Fnaf Theory - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Hello everyone, welcome to an extension of my FNaF VR 2 theory about how you don’t play as the same character in every minigame.

Now then I’m not sure if someone else has made this theory. This post is very messy (sorry). Spoilers. Also more in depth theory on Fazer Blast

So, I think a lot of people kinda take the mini games at face value, but there are a few things that make me think they can’t all follow the same person

How could someone have encountered, The Funtime, Enerard, The Scraps, The Glamrocks, and The Shatered, and had so many different jobs happening at the same time.

Now I feel like they can’t be training simulators because why would you take off your mask and why would they train you on things like the sister location and fnaf 6 locations?

Here is my theory, the person who is in the lobby(I still most likely think it’s Cassidie’s dad TBH) is digging into glitch trap and the mimic, and looking through different files, the mini games are playing out the files

I will now theorize what mini games have the same character and also just some things about them, however most have no evidence. Please feel free to share your own opinions

I think it’s obvious you play as the same character in the lobby and Princess Quest IV

I think in the First Aid mini games you play as an employee of Michal Afton in the fnaf 6 location, doing mandatory medical training on Helpy

I think that arts and crafts, music training, Bonka Bonn, Foxy’s Log Ride and Bonny Bowl all have their own individual characters that I can’t really theorize on much, but maybe at some point I’ll reblog this with more talking about them

I think Ballora Gallery, Breaker Room, and Office Private Room are all files from Michal Afton in the actual sister location game

I think the hard mode breaker room is their own character and the other office characters are another worker at the sister location (someone on their second week maybe)

I think that the same character is in all the food services, however I’m unsure why they are still around in the Fazbear Theater mini game, but I think you might also play as this character in Fizzy Faz, but IDK

I think you play as the same character in Cold Storage, Endo Wearhouse, and the Salon mini games, once again unsure why your there in the Roxy Repair mini game

I think that you play as the same character in the carousel games.

Last, Fazer Blast, not then, I know a lot of people theorize that this was from the carnival, but I don’t believe that for a few reasons, for 1 how does it reference Fnaf 1, 2, and 3 before the events of all of them? And why does a character who is clearly a rockstar exist this early in the time line?

I think Fazerblast you play as a pizzaplex beta tester, because you know how much modern Fazbear “Aren’t above laughing at themselves”

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4 years ago
Robert Emily

Robert Emily

Phone Guy/Older Brother

I recommend checking out @adobe-outdesign's FNAF lore videos On there Channel The Black Box, here's the frist one :

(hope you don't mine me tagging you Adobe, just wanted to give credit to the original thoery.)

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2 years ago

Agony=Strong emotions (usually negative ones)


This is my current working theory/head canon and I refuse to change it until more evidence is produced.

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1 year ago

Hey...ummm, hey guys, did you see the fnaf movie? If so you might be interested in my brainrot over analysis of some things...

1. The FNAF Movie was everything I could've dreamed of. I love it. If you haven't seen it, do so.

2. Other than the pictures on this first post, ALL REPLIES UNDER THIS FIRST POST ARE SPOILERS!!!

3. Here is a peak into my insanity before you see my comparisons and theories. pic.twitter.com/W3GPXZl6Wo

— EgoJordy (@EgoJordy) October 28, 2023

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1 year ago

I have no idea how this platform works so here is a rant about Fazbear Frights lmao.

Possible Theory for Tape Girl [At Least for Fazbear Frights]

I know this is a bit of a long shot, and someone's probably thought of it before, but what if it's possible for Hope from Prankster to be Tape Girl in the FNaF VR game.

Jeremiah in Prankster in my opinion is basically the Jeremy of the Fazbear Frights universe, and probably does end up finishing the game after A LOT of therapy because he honestly had one of the most traumatising stories for a character that didn't die. And he needs a hug. But that's not the point.

But if that's the case, then Hope would've been the only girl who died in the making of the game, and died before it was finished, in a developmental stage.

