Hxh As Dads - Tumblr Posts
Can you do “Hxh characters hearing their kid’s angelic singing voice for the first time (the kind of singing voice that makes you shed a tear)”
Of course I can that’s a really creative request I would’ve never thought of that. Good job!
As usual, thank you so much for the request. It means everything to me
Full credit to la-squadra1234
Feitan-“you….you have nice voice” “ thank you so much that!” *His kid continues singing around him* he would be very impressed and he would take it as a good opportunity to help his kid in life and build a relationship with his kid he wants his kid to be able to trust him and it makes him feel good when his kid sings around him because he feels like his kid trusts him<3
Chrollo-he would definitely be just as relaxed as when he is reading the Bible(or whatever book he is reading in the anime) he would complement his kids voice, and he would tell his kid that they could definitely get a very good opportunity out of their voice
Phinks-“oh wow-” “oh…hey dad” “ why did you stop singing you are very talented continue please” “oh- o-okay I’m glad that you like my voice” he would be excited for his kid. They are very talented, and they have a amazing voice on top of that.
Nobunaga-“ oh my god that singing is amazing!” “ thank you. I have been working very hard on perfecting my voice!” “ I don’t think you need to do any more work on your voice anymore it’s perfect” he would complement his kids voice, and then he would go and tell uvogin about it because he is just so excited that his kid has found a passion and his kid is talented
Hisoka-“my oh my. my kid does not only look like me, but also has a amazing voice just like mine” “ thanks dad but I think a lot of people find your voice more creepy and weird then relaxing and nice….” “rude much” “ sorry but it’s just the truth” “hmph” I he would be happy for his kid, but of course it would end in a conversation like that😅
Illumi-“ you are very talented and you have a nice voice. Your grandmother would be very impressed and excited, but just because you are talented in that kind of way doesn’t mean you can take your focus off of being a assassin. That’s the only reason why you are born along with me and the rest of my siblings so never forget that” “ I was about to thank you for saying that I am talented but that’s honestly rude telling me that my only purpose is to be a assassin like you might as well just not even have kids at this point and don’t worry I’ll run away at any time if you ever decide that you don’t want me anymore” it definitely would not end up as a conversation that you would expect a father and her child to have🙃
Silva-“ you are very talented indeed out of all of my children you are the only one who has a voice like that. Keep up the good work” “ thanks dad I have been practising a lot. I think Mom will be impressed as well!” “ indeed she definitely will be” it would just be all good vibes all the way!
That is it for today everybody I’m sorry if it seems kind of half assed, I tried my best to think of a good reaction but for something like this, it is hard and it involves a lot of thinking and I always just click on request with out thinking of ideas before I start writing😶
Thank you for all the love and support. It means the world to me!
 I hope everybody enjoyed it Bye now!
Ok how about “Hxh characters introducing their kid (who’s basically just a mini them) to their closest friend/friends
OK I can definitely do that!
Thank you so much for the request. It means a lot to me as usual I am still so thankful!
Full credit to la-squadra1234
Feitan-he would definitely be introducing his child to phinks and I would say everything would go pretty smooth phinks would also be very nice to feitans child
Phinks-well obviously he would be introducing his kid to feitan and since phinks respected feitans rules, and wasn’t disrespectful feitan would be very polite, and he wouldn’t glare at all
Chrollo- he would probably introduce his kid to shalnark only because he comes off less intimidating than the rest of them and he is also very sweet and he plays video games so maybe shalnark can get chrollos kid into some kind of video game
Nobunaga- he would introduce his kid to Franklin (before anybody says why not uvogin Bffr his kid is going to meet uvogin literally the moment that they are born💀 so his kid definitely already knows who uvogin is) his kid would definitely be very scared not because Franklin is a new person coming into his life. It’s because of his looks Franklin comes off as very intimidating to Nobunagas kid but after his kid gets over all of that they are fine with Franklin
Hisoka- he would introduce his kid to illumi and his kid would not really have a opinion on illumi I mean sense hisoka is happy with him and they hang out a lot His kid is fine with illumi and illumi he’s fine with his kid so it all goes pretty well
Illumi-(just to be clear I really don’t want to put hisoka here but illumi does not hang out with anybody else so there’s nobody else to introduce his kid to🙃) illumi introduces his kid to hisoka and they are a little creeped out as he is a literal clown and he has a weird voice, but it all goes well illumis kid does not question anything and just goes with it even though they are very weird it out about it and they definitely question illumi ones hisoka leaves
Silva-I’m sorry to everybody that likes Silva but there is literally nothing that I can do for him because he doesn’t hang out with anybody other than family I mean he barely hangs out with family from what we can see unless it benefits him in some kind of way so again I am sorry
That is it for today everybody I hope everyone that’s reading enjoyed. Surprisingly it did not take as long as I expected so I’m sorry if it’s half assed for me it doesn’t seem half ass but I’m only saying that because it did not take so long as it normally does to make a story.
