Human To Vampire Reader - Tumblr Posts
This is to beautiful 😍
Can I request a alucard/vladcard x reader where she is his wife and mate , they've been together for centuries ,and she's so used to seeing him as alucard she's basically bewildered and surprised when she witnesses his vladcard form
The Reveal to his Wife of Centuries

📍•(total 1977 words) This is good one with just enough details to use but also original to me. I am struggling with this a little though as vampires are inhuman monsters and rarely feel anything positive about its human food and chew toys. In the surge of unholy power and immortality, they also shed their humanity. Though many humans lack empathy and care of others hence war crimes and serial killers too.
Perhaps it is these former human monsters who make the worst inhuman monsters given the chance to be immortal? Anderson views Alucard as this combination.
As for Alucard?
He has shown compassion and care to a special select of a few humans. Walter, Integra and in a twisted way Paladin Anderson. So I am telling my logical brain that is the angle to work from. He's only a monster 99% of the time with humans.
Also due note: Anonymous wrote "she" but this would also apply to gay, bisexual and queer readers too.
✔️•Wife=Husband=Spouse=Life Mate
🌹• Romanian terms of endearment to be used:
•scumpa mea= honey, sweetheart, my baby
•draga mea= my dear •dragă =dear, honey, darling
•dragostea mea= my love
•Draguta mea=my lovely, my pretty, my little girl
•l meu Înger=my angel •înger iubit= Beloved angel
✒️•Now I am going to give example of each :
1) human to vampire wife
2) already a vampire to wife
3) two examples of were beings
4) fae folk
Most of the scenarios have the outcome that Alucard doesn't go to England and get captured by Hellsing. You changed the course of his clashing with Hellsing in 1897.
Well…that's a written mouthful.
📍•Remember Alternate Hellsing Universe and "virginity" is a loosey goosey kinda thing in my world. Some define virgin as never having been married or never sexually active with a man.
•Maybe Alucard just told the pushy sexually experienced women you had to be a virgin to send them packing. Perhaps he just got frustrated and munched on them lethally but didn't complete the ritual and exchange of his blood.
•Remember Kouta Hirano is from a different culture, with contrasting depictions of women as seen in anime girls…so there could be a factor on the virgin to vampire theme.
It's a disadvantage to Alucard that he can only create female vampires? Or curse from God personally to him and only him?
🎭 Scenario 1: human to vampire and wife
•You could be an orphaned nobility girl, in Paris, fleeing the Sans-culottes. They had your whole family executed and not all by the guillotine. In my Hellsing universe, Alucard lived in Paris during the French Revolution.
•A foreigner trapped due to residual religious battles between French Catholics and the Hugenotes (protestant).
•You could have been an American woman that traveled to France and was abandoned by your guardian or escaped from being sold into the sex trade.
•You definitely could be an African slave (example Haiti), Indigenous native of the Americas (mmiw-2s Pocahontas first documented), from Asia, India and the middle east. Being a woman of color is often taken as an excuse to kidnap and do terrible and inhuman acts on these women instead of white women,as we all know.
•The worst would be Alucard was attending one of the Marquis de Sade just before the French Revolution(convicted pedophile that escaped during taking of the Bastille prison) and you were going to be the sexually tortured prize of the evening.
Note: Marquis de Sade, byname of Donatien-Alphonse-François, Comte de Sade, (born June 2, 1740, Paris, France—died December 2, 1814, Charenton, near Paris), French nobleman whose perverse sexual preferences and erotic writings gave rise to the term sadism. His best-known work is the novel Justine (1791).
•Now Alucard can be a ruthless inhuman killer but he has moments of empathy and chooses to save a human. Maybe you remind him of a woman he knew alive and she died horribly and he does feel regret for not protecting her so you are the substitute.
An example might be that if Integra had been a boy and not a girl, he would have killed Integra and escaped. He does have a strong sense of honor that leads to undying loyalty.
•Hence when Alucard did change to his original form, he could be extremely frightening as his dark rolling aura surrounds the area he merely stands in. I could see it, if someone was aggressively sexual in behavior and speech towards you and hinting at harming you sexually.
That is the ultimate form of harm to his beloved..
•Yes you are a centuries old Vampire but he was taught to be a powerful male protector. He was a Voivode and it's ingrained in his mind to the subconscious level. As Vlad he was a powerhouse of intimation and swift retribution.
Vladcard is not being a misogynist man but an honorable one..
"Nimeni nu-i face rău îngerului meu întunecat.."
(No one harms my dark angel..)
🍷•Scenario 2: Vampire before Vampire wife
•In this case, you are an indirectly created vampire from All Father (yes my nickname I gave him). We know Alucard was more tolerant of his children before Hellsing captured him. The weird sisters(think Shakespeare's three witches also called weird sisters)are not his brides and one is possibly a female family member as she has an aquiline nose too. (Bram Stoker’s Dracula source.)3
•In some of his travels out of Wallachia (now undead) he would have created more 'children'. (I don't believe he sat in his castle for centuries and Stoker leaves Vlad's past a mystery) His Alucard form is to go more unnoticed than Vlad the Impaler and we know there were paintings in the original form.