If she possessed the game, which is entirely possible with this franchise, then it would've still been developing, meaning she could've made the files in the game to warn Jeremiah, and anyone else who plays it. I know the tapes mention Jeremy came before her, but what if it's that she's mixing her own memories with what happened before you play the game, making it a convaluted timeline. I mean, this is FNaF after all. But her talking about the manager could be from before she died, and her talking about "Jeremy", or Jeremiah, was after she was already in the game, and why he wouldn't see her was because she was a ghost.

It's a bit far fetched I know, and probably a bit non-sensical but it's been a theory I've had for a while and never had anywhere to post it until now lmao.

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7 months ago

Can someone ask me about my theory on fnaf’s timeline? I’m genuinely bored and I feel the need to tell someone, but I’m pretty sure my gf is asleep and I don’t wanna bother her or my friends :)

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11 months ago

Pretty cool

Realizing the Burntrap ending technically happened after PQ only with Gregory and Vanessa according to RUIN, and then realizing that the actual Burntrap ending dialogue coming from Freddy actually fits Vanessa so hard with minimal edits and going insane.

Basically my crack theory is that the conclusion seen in RUIN for SB was gonna be one ending, with Gregory freeing Vanessa and them teaming up to stop Mimic, but due to time or shitty communication during development of the game, it got split up and Vanessa's dialogue was used for Freddy cuz it fits really well. Might see what I mean below.

Realizing The Burntrap Ending Technically Happened After PQ Only With Gregory And Vanessa According To

------------------------ "I know what this is. I have been here before."

Realizing The Burntrap Ending Technically Happened After PQ Only With Gregory And Vanessa According To

"(He) brought me here."

Realizing The Burntrap Ending Technically Happened After PQ Only With Gregory And Vanessa According To

"I found myself for the first time when I cleared the path."

Realizing The Burntrap Ending Technically Happened After PQ Only With Gregory And Vanessa According To

"I did not want to, but I had...no choice."

Realizing The Burntrap Ending Technically Happened After PQ Only With Gregory And Vanessa According To

"But now I have a choice. I have changed."

Realizing The Burntrap Ending Technically Happened After PQ Only With Gregory And Vanessa According To

"(Your) friends...are here."

Realizing The Burntrap Ending Technically Happened After PQ Only With Gregory And Vanessa According To

"They are so angry. Confused."

Realizing The Burntrap Ending Technically Happened After PQ Only With Gregory And Vanessa According To

"But I can protect you."

Realizing The Burntrap Ending Technically Happened After PQ Only With Gregory And Vanessa According To

"I am not me."

Realizing The Burntrap Ending Technically Happened After PQ Only With Gregory And Vanessa According To

Coincidentally it would've also gone pretty hard if Vanessa was trying to resist being controlled instead of Glamrock Freddy. Heck, that old trailer line of the angry voice (presumably Glitchtrap/Burntrap) yelling at someone to do what they say? Or they'll burn? Coming from noneother than a dude named Burntrap?

Realizing The Burntrap Ending Technically Happened After PQ Only With Gregory And Vanessa According To
Realizing The Burntrap Ending Technically Happened After PQ Only With Gregory And Vanessa According To

Just as an additional tangent, I'd say this hypothetical cut itteration of the story had alot to do with Gregory's friends if Vanessa mentioned as such. Specifically the ones mentioned in the first trailer. In later trailers, Vanny mentions "putting him to bed" and what do you know, there's cut Freddy voicelines talking about sleepovers at the Pizzaplex. Vanny and Tangle sleeping (the latter quite literally snoozing) together in the Pizza Place? Would explain what Gregory's doing there in the first place.

Realizing The Burntrap Ending Technically Happened After PQ Only With Gregory And Vanessa According To

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3 years ago
What If We Get Two More Episodes With Bonnie And Foxy In The Thumbnails But Bonnie Is More Sus Because

What if we get two more episodes with Bonnie and Foxy in the thumbnails but Bonnie is more sus because he represents springtrap/William Afton. Bonnie is the most laziest and unfazed with the reveal of Foxy being robotic. Then we get to see Foxy’s perspective. Sooooo-

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2 years ago

I know the common theory for Security Breach is that Glamrock Freddy is possessed by Michael Afton, but I personally think it would be Henry Emily.

Mostly because he's associated with the Bear due to being the one playing Spring Freddy and the Dad Vibes.