Again, thank you to the person who requested you are amazing. I love how you are always requesting. It really makes me happy. It makes me want to write even more!
Thank you everybody! I’ll see you in the next Post bye now!

Now I am going to do the second one to anybody who hasn’t read the first one go read it it’s really good!
As usual, thank you so much for the request. It means a lot to me!
Full credit to la-squadra1234
Feitan-“I….actually have a grandchild now” he would definitely play it off like it’s nothing but inside his heart would be pounding like crazy he would be so happy
Phinks-“this reminds me of the time that your mom had you….I will cherish this moment” it will definitely be sweet, but he will try his best to make it as not emotional as he possibly can but it gets hard
Chrollo-“this is such a beautiful moment” he would just say it, and he would say everything that is on his mind in that moment, and it would be very sweet
Nobunaga-“oh….wow I can’t believe it! I’m actually a grandparent now I can’t wait to tell uvo about this” obviously he would go tell uvogin every little detail that made him excited, but it would be very sweet and a good moment to remember
Hisoka-“oh my- this makes me feel old….But it’s very wholesome. I’ll give it that” he will be very happy, but he will definitely hide it, and he will hide it good too
Illumi-“congratulations. I am so happy for you, even though I look the same.” he definitely would care, but it would look like as if he doesn’t.
Silva-“ this is the first time I have experienced this I am finally a grandparent kikyo is going to be screaming her head off excited….” it’s a first time experience for him so he will definitely be happy about it.
Thank you so much for the request!
I hope everybody enjoyed this as much as I did. It was pretty easy writing because they would all definitely have a different response so yeah!
I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!
Could you write how Phinks, Feitan, Uvogin, Nobunaga would react to having a bratty daughter.
Of course I can!
I love these kinds of requests, because reading the story that I make is fun, and I also have to be pretty creative because I can’t make the daughters, all the same😅
Full credit to la-squadra1234
He would give his daughter the same attitude back but just worse
He knows for a fact that his daughter got it there brattiness off of him, but he does not like the fact that she is using it on him rather than somebody else
He would definitely put his daughter in their place
He would tell his daughter off a few times
Eventually, he would just get used to it and ignore it but if it got to the point where his daughter went too far on some thing, he would yell at his daughter to let them know that he is pissed off now
He would be very stressed out
He is not really a bratty person. He just has major anger issues with that’s not what he’s dealing with here so he does not know what to do
He definitely asks the phantom troupe what to do and for advice because he does not know what to do at all
He doesn’t even know where his daughter got this attitude/brattiness from he assumes that it’s somebody from the phantom troupe who is bringing this behaviour onto his daughter, but he can’t be certain he doesn’t know for sure, and that’s the part that pisses him off. It honestly triggers his anger issues.
He would definitely just ignore his daughter, and not say anything at all
He would just end up giving in and let his daughter get their way
 But that doesn’t mean that he will not put up a bit of a fight before he lets his daughter get what they want he’s not just gonna hand his daughter everything they have to work for it, or do some thing for it but eventually, if it gets too much he will just give in
At first, he will just ignore it thinking that his daughter is going through something and he just does not want to add onto whatever his daughter is going through
He just thinks that his daughter is hitting puberty or something like that or maybe they are just going through that teenage stage in their life
But when it starts to get too much, he puts his daughter in their place and he tells them that they need to smarten up and that he is trying his best to tolerate all the attitude but it’s getting too much for him and he can’t continue on to do something like that and that he will keep putting his daughter in their place, if they do not stop
Eventually, though he will make his daughter stop the attitude and the brattiness entirely, and the issue will be fully solved but of course it wouldn’t be like Nobunaga if he did not rent a bit to uvogin about it first
Uvogin really had nothing to say about it at the time at least because his daughter did not start being bratty at least not yet…
He will definitely kiss his teeth a lot at his daughter since they want to have an attitude he will have one as well but of course he has to make it 10 times worse just to be a bitch
He will roll his eyes at his daughter a lot since his daughter wants to roll their eyes at him he might as well just do it as well, right?
Eventually, when his daughter gets to the point where he can’t take it anymore, he will end up yelling at his daughter
He will feel bad about yelling at his daughter later on, but it’s more of a thing that he needed to do rather than continue on being sad about it so he tried his best to let it go but of course he couldn’t so he ended up apologizing to his daughter
He thought that he went a little too far even though he didn’t he told the phantom troupe about it and they told him that he did the right thing and that they wouldn’t have waited as long as he did but he still felt really bad about it he loves his daughter with his entire heart and seeing his daughter in a position where they are sad just breaks his heart even though it seems like he doesn’t have one. He only has one for his friends and his daughter they are precious to him.
