Hunter X Hunter Holding Their Grandchild For The First Time - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
Now I Am Going To Do The Second One To Anybody Who Hasnt Read The First One Go Read It Its Really Good!

Now I am going to do the second one to anybody who hasn’t read the first one go read it it’s really good!

As usual, thank you so much for the request. It means a lot to me!

Full credit to la-squadra1234

Feitan-“I….actually have a grandchild now” he would definitely play it off like it’s nothing but inside his heart would be pounding like crazy he would be so happy

Phinks-“this reminds me of the time that your mom had you….I will cherish this moment” it will definitely be sweet, but he will try his best to make it as not emotional as he possibly can but it gets hard

Chrollo-“this is such a beautiful moment” he would just say it, and he would say everything that is on his mind in that moment, and it would be very sweet

Nobunaga-“oh….wow I can’t believe it! I’m actually a grandparent now I can’t wait to tell uvo about this” obviously he would go tell uvogin every little detail that made him excited, but it would be very sweet and a good moment to remember

Hisoka-“oh my- this makes me feel old….But it’s very wholesome. I’ll give it that” he will be very happy, but he will definitely hide it, and he will hide it good too

Illumi-“congratulations. I am so happy for you, even though I look the same.” he definitely would care, but it would look like as if he doesn’t.

Silva-“ this is the first time I have experienced this I am finally a grandparent kikyo is going to be screaming her head off excited….” it’s a first time experience for him so he will definitely be happy about it.

Thank you so much for the request!

I hope everybody enjoyed this as much as I did. It was pretty easy writing because they would all definitely have a different response so yeah!

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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