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Hotel Korea: Chapter Two
--- Originally posted on 2019-08-16 by dumb-and-jocked. ---
The Feuding Twins

Lee Hae-jin squatted down in the hotel’s skate park, proudly observing the progress of his hotel. It had been a little over two weeks since the grand opening and already three more hotels had been approved by different cities, with almost twenty more being proposed. Lee wasn’t at all surprised, he knew his plan was going to work. Even if the individual governments didn’t necessarily see his point of view, they would eventually.
Lee’s casual look had suited him well. He was gaining lots of honest opinions about the hotel, as no one expected him to be the leader of the entire operation. Of course, everyone had the same opinion, agreeing that it truly was “A Seoul-changing Experience.” As he adjusted his ample manhood through his barely-covering shorts, he overheard two young boys fighting. Lee got up and slowly inched towards the conversation. He stood near a tree, listening in on what seemed like two middle schoolers fighting. “I can’t believe I beat you! AGAIN!”
“You cheated! Plus, that card game is way too easy.”
“Doesn’t matter, I’m always the winner.”
“But it’s our 13th birthday - you can’t cheat!”
“I still won, and I won Bella’s heart, so anythi-”
“I hate being in the same room with you, you twit!”
“Shut up!”
“No you!”
Before the two could get too riled up, Lee swooped out from behind the tree and made his way between the two boys. Both of them looked fairly similar: blond hair, small stature, lanky bodies. Their pale skin was only heightened by their bright colored swimsuits, with the older wearing black and red and the younger adorning a neon yellow.
“So, I hear we have a winner back here?” Lee said in perfectly fluent English.
“Yes!” said one, stepping forward proudly. He was obviously the older of the two twins, being that he was taller and puberty was gracing him faster.
“Wait!” the second sneered, taking the first back and whispering into his ear, “He’s a stranger…
“Well, in that case, let me introduce myself,” Lee replied, surprising the two boys once again, “My name is Lee, I own the Hotel Korea.” The two boys stood back in awe. Lee, knowing that he held all the cards now, continued.
“I think the proud winner should earn a little prize,” he began, ushering the older one over. His black swim shirt gleamed in the sun against his bright, red trunks. He was obviously the superior of the two.
“For your amazing achievements in…”
“Sorcery,” the older twin stated, obviously a nerdy game.
“Sorcery,” Lee reinstated, “I’ll give you this free, underwater, disposable camera specially made by my company back in South Korea.” Lee took out a large device and put his thumb on a small circle, activating the prize, and then handed it to the older boy. The camera looked more like a tablet with a very bulky case. Before the twin could get too excited, Lee continued.
“Seth Dawson-Kissel,” the older twin added, “and this is my twin, Hayden.”
“Now,” Lee resumed, “Hayden, although you lost, I believe you both also deserve a prize for your outstanding participation. I’m giving both of you access to one of my private spas.”
The two brothers’ eyes widened with glee, both about to scream with joy. After giving them a moment, Lee kindly asked them for their room keys. Lee quickly took out a different device and scanned over the two cards, resetting them. He was going to give them access to a private spa, but he was placing them in different rooms. After their time in the spa, they’d have a much different relationship then brothers. Once he’d had completed the reassignment, he gave back the keys and told the boys were two go. They quickly ran off, not even turning to thank the smirking man as they left.
— —
As soon as the two hadn’t gotten in the spa room, they jumped into action. The small area composed of a miniature pool, a stone stove, and plenty of spa chairs to relax in. They also had an incredible view of the city sprawled out below them. There was one other person there, a young, Korean man who was acting as their lifeguard. He barely spoke an English, but the two boys were too enthralled in the room to care. Seth, the older twin and victor, had decided to grab a giant pizza float and relax in the warm water. Unlike Seth, Hayden, the younger twin and loser, placed his sunglasses and towel in a neat pile before bathing in the sunlight coming from the windows on a spa bed. Hayden threw his towel on the ground next to him, but decided to keep his white tee on. He didn’t feel as confident in the presence of the strangely attractive Korean. He didn’t like guys, but he could tell he was very good-looking.
As the two began to relax, the Korean began to mix his hands into some scented oils before pouring them into the pool water. He made sure that all of the lubricants were touched by his hands, that way the entire pool would be under his own activation. He only had to work on the older twin, for Seth was already going to unconsciously work on the younger. The attendant had remembered what Lee had ordered: the attendant and the camera would have to work together to create a “trait switch.” The cheater was going to get what he deserved. The attendant quietly poured the scented oils into the pool with neither of the twins noticing.
While Hayden relaxed in a chair with his eyes closed, Seth began to play with the camera. With nothing else to take a picture of, he sneakily brought the lens towards his younger twin and took a picture. Once it had finished loading, he was surprised to see the quality of the photo. It actually looked really good, as if it was professional. As he investigated the picture, a small blurb showed up on the screen, asking if he’d like to apply a filter. Curiously, Seth accepted and watched as the picture transformed, giving his younger twin longer, stronger, and tanner legs. He giggled to himself quietly, excited to see more.
Still sitting silently, Hayden hadn’t realized that his twin had taken a picture of him, or that his lower limbs were changing. His legs began to push out. He wasn’t that tall before, being at about 5’4, but he was now reaching about 5’6. His thighs began to blossom, growing muscular quads as his calves strengthened. His once-knee length trunks were now halfway up his thighs, showcasing the meat hidden beneath. The beginnings of blond leg hair disappeared as a barely-visible, yet solid layer of black began to emerge with a yellowish tan coating his limbs. Hayden’s young legs also began to mature a bit, still retaining a younger look but having the meat of a man in his mid-twenties.
With Seth so focused on his new camera, he hadn’t noticed any changes about his own body. He hadn’t felt his legs stretching a little less than Hayden’s, bringing him from 5’4 to 5’5. He also couldn’t tell how his legs to had grown with maturity, hard muscle stacking up on his thickening thighs and strengthening calves. He didn’t notice how the blond hair had disappeared, keeping his legs hairless as they took on a more amber tone. Even when he took his eyes out of the camera to adjust his position, he didn’t recognize how his lower body had changed. He had always been shorter than his younger twin, it wasn’t anything new to him.
Seth took another picture, and this time the leg filter was already applied to his brother. Once he investigated the picture again, another filter suggestion popped up. Seth quickly clicked it, giving his younger brother stronger and larger arms.
Hayden, still calm in the chair, adjust his shoulders as his arms began to expand. He swiftly removed his shirt, not registering his changing body. As he went back to his relaxed state, his arms continued to bloat. Strong biceps and triceps appeared as the limbs lengthened, becoming stronger. Hayden was pretty much hairless on his arms before, but now he adorned miniature black fibers. As his muscles finished firming up, his hands matured, becoming meatier and harder. Memories of lifting and working out began to flood his head, teaching him how to maintain his strong and powerful appendages. A lemony shade enveloped his limbs while two, thick bushes of wiry, black hair filled in his pits. A subtle, yet putrid scent began to emit from Hayden’s pit, yet he was in such a lazy scent that he didn’t notice, or care.
Seth, fascinated by his camera, hadn’t felt his swim shirt expanding. His biceps and triceps were also growing, along with his arms lengthening, yet not as much as his brother’s. As Seth’s arms grew toned, he remembered that he always wanted to say right between the line of fit and athletic, while his younger brother always chose the route of muscular. His hands expanded, but also became a little more delicate as he remembered all of the times he would barely break a sweat in the gym. As Seth brought the camera back towards his face, his arms took on a yellower tone. His armpits lost all traces of hair ever being there, they were to remain hairless forever.
Seth shot the next photo, and, without thinking, clicked to add the filter. This time, he saw his cousin’s chest expand, looking more like a man’s torso instead of a boy’s.
