Hsr Sparkle - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


The popular theory for Sparkle right now is that in the trailer, her red masked version represents Aha, her white and red masked version represents her current self, and her white masked version represents who she used to be. Whilst scrolling these theories many people pointed out inconsistencies, but I think I have a theory that gets rid of those.

The crucial part to this is that in the scene of 0:28 to 1:12, you have to view it as a conversation between two seperate people.

For the purpose of this theory, the red mask will be referred to as Aha, and white mask will be Sparkle.

In the scene shown Aha shows up to play a game of Russian roulette with Sparkle, with an unknown wager. It’s important to note that the reason they likely approached Sparkle is that their personality from then to now is probably quite similar, and her manic behaviour possibly intrigued Aha.

Sparkle takes the bet and does her first shot (1/6), which doesn’t fire. She gets interrupted by enemies and starts to take them out, commenting on how they’re in her way. She throws the gun over to Aha who responds with “so what?”, who then catches the gun and takes a shot that doesn’t fire (2/6). They aim to take another shot before being attacked, and dodge the attack, taking a third shot in the motion which doesn’t fire (3/6). Aha comments on Sparkle pretending to be smart, and asking what a fool is, and saying that it is knowing when to act clueless, like they do. They take another shot after taking out the enemy, which doesn’t fire (4/6). Aha then passes the gun to Sparkle who looks visibly shocked.

The scene switches and it shows Aha forcing Sparkle to point the gun at their head. Sparkle tugs away, looking frustrated, and the reason for this is that this has come down to a 50/50 chance. If Aha takes the shot now and it doesn’t fire, Sparkle is guaranteed to have lost the bet.

Aha takes the shot, and the lines of colour pour out, indicating this was not a shot and they have won the bet. This is further backed up by the scene at 1:35, with Sparkle being forced to take the final shot, with a line of white representing the direction of the bullet.

Now it’s unclear what was actually wagered in this bet. Since it’s Russian roulette it’s heavily implied it’s her life, but she’s still living and the difference between the red-white mask and the fully white mask seem to represent her leaving behind her past self –with the red-white mask representing her path of elation– instead of losing her life itself.

Back on topic, it’s unclear if she willingly went into the path of elation because of what Aha taught her during the game, or if she was forced to by the bet. It’s more likely she was manipulated emotionally or psychologically into accepting the path of elation since she seems like she enjoys it, instead of being physically forced, and therefore garnering hatred for it, which she doesn’t seem to have.

In summary, the theory is that Aha and Sparkle engaged in a game of Russian roulette, with Aha coming out on top and Sparkle joining the path of elation as a result. Sparkle likely was mostly manic even in her earlier days but still held onto her own frustrations and humanity; the death of the white-mask represents her letting go of that humanity and embracing the path of elation.

I don’t know if others have already come to this conclusion but this is what I gathered from it! :)

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11 months ago
Small Thing I Wanted To Finish

small thing I wanted to finish

also please zoom in for gods sake tumblr has fucked over the quality once more

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9 months ago

New favorite ship

(Wait, are they both minors or is one an adult and the other a minor??? I haven't played Hsr in a long time)

New Favorite Ship
New Favorite Ship
New Favorite Ship
New Favorite Ship
New Favorite Ship
New Favorite Ship

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8 months ago


2.3 spoilers

does the airship even exist in real life


im dead omg


in the background is sparkles trailer music. im so fucking paranoid with this countdown but im not actually timed


i just realized the doll moves around. fucking creepy well its more accurate to say that its head is moving around but hhh


how tf do we know this


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7 months ago

Why I think Sparkle is a maladaptive daydreamer coded character and who it plays part into her character as a whole: from a maladaptive daydreamer (and a character analysis)

Why I Think Sparkle Is A Maladaptive Daydreamer Coded Character And Who It Plays Part Into Her Character

(Ok folks, this turned out rather long so get your popcorn and water at hands reach!.....trust me.)

Hi!!!! :,D This is my second post here and it feels like it's been a decade but here I am again haha...

