It Just Happened - Tumblr Posts
I don't tuck my shirt in. Why? Because I'm an informal son of a bitch and I don't care about royalty! I'll kill them with my bare hands !
when the original artist likes my horny post about their art i feel weirdly exposed. like god peered down through the clouds at me while i was reading smut or smth. pretty funny tho
Whumptober Prompt #30- Recovery
........................... This is a bit embarrassing. So I wrote today, but because I’m super fucking weird I ended up writing for a fandom I’ve never written before and I’m not saying it’s a bad story but it was suuuuuuuuper embarrassing to write. It’s not a bad story, I think I did okay, but honestly, if I didn’t need to I probably wouldn’t post it. So, everyone do me a favor? Skip this one. If you insist on feeding my everlasting blush for today, here’s some... lazytown
Waking up from a sugar meltdown was not how he expected this day to go. Coming out of them always made him frightened and sluggish. He hated not being in control of his own body, unable to control what happened to him while he was unconscious. He could feel someone holding his hand, trying to force what tasted like an apple into his mouth. He bit down, and a small bit of energy immediately flowed through his body.
“That’s it, Sportasweet, you can do it.” A comforting voice soothed some of his anxiety away. He knew that voice.
His eyelashes fluttered, trying to get the world back into focus. He took another bite of the apple. More energy flowed through him, attacking the sugar poisoning his system.
Robbie eventually came back into focus, wearing a worried expression.
“What happened?” Sportacus tried to ask around the apple.
Robbie smiled in relief. “You scared me, that’s what happened.”
Sportacus frowned, and tried to sit up. Robbie helped him to the orange fuzzy chair.
“Why was there a sugar apple in the kitchen?” Sportacus asked, his voice on edge.
Robbie flinched. He knew how Sportacus felt about meltdowns, he’d told the Fae when they first got together, and Sportacus was too tired to filter his emotions.
“We wanted to surprise you.” Robbie saud, not meeting his eye.
“We?” Sportacus snapped, using what little strength he had to scoot away from Robbie.
“The children and I!” Robbie said, putting his hands up. “For your birthday.”
Sportacus stopped. “My birthday isn’t for another month.”
“We know.” Robbie sighed. “But Pinkie came up with an idea that the whole town ended up getting involved in. Even Sticky Fingers parents! She’s been working on a script for a play, a play about you and how much we love you. Pinkie is going to be you, and I am of course playing myself, so I thought it should be accurate. I made her a sugar apple that tastes like caramel, I’m pretty sure that’s her favorite. That way she could enjoy a pretend sugar meltdown, I know you can’t but I thought I might try for her.”
The anger flooded out of Sportacus’s system and left fondness with a smudge of guilt. Robbie has long abandoned the sentiment of sending him away forever, mostly only keeping his schemes up for fun. He should’ve trusted the man he said he loved.
“Oh Robbie.”
Robbie grimaced. “I’m sorry Sportacus. I thought I was home alone today. I should’ve been more careful about leaving out convincing sugar apples when apples never last longer than three seconds around you.”
“It was an honest mistake.” Sportacus said. “No need to be upset about it.”
Robbie managed a small but genuine smile. “Damn flippity elf. Always so self-sacrificing.”
Sportacus smiled right back. “Silly Fae. Always so willing to blame himself for everything.”
Robbie snickered.
“Come on, you flippy-floppy menace, let’s get you some bleh sportscandy.”
Robbie handed Sportacus the rest of the apple, which Sportacus devoured quickly. But the signature flood of energy didn’t come. That was strange.
Robbie returned with another apple. “Sportacus?”
“What was in that apple?” Sportacus asked hesitantly.
“Um, sugar, obviously,” Robbie frowned, noticing that Sportacus was not jumping up as he always did after a sugar apple “caramel, chocolate to soften it up so she can bite it, marshmallow syrup to hold it all together, and assorted taffy to make it the correct color. Why?”
Sportacus took the apple from Robbie’s outstretched hand, and devoured that one quickly too. He felt a little better but still, it wasn’t enough.
“Sportacus, why aren’t you flipping around my lair like you usually do?” Robbie asked, fear seeping into his voice.
“I’m not sure.” Sportacus murmured.
“What did you do today?” Robbie asked. “I know you and Pinkie were going to train today, for her Eleven stuff. I know you ate breakfast with me. What did you have for lunch?”
Sportacus opened his mouth, blushed and closed it.