As Hayden basked in the sunlight, his chest began to broaden. Years of working out began to show as two solid, firm pecs began to appear. A light six pack also emerged as memories of skipping class to go to the gym flooded Hayden’s brain. Muscles filled in what used to be the remainders of baby fat as Hayden’s shoulders widened, giving him a more visible collarbone. His larger torso gave him a little more height, pushing him from 5’6 to about 172 centimeters, just above (Korean) average. His nipples perked up as the golden color darkened his previous pale skin. His chest became completely hairless, never to have any coat grow there. As his chest finished, Hayden’s intelligence slowly began to drop.
With Seth still sitting on the pizza float, absorbed with his prize, he hadn’t realized how his swim shirt was suddenly becoming a little tight. Before, it was quite loose on his lithe body, but now, as his muscles began to perk up, the shirt began to hug him tightly. As his torso broadened, his height didn’t increase, leaving him at about 166 centimeters, shorter than his cousin. As his larger nipples began to harden, he remembered that his shirt had always been tight, he always wanted to show off his body for all men and women to see. He knew the easiest way to the heart was a solid chest. His chest also tanned as it became hairless; it too would never sprout hair again. Seth brought the camera up again to take another picture of his cousin, his chest yellowing as he did so.
The next picture came in quite odd. The only filter that had applied to his relative was a bigger, more prominent neck. Seth Kissel didn’t quite understand, yet the more he thought about it, the less he cared. Hayden Dawson had always had a neck like that.
Hayden grunted as his neck began to swell. His neck thickened as a meaty Adam’s apple slowly pushed its way out of his throat. His grunts became deeper and more mature, dropping from a prepubescent alto to a mature bass. His voice now had the stern quality of a young man, instead of that of a young boy. An amber tone appeared over his neck, giving him the complete look. With the deep voice also came power, causing Hayden to gently gain more confident, alpha personality traits. His levels of dominance began to rise and his intelligence continued to decrease.
Seth’s throat also tingled after he had taken the last picture. His neck thickened, making way for the maturing male coming out in him. A small Adam’s apple appeared in his throat too, definitely not as large as his relative’s but just as noticeable. His voice also dropped, but only half as far as Hayden’s had. He had now become a light tenor. His voice developed a more adulting tone, but also one that was inferior. As his inferiority slowly became more apparent, so did his now decreasing intelligence. He brought the camera up again, this time more timid as he took the picture.
The filter was applied instantly, not letting Seseu Kimmel choose if he wanted it or not. With no option of the filter, he didn’t recognize that the picture wasn’t showing his friend’s real face. To him, he believed that Heideun Dawso had always looked that way.
Heideun slowly opened his eyes, being the first time he had done so since he and his friend had played that dumb card game. He couldn’t believe he had actually agreed to it; it was way too hard. Heideun looked around the room, his face growing longer as his chin and jaw began to expand. He noticed the attendant in the back, saying something to himself. As Heideun tuned in, almost completely making out the fluent Korean, his eyes began to shrink. Their blue tone took on a darker brown while his lips grew out a little. His darkening eyebrows straightened as his hair became a sharp black. His hair restyled itself, growing out and becoming a little bit messier due to the humidity of the room. His face matured, tanning into a solid golden tone yet still retaining some baby fat, giving him a true youthful, yet mature look. A natural, cocky sneer appeared on Heideun’s face as a dumber, more arrogant persona began to take over.
With Seseu absorbed into the camera, beginning to experience his first boner ever over a friend, he hadn’t realized that his face was changing too. His face stretched out longer, giving him a pointier chin. His eyes also shrunk a little as they changed to a dark brown. His nose shrunk while his hair restyled itself, becoming a penetrating black. More of his baby face stuck around, but he now looked like a young man. His lips became bigger, prepared to take on any cock of any size, and by the look on his face, he wanted his friends dick above anything. Seseu quickly took another picture, trying to be careful as to make sure his friend didn’t seem him.
The next photo was beginning to send Ses-eun over, his acquaintance was becoming more and more irresistible. He had simply snapped a picture of Hyei-sun’s feet at he could practically burst. The bony Size 11 US feet that were originally there were swapped out by the camera’s miraculous 265 mm feet.
“너무 섹시 해,” Ses-eun moaned in Korean quietly to himself. Trying to contain himself, Ses-eun hid his erection by scrunching up his legs, but didn’t notice how his thigh-length trunks now practically showcased his entire lower body.
Hyei-sun turned towards his acquaintance, hearing him mutter something. Ses-eun was too involved in the camera to notice Hyei-sun, so he got a clear look of the man’s body. A raging erection appeared instantly, causing Hyei-sun to casually grab his towel to place over it. It wasn’t that he was bashful, in fact he was quite confident in himself. The towel was instead going to be used as a cumrag. He had a hard-on, and he only knew one way to get rid of it. As he began to slowly stroke his erect dick, his feet began to shrink at the end of the chair. The Size 11 US feet that he once owned were lessening, becoming meatier as they lost their length. Eventually, they became soft and delectable, finishing to a size 265 mm. He knew his feet had power, and as he became more dense, he began to feel an urge to have other men bow down and service him at his feet. Hyei-sun couldn’t notice due to the essential oils, but his feet also began to emit a soft musk as they shaded themselves into a soft yellow.
Ses-eun was also palming himself, trying to find out how to discreetly grind without anyone noticing. While he was busy in his sexual haze, his Size 12 US feet began to diminish. They shrunk in quickly, becoming more mature and firm as they did so. Ses-eun’s pale, bony look was now replaced by something more luscious, as he now adorned two yellowy feet that fit perfectly into a pair of 250 mm shoes. Ses-eun knew he had to take one last picture of his overly attractive acquaintance, so he carefully took the camera out and took one last shot.
The final picture was what brought Seo-jeun to the edge. The picture looked almost the exact same as the last one, but this time he knew that the filter had applied something magical to the handsome stranger’s pouch. He could imagine how beautiful his 10 centimeter cock could have looked next to his large balls. He fantasized about how the amber tone must have brilliantly contrasted the wiry, black bush. Just envisioning the toned, hard butthocks on his back was bringing Seo-jeun closer and closer. The thought of the stranger’s package made him want to burst.
As Seo-jeun’s image became a reality, Hyun-sin was concocting something up for himself. At seeing the beautiful stranger in the pool make a look of ecstasy, he began to furiously pump his diminished cock faster. It didn’t shrink much, but it definitely brought more pleasure. As Hyun-sin cupped his expanding balls, he could visualize the golden bubble butt that laid inside the tiny red trunks. While his bush grew, he couldn’t help but dream of the tiny, 6.5 centimeter cock that was hidden between those thick legs. Once his butt had finished perking up, he pictured the small balls that had no black hair to hide behind inside the red trunks. As the last of the Korean genetics took over, Hyun-sin intelligence finished its descent at below-average. Everything left of his past self was pushed into his cock, ready to release.
“어 그래!” the man in the yellow trunks shouted proudly as he shot his load into the towel.
Seo-jun, hearing and seeing this, felt himself loading up. Seeing the glorious alpha in front of him made him clench his thickening cheeks together as they rounded into a soft bubble butt. His miniature cock ached as he felt his balls shrivel slightly. The last bits of pubic hair disappeared as his pouch took on a lemony tone. Seo-jun’s intelligence also stopped dropping, putting him just a few points smarter than the handsome stranger, but not enough to be dominant. The rest of his former life was pushed into his cum and ready to be expelled forever.
“어 그래!” the man in red trunks shouted anxiously as he shot his load into the pool water.
The two strangers looked at each other, both knowing that they had just come for each other. The one on the chair made eye contact first, his confidence burning from his eyes. The alpha Korean looked down at the pool on the submissive cockily.