That’s it for today scenario everybody! I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did. It was really really really fun making this and I enjoyed it a lot, so thank you so much to the person who requested this as I said before I love getting requests like this it’s just so fun to do and it makes me have to be creative, which helps me out a lot!
I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!
Can you do “Hxh characters reacting to their adult child passing away.would they take care of their grandchild?” (Sorry huge angst)
Of course I can do it!
Thank you so much for the request
And it’s perfectly fine it’s really just whatever you want. As long as it does not break my rules I will do it!
BTW…can everyone please start telling me specifically what characters they want me to do it would take less time since I don’t know what characters do you want me to do I just do all of my usual ones, but I rather just know which ones you specifically want! It would be great if you guys could do that for me. Thank you!
Full credit to la-squadra1234
Feitan-he would definitely be very shocked, but he would keep his composure and keep it to himself. He would definitely take his grand child, and even though he does not want to because he wants to continue living his life and try his best to get over the grief, he will always take his grandchild in no matter what kind of circumstance it is. 
Phinks-he would be very sad and he would make it noticeable to everybody. He would make sure to tell the phantom troupe what is going on in his life and how much grief he is going through and he would get tons of support and it’s exactly what he needs anyways he will definitely be taking in his grandchild. It’s the least that he can do anyways
Chrollo-he would shed a lot of tears, but he would keep a straight face while doing so he would definitely tighten his fists a lot because it keeps him from crying and he does not want to be too emotional in front of the phantom troupe along with his grandchild but he will always take in his family as it’s the only real biological family that he has left so he’s not gonna take that for granted he will always take his grandchild in
Nobunaga-he will keep crying over and over again. He will tell the phantom troupe what is going on and he will be sure to continuously cry to uvogin and he will also tell uvogin every single little detail he will be completely heartbroken, but he will always take his grand child and he feels as if it’s his responsibility to step in now that his child is dead and he just wants the best for his grandchild as it’s a hard time for the both of them
Hisoka-he will shed a few tears but he will only do it in private. He was a very laid-back parent, so he thinks that it will look very dumb if he shows a bunch of emotions, especially in public so he mainly keeps to himself. He may share a bit of his feelings with his grandchild along with illumi but he will spare the details for illumi as it’s not his business, and they only work together, and hisoka does not want to seem weak it will take a lot of thought and he will have to consider taking his grand child in but eventually he will just do it out of peer stress, and he will also be very sad and he will definitely lose tons of sleep because of it
Illumi-he would be heartbroken and absolutely heartbroken. It would be very noticeable as well so there’s no point in him hiding it from family. He will definitely stop assassinating people for a few months as he tries to get himself back together and back in order of course he would take his grandchild in after all his grandchild is a Zoldyck and the bloodline needs to move on so if that means taking in another child even though it’s not his responsibility, he will definitely do it
Silva-he would be sad, but he would try his best to get over it as he knows that this will not be the only child that will die of his he is the father of a bunch of assassins so he expected some of his kids to die, but he did not expect it to hurt him as much as it did. Of course he would take his grandchild in there’s no way in hell he wouldn’t.
Sorry if that was a bad ending or it seemed half assed it was hard for me to think of a ending, so I just ended it the best way that I seen fit again sorry if you don’t like it
Anyways, I hope everybody enjoyed! This one was surprisingly more fun than I expected. It was pretty sad so I didn’t expect to actually enjoy writing it but I tried my best to put as much thought as possible in it and well I am pretty happy with the results
I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!
Hello! Can you do the reaction spiders when they ask their daughter "Are there any handsome boys in your class?" and she replied "None, but there are beautiful girls"
I think you understand what I'm hinting at
Of course I can do that!
And yes, I do understand what you are hinting at lol
Full credit to la-squadra1234
(BTW You did not tell me which characters you wanted me to do specifically, so I am just going to do the male characters of the phantom troupe)
“So….is there anybody specifically that you like at your school”
“Uhh yeah, I mean I have tons of friends and I like all of them They are so nice and cool!”
“ I did not mean that way I meant liking someone as in having a crush on them”
“ oh, well, in that case yeah I do”
“ what’s his name…and what does he look like…”
“ you will find out who she is when you pick me up from school tomorrow!”
his eyes would widen, and he would ask them to repeat them self once again and his eyes would widen a bit, but then they would soften, and he would smile underneath his mask, but he would keep it to himself and act as if nothing happened
“ so are there any “cute” guys at your school that you like.”
“Uhh well I like one person she is very kind and caring and pretty!”
He would continue on with the conversation as if nothing happened, but he heard everything that you said he honestly wouldn’t pay any mind to it. He doesn’t care as it does not affect him and it does not hurt you, so it’s perfectly fine with him
“I know this is very different of me to ask, but is there boy that you like at your school?”
“Nope… but there is one really pretty and nice girl!”
“ that’s nice”
He honestly wouldn’t care and would just continue the conversation as usual 
“So kid you got any kind of boyfriend at that school of yours?!”
