Houseki No Kuni Kin - Tumblr Posts

For Cairngorm, with both traditionally feminine and masculine things that represent the uncertainty about which one fits them. I hope you like it!
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For Yellow Diamond and Zircon not wanting to fight. I hope you like it!
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Positive vibes for Yellow Diamond! Hope you like it
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For Benitoite trying to stand out, you can tell me if you want it redone because I’m not sure if i quite captured it.
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For Phos with themes of change and uncertainty!
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Hey guys! We’re opening up the inbox to some kin care requests, so send ‘em in! Please try to give a little detail or theme and be a bit specific (example: “for bortz with some soaps and a theme of soft things”)

For Cairngorm/Phos with a theme of getting back together and starting slowly! Tell me if you want anything changed!

For Phos who was strangely attracted to the ocean!
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For Alexandrite with themes of accepting their duality. I hope you like it and tell me if you want anything changed!
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still alive?
surprisingly, yes! mod angela (main mod) went on a long hiatus but she’s back and better than ever! mod izuku is still learning to make aesthetics but is eager to learn! while we set up our rules i figured i might as well take some requests so as long as you don’t have to think long and hard on “is this okay” it probably is!