The one on the pizza float looked back, scared to make eye contact at first but then suddenly drawn in. The submissive Korean looked up to the chair at the alpha sheepishly.

Before anything else could happen, the lifeguard, proud at his work, made sure to wrap up.
“Spa is closed!” the attendant shouted in Korean, causing the two strangers to snap out of their trances. They both looked at each other one last time before leaving. As the lifeguard locked the doors and the two walked towards their respective rooms, they only had two things on their mind. They had to figure out who the arousing Korean was that they saw, and they had to get a job at the hotel the next morning.
— —
Once the man in red trunks got back to his room, he quickly closed the door and threw himself onto the bed. He was quite cold, having ripped off the swim shirt earlier and suiting for just the towel. He got up and looked outside, the sun was reaching the horizon. His hair still wet with the sunglasses falling off in the back. The hotel had truly set an atmosphere just like home. He was happy he’d had a great 26th birthday at his favorite place in the world.

After a minute of vacant staring, he realized that he still had the camera in his hand. Once he turned it on, he realized that he had only take one picture with it; the handsome stranger letting his semen absorb into the towel before the spa closed. Seeing this, the man instantly got hard again.He jumped on the bed and began to jack off before switching to grinding. This continued for hours, passing out around midnight with the camera still in his hand.
— —
The man in yellow trunks had changed a long time ago, having switched into his favorite pair of sweatpants and a tight, black tee. He always forgot to wash them, so they both stunk of his natural aroma. The sun had long since gone down, and the man had closed the shades once it had gotten dark. The man sat there in a chair, enjoying one of the authentic, Korean drinks provided by the amazing hotel. He was happy he’d had a great 26th birthday at his favorite place in the world.

After drinking down the whole thing in one go, his cock began to firm up again. He grumbled in his low voice before jumping on the bed, ready to jack off for the third time since the spa had closed. The thought of that alluring stranger back in at the pool had driven the man crazy, he had to find out who he was. After he had come again, he passed out, exhausted from a long day’s work. His sweaty body emitted a putrid funk as the Korean semen sunk into the black tee.
— —
The alpha Korean sat quietly at the hotel’s coffee shop, a blended naeng-keopi in hand. He had woken up early, cleaned himself up, and had even wanked one out before arriving. The application office was due to open any second, and he was going to be ready. What he wasn’t expecting was to see the erotic stranger from yesterday sitting only a few meters in front of him. The strangers voluptuous backside was screaming to him. His eyes stared hungrily at the sub, his dick poking at the edge of his tight jean shorts even though it had received attention minutes ago. He got up, palmed his crotch, and walked towards the man, ready to finally meet his next conquest.

The submissive Korean sat apprehensively at the hotel’s coffee shop, a simple, unsweetened Korean tea in hand. He had also woken up early, cleaned himself up, and been able to grind one out before getting to the application office. He had many dreams about the sexy stranger in multiple positions. Dreams about feet, piss, feces, and overall submission were biggest recurring themes among other kinky things. Once he had got to the coffee shop that morning, he was excited to see the handsome stranger there. He purposely sat in front of him, knowing where his eyes would lurk.

Nearing the end of his drink, he heard the stranger get up and slowly walk over, but before anything coukd happen, the application office’s doors swung open.
“Wow,” the interviewer said to himself in Korean. A huge line had formed as soon as the door opened. “Looks like we’ll definitely have enough employees for the expansions.”
He ushered the first two in, noting that he might even have to start interviewing in groups with how well Lee Hae-jin’s plan was rolling. The first two were obviously eager, with one wearing a white button-up and tight jean shorts and the other adorning a lime polo and tan chino pants.
“Dong Hyung-sik,” the white shirt replied, not bothering to be polite towards the other.
“Kim Seo-joon,” the lime polo added, timid in the presence of the other.
“What job would you like?”
“Lifeguard,” they both responded in unison, causing the submissive Korean to blush.
“You’re both hired! Welcome to Hotel Korea.”
The two confidently walked out, going towards the alpha Korean’s room. Lee saw them pass, smirking proudly at his success. The alpha Korean slapped the submissive Korean’s butt; they had some business they had to get to.
Hotel Korea: Chapter Three
--- Originally posted on 2019-11-18 by dumb-and-jocked. ---
The Ignorant Passersby