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2 years ago

This may not be the case in game, but am I the only one that thinks Vanessa doesn't actually work at the Pizzaplex.

The Plex is swarming with security bots and sentient animatronics. Obviously, Fazco's been removing most human staff by the time the game takes place.

Considering Vanessa as Vanny has been messing around in the plex for a while in order to mess with most of the animatronics. It wouldn't surprise me if Vanessa is made to believe she works there and a fake profile was made so no one questions it.

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2 years ago

I just noticed that in the daycare, Moon is used for the men's bathroom and Sun is used for the women's bathroom.

Anyone up for She/Them Sun?

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1 year ago

oof… never really got into the game but that sucks… everything was expensive as heck so…

Okay so,

Apparently they're shutting down FNaF AR for good, opinion on the game?

Okay So,

I think it was too expensive for what it offered with skins, basic mechanics and the rest of the stuff you could purchase, a lost potential in my eyes.

The models and some of the skins are f-ink sick tho.👌

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8 months ago

Hey! Does any one know or remember a Markiplier fnaf video from around maybe 2016-2017?

I don’t remember much about the video but I’ve been on the search for about 2 years now.

What I remember: I remember it was a 3D fnaf fan game, I remember the starting of the video was the main character getting a call by his brother or best friend to come over to Freddy fazbears Pizza.

The dialogue went something like this, (MC -main character) “ugh what is it? It’s 1 in the morning!”

(Brother/Best) “dude come over to that old pizza place, me and some friends are here”

Unfortunately that’s all the dialogue I remember, but I do remember MC driving in his car to get to Freddy Fazbear’s pizzeria.

The next scene there was like maybe 5 people? they all walked into the pizzeria, it was like normal horror movie young adult banter/goofing off.

I remember one guy getting grabbed by the puppet and getting pulled into a vent in the ceiling.

Then a phone started ringing so MC/Markiplier walked to the phone and right before he picked up the phone Springtrap walked by.

And that’s all I remember.

I’m pretty sure the game was supposed to be Fnaf 3 but I don’t remember it that well.

I just wonder if anyone remembers that video or maybe played the game

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7 months ago

This has so many character appearances this makes me very happy.

first you got trash and the gang, then you got Eleonor and a couple more characters from the Fnaf Books.

This is gonna be an awesome game.

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1 year ago

One thing that I hope happens if FNAF ever gets a FNAF WORLD 2 made is 1 of 2 things:

1) A pixel / olden style game, like 8-bit.

2) It starts off very light and kid friendly.- soon becoming darker. You slowly see the reality of what’s going on, perhaps focusing on one particular person. Maybe it could be more psychological horror based- maybe the player starts to see glitches, hears auditory hallucinations (or whispers from ghosts maybe) or even breathing down their neck.

A few ideas could be:

A deceased child: Perhaps this child soon feels something /wrong/ in the place where they are playing the arcade scene, as depicted by the game. The atmosphere gets darker- they start to hear things telling them to leave or run- or maybe they witness something they shouldn’t have. Similarly to the dog game in pizza sim- maybe it could end with an image of the child staring at the arcade machine- something lingering nearby in the background.

A disgruntled (Surviving) Employee OR a child who survived Afton: Maybe they go back and play this game for nostalgia reasons- or maybe to try and find clues to what happened to them.

The man himself (William Afton): I feel like Afton is heavily overused in the series- BUT recently i have started to enjoy his character more- mainly because of the song “Terrible things.” Maybe we see his mental stability slowly hit rock bottom after his children die- turning to horrible and desperate measures to try and get them back.

Afton’s Wife: This one i find the least likely. But- maybe she watches her husband delve into madness- maybe even witnessing his crimes and being killed on accident - or to stay quiet. Maybe she assists with his crimes, maybe she cannot handle the loss of her children and goes down a dark path herself. Or maybe she tries to get him help- ultimately becoming another victim. We never knew much about her, and i think it would be interesting.

Could also be interesting to see this from the perspective of a witness of the bite of ‘83 or ‘87 but i’d be more interested in the ones above. Seriously please let me know your thoughts

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