This time I'm here with something I'm more confident in exploring as, I myself, am a maladaptive daydreamer! :,)

And because of that Sparkle hit me like a TRUCK and her MADD (mal. daydreamer for short) coding makes me love her and go insane about it at the same time.(it means a lot to me ok?😭)

Sooo I'm here today to expand and shine light on it to the rest of the masses as there isn't much appreciation for Sparkle (which is understandable cause she is a character not everyone can savor) and I feel like her maladaptive daydreaming can help understand her way of thinking.

comments, reblogs and likes are VERY much appreciated if you would like to see more of my billion cents and share with others to further show me support :,)

if you have any disagreements, corrections, different opinions or such that you would like to discuss I'm always open to further discussions as I would love to receive back engagement with these posts (as long as it is in good manners)

Enough talk from me though, let's get into it already:

What is maladaptive daydreaming?

Throw the google definitions out the window, let me give you a gist of it from someone who has it:

it's a coping mechanism turned addiction that can develop from loneliness or trauma (it is also common in people with ADHD). It helps you deal with the current reality you are in by offering escapism but it differs from normal daydreaming because it becomes maladaptive (as the name suggests).

What that looks like is being addicted to escaping reality through it by daydreaming, which can make you want to trade time forming human bonds, hanging out with friends, doing tasks you should, even taking care of yourself (etc.) with daydreaming. Most of the time you don't even need to do it but daydreaming is so much more fun and entering than ur current boring life that you keep doing it anyway. It can isolate you and make you lose touch with reality (from one degree to another depending on the individual).

But people with MADD DON'T ACTUALLY BELIEVE IN THEIR DAYDREAMS. They KNOW they aren't real. Some might willfully want to believe in them but at the end of the day they know it's all made up. If you are a MADD but get serious delusions about it you might want to check more into that cause something is overlapping.

Maladaptive daydreaming is MUCH more immersive and vivid than normal daydreams (what can I say, practice makes perfect🤭). Some MADD will stim while daydreaming in various ways that have to do with whatever they are daydreaming for enhanced immersion (some will pace around the room, some will make facial expressions, some will catch themselves talking, etc)

The daydreams each differ from individual to individual and can be classified in multiple types, some make OCs while others imagine a different version of themselves or make a character similar to certain degrees to them.

We are very much fictional-stories-makers nerds no matter to be honest

Now that we got the explanation out of the way:

Why do I think Sparkle has MADD?

Why I Think Sparkle Is A Maladaptive Daydreamer Coded Character And Who It Plays Part Into Her Character

🎇Proof number one: her character story IV

Why I Think Sparkle Is A Maladaptive Daydreamer Coded Character And Who It Plays Part Into Her Character

..... *POINTS AGGRESSIVELY* like?? COME ON!! (my "she is just like me fr!!!" moment and what made me want to make this whole post)

Ok, ok, let me try to be serious about this 😮‍💨

Analyzing this alone:

"It's truly addictive to me" maladaptive daydreaming is a behavior that is addictive to the individual (du uh)

"The more I imagine, the more I get absorbed in those characters" Getting absorbed into your daydreams (and it being addictive) is a core part of MADD and what differentiates it from normal daydreaming.

"the wonderful and tragic situations I create for them, and the emotions they experience in those circumstances..." Here, Sparkle is talking about the characters she makes and how by acting them and playing their roles and their stories, she enjoys herself and is entertained by them.

From my perspective, Sparkle is an individual who finds the emotions of others and how each reacts put in various situations, fascinating, entraining and enjoyable to witness, observe and ponder on more than an average individual.

Which I think is something all of us MADD, writers, OC makers, character analyzing enjoyers and fic writers can relate to ( "no"? ok. now tell me your OCs tragic backstory come on~ come on~ ik you have one. No? Ok then tell me through what psychological horror you want ur fav to go through~ Ik you know that you want them to get tortured by the writers at least just a tiny bit....I know what you are.)

🌸Further more quotes from her character story IV:

"Lies? Come on, I'm not trying to tell a grand story or fabricate an eye-catching experience... I'm wholeheartedly exercising my imagination for my own sake. I imagine various lives, seek excitement, and then recreate them as best I can, and pump the brakes on my imaginative balloon just a second before it bursts."

