Leon Kuwata - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Furblets! Got Them A While Ago But I Forgot To Post About Them. Currently Working On Custom Accessories
Furblets! Got Them A While Ago But I Forgot To Post About Them. Currently Working On Custom Accessories

Furblets! Got them a while ago but I forgot to post about them. Currently working on custom accessories <33

From top to bottom;

Mello-Nee (Melon)

Pix-Elle (Squash)

Ooh-Koo (Kibe) (was very tempted to them after K1-B0, but ended up not doing that)

Gonna introduce them to K1-B0 later! They're all robots so they shoooould get along

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1 year ago

Taking a theatre class and knowing your character has to get angry in their final lines while also having stage fright is crazy.

I see why Mondo gets loud when he's nervous holy shit

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7 months ago
Sorry Guys My 2020 Danganronpa Fixation Was Calling Me So I Had To Draw My Fave Boy

Sorry guys my 2020 Danganronpa fixation was calling me so I had to draw my fave boy

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10 months ago
Dangan! Distrust AU
Dangan! Distrust AU

Dangan! Distrust AU

Because I am a starving man and need to craft my own content with my two bare hands

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7 months ago
Sitting In This Room Playing Russian Roulette. Finger On The Trigger To My Dear Juliet.

“Sitting in this room playing Russian Roulette. Finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet.”

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7 months ago

Leon Kuwata and Baseball: Or, how you can't understand him without considering japanese baseball culture


I’ve noticed that Leon Kuwata is one of those characters people tend to misinterpret and reduce to a few little facts.

Even if he comes across as a really simple character (and given, he is not as complex as others) he is a well fleshed one if you give him a few seconds of thought. While I’ve wanted to make a whole Leon analysis, Tumblr user leonidai beat me to it. Seriously check their explanation!

Considering how good their analysis was, I’ll dedicate mine to a little fact that they didn’t consider (understandably so!) and that, however, seems to set their thoughts and conclusions in stone. 

Thus, proceed to read under the cut my little analysis about japanese baseball culture is and how it (might have) affected Leon.

(Please excuse my sucky redaction skills)

Keep reading

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7 months ago

hate the whole 'sayaka is a snake so bad person' / 'leon technically didn't have to kill her so bad person' discourse so much. tell me you cant read without telling me you cant read honestly. the thesis of chapter 1 is that otherwise good people become their worst selves due to the killing game. that's why dr team had the sweet, scared teen idol kick off the killing game and backstab the protag in the process. but still had her go back on her decision to frame makoto, taking the time to write out her true killer's name with her last bit of strength. that's why, to a much lesser extent, they had leon not be completely blameless in sayaka's death, even though the plot would stay mostly the same if it was truly self-defense. but still had him crying, screaming, and even taking the time to draw a extra cg of him distressed to show that he's really no cold-hearted killer and likely wouldn't have done it if he felt he had any other choice. leon and sayaka are good people and that goodness shines through in their last moments. but they both unambiguously tried to kill someone, and now both must die for it. even though they were actively encouraged by the setting to kill. it's all a big commentary on the tragic nature of the killing game to change its victims for the worse!! to make its victims act in opposite to who they really are!! to create natural human desperation and then punish it!!! blaming leon/sayaka instead of their material conditions is just silly and against the point. and the game even explained this outright.

First quote out of five: Makoto is speaking to Celeste in the class trial room. He says, "I can't say Leon is solely to blame."
Second quote: Makoto continues, "Of course, I don't plan on blaming Sayaka either."
Third quote: The sprite on screen changes to Monokuma"s, implying Makoto is talking about him. 
Makoto: "Because the one to blame...is him!"
Fourth quote: Makoto: "If it weren't for you...this never would have happened to Sayaka, OR Leon!"
Fifth quote: Makoto: "If it weren't for you...this never would have happened to Sayaka, OR Leon!"

(you can find the full context at the end of any chapter 1 walkthrough, but I'm really not misrepresenting anything. the game really is this obvious about it. )

((also this discourse completely undermines that danganronpa as a whole is a tragedy first and foremost about teenagers being forced to kill eachother. this is literally step one of understanding danganronpa. and chapter 1, again, is just a long way of setting up this theme. how do people argue about this??))

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1 year ago

THH boys x fem!reader who’s the ultimate sukeban/delinquent but is actually super freaking nice? :D thank u sm! and if you don’t feel comfortable doing this request, it’s no problem ^^

Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Boys x Ultimate Sukeban

Warnings: Chihiro Spoilers!