“No I am not dating anybody, but there is this pretty girl at my school!”
“ are you friends with her”
“Well you should introduce me to her sometime”
It would honestly just be a casual and pretty joyful conversation for the both of them and they wouldn’t really pay any mind to it
“So…do you have a boyfriend of some sort”
“Uhhh no where would I even get a boyfriend from”
“ I don’t know kids your age can find just about anything if they put their minds to it honestly it’s crazy anyways is there anybody that you like?”
“Yep there is this really pretty and kind girl in my class!”
“Oh that’s cool”
He would act as if he did not notice anything different than usual but inside he cannot wait to tell uvogin everything
“I know this is a random question but is there any boy that you like in your school”
“No why would you think that”
“I wasn’t thinking that I was just wondering”
“ there is a really pretty girl in my class though and she is smart and kind as well!”
“ well isn’t that nice”
He would support his daughter as much as he possibly can and he would try his best not to get in the way as much as possible
“ so is there anybody that you have a crush on?”
“ oh my God dad that is literally so embarrassing. You can’t just ask me something like that!”
“ well I have to know this kind of stuff!”
“ I mean, I guess you’re right about that?”
“ so what’s the boys name?”
“Uhh you will see her at my school”
“Oh ok!”
He would be his usual, joyful self, and he honestly wouldn’t care as long as his daughter is happy and doing well in life
“So~ is there anyone in particular that you are seeing at the moment?”
“Uh no why?”
“Oh no reason, do you have a crush on anybody?”
“Yep I do!”
“ what’s his name?”
“ It’s up to you to find out her name yourself old man”
He honestly wouldn’t even realize because he would be so caught up in the fact that you called him old man when he isn’t even that old, he would be very offended, and he would be sure to tell illumi but then he would think about what you said later and he wouldn’t really think too much of it. He wouldn’t care at all it’s your life and your choice!
That’s it for today everybody!
I stayed up all night and I am so tired. It’s 8:41 a.m. right now and I woke up at 11:30 AM yesterday lol I am always staying up so late
 I hope everybody enjoyed this post just as much as I did it was honestly pretty fun making it and it took a lot of creativity!
Thank you for all the support bye now!
Hello! Can you do the spiders spying on their daughter’s first date?
Oh my God, why is this so accurate!!!
They would definitely do this. I don’t think the girls would do it because they are less crazy at least in that kind of perspective, but the males would most definitely do that
Thank you so much for the request. I can already tell this one is going to be a great one!
Full credit to la-squadra1234
He would already be pissed off about the fact that his daughter is going on her first date so he would be on guard 24 seven and he would kill anybody that gets in his way
He would definitely disguise himself as a child because he knows that he has the ability to do that
Although he would look really goofy and he would feel really goofy and just weird, he would do it anyways 
He would ask the girls for help him because his daughter is going on a beach date and he wants to spy on them but at the same time be out in the open so he asks paku if she can draw on some eyebrows for him
And he would put on some sunglasses and the outfit that he would normally not wear to the beach and he would have not gotten caught (thank god because I feel like he is the kind of guy to get caught doing something like that but for the sake of this, I’m not going to get him caught lol)
He would make sure that her date is not steering for too long and that he is not being passive aggressive in anyway shape or form. Otherwise he will kill the kid.
He would be happy for his daughter, but at the same time he would feel a little bit ick about it I mean it’s his daughters first date after all so he’s not used to it
He would stare at them through a tall building, or he would go to the same exact destination, as they are going to, except he would blend in perfectly
This man would be so extra and dramatic about it he would make sure to grab Nobunaga and he would also make him spy on his daughter with him
They would both be pissed off and miserable at the fact that uvos daughter is going on a date Nobunaga would not be impressed if the date did not know how to use nen
All I have to say is uvogins daughters date, better be strong and able to run very fast…
He would start getting very salty, and he would be sure to rant about it to uvogin
And then uvogin would make the suggestion to just stock his daughter so he can protect her just in case anything bad happens and he does not have to be paranoid the entire time
When I’m telling you, this man came prepared. This man had fucking binoculars with him.😭🤭 he is definitely going a bit to overboard and he would definitely be excessive, but he does not care anything for his daughter. Safety is good for him.
He would be mainly happy for his daughter, and he wouldn’t be too salty about it like at all but obviously since he is in the phantom troupe, he would have to take safety precautions just to ensure his daughter safety everywhere that she goes
It would be hard for him to disguise himself, considering that his hair stays the same, and he can’t really change of his face, and even if he changed up his outfit, it would be pretty noticeable
So he would definitely manipulate a few people and make them watch over his daughter, and he would be watching his daughter from afar he wouldn’t do anything to extreme and yes, I don’t consider that extreme considering what he could do
He honestly wouldn’t care, but then he considers the risks of it and although he is very laid-back, he doesn’t want anything bad happening to his daughter as he knows that a lot of people would definitely try to harm his daughter for mistakes and things that he has done
He would ask illumi for his help and so he can manipulate people and they would both be watching from afar at different angles just to make sure nothing happens like at all
That is it for today everybody I hope everyone enjoyed!