.... genuinely what do you want me to say honestly, that's SUCH a MADD to say, pls reread how many times it takes to get it. Everything in that is just PEAK maladaptive daydreamingness. Genuinely I don't have anything to add that won't sound like "Water is H2O and 2+2=4" 🤷

"Seriously, having a script is far from enough. First and foremost, I must wholeheartedly believe that the character I'm portraying truly exists. Then, I need to imagine the other stories where the character would appear. I always need extra information to make their motivation logical and emotional."

Sparkle seems dedicated to portraying, grasping and understanding her characters by IMMERSING herself into them as much as possible. Going the EXTRA mile, such as imagining other stories they could appear in, making herself believe the character TRULY exists and informing herself about them to portray them the best.

Which, again, all writers, OC makers and fic writers who actually give more than two dice about their character can relate to as we want our characters to be most accurate and well written and for that we do all Sparkle said.

The "I must wholeheartedly believe that the character I'm portraying truly exists" strikes a chord in me because it's such a ??? NON MADD ARE NOT THAT DEDICATED TO IT JSJSKSJ THAT'S SUCH A MADD MILDLY CONCERNING BUT MADD THING TO SAY SKDHSKSN IK WHAT YOU ARE!!!


I can hear you going "but she is an actor, it's just part of being an actor". Ok Sherlock, but Sparkle is not your average actor. Case and point:

Sparkles love for the stage of acting and how it ties into her MADD:

Why I Think Sparkle Is A Maladaptive Daydreamer Coded Character And Who It Plays Part Into Her Character

🎇Who is Sparkle an actor for?


Saying "she is so matriculated and dedicated because she is an actor" is only half way true.

Sparkle's love for acting and her maladaptive daydreaming are things that can coexist at the same time. (just like being a writer and MADD for ex. (yes, some of ur fav writers could have been MADD))

Which got born from which? We don't know but both are proof of how much she loves the other.

("But you said MADD develops from trauma or loneliness" YES!! And we still have no real idea about Sparkles backstory but ik damn well a "normal" person with an average fine life doesn't end up like Sparkle.)

(Also no, her character stories 1,2,3 and be at most half trusted as she says she makes them up for each individual both in her char. story 4 and a voice line.

They could either be total nonsense or parts and truths of her past but altered/heavily exaggerated and metaphorical. Pick ur fighter tbh.

"There are a few versions that are particularly popular." "Liking and believing are two different things, but people are more likely to believe in their favorite stories." "Lies? Come on, I'm not trying to tell a grand story or fabricate an eye-catching experience... I'm wholeheartedly exercising my imagination for my own sake."

She is basically toying with everyone who asks including the player for her own amusement and, honestly? Iconic.)

🌸She acts for her own entertainment.

Wealth, status, power... None of this matters to Sparkle. The only thing that can lure her interest is "amusement". (from her twt intro)

Her doing all this. Immersing herself into characters so deeply. It's all for herself and her own enjoyment. Just like MADD is for us and our own enjoyment and entertainment.

Not to be the greatest actor or for others recognizing her. In her introduction on twitter, she says: "I'm not exactly a person loaded with cool skills, and dreaming big isn't really my thing." Which says enough to contradict such ideas.

Yes, some MADD might go on to become writers or actors but some don't. And those who don't could still want to improve their characters FOR THEMSELVES because that will bring them more enjoyment, because they love what they do and their characters for one reason or other and want them to shine like they see them could.

🌸Sparkles elation is acting and MADD.

Elation: great happiness and exhilaration.

What makes her feel elation? Acting. What is her heavy immersive acting that is all for herself to feel elation intertwined with? Maladaptive daydreaming ✨

(wow, shocked, ik)

Sparkles Myriad Celestial Trailer: Behind the Curtain

Why I Think Sparkle Is A Maladaptive Daydreamer Coded Character And Who It Plays Part Into Her Character

Next, I want to talk about both her Myriad and Character Trailer through a MADD lens, starting off with her Myriad Celestial Trailer:

What struck a chord in me with it is her "conversation" with her mask. What is her mask really representing for her? The way I see it: it's her MADD and also, Sparkle.

At first she says it keeps on smiling even when she doesn't and that she can hide under it. While in reality we might not be able to smile all the time. Escaping into our daydreams through characters who can helps. The use of a veil to describe it can also be interpreted as choosing to hide your true emotions from yourself and others through emulating a characters happy emotions and state of mind.

