they just kept ordering and ordering. You looked at their table and calculated the bill in your head. Sweet Lord Jesus, have mercy on their bill.
You got up from your seat again and went to the back of the counter. You double checked their order, sure enough, it was what you calculated. You shook your head and let out a small laugh. You took the bill and went to the back to see your mom giving your dad a back massage.
“Mother, father. Did you see how much they ordered? Did you see that they cleaned off every single plate?! How do they do that?!” And maintain their figure, nonetheless!
Your father shrugged, “Boys can eat! What do you expect?! It’s not like you eat very little. It’s lucky for us we raised you in a restaurant where we have large stock of food and you learn to cook for yourself.” You pouted at your father’s poke at your appetite, but you knew he was always happy to see you finish your bowl.
You took in a large breath and headed out. You walked up to the boys table and they all stopped what they were doing at looked at you. Your friends looked up as well. They were done and just scattered all over the restaurant like they owned the place as well.
“How are you paying this bill?” You put the bill on the table with a worried look. Jungkook saw the total and did a small water spit take over his plate. You almost laughed but you were even more worried for their wallet at that point.
“Seokjin was the one who told us to come here!” Namjoon pointed out.
“So I’ll pay, no big deal. How much does it cost?” Seokjin picked up the bill.
“It’s the amount of nope!” You cried. You saw his eyes widen and looked back up to you with a sheepish smile. You couldn’t help but let out a small laugh under your breath.
“I can give you a discount, but it won’t help much.” You shrugged.
“Oh, give them a break! They need food! And you love them!” One of your friends cried from the nearby booth. The boys looked back at you and some even raised an eyebrow with a small smile. You made a small head turn to your friend and pursed your lips, “Thanks for that.” You turned back to them.
“I do love you guys. But this is my home. I can’t do this because you are celebrities or I’m biased, I’ve done enough biased things for you guys tonight. Even when GD came here, I didn’t let him off the hook; I gave him a discount though, which is the last thing I’ll offer you guys too.” Jungkook stood up in excitement, “GD was here?!” You smiled, he was such a cute kid. You put your hands on your hips and gave him such a mother-like attitude, “Yeah, at this exact table actually.” Jungkook looked down at the table and grinned and slowly sat back down.
“We will respect that you are firm with your restaurant.” Jin smiled at you and took out his card. He gave it to you and you walked back to the cashier, charging his card with the discount you offered. You looked down at his card as the receipt was printing. You were holding your bias’ card, how many people can say they were given that chance?
You returned the card to Jin and went to your table to start cleaning up the dishes. Your friends were still scattered around.
“I can’t believe you are all still so lazy, even in front of these boys.” You said outloud to your friends. They all bolt up and came straight to the table to start cleaning up. You started laughing so hard, you sat down on your seat as your friends brought all the dirty dishes to the kitchen.
“And that’s how you get others to finally start cleaning.” You looked at the boys and lastly at Jin. He grinned, knowing that you were talking to him. The boys finally left and so did your friends. You were doing the accounting of the day and by Jin’s last receipt, you noticed he’s written a note for you.
Thank you so much for helping us to enjoy our meal in peace and giving a discount. I appreciated you being firm but you were very gentle towards us. The food was great, although pricey, the quality is worth it. I will be back. Next time, I would like to grill you some meat as a thank you. Also, I saw you grill some meat for your friends, I repeated your recipe, it tasted great! Well done!
Namjoon | Seokjin | Yoongi | Hoseok | Jimin | Taehyung | Jungkook
Eat Jin with Jin | Seokjin
Summary line: You are Kim Seokjin’s girlfriend and he invites you to be his guest on the Eat Jin Vlive
“Please, remember to keep your priorities in check. And hurry up and get started before I change my mind.” Bang PD-nim said as you and Jin set down your food on the table. The camera was ready to go.
Jin gave him thumbs up and looked at you who was busy arranging all the food. You guys have talked about this, you are his girlfriend, but it hasn’t been made public yet. This is going to be step one of easing in the rumors.
The room was silent as Jin pressed the record button for the live V app. You both just sat there with eyes wide and adorable with light smiles, waiting for people to come in to the live feed.
“Hi everyone!” Jin waved with both hands and tilted his head.
“You get to see my handsome face again. That’s right, it’s Eat Jin.” He looked at all the food and grinned, “We have good food today. We’re doing Japanese food today. We have sushi, ramen, and donburi.
“Look! You have 8000 people right now.” You pointed out. You both looked at the heart count but didn’t say anything, 100,000; much lower than normally with 8000+ people. Most comments were either giving love to Jin or asking who you were.