This one was very fun to make, and it wasn’t too hard either. I just had to think about the character and things that they would do which is what I have to do most of the time, but this one didn’t take that much thought luckily enough for me (I got off easy😂)
I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!
Hey! I’ve got a request that’s been on my mind for a while “the spider’s child befriending gon and Killua on accident”
I already know I am going to enjoy this one like a lot. I mean don’t get me wrong. I enjoy all of them, but this one is going to be good!!!!
And of course I can do it
Full credit to la-squadra1234
He would definitely be confused at first wondering why the kids are around his child and he would immediately get into attack mode. No questions asked, but then when his child explained to him that it’s OK he gets really pissed off and salty, but he just keeps everything to himself, not wanting his child to know what happened and he was hoping that gon and killua would also keep their mouth shut about it
He honestly didn’t really mind killua too much, but gon on the other hand, he hated gon and he still does. He, of course has to use the oldest trick in the book and says to his child that he thinks they are a bad influence on them and to stop hanging around them otherwise it would affect their grades and so on and they would be in trouble but he’s not only doing it for himself. He’s also doing it for the rest of the phantom troupe.
He would definitely be taken aback He wouldn’t really say anything to gon and killua besides just giving them a glare sometimes he would definitely keep an eye on his child a lot more often than usual, but he known that his child would not think of anything he didn’t have a excuse for his child to stop being friends with them, so he just kept everything to himself but he did tell the phantom troupe about it and told them to keep an eye on his child along with the kids as well
He would act like he doesn’t know the kids, but he would still be friendly as usual even after everything that happened he would make sure not to tell the phantom troupe he doesn’t want to betray chrollo and his trust but nothing bad is going on, and he also doesn’t want to take friends away from his child as it’s hard to make friends, and it’s even harder to keep them, and he has learned that along the way of being a thug😝
He would definitely tell his child or make it known that he knows who the kids are, but he would keep the rest of the story to himself, and he would tell killua and gon to politely do the same as he doesn’t need his kid finding out that much at such a young age even though he started doing bad things at a young age, he wants to be a good influence on his child and he wants good kids to be influencing his child😗
This man would be stunned, absolutely shocked that his child would be friends with them I mean he understands killua but GON He was a bit irritated and annoyed, but he would just keep his mouth shut, but he would know that his child would definitely find out about everything so he tried to keep as much distance as possible from his child even though it sounds really shitty to do. He had to do it for himself the phantom troupe and his child he didn’t want the questions.
That’s it for today!!! I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did making it. It was honestly very enjoyable and I enjoyed every piece of it and it didn’t take too much to think about at all which I can always appreciate!
I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!
Ok this one is kind of a pt 2 to the “Hxh characters reacting to the daughter’s pregnancy announcement” but like could add the other spiders for this one please (not the women of course) “how the spiders treat there sons-in-law after the announcement” p.s. I just wanna say I love you and all your hard work you put into these 🫶
Thank you so much for the request and of course I can do it. It makes me so happy that you are happy with my work.
BTW…. I don’t really remember what characters I did before and I am kind of too lazy to go back and look so the characters that I am pretty sure I have not done in the last one is uvogin,Franklin,and shalnark so correct me if I’m wrong and I will just do it again because I don’t really mind but those are the characters that I am going to be doing!
Full credit to la-squadra1234
The man would be a whole pool of emotions he would not know how to express himself in that moment. Normally, Nobunaga is the one to come to him, but he would be running full speed to Nobunaga
He wouldn’t be sad about it he would just be very happy, and he would not know how to express himself
(honestly I don’t really know what he would do myself. That’s why I am saying that he would be a whole pool of emotions because I feel like he would be.)
He would genuinely be happy, and he would be over the moon for his daughter. It would be a very sweet moment, and he would remember it vividly for the rest of his life!
He is so overjoyed, and he cannot wait for his grandchild to come into the world. He will obviously protect his grandchild with his life as he does with his daughter.
He would definitely brag about it to the rest of the phantom troupe, and he would be preparing exactly what to say to them he would be so over joyed and excited for his daughter, but he would be a little worried because what if something goes wrong and it makes his daughter very sad or what if his future grandchild doesn’t like him he was thinking about all the bad things that could happen, but then he just crossed them all out and enjoy the moment while it lasted and it was super sweet and enjoyable!
He would definitely talk about it for weeks with the entire phantom troupe. I mean he would just be super super super happy he would not be able to get over it.
And definitely would not be old news to him like ever. He will always talk about it as if it was yesterday.
