I Cant Solve This Lmao - Tumblr Posts

Can you believe We just got a William afton Game universe Canon freaking design
(At least, I think it’s canon to the games, since they used Henry’s game design)
Also I feel like there might be some implications with that scrapped colored one, Henry being scratched out to that extent is curious
(Added on a lore rant below the cut)
I just- I feel like Henry being scratched out to that extent in the scrapped picture might mean something, as Williams face is only scratched out, but Henry, we can barely see him I just I feel like this has to mean something Though It was scrapped, so maybe not But It just doesn’t make sense, as Henry is the one we have a cannon design for, so obviously they weren’t trying to hide the fact it was Henry So- What does it mean!?!?
Like- Does this imply something in the games? And the way springbonnie freaks out and like, fumbles when it sees the photo-
(I have just realize springbonnie gets hit with Oswald’s fathers arm, but it is interesting that it was interested in the photo at all) It’s just It’s got to mean something
And Springbonnie in this game isn’t even William, but an agony manifestation I guess (that’s the theory I’ve seen) So it can’t be because William recognized his old friend or anything I just Is this a picture from William, maybe he scratched Henry out of anger? But why would he scratch out his own face as well? What does it mean
Also- A friend pointed out the rip in the photo, implying someone was going to rip it up, but hesitated
someone else pointed out that the rip could be from being folded for a long tim