“Y/N, introduce yourself.” He said as he opened up the food in front of you two. He acted nonchalant, but the whole point of this Eat Jin was to introduce you. This was live and it had to go well. Bang PD-nim rarely showed his nervousness, but he was fidgeting in his chair.
“Hi everyone! I’m Y/N. I’m JUST a friend of the lovable BTS. I’m here today because I was actually the one who brought the food here. Jin asked me to be a guest star very abruptly.” Lies, you guys had planned this out for two weeks now. You two were so nervous.
“So do you work at a Japanese restaurant or something?” He asked for the fans as you two finished opening up the last box.
“Yes I do. My shift just ended and BTS is my last stop, so I’m free. But the boys are not, so I’m going to leave after we finish eating really quick.” Jin looked at you and nodded and nodded back to the camera.
“Okay! Let’s eat!” You two opened up your chopsticks and looked at the different food.
“What’s the order you eat first?” You asked him. You knew very well.
“I start with the ramen first, then the sushi, and finally the donburi.” You nodded at his answer and watched him grab the ramen to-go cup.
“What’s your order?” He asked you.
“I can’t say I have a particular order. I eat with which ever looks most appetizing first.” You shrugged and reached for a sushi in front of Jin. Jin looked up at the comments. He ignored the mass questions of who you were. Right now, the people count was at 90,000 with 600,000 hearts.
“How long have you known us?” He read. Luckily some fans weren’t so obvious about asking who you were, but actually asking introductory questions.
“I’ve known you guys for a good year and a half now since you guys go to the restaurant pretty often, but I’ve only really talked to you guys for the past 10 months, haven’t I?” You asked as you took a bite from your donburi. You looked at him and chewed. In his eye, you could see a smile when he sees you eating. It’s actually been 10 months since you actually made conversation with them, but 8 months since you’ve been dating.
“Yes I think it’s been that long.” He continued his ramen. Your turn to look at the comments.
“What restaurant I work at? I’m sorry, I don’t think I should disclose that information.” You said politely. One of the things that made you really nervous was when people would start stalking you because of this. But with Jin, you were reassured that everything would be a-okay.
“I can’t say she eats a lot, but she does eat well, and she eats like me.” He laughed.
“But, for sure I don’t take as big of bites as you do. Not everyone has such a big mouth.”
“I am genetically born to eat.” He made his point by opening his mouth up and taking a huge chunk of noodles, making you laugh.
“Aren’t we all?” You teased. He shrugged and continued to eat on his own.
“I do what I can.” You said, taking a big bite of your own rice.
“Some people came in later so they don’t know who you are.” He reminded you.
“Ah, I’m Y/N. I’m just a friend of BTS, here as a guest star.”
“Yes, please don’t spread rumors. She has a very capable boyfriend right now. Please don’t make it hard on them.” He reminded the people you guys couldn’t see. You nodded in gratitude.
He looked at you as you took another piece of sushi, dipping in the soy sauce.
“No wasabi?” You shrugged.
“I don’t do wasabi for every piece. I can’t handle too much. Can you?” You asked. He stopped to think for a moment, grabbing a piece of sushi, “Ah, seriously. I can’t help but ruin my order trying to answer that question.”
He put a large chunk of wasabi onto his sushi and you widened your eyes with a surprised look. You looked back and forth between him and the comments. You quickly grabbed the bottle of tea, ready to open and pass it to him when he was ready. You started laughing before he even put it in his mouth.
“This is for you.” He put it on your plate and your jaw dropped in shock. He laughed so hard at your face.
You looked at him with a playful glare, putting the rest of the wasabi on another piece of sushi.
“This is yours. Hurry and eat it before I finish this type of sushi.” You teased back.
He gave you an “Are you serious “ look.
You handed him the bottle of tea before either of you even looked at your sushi again. You grabbed your own and opened it. You raised your bottle, “Shall we?”
He sighed and took his bottle, and raised it against yours. He took the whole sushi in his mouth. You quickly ate another large piece of rice before stuffing the sushi in your mouth, lowering the wasabi ratio of your bite.
Jin immediately jumped up and down in his seat, screaming and choking. You laughed and pat him on the back. You put down your bottle and helping him drink his.
You continued to laugh but then you felt it. You didn’t take in enough rice and your wasabi tolerance was so much lower than his.
“ACKKK!” You slapped your hand to against your mouth, covering it as you imitated the man next to you, jumping up and down your seat. He instinctively gave you the bottle in his hand, both of you forgetting your own. You downed at least half of his bottle.
You looked at each other and laughed so hard.
He wiped away a tear and looked at the comments, hearts, and people. This has to be the highest count of people he’s ever seen on Eat Jin. 700,000 with already 20,600,000+ hearts.