That’s it for today everybody I hope everyone enjoyed this scenario!
Thank you so much for requesting and your message was super sweet and it made my heart very warm and filled with joy
I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!
Ok but like, imagine the spiders (male) having a very pretty daughter that a lot of the boys at school fall for (it’s a request-ish) btw love your work <3
Of course I can do it!
Thank you so much. I appreciate it when people enjoy my work as it takes time and a lot of effort.
Full credit to la-squadra1234
He would be very mad
He wouldn’t want his daughter getting that kind of attention at such a young age
He would keep all of his thoughts to himself, but he would probably tell phinks about it because it feels better to him if he tells phinks
He would be super confused
And he would properly try to fight some of the boys
He would definitely take her out of that school and enrol her in a different one
He would keep his calm and have a straight face, even though he is completely freaking out on the inside
He would be upset and worried. What if something bad happens to his daughter what if the boys do something bad to her that would be the only things that are running through his head in the moment
He blocked out every other distraction and only focussed on that one topic
He wouldn’t care
He thinks that it’s not his business and his daughter is not dating anybody, so why should he come and step in
But if any of the boys break her heart or hurt her in any way, shape or form, he will definitely kill them
He would be absolutely pissed
To every boy that he sees flirting with her in any kind of way he would give them the nastiest glare
He definitely would have a major attitude, and he would not care to fix it
Nobunaga is definitely finding out about that
Basically the same thing as uvogin
But he would definitely confront his daughter about it
He would let his daughter know that this entire situation is a major issue not only for her safety, but she’s just weird in general at least to him it is
And of course he is going to tell uvogin
He would definitely try his best to not let it bother him, but it would get to him at some point in time
He would definitely have a conversation with his daughter about it because he just wants to know what is going on fully
After that, he would kind of drop the entire thing
That’s it for today everybody! I hope everyone enjoyed this post
Sorry if it seemed kind of half assed, I am very tired but I had to get this done because I don’t like keeping people waiting
I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!
Hello! I enjoy what you write, I also like the concept of the child reaction ^^ (but I don't put a "like" on all your post not to spam you. Also I didnt read everything because I saw your account yesterday so I hope this question hasn't been asked before qwq)
Well I have a little question/request. "How the hxh characters would react seeing their kid looks more like their mother than them ?" 🤔 (some person could be more happy and others a little annoyed)
I also want to thank you because when I read your little oneshot I imediatelly had an idea for my own kiddo in it X)
Oh my God it’s no problem at all and you can spam me all you want I don’t even get annoyed because people are supporting me❤️
This is such a great request so of course I will do it!
Full credit to la-squadra1234
He would honestly have mixed feelings about it. He would be happy that his child resembles his s/o but at the same time he would be a bit jealous because that’s his kid as well and he wants his kid to look like him or at least have some kind of resemblance but he would always just keep his mouth shut about it because he doesn’t want to seem like an asshole and a jealous one at that (kind of feel bad for him lmao)
He would definitely be relieved that his kid would probably end up having eyebrows (OK I’m so sorry, but I had to say that I couldn’t resist😭) but he definitely would feel a little bad about himself even though it has nothing to do with him and it’s not his fault and it’s out of his control but eventually he would come around and just accept it because there’s nothing that he can do about it and even if there was he definitely would not want to change his own kid
There would be no ounce of jealousy in this man he would be super happy, and the fact that he even has a child is just amazing to him, and he just loves every part of being a father to the point where he doesn’t even care whether his child resembles his mother or him (as long as his child doesn’t resembles somebody else…)
We all know how this man is, is very laid-back as a parent, but at the same time he would have the audacity to be salty about the fact that his child does not resemble him as much as he would like his child to But he wouldn’t say anything about it at least not to his s/o but nothing is stopping him from going in ranting to illumi even though we all know very well illumi won’t care
if his child does not look like him, he at least wants his child to have the same nen type as him he wants to at least have some thing in common with his child, but he would not be moody or jealous about the situation or anything in general. He would be pretty neutral about it surprisingly enough.
Honestly, he is just hoping that his child isn’t scared of him😭 he wouldn’t really mind how his child looks. Anyways, I mean he can’t really say anything…. And he definitely would not want his child to resemble him unless it’s eye colour or hair color.
He would definitely be salty about it and he would make sure everybody knows that he is salty about it. He would definitely go and tell his s/o knowing damn well it’s out of their control and of course he would go rent about it to the phantom, troupe and especially uvogin but their advice to him was just to suck it up and shut up about it
He wouldn’t really care much as long as his child was respectful to him and his s/o he wouldn’t really care about the looks as long as he knows that it’s his child 
That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed this post!
I just ended up doing the spiders for some reason lol because I have been doing them a lot recently and I have just gotten used to doing them
I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

Thank you to everyone who got me to 1000 likes!
OMLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Thank you everybody so much I would never have been here without any of you guys. You guys are so amazing!!!!!!!
New idea :0
What if: "hxh characters knew that their kiddo are in couple with their best friend's child ?"
(For exemple feitan's kid and Phinks' one or other)
Of course I can do that!
Btw I am trying to get every request done as fast as possible but most of the time I can’t do them in the same day as I get the request, so expect them in about two days after you request some thing
Full credit to la-squadra1234
He honestly wouldn’t care because he knows damn well that his kid is going to be fine and that his kid won’t stupidly reveal any information that the other child doesn’t already know about
He also wouldn’t really care because he knows that his kid won’t get hurt and it’s safer for his kids to date that way anyways
He’s honestly just happy for his child but the best part about it is that his kid can’t reveal any information that is unknown to the public so it’s safe
He would definitely be the last to find out, but he wouldn’t care in the first place anyways because it has nothing to do with him and his child is not getting hurt so absolutely he’s fine with it
He would be chill about everything, unless his child is dating hisokas child because he knows damn well that hisoka is a bad influence on every kid and he is not sure what hisokas child is like, but all he knows is that hisoka he’s definitely a laid-back parent so his kid definitely has no boundaries or a concept of boundaries. That’s what he thinks. But other than that he’s fine with it.
He doesn’t care. He honestly just thinks that it’s cute anyways. And he’s chill about the entire situation. Not like it’s a bad one anyways🫶
He doesn’t care as long as his child doesn’t get hurt or reveal any kind of information to the public especially to the mafia or to the chain user he’s fine with it
He doesn’t really like the fact that his child is dating anybody in the phantom troupes children, but he just sucks it up and deals with it. For the sake of his child’s happiness he doesn’t want to ruin his child’s relationship and be labelled a bad parent, even though he is already labelled one  he rather his child date somebody else, but he will just deal with it and keep his mouth shut
Ngl the first like four people kind of sounded like the exact same. I really didn’t know what to put for all of them, but then as I got more down and remember their personalities even more it got a bit easier.
That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed this as much as I did!
I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!
!!!!To all of my followers and fans!!!!
Hey everybody, this is for all of my followers. I just want to let everybody know that I have a back up account just in case if anything happens so go follow my back up account. I don’t post anything on there yet, but if something does happen to this account, I will end up posting on their!
That’s the account. It’s not much different from this account but go follow it I don’t think anything will end up happening but I don’t want to take any chances and nothing is going on in my personal life. There is no real reason why I am making this account. I am not concerned about anything. I have had this account for over a year, and this is the first time that I am mentioning it, but I have mentioned this account on that page!
Thank you so much for reading everybody!
Happy birthday kurapika!!!

We all love you❤️❤️❤️

Of course I can!
Thank you so much for the request
Normally, for stories that involve the spiders having a child the kid mostly it ends up being girl, or I just go as they/them so anybody can think of any of the kids as any gender they want it to be  but if I get a specific request for a specific gender, I will do it!
Full credit to la-squadra1234
Feitan’s daughter-
She would definitely be known as the short girl with a short, Dad lmao
Phinks daughter-
She would definitely be known as the girl who has a dad with no eyebrows and slicked back hair (sorry phinks but I had to come for the eyebrows on this one)
Chrollo’s daughter-
She would be known as the girl with a Dad that does not dress good lmaoooo
Uvogin’s daughter-
She would definitely be known as the girl with a scary Dad (I mean shit uvogin is literally 8 feet tall and buff as shit what middle schooler wouldn’t be scared of that other than his daughter)
Nobunaga’s daughter-
She would definitely be known as the Dad who always shows up in flip-flops (free feet pics???) (Don’t be shy, let me upload those to feet finder)
Shalnark’s daughter-
She would definitely be known as the girl with a innocent looking Dad
Franklins daughter-
She would be known as a girl with a Frankenstein looking Dad😭
Hisoka’s daughter-
Obviously, she would be known as the girl with a dad that dresses up as a clown and chases little kids around😭😭😭😭😭
That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed. This was really fun making and it wasn’t too hard which I always appreciate!!!
 I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!
Ok this one would either be funny or angst “phantom troupe men when their kid called another member dad (accidentally)”
Yeah, somebody is going to end up dying…
Full credit to la-squadra1234
Safe to say, he would be absolutely pissed like we’re talking he would cuss out and lash out at chrollo kind of pissed-
He would just act like he heard nothing and make everything seem OK but if it happened again, someone is dying and I’m not talking any ordinary person
He would just continue reading his book, but he would be thinking about ways of how to torture that person the best and make it the most painful
He wouldn’t be mad, but he would be mostly hurt that I would make him rethink about how he is as a father 
He would be pissed he would be throwing things across the room, yelling, saying a bunch of swear words and just making threats
He would definitely pull out his sword on the person in the blade up to their neck and if they do not come up with a good enough answer, they will get decapitated💋
He would pull out his cards and immediately throw them at the person. No explanation needed just die.