“Sportaidiot.” Robbie grumbled. “You skipped lunch? The one who’s always ranting and raving about three square meals a day missed lunch?”
Sportacus blushed harder. “I might have gotten a little too involved with Stephanie’s training today. Time just flew by, she’s progressed so far. And then I sent her home to eat, thinking I would just do the same here and then I saw that apple and thought it would be a good way to replenish my energy before cooking.”
Robbie sighed. “Stupid elf. Stupid me for leaving it out.”
“We’re both fools.” Sportacus said. “I should’ve felt a difference in the weight of an apple, I should know what your sugar apples feel like. Honestly the fact that I didn’t notice sooner doesn’t reflect well on me as a Hero.”
“Let me get you to my chair, you second-rate Hero.” Robbie’s voice was teasing but his hands were gentle. He knew Robbie had problems with the Heroes and how the whole operation worked but Sportacus didn’t mind much. Robbie didn’t want him to stop being himself and that was all that mattered.
Robbie, more than likely using a bit of magic, lifted the elf into his arms and carried him over to the big, orange, fuzzy chair Robbie adored. Robbie set him down gently and easily removed Sportacus’s hat, letting his ears relax. He always kept them so tight when around the children, knowing they weren’t ready for the truth of their worlds. Even the half-elf Stephanie didn’t know her true parentage. Illusions, spells, elves, fairies, and the world of magic stayed away from humans for a reason. It felt good to finally relax.
“You coming down with something?” Robbie murmured, feeling Sportacus’s forehead. “That may explain why you didn’t eat lunch, I know you don’t eat much when you’re sick.”
“I don’t think so.” Sportacus replied. “I think I just need some rest.”
“All right, but you should still take eat some lavender plants to give you a boost.” Robbie walked back to the kitchen, gesturing to the small garden that now resided above the lair. Sportacus grew all sorts of flowers there, both to help in his magic and be beautiful, and he grew a lot of lavender because of its coloring and usage in healing spells.
“After a nap, I will.” Sportacus agreed.
Robbie returned with a damp washcloth and set it on Sportacus’s forehead.
“There, now you’re totally immobilized.” Robbie smirked, the routine of taking care of each other and the game they still played blending together perfectly. “You can’t escape me.”
“Oh no, whatever shall I do?” Sportacus yawned. The sugar was definitely catching up to him. “Looks like I’ll have to wait here with my boyfriend until I can be rescued.”
“I have work to do, ya know?” Robbie chuckled.
“I’m afraid I don’t care too much right now.” Sportacus said, reaching for Robbie’s hand with his own.
Robbie allowed himself to be dragged onto the fuzzy chair and snuggled up to Sportacus, spooning him with ease.
“The things I do for you, you crazy elf.” Robbie muttered into his ear.
Sportacus simply snuggled into Robbie further. Sleep was not far off for either of them.

Paying Raoul some much overdo respect! People might assume that, because my preference for drawing Christine & Erik I hate him, but I don’t! It’s just I’ve never been able to get down Raouls design. That is, before now.
Fanfiction time - Salems Legacy: Epilogue
The Plop of Sirius and Cleo apparating in the deserted street of Privet Drive, echoed loudly. The streets and houses were lying in silence, since the sun hadn’t even risen yet.
“So where do we start?”, Sirius asked, “Do you know which number?”
Cleo shook her head, as a distant clatter disturbed the early morning quiet.
“That’s my bike!”, Sirius exclaimed, “I gave it to Hagrid! They must be over there! Come on!”, he said, pulling Cleo behind him, as they ran down the street.
“I reckon we have company”, Dumbledore stated.
Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall and Hagrid turned around to face the two young adults approaching them.
As they stopped they startled at finding themselves in a motherly hug from their former Head of House.
“Mr. Black, Ms. Salem, I am delighted to find you being fit and well.”, she said while pulling back.
She took their hands and said sorrowful: “My condolescence for your loss. I know James and Lily Potter were like family to you.”
They nodded and swallowed hard at the thought of their two best friends dead.
“I’ve heard that you were acquitted of all charges, Mr. Black. Furthermore, Minister Bagnold told me that they were now looking for Mr. Pettigrew?”, Dumbledore said while raising an eyebrow.
“They are. Peter was their Secret Keeper. He betrayed them to Voldemort. I tried to hunt him down but he escaped…”, Sirius said.
Cleo didn’t listen, her eyes were fixed on the bundle that looked even smaller, when in Hagrid’s arms.
