I Did Not Come Up With This - Tumblr Posts
Ludwig: Larry isn't answering his phone.
Morton: I'll call.
Ludwig: Wendy and I have both tried six times each, what makes you thi-
Larry: Hello?
Iggy: Why would you give a knife to a child?!
Pom pom: JR felt unsafe.
Iggy: Now I feel unsafe!
Pom pom: ...
Pom pom: Would you like a knife?
Lemmy: go big or go home.
Morton: p lea se for once in your life just go home. I'm begging you. go home.
Lemmy: I'm going big!
Boom boom: Look, I don't care about your past.
Boom boom: I don't care where are you from...
Boom boom: Whether you don't get along with your family...
Boom boom: Or even if you used to be a criminal.
Pom pom: *on the verge of tears*
Boom boom: BUT....
Boom boom: *voice deepens* If you EVER dare to touch my oreos again, you're dead.
Pom pom: You love me, right?
Boom boom: Sure?
Pom pom : What if I did something? Like really bad?
Boom boom: What did you do?
Pom pom: Are you sure you would still love me though?
Boom boom: Are my oreos gone?
Pom pom: Just ANSWER the question PLEASE!!!!!
Roy: truth or dare?
Ludwig: truth.
Roy: how many hours have you slept this week?
Ludwig: dare.
Roy: go to sleep.
Ludwig: I don't like this game.
Larry: You're giving me a sticker?
Morton: Not just a sticker. That is a sticker of a cat saying "me Wow!"
Larry: I'm not a damn preschooler.
Morton: Fine then I'll take it back.
Larry: No! I earned this, back off!!!!!
Roy: *gets a paper cut* OW! So of a bi-
Ludwig: Roy! gestures wildly to Jr* CHILDREN!
Roy: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiis- cuit.... Son of a biscuit.... that's it.
Ludwig: Nice save!
Roy: Yeah, fuckin nailed it.
Ludwig: Wh-? Roy!
Wendy: Hey Pom, have you ever been in love?
Pom pom: ...once.
Wendy: Really? How did it end?
Pom pom: *looking at Ludwig* It hasn't.
Morton: What's the easiest way to steal a man's wallet?
Pom pom: Knife to the throat?
Roy: Gun to the back?
Iggy: Poison in his cup?
Morton: You're all horrible.
Iggy: How did he die?
Wendy: Natural causes.
Iggy: You pushed him off the roof.
Wendy: Gravity is natural on this planet.
Ludwig: there's always a light at the end of the tunnel.
Lemmy: it's usually an oncoming train.
Ludwig: could you just try not to kill my vibe for five fucking seconds!
Ludwig: I got 98/100. I failed. I'm just going to go cry in a corner.
Pom pom: I got 89/100 but I put a death threat in the margin and now I have 93.
Lemmy: I got 69. *giggles*
Wendy: I did the best, that I can do-* gets test back* 96 BITCHES WHOOP!!!!
Morton: Wow, Iggy and Lemmy are being really quiet today.
Ludwig: Yeah, it's quite nice actually.
Morton: ...
Ludwig: ...
Morton: We should probably check on them.
Ludwig: Immediately.
Pom pom: I'm upset and nothing can cheer me up.
Wendy: *brings Ludwig into the room* Nothing?
Pompom: *fighting back a smile* Damn it.
Wendy: Must you always attack me with words?
Lemmy: Should I use rocks?
Ludwig: *sees a group of people doing something stupid*
Ludwig: God, what fools.
Ludwig: *realizes it's Roy, Wendy and Larry*
Ludwig: Wait those are MY fools!