Lee Hae-Jin looked at his watch anxiously, his bicep unintentionally flexing as he did. His workout gear stretched over his tight body as the seconds ticked away, counting down slowly. It had been almost a month since the first Hotel Korea had opened, and nearly a hundred more had been built since then, with even more being proposed in other cities. Lee’s idea had been a huge success, with more and more of the world’s population becoming Korean, but he still had more work to do.
One of his newest ideas for faster conversion was about to launch, and he had no idea how successful it would be. Lee had made sure that if it faltered, only he would be able to notice. Not everyone stayed at a hotel, so he had to find a way to change the everyday civilians. As the last second clicked away, his plan came to life. Lee looked out the window, hoping to see some sort of changes. His anxiousness quickly turned to glee.
— —
“I’ll be back in a second, bro!” Chandler said as he stomped his way to the restroom. He was lifting weights with another guy from his fraternity, Nathan, but had suddenly felt an urge to take a piss. Nathan waved him off as he ran into the men’s locker room. He looked in the mirror and was greeted by a fairly built white male, his blond hair slicked back with sweat. Although his face looked red, his Under Armour wife beater looked rather dry. Chandler grabbed his phone from his gym shorts and took a mirror selfie, the white wall behind him accenting his tanned skin.
Suddenly, Chandler felt a stirring in his bladder, a reminder to why he had come here in the first place. He rushed to a urinal and took out a heavy dick, one that was almost 6 inches and still soft. He began to piss and looked up towards posters on the wall, mindlessly reading about some concert from an unheard American band. He smirked, believing the Top 40 playlist he was listening to was much better.
As Chandler pissed away, he began to hear music playing through the vents. He focused his hearing in on the music and, after a few moments of thinking, determined that it wasn’t in English. He quickly figured out it was some K-pop boy band. It wasn’t his kind of music, or the gym’s for that matter, but he assumed there must have been some big party from the new Korean hotel down the street.
Chandler focused back on the posters, reading about the new boy band that was touring all the way from Korea. He suddenly became overjoyed as he remembered that they were his favorite band. As he finished, he tucked a smaller, yellow cock back into his gym shorts and walked back into the main area of the locker room. Each step he took slowly brought him lower until the 6’2 male was only about 175 centimeters. His arms and legs inflated and he suddenly rushed back into the stall, his dick now wanting to do more than just piss in the bathroom.
Chandler quickly closed the stall door behind him and sat on the ridge of the toilet, taking out his much smaller dick. Chandler didn’t notice the difference in length as he got hard, his cock much shorter than what it used to be hard. He moaned as he began to stroke, his once rough hands becoming small and soft with a lemony sheen. As he edged, his pecs began to fill out more, his pre-defined abs sharpening. He groaned as his shrunken balls began to churn, his hair growing out into black bangs on his head.
“신 이시여!” Chung-Hee shouted as he burst a load in the stall, the white cum sticking out on the black wall. He cleaned himself and walked out, his small, yellow feet moving quickly across the floor. He walked over to the sink and looked in the mirror, the K-pop still playing from the vents overhead and in his earbud. Chung-Hee was glad that Nam-Kyu had convinced him to come to the local Korean gym today. He was a little timid that it wasn’t going to be authentic, but the place seemed to be as if it had come straight out of his own South Korea itself. He smirked as he walked up to the mirror, his sexy Korean body looked incredible against the black wall. He brought up his phone and took a mirror selfie, making sure to hold a straight face. He was looking as 멋진 ever. He sent the picture to his boyfriend before running back into the gym.

— —
Officer Charleston sat in his car, surveying the land around him for any sort of disturbance. Right across the street from him was the Hotel Korea, a newer building that had been the center of multiple documented disappearances, as well as numerous other complaints. He had been dispatched there to see if there was any reason the department should be concerned, but as he lazily ate a bag of potato chips that rested on his large stomach, he couldn’t find anything that seemed out of place.
Officer Charleston watched strangers as he sat there, his floating eyes hiding behind a thick pair of sunglasses. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, just lots of random people around the busy street. He noticed the large Korean population that seemed to be spilling out of the hotel across the street, but he assumed that what the typical crowd for a chain targeted at a certain population. Officer Charleston scratched his bushy beard and placed the bag of chips next to him. He lined his large foot up to the brake and started the car.
Right as the car spurred to life, a blast of music began pounding from the building. Officer Charleston twitched from the sheer volume before turning off his car–this was obviously some sort of noise disturbance. He opened his door and shuffled out of the car, his large frame struggling slightly. The policeman strolled to a crosswalk and waited patiently, not realizing that as he stood there his foot tapped to the beat. He also didn’t realize that he was translating the Korean in his own head, beginning to understand every word.
A stoplight flashed red and the officer crossed with his fellow pedestrians. Each step brought the policeman closer to the earth, until he was barely 172 centimeters tall. His torso began to shrink as his stomach fell in on itself, the skin turning to a soft golden. His arms and legs plumped with definition, years of age being replaced with pounds of muscle. His shorter calves and forearms became solid as he made it to the other side of the street.
The policeman hummed along to the music as his thighs expanded inside of his pants. His hands became smaller as he adjusted his name badge, his name switching from the English phonetic system to Hangul. His feet also shrunk, now being able to slip comfortably into a pair of 250 mm boots.The yellowly tone overtook the rest of the officer’s body as his hair magically began to shed, all of it disappearing from the neck below. Even his beard fell away, revealing a sturdy jaw and the most flawless skin.
As a brown bob began to grow out on his head, the officer suddenly felt a sharp pain in his crotch. He rushed out to the side of the hotel behind a dumpster, pulling down pants to reveal a stubby, lemony cock begging for attention. He grabbed his cock and stroked it carefully, his whole hand not entirely fitting. He moaned quietly, its pitch rising as his Adam’s apple sunk in. He felt his balls tremble as he took in a harsh breath.
“커밍 해요!” Security Guard Choi howled as a small load poured into his hand. He sighed before wiping it on the side of his uniform. He was glad that he was able to sneak a session in during his shift at the Hotel Korea. They were fairly lenient on breaks, but sometimes a Korean man in his youth had to get in some extra time. The watchman turned the corner back around to the front of the building and noticed a car was abnormally parked on the street. It probably was just an accident, but he had to make sure that everything was perfect at the hotel. He strode over confidently: there was nothing a fine, young Korean like himself couldn’t deal with.

— —
John just needed a break. He wasn’t supposed to have his kid for the day, but his ex dropped him off a few days early. John hadn’t been able to take off work, so now he had to drag the 9-year-old around with him everywhere he went. It was completely agonizing. As they walked downtown, the kid had to see everything, point at everything, want everything. It was the worst when they passed the new hotel a few buildings back; there was way too much to look at. John eventually gave up, telling him to sit down outside and wait as he went into a brewery to get a drink. He knew it wasn’t the best idea, but he was about to explode.
John quickly ordered a strong scotch and took a seat. Getting closer to 50 everyday, he still couldn’t believe that he had a child so young. Wasn’t his sperm supposed to stop working at one point? The kid had put so much stress on his body, helping him gain weight and lose hair. The balding man sat there quietly as a glass was carefully placed in front of him. He grumbled before grabbing it, knowing he’d have to chug it. Why couldn’t the kid just grow up?
He grabbed the glass right as new song began. It wasn’t coming from the brewery, but instead from a distance away. John didn’t notice it at first, but he slowly began subconsciously focusing more and more on the music. It wasn’t in English, but John could feel himself slowly get more and more involved in the music. His gulping turned to sipping as he started fully investing his attention in the boy-band music.
As John casually drank his whiskey, he didn’t notice his clothes slowly becoming looser on his frame. His stomach was coated in a light tan as pounds shed themselves away, the hair falling with them. While abs and pecs appeared on his frame, round biceps and triceps also began to pop up around his thickening arms. While his body became more muscular, years of age began to disappear. His shoulders and hips were coated in a lemony shade as they widened and shrunk respectively.
As more of the beer disappeared from the cup, so did John’s height. He slowly diminished in his chair, losing 16 centimeters to his height. Although his legs had contracted, his thighs and quads had become enormous. His calves had also becoming thicker, but they had lost their body hair along with the rest of John’s body. The only hair that grew in was on his head, which now was a soft, full stark-black part. John’s feet compressed as the rest of the golden shade covered his body.
Putting his root beer glass down, John began palming his groin. It had become increasingly agitated as time went on. John knew he was in public, but he had to relieve his dick right now. He dug his hands into his pants and began furiously stroking; his cock became more sensitive from its decreasing length. Suddenly, John felt his pouch scrunch up in his hands, ready for action.
“달콤한 방출!” Joon-ho squealed in a high tone as a small wet patch appeared on the front of his shirt. Joon-ho groaned in delight as he resituated himself in the chair. He picked up the Korean coffee and took a sip, smiling at its deliciousness. He knew it was dumb to come to a brewery and not get alcohol, but he didn’t care for it that much. He was still basically a kid in his early twenties, so it never appealed to him.
Speaking of feeling like a kid, he had to go find his boyfriend. He didn’t have a daddy kink, but it was clear who was in charge and who wasn’t between the two of them. Before he’d run off to find his boyfriend, he’d have to finish off this drink first.