Second, she says the mask imitates her face, her emotions, like a mirror showing her own reflection. When writers come up with characters, some might be similar to them through a degree with or without the creator even realizing. This can happen to MADD more since we are creating characters for ourselves and its a coping mechanism so emotions seep through unless we make a character/s that we want to share with others. It's also a way you can understand and grasp yourself better. In this particular setting, I think she means how through some characters she acted as (made by others) herself and emotions shines true,like that character and her acting were a mirror.

Third, it takes a darker turn, "when I'm smiling, you're screaming. When I'm angry, you're crying. When I'm sad, you're smiling". This could be her MADD taking a tool on her.

"When I'm smiling, you're screaming" like when you are content with reality but your addiction's screaming at you to be noticed, like an icky who wants to be scratched. The urge to do it despite not needing to.

"When I'm angry, you're crying" This is her "mask" empathizing with her, weeping for her anger and understanding it like no one else could.

"When I'm sad, you're smiling" this could be the situation from the first instance, but it takes a darker turn so I think the "mask" smiles because it knows that her sadness assures its existence.

Addiction is dependent on your sadness because you do it to comfort you through that sadness. Her acting and MADD is both her addiction and her elation.

From Sparkles tone, she might even be surprised at how, despite her deep sadness, the mask can still smile.

"You're like a face, steering at me" she says at the end. It brings back in mind the imagery of a mirror/reflection. But instead of a reflection, it's a different reflection, still a reflection, but not.

It reminds of when I see characters being depicted as steering into a mirror and they are smiling but their reflection reflects how they truly feel inside (emo ik)

I think that's what it's supposed to mean. Your true self steering at you, it's uncomfortable and penetrating.

Or maybe it's a blank face being unsurprised or just lacking any emotions or maybe the face itself is empty waiting to be drawn on an expression.

It's a very vague sentence, and I don't want to pretend like I 100% understand the meaning behind it, because it can be interpreted in very different ways and only an explanation by the one who said it can give us a sure answer. Maybe it's something we can't even understand with the info we currently have on her.

Overall, she holds positive feelings about her mask but she also recognizes it's kinda fcked up but she still chooses it at the end of the day for the elation it gives ("I am elation" ok girl.)

🌸In this section, I also want to come back to her:

Why I Think Sparkle Is A Maladaptive Daydreamer Coded Character And Who It Plays Part Into Her Character

Oh who is she?🎶~

Actually? Good question! :D

I think it was Sampo who commented that Sparkle's name is probably made up (which du uh)

But that is fascinating as well.

We see this girl at first in her trailer looking soft and innocent, nothing like the more.... eccentric person we know today.

If you look closely, she DOESN'T have the butterfly/flower(?) symbol in her eye at the start but she DOES at the end. Which to me represents how she and Sparkle were separate at the start.

"It doesn't matter how I am off stage.

When I'm on stage, I'm just Sparkle"

With the end of this video, this whole thing might be made up go, but that would be too pointless and annoyingly stupid so I'm inclined to believe she isn't fckin with us in this one. (for the most part)

That said, it seems like the girl Sparkle was before was performing for her love of acting, her madd, and for the audience.

But as time went on, doing all of this for an audience over and over lost its meaning (and probably drove her insane a little)

"When I realized that life was just a play, I wanted to leave the stage.

Because off stage, there is a even bigger stage"

Her acting, madd and elation shapes her way of seeing life and others. Why confine yourself to a stage when you can take yourself and your characters to the big stage of life itself and have fun with it the absolute bonkers way you want?

She is very much a Shakespeare truther, as he put it:

"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts."

That's how her acting made Sparkle see things (to an extreme )

🌸Another thing is this scene:

Why I Think Sparkle Is A Maladaptive Daydreamer Coded Character And Who It Plays Part Into Her Character

"Im.... I'm not Sparkle

No, I am Sparkle"

Both in her Myriad and Character Trailer, she is actively conflicting with herself.

In this moment. She shows opposition to "Sparkle". The physical constraint is interesting imagery as well. Maybe she feels trapped by "Sparkle"? Like "Sparkle" is against her? Why is she? Because she doesn't allow her to be Sparkle(/herself/her true self)?