And this is when he finds you…
•It was most likely your intoxicating scent that caught his attention. You were a special Vampiress and so Alucard courted you before he let his sexual hunger take over. You were more than a rough fuck and go on to another.
•In this situation Alucard would choose to travel more and eventually not return to his ancestral castle. It would be a late night with the moon full and he stands on the battlement. The Unholy King becomes completely silent, as a blood tear runs down his cheek. So many memories flood back. In response his ebony hair lengths more as a tattered cloak flows from black armor and waves on the night breeze. So you approach him..
"My Prince of old, dream now not of old pain but in the making of new memories with me.."
🐾•Scenario 3: Were beings
Note here: Alucard lies about some properties of his blood. He said renfields are not real and that his blood doesn't "boost" humans. Hellsing might have used his blood to create super soldiers for Britain during WWII.
Boosts humans? Hmm…he just grins slightly.
📍 So he may have neglected to say it extends life in some other beings. His blood creates strong mystical bonds as he was an alchemist before death too. (Some old tales but no real proof with Vlad Draculea)
•It is well known that Alucard had a wolf pack back in Romania (became in 1867). So it proves that wolves are his main animal to call. In return, Werewolves share an uneasy truce. The pack is supposed to introduce themselves and usually Alucard doesn't ask much of them. Werewolves lose the control of reason due to the usual trauma associated with werewolves. They also lack the ability to work well like wolves in packs.
But you were a born Sigma werewolf..
•A sigma is an Alpha (he/she/they) that chooses to be alone. Sigmas can't stand stupid alphas, mostly male ones. And your duty when traveling is to kill abusive Alpha pack leaders and if need be to take over the pack temporarily.
•This is most likely how you met Alucard. A pack of werewolves moved in his ancestral lands and broke several rules that could have exposed his long existence. So you violently stepped in and removed the troublemakers before Alucard needed to make a presence.
He probably watched you deal out justice as a Sigma..
•Alucard would have invited you to stay at his castle and romance you as an equal and perfect mate.Blood being the life essence and currency of the soul, eventually both of you will exchange blood freely.
•You know Alucard is more than he seems yet he doesn’t share. So one day you confronted him, as he seems lost in old memories.
"Alucard.." You touch his forearm. "What were you like before we met?"
"I was known as Kazikli Voyvoda, the Impaler Prince when I still needed breath…"as his youth features and current clothing morph to reveal he is indeed Vlad the Impaler.
•This type of were took him by surprise. You were a cute Romanian girl that lived on the edge of Hoia Baciu forest. You were an odd girl and people left you alone because nothing happened to you living in this haunted forest.
So Alucard, with nothing better to do currently…
•He's dressed for hunting in the forest granted it's in the middle of the night. Suddenly he meets a large brown bear foraging and more suddenly finds himself bouncing off an old growth tree. The large bear stands on two legs now and charges with an axe. He nearly lost his head that night though only temporarily.
•Once more the exchange of blood and long life free of aging. You and he actually visit Canada first. You are more safe in the wilds of Canada as America is going through eradication of all predators including bears.
"Alu…" You lay next to him on a blanket by a small lake. "Our people spoke of a great Viovode that was betrayed and fell from grace. Are you directly one of his vampiric children?"
"Dragostea mea," he shifts his body slightly to take his form of old, minus the black armor. "I am the first Nosferatu to walk the earth..I am All Father."
🧚♀️Scenario 4: Fae (yandere beginnings)
•Alucard has come to London and while wandering Hyde Park, his keen inhuman eyes catch the most graceful woman he has ever seen. He knows that you are not human at all but a member of the light court.
He is by far not an expert on fairies..
•So he plans a way to capture you, having forgotten all about Lucy and Mina. Alucard is staying at Chateau Sanguine, a lavish London hotel and secret sanctuary for all 'other' beings. And Alucard knows this too. So he lures you there l, knowing you will feel safe at the Chateau.
And the snare is set..
•Against your better judgment, you agree to meet him for dinner. You hadn't detected he was an elder vampire and certainly not the First Vampire. Then before you know it, snare has caught you. Alucard is enamored with your combination of wit, charm and just enough feistiness. So through the other fae that stay at the Chateau to set a formal meeting up with the Queen of the Fae of the Light Court. To keep the peace between the King of Vampires and the Queen of the Fae, you become his beloved companion.
And when Hellsing begins the hunt..
"O you take the high road, and I'll take the low road. And I'll be in Scotland afore ye.."-Loch Lomond
•Hellsing takes the high road of the mortals and Shadow King takes the low road that is the road the Fae travel on the British Isles. He simply waits until old age comes to claim his enemies.
"Mierea mea este timpul să dezvălui în sfârșit, cu adevărat cine sunt.." (My honey it is time I finally reveal, truly who I am..)
@alastorhazbin @amikartest @artsy-jandi @three-of-crows @stygianoir