— —
Timothy hated the hotel that had opened near his apartment. He had been living there for almost ten years, and all that time he had assumed that nothing would ever be built in the hideous lot a little less than a block away. Then, out of nowhere, a giant hotel was built, with people flowing in and out everyday. The strange thing though, Timothy noticed that people of every size, race, and age went into the hotel, but only young, attractive Koreans came out. The 40-year-old man could sense something was wrong.
Luckily for Timothy, he had just come home from work early, his boss feeling extra kind today. He rushed home and ran upstairs to his bathroom to take a hot, long bath. He prepared all the materials necessary before stripping his suit down slowly, his furry chest and legs becoming exposed to the world. Timothy knew he wasn’t the most attractive of people, with his beer gut and clunky height, but at least was fairly average. Once he was naked, the middle-aged man got into the tub, laying down so his feet stuck out the other side. Timothy rubbed a wet hand onto his head, the short, graying hair meeting him. He laid there in silence for a couple of minutes.
Timothy’s eyes jerked open as he began to hear music bouncing around his bathroom walls. He focused his ears to figure out that it was coming from the hotel, realizing it was in some kind of Asian language. At first, he was completely annoyed, but as he listened to it more, he began to like it. What the boys were singing about became enticing to him, relaxing him once more into the tub before he fell asleep.
Tae-won squinted as he woke up, his nap being a little longer than intended. He slowly pulled himself up, his small body wholely underwater. He looked over his lemony, muscled body, his proudest features all displayed finely under the bubbles. He looked over himself as he felt his small cock rise, with the absence of hair making it look even more miniscule. In fact, Tae-won was completely hairless from the armpits down–and he completely loved it.
Tae-won brought a small hand to his dick, carefully bringing it to full mast with three fingers. He whimpered as he jerked away, his cock sensitive. The boy band played in the background as he kept pushing, his short but powerful legs scrunching up to his defined torso. Tae-won pushed his brown locks to the side as he began to stroke faster. As he got to the edge, he felt his balls scrunch up to push out a load.
“여기 온다!” Tae-won yelled as his shot a miniscule load into the tub. Once he took a few deep breaths, he regained himself and slowly got out of the tub. He grabbed his red jockstrap and tight shorts, placing both on as he dried himself off. Tae-won restyled his hair into the classic chestnut bob before running downstairs. He picked up his phone and saw that he had a little less than an hour before he began his shift at the Hotel Korea. He also noticed that he had received a text from his boyfriend a few minutes ago. He opened the message, finding a picture of the other incredibly attractive Korean at the gym. Tae-won smiled, noticing his boyfriend was wearing one of the wife beaters he had given him at their last anniversary.
“Looking good, Chung-Hee,” Tae-won muttered in Korean, responding back to the picture. He guided himself back to the staircase, his tight, yellowy abs glistened under the sunlight from a nearby window. He pulled up his phone and brought it to the mirror, going from the same straight face that his partner had. His lemony features looked delicious after his long wash. He shot the picture and sent it to his boyfriend before running back upstairs to his room to get his uniform on. He had a long shift ahead of him, but, luckily for him, he loved his workplace.

— —
Milo had been waiting for his friend for almost an hour. He was parked outside of his hotel, the new one that had just opened, and he still hadn’t gotten any word from Kayler. He should’ve been worried, but for as long as he could remember, Kayler was never really one to be prompt; however, this was getting absurd.
Both Kayler and Milo had been friends since kindergarten, and the two of them would graduate in a few months from the highschool a little ways out of the city. Kayler was at the hotel for an assignment, one in which the student would observe a different culture. Of course, the Hotel Korea was the perfect choice, but Milo hadn’t heard any word from Kayler. He was supposed to pick him up after three days at the front door, but as Milo fiddled with his large shirt over his lithe body, no one ever approached his car.
Out of the blue, loud music exploded from the building Milo was parked in front of. Milo ducked for cover, taking a few moments to realize that it was not some sort of explosion, but instead K-pop. Milo didn’t know what to think of it at first, but what the boy band was singing about was strangely alluring. Milo concentrated on the noise, grooming his bright red hair as he followed along. The longer he listened to it, the more he began to enjoy it.
As the song started its first refrain, Milo hadn’t noticed how his feet were no longer tapping the brake pedal. He subconsciously pulled his chair a few inches forward as his shirt began to fill out. The once loose shirt began to tighten around the pecs and abs that were popping up by the beat. His once miniscule arms bloated, becoming muscular and dense. His calves and thighs also expanded while an amber color began to blotch out the pale white.
By the second refrain, Milo’s shirt was now strained, his large torso and biceps making it seem like the seams would rip any moment. Milo’s pants were also threatening to tear, with a large bubble butt and tree-trunk legs pushing at the silky boundaries. Hair dwindled away all around Milo’s body except for on his head, which shortened into a black sports cut. A few years packed onto to Milo as he shifted into his early twenties, while his feet shrunk into a softer size of 245 mm.
As the rest of the golden tan covered his body, Milo grabbed his average size cock and began to stroke. It got hard instantly, but didn’t lengthen at all. His hard length was now the same as what he was as soft previously. Milo didn’t notice however, for he was too focused on how incredible the bridge of the song was. As the last refrain came around the corner, Milo felt his testicles tense quickly.
“너무 좋아!” Min-kyu cried as a spray of white cum covered his shirt. He sat there for a second, breathing irregularly before regaining consciousness. He hadn’t even realized he had an audience at the passenger door.
“여보세요?” The stranger asked, causing Min-kyu to jump. He turned to the window to see his boyfriend standing at the window, still on his shift as a security guard at the hotel.

