I Didn't Plan It Like That - Tumblr Posts
Fanfiction time - Salems Legacy: Epilogue
The Plop of Sirius and Cleo apparating in the deserted street of Privet Drive, echoed loudly. The streets and houses were lying in silence, since the sun hadn’t even risen yet.
“So where do we start?”, Sirius asked, “Do you know which number?”
Cleo shook her head, as a distant clatter disturbed the early morning quiet.
“That’s my bike!”, Sirius exclaimed, “I gave it to Hagrid! They must be over there! Come on!”, he said, pulling Cleo behind him, as they ran down the street.
“I reckon we have company”, Dumbledore stated.
Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall and Hagrid turned around to face the two young adults approaching them.
As they stopped they startled at finding themselves in a motherly hug from their former Head of House.
“Mr. Black, Ms. Salem, I am delighted to find you being fit and well.”, she said while pulling back.
She took their hands and said sorrowful: “My condolescence for your loss. I know James and Lily Potter were like family to you.”
They nodded and swallowed hard at the thought of their two best friends dead.
“I’ve heard that you were acquitted of all charges, Mr. Black. Furthermore, Minister Bagnold told me that they were now looking for Mr. Pettigrew?”, Dumbledore said while raising an eyebrow.
“They are. Peter was their Secret Keeper. He betrayed them to Voldemort. I tried to hunt him down but he escaped…”, Sirius said.
Cleo didn’t listen, her eyes were fixed on the bundle that looked even smaller, when in Hagrid’s arms.
Her godson, whom she’d never met.
“We’re here for Harry!”, she bursted out, ignoring that she had just interrupted a conversation. There were other times when they could discuss what went wrong that night, there were more pressing issues.
“I figured”, Dumbledore nodded, “however I cannot give him to you. It’s best if we leave him in the hands of his aunt and uncle.”
“But…”, Cleo stuttered, “We are Harrys legal godparents. We are the ones James and Lily wanted their son to be with should anything ever happen to them. You have no right to keep him from us!”
Dumbledore darted them an appraising look: “He will be safer here. His mother's’ sacrifice has created a protection upon him that will be even stronger when he remains with the relatives that have the same blood as she did. And they”, he pointed to the Dursley’s house, “are the only ones.”
Cleo shook her head in protest: “We can protect Harry way better than some wizard-hating-muggles can! You know it, Dumbledore! You know my clan's power, no one would ever dare to attack us. It wouldn’t even take five seconds and they would be surrounded by the entirety of my Clan. They’d stand no chance!”
Dumbledore eyed them suspiciously: “I appreciate your dedication for the boys safety.”, he said, “However, the two of you are only 22. Do you really feel ready to take care of a baby? It is not a task that should be treated lightly.”
Cleo snorted angrily: “Listen. For the past three years I have been raising my child entirely on my own. While simultaneously establishing myself as the renowned leader of the Salem Clan. To get back to your question. Yes. Yes I think I can handle taking care of Harry, especially when I have Sirius to help me.”, finishing up her speak she laced her fingers with Sirius’ and smiled at him reassuringly.
“I might be biased”, Sirius cut in noticing Dumbledores doubting eyes, “But Cleo did a really good job raising Leonis. He is the most wonderful boy I’ve ever met.”
“Love, you are biased.”, Cleo smiled.
Minerva watched the scenario in front of her pleased. Cleo and Sirius always seemed to have a special connection to each other and it made her incredibly happy that not even the war or the loss of their two dearest friends would jar their love and dedication for each other.
“Albus, I think they are right”, she said turning to face her friend, “I’ve watched these muggles the entire day. They are horrible people. Harry Potter's childhood would be horrid. We should leave him with someone he knows. With someone who’d love him as if he were their own son. Someone who his parents would have wanted him to be with. Entrust Ms. Salem and Mr. Black with the boy. I could not imagine a better and safer place for him to grow up.”
“Thank you, Professor.”, Sirius nodded, “Please, Dumbledore. Let us take him with us. We would give our lives to protect Harry’s.”
“You should. He might be our only chance to ever defeat Voldemort.”, Albus Dumbledore announced, but signed Hagrid to hand Harry over.
Cleo embraced the boy in her arms and looked at her former headmaster confused: “But I thought he was gone. I thought the rebounding curse had killed him.”
“I highly doubt that.”, Dumbledore simply said and turned to walk away.
“Congratulations, my dears. Take good care of the two boys.”, Minerva said.
“Here.”, Hagrid grinned, while handing Sirius the keyes for his bike, “I guess you’ll need it back, won’t ya’?”
“Thank you, Hagrid. You can borrow it, whenever you should need it.”, Sirius promised.
He put on the helmet and sat on his motorbike, then he gestured Cleo to take the seat behind him.
He kissed her happily and smiled: “Time to get our son and go home.”