Notes: For those who don't know, a sukeban is a Japanese term meaning 'delinquent girl'. The usage of the word refers to either the leader of a girl gang or the entire gang itself, and is not used to refer to any one member of a girl gang. Also this posted while I was still working on it💔

Word Count: 1,108

THH Boys X Fem!reader Whos The Ultimate Sukeban/delinquent But Is Actually Super Freaking Nice? :D Thank
THH Boys X Fem!reader Whos The Ultimate Sukeban/delinquent But Is Actually Super Freaking Nice? :D Thank
THH Boys X Fem!reader Whos The Ultimate Sukeban/delinquent But Is Actually Super Freaking Nice? :D Thank

☆Makoto Naegi was a bit scared seeing you. Your aura was intimidating and dark, your clothing was bold and different from what he's used to seeing around the school. But one day, he felt brave and confident, wanting to know who you really are and if you're the same person he's seen. What he didn't expect was for you to give him a sweet smile, a genuine one. It wasn't fake nor did it have any hint of malicious intent. He was shocked that you're actually really kind. And he was ready to see more of that.

☆Leon Kuwata was also very intimidated when he first saw you. He'd always avoid your path and you as a whole. He didn't want to he near you or your group, in fear of getting hurt. But when you asked him for the notes in your shared class, he was dumbfounded. Your voice wasn't anything like your aura or how you dressed and acted. It was sweeter, kinder, softer. Nothing he was expecting, but now he can't keep you out of his mind.

☆Hifumi Yamada always dreamed of meeting someone like you, or even being in the same vicinity as you. He's written and read about sukebans before, he always prayed to the gods to meet one and here you are. Now that you're in the same school as him and some classes, he doesn't know how to approach you. He knows sukebans are violent and mean girls, so how does he approach someone who's known for being violent and mean? By hyping yourself up and going straight to the point. He'd walk up to you and your group, introducing himself and talking about his Ultimate. What he didn't expect was for you to compliment him with a smile. He'd walk away, flustered, happy and nervous.

☆Mondo Owada takes immediate interest in you as soon as he heard about you. He knows there's a 50/50 chance that you're nice and he's willing to take that chance, especially since he is also that 50/50 chance. You just look so beautiful and strong, and the amount of confidence radiating off of you just tells him to talk to you. So he does and he's relieved that you're actually nice, and when he gets to know you he finds out that you guys have more in common than he thought. And with that he can't help but want to get to know you even more.

☆Kiyotaka Ishimaru keeps his distance from you. He can't risk being seen around you. It'll ruin his perfect reputation. At least that's what he thinks. He'd catch you in the halls during class time, and as a hall monitor he has no choice but to confront you on it. Thinking you'd give attitude or worse he prepares himself and strides up to you. He asks if you have anywhere to be and if you don't then you'd have to either go to your respective classroom or the office. His voice is loud and carries itself through the halls. You'd respond, voice opposite if his and of what he thought you'd sound like. Apologizing for the inconvenience you walk away and go to your class. Knowing how you sound and how nice you just were he can't help but want you to continue roaming the halls, just so he can talk to you, and just so he can hear your melodic voice.

☆Byakuya Togami doesn't talk to you at all. He doesn't want to be seen around you or people like you. He can't be seen around people who will ruin his reputation and who would ruin the Togami name. He avoids you but that is until you asked him about his Ultimate. You were curious as to what a Prodigy was and were dying to know. He knew you'd try talking to him, that you'd try to get his attention somehow. What he didn't know was why you sounded genuinely curious. Why your face showed genuine interest. It caught him off guard and he just didn't know why he wanted to hear you speak again. Something about your voice and sweet looking eyes drew him in. Did he appreciate his brain and heart going against him? No. But he was surprisingly thankful that you didn't stop bothering him. He liked your voice, soothing and calm, a complete contrast to your outfits and Ultimate.

☆Yasuhiro Hagakure definitely stays away from you. He already has problems with the Yakuza, he can't risk having problems with another gang. Especially the leader of one. Hearing about what happened between him and the Yakuza, you thought about helping him pay off his debt. Calling his name from the opposite side of the hall caused him to jump, it also caused other students to look and scatter, fearing of what you were about to do to the guy. He nervously asked what it is that you wanted. Expecting you to rob him or beat him, just for being in the same hallway as you. But when you pulled out a brown paper bag and handed it to him he was confused. You told him to open it and also told him to keep it, saying how you wanted to help him and that no one should be struggling to pay off the Yakuza by themselves. You walked away and he was left dumbfounded, but thankful for you, smiling to himself and also beating himself up for not thanking you right there.

☆Chihiro Fujisaki doesn't feel safe being around rough looking people, scared of getting bullied for being too weak or to girly looking for a guy. He was working on something, sitting on the ground and typing away on his computer when a guy came up and took it, teasing the smaller boy and calling him names. That's when you stepped in, grabbing the computer back and asking what the problem was, your group surrounding the space. The girls grabbed the guy and moved him to a different end of the hall, "talking" to him and leaving Chihiro with you, the leader. As thankful as he was he's still scared, wondering if you're gonna do something worse to him. You handed him his computer and asked if he was okay, also asking if he wanted to hang out at a Cafe and relax a little. He was still shocked from the events that happened but even more shocked to hear your voice, kind and calming. He accepted your offer and you smiled at him, a genuine smile, causing the boy's heart to skip beat. When you walked off he couldn't help but smile to himself.

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