“Choissi, you scared me!” Min-kyu said in Korean as the watchman entered the car.
“Well, I didn’t know I was late to the party,” he replied back before leaning over for a kiss. As the two embraced, Min-kyu suddenly felt a buzzing in his pocket. He took out his phone to see that he had a text from his friend Kun-woo. He put his phone down and continued with the security guard. If Min-kyu had waited this long, Kun-woo could too.
— —
Gunnar sat on the uncomfortable chair extremely bored. He couldn’t believe that his lousy father had just left him at the front of a furniture store while he went off to get a drink. He didn’t even like his father. The two never connected because Gunnar had spent most of his time with his mom. They never really spent time together, and when they did, it was just awkward and always ended in some sort of argument. It was like he wasn’t even related to the man, but he knew that he had to try to stay friendly.
Gunnar brought a small bag into his lap, looking through all the things that his father did let him get. It wasn’t much, the reusable bag was just as ordinary as they things they had purchased. There were some water bottles, gloves, and a new game for his console back at his other home, but otherwise the day had proved uneventful. His father wouldn’t let him go into any of the buildings he wanted to see, especially the new hotel that had just opened down the street. Gunnar took out the water bottle to take a drink, not knowing what else to do.
Without warning, music began blasting from down the street. Gunnar choked for a second on the water he had just opened, surprised. He took the plastic bottle out of his mouth and looked towards the hotel. He could almost see the soundwaves emitting from the building, the K-pop becoming strangely alluring.
Gunnar brought the juice bottle back to his mouth, beginning to enjoy the music as it played on. As he drank, his legs began to extend themselves, the new meaty thighs and calves pushing him to a staggering 178 centimeters. Gunnar subconsciously began to manspread as his body became wider, his torso filling in with strong abs and pecs. An amber tone flooded his pale skin while his eyes became a deep brown.
While Gunnar continued guzzling pop from the bottle, his arms and shoulders began to fill out. Years of time in the gym became evident as pounds of meat were added to the boys frame. Veins became visible while his hand became round and hard, the results of numerous callouses. His expanding quads caused his shorts to pull up, now looking more like short-shorts than their previous knee-length.
As Gunnar topped off the beer bottle, he began to feel a rumbling in his balls. He had no idea what was happening, but something was telling him in the back of his mind that he should stroke his small cock. He grabbed it, and, with a sudden feeling of elation, began pumping furiously. As he did, he didn’t notice his grunts slowly becoming deeper, or how he now had to blow black bangs out of his face. Right as the yellow color covered the last of the pale skin, Gunnar felt a final push in his groin.
“달콤한 서울!” Gun-woo grunted as his jizz landed on his Corona shirt. He quickly rubbed it in before grabbing the matching bag and looking through it for a back-up outfit. All he had was an empty glass bottle, a beer koozie, and a Korean porn film for his date tonight. His date! He had completely forgotten about it, and where his partner had walked off to.
As if on cue, his boyfriend walked out of a nearby coffee shop. A grin plastered itself on Gun-woo’s face.

You look adorable, boy,” Gun-woo remarked in Korean as his boyfriend walked over.
“You aren’t too bad either, old man,” the man replied back.
“Joon-ho, you know I’m only five years older than you,” Gun-woo snarked.
“You’re talent in bed says otherwise.” Joon-ho replied, licking his lips. Gun-woo smirked as he got up to leave with his boyfriend, knowing he had a fun night ahead of him.
— —
Lee Hae-jin sat at his desk, the new information charts flooding in from every other Hotel Korea. His plan had been a huge success, as apparent by the massive spikes of local Korean populations in each location. The music was an easy choice for conversion while still being untrackable, but the problem was how he would transfer the Korean genetic code through the melodies. He had to write a song that would transform its listeners.
After tedious research, he finally came to an idea: Don’t create music, create a band. He designed his own K-pop boy band, which he cleverly named KOREABOO. They would seem like any other boy band from South Korea, but they’d only produce Lee’s music. Their voices would make the melodies that would become hypnotic to new listeners. Their words would help produce the new Korean population faster.
Lee closed the laptop and chuckled to himself. It would only be so long before the entire world would be Korean, and, more importantly, under his control.
Hotel Korea: Chapter Four
--- Originally posted on 2019-12-27 by dumb-and-jocked. ---
The Degrading Investors