“Oh, thank you, Y/N. Because you’re here, I’ve never seen so much people watch me eat.” He was still getting over the laugh as you were. He really wished he could openly agree with the people commenting on how pretty you were.
“But is your voice going to be okay? I’m sorry, I forgot and put too much wasabi.” You stopped your laughing with concern.
“I’ll be okay. Tea is my friend and I have honey and lemon water before I go to bed every night. It helps soothe the voice.” He said, bringing in the remedy he learned from AHL. This was low-key reassurance to Bang PD-nim that his girlfriend did not just ruin his career. He looked at the bottle in your hand.
“Oops, I didn’t know I gave you mine.” You looked at his bottle and your own. Uh oh. You two were comfortable sharing bottles, but this was dangerous for your introduction.
“You already had some, so you should just keep that. I’ll take yours.” He grabbed your bottle and took a sip from it, trying to stay casual. You nodded and had another sip. He looked at the comments, some were gushing over you two, some were commenting how funny everything was, some already started flames which he hoped you couldn’t see. You guys knew coming in that not everyone would have a good reaction in the very beginning, not even when you guys make it public, it will take time.
“You two are so cute! Are you sure she’s not your girlfriend?”
“You can tell us if you guys are together.” Jin read the comment. You laughed. It was nice to already have the support, but it wasn’t time yet.
“Everyone, I have a boyfriend. I’m just here as a guest today.” You reminded everyone. It was a special code for you guys today. Yes, BTS Jin wasn’t your boyfriend. KIM SEOKJin was.

Super ARMY
Imagine pocket-sized you trying to jump up to hit the little wooden block hanging over your head. Seokjin got bored and actually created a little Mario obstacle course for you and had you run through it like his own little Mario character. He got really into it, commanding you go faster which made you wonder how you even got caught up in this.
You had to jump a couple times because he made it a little too high for you. Finally you punched the box, quite irritably. But instead of Seokjin’s chocolate coins he was ready to drop in front of you, the box truly exploded and a mushroom came out of it. You looked up at Seokjin and he raised his eyebrows too, curious about the item. You picked up the mushroom.
An idea popped into your head, if this was a mushroom in a Mario game… Before Seokjin could nag you about eating things you don’t know where it came from (as if he was the one to talk, he drank random water from a mountain in Norway), you took a giant munch on the mushroom. You two stared at each other for a while before you felt yourself lengthening, growing. You were human-sized, and then you surpassed him. You grew taller than the building and your usual high-pitched laughter turned into a hearty cackle as your size broke through every wall and floor of the building…
Now it was Seokjin’s turn. You had him run all over Seoul, watching him turn at every corner he could find to get away from you but you could always see him. You threw your head back in laughter as you watched him sad attempt to flee from you…
Seokjin turned his head at the sound of high-pitched squeaking. He turned his head to see you all snuggled in his scarf, cackling at some dream of yours. He chuckled at the sight, wondering what silly dream you could be having right now.
Cookie Dough
Imagine pocket-sized you peeking over the mixing bowl that’s almost full of cookie dough. Your eyes shift upward as your fingers curl over the edge of the bowl, sneaking glances at the man whose broad shoulders is the only thing you see of him as he faces away from you. His head is ducked down to the oven as he removes pots and pans from the oven he uses as storage.
You look back up to the bowl and slightly bend your knees, gathering your weight in your feet. You pounce up and hurdle yourself over the edge of the mixing bowl. You would have gotten a perfect 10 landing, if Seokjin’s hand didn’t just dive underneath your body and catch you before you land yourself in the pillowing hills of sticky yumminess.
You huff in complaint and cross your arms, demanding for a bite of the uncooked cookie dough.
Seokjin, in turn, scolds you that you would eat all of the cookie dough and there would be none left to put in the oven. It doesn’t matter how pocket-sized you are; he knows you can finish that whole bowl of cookie dough.
You whine that it’s going to take the oven too long; and besides, cookie dough is one of the best parts of baking cookies.
He shakes his head as he puts you on the counter across from the counter where the mixing bowl is. Your arms are still crossed and you frown at him. He frowns back at you and crosses his arms. You can see a tug at the corner of his lips at how funny you look right now; sitting on your butt with your legs slightly spread out, your arms are crossed, and you’re pouting. He dares to mock a cookie dough-deprived person.
Seokjin sighs and steps to the side to open the freezer. He rummages through the freezer a bit before he takes out a gallon tub of cookie dough ice-cream. He takes off the top of the tub and hands you one of those small ice-cream sample spoons. He confesses that this is his secret stash, and you can only eat it with your dinky, little spoon until the cookies are baked. You take the spoon and smile deviously. The challenge is accepted.