She separates herself from Sparkle at the start but becomes her after and laments that she isn't her than at the end, and only then, her eyes have the same symbol this big eyes have in the back (Sparkles) eyes and she becomes Sparkle.

Which, um, IS SO INTERESTING!??!?!?!

I think at the end, she gives into her want to be Sparkle and fully embraces it. Fully embraces the path of elation.

And I don't think Sparkle isn't her. I think it's still her, just more free, unrestrained version of herself that doesn't hold back when the rest of society those.

Think like how different someone with social anxiety disorder is when they feel comfortable with summon and lets out their weirdness for example. We hold back on many actions because of societal perception but she stopped giving a fck and WILL set up a hundred "bombs" on a ship to fck with people for her own amusement.

Seeing life as a stage comes with seeing the absurdism of if all and choosing to stop giving a sht and have your own fun and entertainment. Play the roles you want to play instead of playing the part.

🌸As for my take on this part?

Why I Think Sparkle Is A Maladaptive Daydreamer Coded Character And Who It Plays Part Into Her Character

Yeah, maybe the whole thing wasn't her true backstory, but I think it's not 100% false either. Or maybe it is and she sees it as her playing another role. The role of her past self how is so so different it's her own character at this point, right? :))

It sure was more realistic than all the other stories going on in the background (like come on, Harry Potter, Sparkle playing Herta)

"Who is the real Sparkle"

Maybe the answer is all of the Sparkles are Sparkle.

Am I gonna elaborate? Mmm, nope. :)


*cracks knuckles* OOOOOKKK this turned out quite long Jesus (never put me to write something about a fictional character in a few paragraphs, that's physically impossible for me)

Why I Think Sparkle Is A Maladaptive Daydreamer Coded Character And Who It Plays Part Into Her Character

Don't worry though, I'm probably gonna make a part two soon 🙃 (analyzing her Character Trailer, her design, her in game animations, who knows what ales, etc etc~) (no we are NOT done, we. are absolutely. NOT done.)

Soooo can you tell how much I like Sparkle? She lives rent free in my mind actually.

There isn't enough talk about her more deeply despite how MUCH there is to ponder on so I have to take it upon myself to do it 😮‍💨

If you made it here..... will you marry me?🥹💍


But if you did then thank you for giving me the time of day and I hope this post spark(l)ed some curiosity and interest into this little hedonistic gremlin! :D

(also no, I don't ignore, justify or support her racist remarks)

I do these posts mostly for myself but someone else to respond back is really nice! :,)

Ok, I'm signing off for this one. See ya in part two 👋:)

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6 months ago
Sparkle Came Home Yk What That Means (puts Her On My Team Just For The Sole Purpose Of Making Sampo Shit

sparkle came home yk what that means (puts her on my team just for the sole purpose of making sampo shit himself)

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11 months ago

blinded by the lights (yandere! sparkle)

cw: gn! reader, yandere obviously, she’s fuckin crazy but we already knew that, implied/vague mental illness, descriptions of gore

Blinded By The Lights (yandere! Sparkle)

a thousand faces, a thousand personalities. once she finds the personality you’d taken a liking to, she’ll stick with it until the day she dies. sparkle isn’t normal by any stretch of the imagination, she’s deranged and unhinged, she lies just to watch the chaos that ensues over something that may have never existed in the first place.

for even the most innocent of people, thinking she’s cute and harmless is a fatal mistake. for you, she’d gladly make sure she was the only other person in the whole galaxy. if that’s what it takes for you to finally realize that she’s the only one for you, so be it. the stage lights can be unforgiving, but she knows how to make it look natural and even normal when she puts on this show of love and affection.

sparkle’s dainty hands would be stained with tacky blood as she cups your face in said hands, smearing the substance on your cheeks as she coos and compliments how adorable you are when you’re this scared. a soft blush would dust her cheeks as she explains in gruesome detail all the people she hurt and killed just for you. that way, you’ll understand that this is for the best. it’s not like escape is feasible either, she’ll find you and drag you back no matter how far you run.

her pigtails were messy and matted, her clothes tainted with yet more blood. just how many people had she killed? using the same hands she used to end so many innocent lives just to spell the simple words “i love you! <3” in blood that slowly dripped down the wall she was writing on. all this, just as a reminder that your girlfriend isn’t going anywhere.

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