Lee Hae-jin slowed down to take a breath, hiking his leg up on the side of a modern statue. He quickly took a swig from his water bottle as he gathered himself, only slightly sweaty after running three kilometers. Usually long runs got him out of an angry mood, but the events of earlier that morning were still lingering about.
It had been a few weeks since the world-wide launch of KOREABOO, with the band becoming huge hit. There music was played almost everywhere, and with multiple Hotel Koreas in almost every country, the Korean population was steadily rising. Over half of Earth’s population was now identifying as Korean, with more converts coming in by the minute. Other races were slowly going extinct as the once dominating ethnicities became minorities. Although many people were coming under Lee’s control, the ones left were becoming annoying, especially two American investors: Theodore Charleston and Bradley Sullivan.
The two were famously known as the “Gateway to the North.” If they invested in you, North America would soon follow. Lee had already conquered the majority of Mexico (or Megsiko as the native Koreans renamed it), but he was struggling to get the United States and Canada to develop his properties. When he met with the power duo, they immediately turned him down with racist slurs. Lee kept in his bubbling anger, but was infuriated that they wouldn’t accept his incredible offer.
Regaining his stance, Lee began to figure out a revenge plan. Of course he had to make them join his side, but he didn’t know how. They wouldn’t listen to his music, and they’d never come near any of his hotels, so he had to find a way to get the Korean influence to them. As he ran back home, a flurry of ideas began to fill his head. Some dangerous, some extra safe. It took him a few minutes to find a plan that would really work, but he finally landed on something that no one would ever turn down.
— —
Theodore closed the door behind him as he walked into his penthouse. It was already late into the night, and he was ready to crash. A man in his late fifties, he was experienced to having absurd ideas proposed to him, but the young Korean lad from earlier that morning was still on his mind. It made no sense, just to open a hotel to spread Korean culture? It seemed to be spreading so fast in other parts of the world, so why would any American want it was his main point. Bradley had quickly agreed with him too, so it had only taken one loud shout of his deep, gruff voice to shut the kid up and kick him out.
Theodore slowly stripped himself of his business clothes, revealing his naked body before he trotted into the shower. His body had seen better days, when there wasn’t as much fat and gray hair and his head wasn’t bald. He silently took a steamy shower before wrapping a towel around his waist and finishing his nightly routine. He had a rough day ahead of him, so he had to get a good night’s sleep for tomorrow’s sake.
As he brought himself over to a large mirror, he noticed a small package lying on his counter. It was decorated in a small green bow, with the box itself being the size of a box of tissues. Theodore grabbed it and began to open the package, not thinking twice about it. It was probably dropped off by one of his maids during the day, as they usually brought his mail in. It was peculiar that it was in the bathroom, but he was too tired to care.
With a small rip, the cardboard finally opened up to show its contents. Inside hid a small tube of toothpaste, along with another container that looked like shaving cream. Theodore signed as soon as he saw the small, Hangul letters on the side, believing the gift was from the Korean earlier that day. He let out a minuscule smile, thanking no one in particular as he grabbed the suitcase. He had run out of toothpaste a while ago, and had forgotten to buy some at multiple opportunities. He wasn’t ecstatic about the gift, but he was slightly thankful. He grabbed an electric toothbrush and, after washing it thoroughly, put on some of the blue cream and began to scrub.
As soon as the toothpaste entered his mouth, his eyes went wide at the appalling flavor. Instead of the traditional mint, he was blasted with the taste of salt. Theodore wanted to spit it out, but he was so desperate for a good brush. He reminded himself to tell a maid to go shopping. He rationalized with himself that it was probably some sort of vegan toothpaste that would do wonders to his health. He hated the taste, but he told himself he could make it.
While Theodore brushed away, he decided to take a seat on his toilet. He grabbed his phone from nearby and began to mess around, not really paying attention to reality. He positioned himself comfortably, not noticing that his legs were slowly spreading farther apart. His lower limbs, which were hidden underneath the towel, slowly pulled in, bringing his height down 175 centimeters. Theodore didn’t realize that his heels no longer touched the floor, and he couldn’t see how his leg and thigh hair retracted to give way to a miniature black forest. His quads and calves exploded with meat, taking away the fat and replacing it with hard muscles. A yellow color swept across Theodore’s legs as they finished firming into limbs strong enough to run many kilometers.
Theodore switched from his main messages to his mailbox, becoming more comfortable with the salty taste in his mouth. As he checked his emails, he didn’t notice his naked arms slowly begin to inflate. Years of gym-time began to flood into his veins, with pounds of beef creating biceps and triceps. His faded arm hair was swept away, with the tiniest of black follicles growing in their place. The hands that held the toothbrush and phone also inflated, becoming golden paws and his arms took a lemony tone. Theodore was so involved in his phone that he didn’t register his bulky arms and hands.
The intensity of Theodore’s brushing began to diminish. The goal before was the get rid of the toothpaste as soon as possible, but now he was beginning to barely enjoy it. While the brushing became softer, so did his buttocks, which plumped into two small balls filled with flesh. It slowly pushed Theodore up, until he was so uncomfortable that he simply got off the seat. Instead of questioning why his butt felt bigger, he instead switched over into his news app. The amber tone swept upward onto his chest, imploding the massive gut and creating a six pack of abs as solid as concrete. Chest hair quickly fell away as Theodore’s man boobs hardened, becoming two pectorals that felt similar to rock. His nipples slightly grew while his collarbone pushed out, more body fat pushing away to reveal widened shoulders. His large armpit bushes shrunk a little, becoming a stark black and creating a more pungent odor. Theodore still hadn’t noticed anything, with all of his interest in his phone.
Deciding that he should do something else, Theodo put down his phone to set up his bedroom, not realizing he was still subconsciously brushing his teeth. As he set up the atmosphere for his sleeping routine, he couldn’t feel the toothpaste coating the inside of his throat. The salty flavor began to etch away at his deep and powerful voice, disintegrating his large Adam’s apple. Theodo sputtered a little as it slowly sank, his register slipping up to that of a lower tenor. The golden color quickly traveled up as the rest of Theodo’s vocal chords adapted, switching from creating English consonants to Korean syllables.
Theo continued to prep his room, turning on ambiance music as white noise. He always played the same instrumental track, but what came on instead was soft K-pop. To focused with finishing, he didn’t even recognize the different music, or the new chestnut bangs that laid side swept across his forehead. As he continued brushing with the mildly pleasing toothpaste, his face began to re-align. His ears became bigger as his jawline shifted upward, creating a more masculine square. His nose and lips shrunk, while his eyes became more horizontal as they took on a brown hue. All signs of facial hair disappeared as his teeth became pearly white. Any signs of age were washed over by the lemony tone, as Theo now looked more like a 20-something in his prime.
Te strolled out of his bedroom, finished with his pre-bedtime procedures. As he walked around the apartment, his large feet began to slowly change. Originally a much larger man, Te’s feet were Size 14 US to support his stature. With each step, his toes pulled in as the hair shed away. Although they shrunk in length, his feet stayed fairly meaty, retaining definition as they became calloused. Small, black hairs delicately decorated the top of his feet, as a smell almost as powerful as his armpits began to emit. The yellow color painted itself on to Te’s delectable 260 mm feet as he stopped in front of his old storage room.
Having a rather large penthouse granted Te-su with extra space. He hadn’t been to his storage room in a while, but he swore it looked different than it previously had. He remembered old filing cabinets, desks, and boxes of worn out books. Now, it seemed to be a home gym, with workout equipment scattered all across the room. Workout clothes were also strewn about, reeking excessively, but as Te-su brushed more, the room seemed more familiar to him. As he became increasingly accustomed to his changing environment, his average dick began to inflate. At 6.5 inches, it wasn’t the worst size, but it obviously had room for improvement. While Te-su drifted around the room. His hard dick began to slowly sink in on itself. The large, unkempt bush shaved away to reveal the stubs of raven black pubes. His balls also sucked themselves back up, becoming the size of grapes.
Images of men began to flash through Te-su’s head as he became increasingly aroused. He grabbed his dick through the towel in one hand, while still brushing with the other, the taste of the toothpaste becoming more recognizable with each scrub. As Te-su began to jack himself off, he noticed a mirror on the other side of the room. Walking towards it, he was momentarily shocked to see the young Korean stud looking back at him. Theodore regained consciousness for a moment as the amber shade quickly conquered the 7 centimeter cock. Before Theodore could react, he ejaculated to the mirror image of himself, erasing himself from reality permanently.
Tae-sung blinked a few times before regaining sight. He had beat off a lot, especially to himself, but that time was more powerful than usual. He kept brushing, the taste of soy sauce lingering in his mouth deliciously. He was glad that he had gotten it as a gift from the guy he met at the gym. What was his name… Lee? Tae-sung couldn’t remember, as he was fairly dull, riding off of his inheritance rather than intelligence. He didn’t care though, he’d probably find that guy at the gym again tomorrow. Maybe his best bro would know… he’d call him up afterwards. First, he had to finish his brushing.