He would immediately activate his 10 guns and start shooting at the person. Of course, he doesn’t give two flying fucks about what chrollo is saying to him in the moment
That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did writing this. This was really fun. I actually really enjoyed writing it and it didn’t take too long either
I will see everybody in the next Post by now!
He so like I kinda drew how I thought Nobunaga’s daughter would look like and I would like your thoughts

You did so good on that I love it so much
It’s really good I feel like you should add a blade somewhere around her body though like maybe in her waistband, or in her hand 
So I’m pretty sure none of the spiders like like Hisoka so “phantom troupe men reacting to their child calling Hisoka “uncle hiso” and Hisoka’s like ☺️😏”
Bro, you must really hate hisoka to do this to him😭🤭
Full credit to la-squadra1234
He would sneak attack hisoka and kill him. There is nothing else to say that’s all that would happen, and it would be over with nobody would ever talk about it again because it would just set him off.
he would punch the absolute hell out of hisoka but he would not kill hisoka because he does not want chrollo to get mad with him, but there will be a very bad beating, of course❤️
He would be surprised and jealous, and also pissed off, but he would keep it all to himself, and he would definitely pull his kid aside and tell his kid not to call hisoka that and if he is really mad in the moment, he will definitely pull hisoka aside and tell him to stop brainwashing his child with all of his bullshit
He would smash hisokas head into a wall using his big bang impact which would, of course crush hisokas skull open and kill him, which was his entire goal from the start
He would decapitate him immediately after hearing the words that his child said, directed to hisoka
He would bodyslam hisoka into a wall, and then shoot him to death
He would take out his needle and stab it into hisoka as hard as he possibly can, and then manipulate him until he dies, he would also make hisoka say things to feitan that would piss feitan off so therefore feitan would torture hisoka
That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did writing it
Poor hisoka😭
I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!
Ok I’ve got a cute-ish one “phantom troupe men with a daughter that can carry them bridal style with ease”
Lmaoooooo the moment I read this, I immediately thought of feitan….Thank God he is not real because he would be so pissed off if he seen what I’m about to say about him😭🤭
Full credit to la-squadra1234
He already knows that he is very light and easy to pick up
But he will be extra pissed off if his daughter picks him up
Or even his s/o
He just wants to be left alone
He will definitely be in a bitchy mood if you pick him up after
And he is not one of people who secretly likes it. He hates it and it’s pretty obvious. 
The man was too stunned to speak
Literally jaw dropped
He would be so surprised, and he would be like “HOW THE FUCK”
Literally man thought that he was dreaming for a second
He did not think that it was reality
He would be very neutral about it
He is secretly very impressed, but he will just keep it to himself and act as if he expected this is his daughter, and that he doesn’t really care
But he is secretly very happy that they are improving
He would definitely go and tell his s/o about it
And maybe just maybe feitan because he already knows that feitan will be very chill about it and won’t go around telling people 
“Why are you picking me up?”
“put me down immediately”
He would be impressed and happy that his daughter is strong, but out of everything that his daughter could’ve picked up, it had to have been him
He would be kind of annoyed at that, but other than that he would be very impressed and happy for his daughter
He would be freaked out and very caught off guard
He would not appreciate how his daughter just picked him up without any warning
He’s happy that his daughter knows her strength and that she is strong but just a little warning next time that she wants to do that to him 
“how in the actual fuck are you picking me up”
“so you’re seriously telling me that Nobunaga couldn’t even pick me up but you’re sitting here picking me up easily”
he wouldn’t even be mad at his daughter he would be mad at Nobunaga for not being able to pick him up, but yet his daughter can easily
He was talking to chrollo about it, and he said in a joking voice “maybe my daughter should take Nobunagas place”
He wouldn’t be surprised. Basically anybody can pick him up. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to pick him up.
He wouldn’t even mind that his daughter is picking him up at the end of the day. It’s easier for him he doesn’t have to walk not like he gets annoyed with having to walk or anything like that it’s just easier for him
“good job you can carry me!”
“I’m pretty light though if you want a real challenge try picking up Bonolenov or Nobunaga they are heavier than me I mean it’s pretty clear that they are no offence to them but I am way shorter so it’s pretty obvious😅”
“I am very confused on how you are picking me up”
“all right I think it’s time for you to put me down before I end up crushing you on accident. Your mother would kill me if that happened and I’m not really trying to die, so put me down immediately”
He would be really surprised and he wouldn’t even be thinking about the fact that his daughter is way stronger than she last Was he would be thinking about the fact that if he was worth to accidentally fall on his daughter his s/o would beat him so bad (lmao poor boy)
That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed. This was really fun to write (it’s all fun and games until feitan sees this😭😭😭)
I will see everybody in the next post bye now!