Her godson, whom she’d never met.
“We’re here for Harry!”, she bursted out, ignoring that she had just interrupted a conversation. There were other times when they could discuss what went wrong that night, there were more pressing issues.
“I figured”, Dumbledore nodded, “however I cannot give him to you. It’s best if we leave him in the hands of his aunt and uncle.”
“But…”, Cleo stuttered, “We are Harrys legal godparents. We are the ones James and Lily wanted their son to be with should anything ever happen to them. You have no right to keep him from us!”
Dumbledore darted them an appraising look: “He will be safer here. His mother's’ sacrifice has created a protection upon him that will be even stronger when he remains with the relatives that have the same blood as she did. And they”, he pointed to the Dursley’s house, “are the only ones.”
Cleo shook her head in protest: “We can protect Harry way better than some wizard-hating-muggles can! You know it, Dumbledore! You know my clan's power, no one would ever dare to attack us. It wouldn’t even take five seconds and they would be surrounded by the entirety of my Clan. They’d stand no chance!”
Dumbledore eyed them suspiciously: “I appreciate your dedication for the boys safety.”, he said, “However, the two of you are only 22. Do you really feel ready to take care of a baby? It is not a task that should be treated lightly.”
Cleo snorted angrily: “Listen. For the past three years I have been raising my child entirely on my own. While simultaneously establishing myself as the renowned leader of the Salem Clan. To get back to your question. Yes. Yes I think I can handle taking care of Harry, especially when I have Sirius to help me.”, finishing up her speak she laced her fingers with Sirius’ and smiled at him reassuringly.
“I might be biased”, Sirius cut in noticing Dumbledores doubting eyes, “But Cleo did a really good job raising Leonis. He is the most wonderful boy I’ve ever met.”
“Love, you are biased.”, Cleo smiled.
Minerva watched the scenario in front of her pleased. Cleo and Sirius always seemed to have a special connection to each other and it made her incredibly happy that not even the war or the loss of their two dearest friends would jar their love and dedication for each other.
“Albus, I think they are right”, she said turning to face her friend, “I’ve watched these muggles the entire day. They are horrible people. Harry Potter's childhood would be horrid. We should leave him with someone he knows. With someone who’d love him as if he were their own son. Someone who his parents would have wanted him to be with. Entrust Ms. Salem and Mr. Black with the boy. I could not imagine a better and safer place for him to grow up.”
“Thank you, Professor.”, Sirius nodded, “Please, Dumbledore. Let us take him with us. We would give our lives to protect Harry’s.”
“You should. He might be our only chance to ever defeat Voldemort.”, Albus Dumbledore announced, but signed Hagrid to hand Harry over.
Cleo embraced the boy in her arms and looked at her former headmaster confused: “But I thought he was gone. I thought the rebounding curse had killed him.”
“I highly doubt that.”, Dumbledore simply said and turned to walk away.
“Congratulations, my dears. Take good care of the two boys.”, Minerva said.
“Here.”, Hagrid grinned, while handing Sirius the keyes for his bike, “I guess you’ll need it back, won’t ya’?”
“Thank you, Hagrid. You can borrow it, whenever you should need it.”, Sirius promised.
He put on the helmet and sat on his motorbike, then he gestured Cleo to take the seat behind him.
He kissed her happily and smiled: “Time to get our son and go home.”
……. Oh
I guess that makes sense, that feels like it should be obvious to me now that I think about it……. Yeah
I'm going to eat your teeth for the crunch.
Nice, have fun with that let me know how it goes. My teeth love to eat salad so you might get some vegetable cravings (I’m not vegetarian I just love a good salad)
Maybe this will get me out of wisdom tooth surgery
Me, preparing to hurt myself at 3 am by searching up angsty Hedric fics.

~trying really hard to patiently wait for part 5~ Like how the hell is this so good ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ

blinded by fear pt4
in which virgil takes logan home (and into his arms)
pt1 - pt2 - pt3 - pt4 - (pt5)
general taglist:
Keep reading
Anyone ever hate when your scrolling, and then you stop to read a post, but your thumb or finger slips causing you to send a post to another user, with no fucking context as to why and you immediately have to click "Undo" so that you won't be seen as weird for sending some random user an equally random post?
i’m in sixth form now. feels so weird being in the year level i thought was so far away, year 12. it’s even stranger that i was allowed to be placed there even though i haven’t done my year 11, i only had js finished my year 10 in may lmao.