— —
Bradley entered his suburban mansion lethargically, barely able to push open the heavy double doors. It had been an excessively long day at work, with that young Korean kid pushing him to his limits. About the same as his associate, he was also getting too old to deal with stunts like that. It was people like that who brought him to become overweight, making him age much faster than others. For example, he was the only person he knew who had white hair before sixty, and that was counting what was left. That was only the beginning.
Stumbling in the dark, it took Bradley to find his way to his bedroom. As soon as he got there, he changed as much clothes as he could before falling onto the bed. He was only able to change into an old pair of blue sweatpants, too tired to even put on a shirt . He silently hoped that the next day wouldn’t be as long as the previous.
Waking up the next morning, Bradley could barely even move. He’d gotten a good amount of sleep, but he was still lacking any energy to move. After flopping around a few times on the mattress, he finally pushed his heavy body up and over to the bathroom. After taking a steady piss, Bradley began the process of cleaning himself for the day. Right as he was about to wash his hands, he noticed a small box with a green bow lying on the counter next to him. He hadn’t had any of his maids come in overnight, or the day before, so he didn’t know how it had gotten there. He also hadn’t received any alarms from his security systems. Too groggy to think straight, Bradley decided to open it. After a little game of tug of war, the package opened up. Bradley was surprised to see a small tube of toothpaste, along with another container. Picking up the two objects, he recognized the Hangul writing and connected to the Korean lad from the day before. He put down the toothpaste and observed the bottle more. After looking at it closer, he discovered it was shaving cream. He opened the cap and took a sniff. He was greeted by a very nutty scent, one that he wasn’t at all expecting. Bradley looked in the mirror at his snow-colored stubble, deciding it was probably a good idea to shave.
Bradley grabbed a washcloth and turned on the shower head, just enough to drizzle. As soon as it was wet, he rubbed it on his face to make sure it was saturated. Next, he applied the shaving cream, watching the soapy bubbles create an even bigger white beard across his jawline. The nutty smell was becoming even more intense, making Bradley a little dizzy. He also noted a hint of muskiness, like something he’d smell in a locker room. He would have to check what scent this was afterwards, as he had no idea what he was supposed to be smelling.
As Bradley took the first stroke, the white hair bounced off his stomach and fell to the ground below him. He’d have to brush it up later with a broom, which didn’t really excite him. What he didn’t notice were how his legs were slowly bulking up inside of the sweatpants. Each breath Bradley took of the shaving cream added a little more muscle to his legs. His quads began to bloat, becoming massive with meat as they strained the sweatpants. His calves also expanded, becoming thick and firm for intense workouts. As the golden tan swept over his legs, Bradley lost all hair and some height, moving down to 170 centimeters.
Bradley scraped off the next stripe, with the hair falling down to the ground in small clumps. It passed the arms, which began to pump up with muscle slowly. Bradley didn’t recognize this however, as he was to busy shaving. His yellowing arms quickly created gigantic biceps and triceps, blowing up his arms to epic proportions. Thick veins appeared across his forearms as his arm hair disappeared, only to be replaced with tiny, stark follicles of black hair. His palms grew, becoming meaty.
The third stripe of hair came off, with more white falling to the floor. The soap didn’t stick to the razor, but instead to the clump, creating a bubbly mess at Bradley’s feet. The intense nutty smell ingrained itself into his face, familiarizing itself. While Bradley continued to shave, his massive gut began to suck in. The fat disappeared in a few moments, with the facial hair now falling straight to the ground. After the creation of an eight-pack of solid abs, his shoulders widened out and his collar bone popped out. As the amber tone washed over his entire torso, Bradley’s nipples grew to match his growing pectorals, both become hard and large. Finally, his armpit hair retracted all the way, only leaving a small black stubble that would never grow. Although the patches were small, the rancid scent that began to emit from them was very noticeable, yet Bradley was still concentrating on shaving.
With a little more than half of his face shaved, Brady deducted it would be a good time to wash some of the soap off his face. He had actually begun to enjoy the smell of the shaving cream. He’d also have to clean up the mess on the floor pretty soon, as it now looked like he was wearing a pair of bubbly hair slippers. As he grabbed for the washcloth, the lemony wave swept across his neck, pushing in his larynx barely. His passive bass tone lightened to a baritone. His vocal box also rearranged, no longer needed for a Romance language.
Grabbing the washcloth, Brad realized that it had gone dry. He grabbed the knob to turn on the shower head again, but accidentally turned it to hard. Before Brad could correct his mistake, a spurt of cold water poured over his head. He yelped as he was momentarily soaked. It felt like his entire head was a clump of messy, wet white hair. He slowly stood up, immediately noticing that he had sprayed water all over the mirror too. At least he hadn’t gotten his thick, dark brown bangs drenched. As he wiped off the leftover soap bubbles from the first half of his face, his jaw keenly realigned itself. Square points began to just out as his eyes became brown and narrow. His nose shrunk barely as his lips jutted out just barely. Any signs of age disappeared as Brad now looked no older than 25. To top everything off, his whole head was covered in a golden color.
Removing the last bits of facial hair from his face, Ba began to wash away the mess from his feet. As he pushed the mess of hair and bubbles away, which was magically disappearing with each swipe, his feet dwindled in size. Originally at a Size 12 US, it didn’t take much to make them shrink down. As they became more compact, small veins appeared to amplify the increasing muscularity. His toes became small stubs as a foul funk sourly filled the room. As Ba removed the last of the bubbles, he revealed a beautiful pair of 245 mm lemony feet.
As Bo stood back up, he suddenly felt his cock becoming extremely aroused, the smell of the shaving cream driving him wild. The monster quickly inflated to 9 inches, a rough gem hidden by a previously hideous body. As the amber tone began to spread to his cock, it began to slowly descend inwards, opposite to his expanding butt cheeks. The previous flat back began to push out, creating two meaty, massive globes that were both tanned perfectly, filling out the back end of the sweatpants expertly.
While the buttocks finished pushing out, Bo felt another wave of euphoria cascade over him. He quickly grabbed his cock, taking long strokes to truly work himself up. As time past, he fondling became faster. It wasn’t because he was becoming more elated, but instead because his dick was shrinking. The massive sausage was settling into much, much smaller. His bush and balls did the same, and they decreased to just a quarter of their previous sizes and they turned black and yellow respectively. Bo looked in the mirror as flashes of sucking and receiving cock flashed through his head, with Bradley returning for a just a moment to see his life disappear. He was about to gasp, about to stop the process, but his lemony 5 centimeter cock thought otherwise, for it was so sensitive that it burst immediately, blowing all of Bradley out with it.
Bo-gum’s eyes refocused to the mirror in front of him, the load of sperm beginning to dry in his underwear and pants. Immediately, the smell of his sesame oil shaving cream hit him full on, the smell reminding him of Korea. That guy from the gym really knew what to get him, yet Bo-gum couldn’t remember his name. He knew his first name was Hae-jin, but what was his surname? Sometimes Bo-gum was so dumb, he was such a meathead. The only reason he was rich was because of his inheritance not at all due to his smarts, or lack thereof. Maybe his best bro would know, he’d have to text him.
Looking back in the mirror, Bo-gum noticed a small patch of black facial hair that he had missed. He quickly shaved the spot and put the razor, not to be touched again until his next semi-annual shave.

— —
From his office, Lee Hae-jin smiled with pride at the success of his revenge. By simply mixing simple ointments with his own semun, he was able to create two Korean studs out of the rude Americans. It was also smart of him to mask the scent by mixing in soy sauce and sesame oil, two traditional Korean spices.
By eliminating the “Gateway to the North,” Lee now had free reign over the entire Earth. At the gym later that day, he could easily convince the now dimwitted Cho Tae-sung and Seong Bo-gum to become his main investing partners. With over half of the world conquered, it was only so long before everyone would encounter “A Seoul-changing Experience.” Everyone would be Korean, and more importantly, under Lee Hae-jin’s control.