I Feel Like This Should Be Common Sense But The Star Wars Fandom Has . . . A History To Say The Least - Tumblr Posts
100% this, although I’d like to extend it as just a general thing too. Please do not harass the crew if the show doesn’t end in the way you want or anything like that. I tend think that people who say that they’re going to go “mental” or “coming after the writers” are joking or speaking in hyperbole (and I hope they are), but just want to spread this around so that it’s known that actually harassing, doxxing, or any other harmful behavior towards the crew or other fans/people is not okay. Fan theories and headcanons aren’t canon, but they’re something we can engage in out of enjoyment. Don’t make something fun a means to hurt people. Let’s not make the world burn. If we don’t like how things turn out, like OP said, we have fanfics and fix-its. We’re all here to enjoy a show, let’s just enjoy it without hurting anyone in the process.
I know most of us are normal but I just would like to remind SOME of the fanbase that if CX-2 isn't Tech or Cody (or whoever else) then do NOT harass the crew. That's shit behaviour. You have to accept that theories are just that until proven correct or incorrect, and you can not treat fan theories like canon, or things that "should have been" canon. If you become so angry at being wrong that you feel the need to harass the crew, then you have only yourself to blame for allowing the theory to obscure and your enjoyment of the show and it's ending. That is how they wanted to tell the story. It is not their job to give us what we want. That's what fanfics and fix-it fics are for.
I also want CX-2 to be Tech. I have made my own posts about the similarities between the two. But that's all they are: theories. If CX-2 never appears again or is confirmed to be Some Rando™ then we're just gonna have to deal with it. We can not change that. You can not change that. But you HAVE TO RESPECT Jennifer, Brad, Dave, and all the other members of the crew. Be. Normal.