Tbb Hemlock - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago
I Know That Tech Would Be More Suitable For The Role Of Belle, And The Hunter Is Just Right For The Role

I know that Tech would be more suitable for the role of Belle, and the Hunter is just right for the role of Rapunzel, but I still like the result. I sincerely hope that someone will stir up full-fledged art on such an idea. Here's a character for the role of Gothel with the song "Professor Mom is smarter." And given the many theories that the clone X - Tech, this frame is just perfect.

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9 months ago

POV: Tech and Hamlock are fighting for the soul of the Cross




Or something like that, here at your discretion

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7 months ago

Each of the CX troopers from TBB finale mirrors a member of the Bad Batch.

Each Of The CX Troopers From TBB Finale Mirrors A Member Of The Bad Batch.
Each Of The CX Troopers From TBB Finale Mirrors A Member Of The Bad Batch.

The one on the far left is clearly the muscle, mirroring Wrecker. The design of the helmet looks similar, as well--the same can be said for the other CX troopers, especially in the "eyes".

The one holding the spear seemed most likely to have been the lead, and his build and helmet "eyes" look the most like Hunter. He was also the one to catch Omega.

The one with the blades looks the most like Crosshair--mostly in how lanky he looks.

CX-2... well, we all know who that is.

The last one--the one with the visor--appeared after the others, just like how Echo was the last to join the Batch. This was also the only CX trooper to have a visor, rather than those "eyes", and the shape of it looks like Echo's helmet. This also reminded me of Echo's macrobinoculars from "Rookies".

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11 months ago

Whump: The Musical Day 8: Hades Town (Deals)

Fandom: The bad Batch

Summary: When Hemlock shows his face while the batch are on a mission for Rex, Hunter and Crosshair have to deal with him. However, when he catches them, he offers a deal to Crosshair. One that will change the brothers relationship for their whole lives.

    It wasn't like Crosshair wanted to hurt Hunter.

    The two weren't sure how they ended up together. What they were sure of was if they wanted to survive, they had to get into the city. When the mission they had begrudgingly taken for Rex began, Crosshair was supposed to go off on his own. However the sniper had a different plan.

    So maybe Crosshair did know how they ended up like this. His brother however, had no clue why Crosshair had been so insistent so when he almost shot him for appearing next to him, the first thing that came to mind was to curse him out. However, he didn't.

    "Fine" he had said, "you can stay."

    Crosshair didn't say a word. Instead, he just started walking.

    Slowly they settled into each other's company. They talked a little bit about what had happened between them and worked though smaller problems that still lingered between them. Then, they made small talk about the past, sharing memories that stayed between the batch and the forest.

    Almost forgetting the last years, they laughed as they recalled the time that they hid plastic ducks around General Kenobi's Venator and how every time they saw him, he always had one to hand back to them.  

    As they snickered, soldiers started to creep up on them. "Hold on" Hunter said, reaching a hand out to stop Crosshair. "Feel them?"

    Grabbing his rifle, Crosshair nodded his head. They needed to get out of there before it came down to violence. Quietly, the two men started to move forward.

    The two drew their weapons as soon as the first shot missed them. They returned fire and quickly realized that they needed to lose the soldiers before they caught up with them. It wouldn't end well if they didn't. Running, they tried to stay close to each other, knowing it would be easy to get lost in the forest. Blue and purple trees blended in with the dark skies. The dark blue bark didn't help.

       The woods were thick but the city was thicker. The brothers never were fans of the cities. Crosshair would rather be in the mountains where he could get the best vantage point and Hunter would prefer to be in the forest. It was a less overwhelming environment.

    As they approached the city, both men felt themselves become more nervous then before. It was the smell that hit Hunter first. Alcohol and sewage had a disturbing smell to them. While alcohol wasn't common, sewage sure was.

    The bright lights threw off both Hunter and Crosshair. Still, they ran forward. "This way" Hunter told Crosshair, waving for him to follow his. They ran into an alley and then they ran up a fire escape.

    After a while of running, they finally came down from the rooftops. Helping Crosshair down, Hunter took his hand and steadied him. They walked, cautiously through the neon streets. That's why everything smells like alcohol, body odor, and cheap perfume.

    Before Hunter could say a word, he was pulled into a back alley. At first, he thought it was some random bar goer or a trafficker, but when he realized it was a clone, he felt his heart drop. Crosshair came into the alley, gun pulled and ready to shoot.

    "I wouldn't." A familiar voice ran in Crosshair's ears. Hemlock. "Lower your weapon." Hunter kept fighting against the clone commando that held him in  place.

    Nervously, Crosshair lowered his weapon. Then Hemlock walked over to the man. The older of the brothers panicked as the scientist advanced towards his younger brother. "Don't touch him!" He yelled.

    The imperial looked deep in thought for just a moment. Then he spoke, "Ct-9904, I have a, proposition."

    Hunter looked personally offended by the use of Crosshair's CT number. Had it been any other case, he would have said something.

    Fear sank into the experiments skin, then to through his muscles and bones. It spread until it was in his heart. "Let him go" he scowled.

    "I will not be releasing him, however-" When Hemlock said however, Hunter started to feel the already existing lump in his chest grow. Something bad was about to happen, and he got the feeling it would only be to him. Hunter was okay with that.

    "I have a proposition, so please, listen." Crosshair, without realizing it, started to pull his rifle closer to himself for comfort. It had been a few months since the two had seen each other. The time that had gone by, should have been a lifetime.

    Now Hemlock stood only a maybe four feet in front of Crosshair. "I will let you leave, however, you can not fight for him. If you sacrifice your brother, you can leave."


    "I'm giving you a chance to leave" Hemlock closed the gap between Crosshair and him, standing maybe a foot away from him. Pushing his to his knees, the scientist grabbed his face. "you don't want to go back, do you Crosshair?"

    The sniper thought he might cry. There was no way he would survive Tantiss. But could he really not fight for Hunter? The weight of the fear Crosshair carried, started to multiply. As soon as Hemlock had touched him, he had frozen. The fear made it hard to realize that commandos had grabbed him and that Hunter was screaming at them to release him.

    Hunter wanted to murder Hemlock. He needed to get Crosshair away from the commandos and away from the man who had hurt him. The man tried everything. No amount of kicking, struggling, or even trying to bite the commando who held him so tightly, mattered.

    "All you have to do, is leave. Stay quiet about all of this, and you'll never return to my facility. Unless" Hemlock smoothed his thumb over Crosshair's face. "You feel you should return."

    That's when Hunter lost it. "Get the fuck away from him!" Failing to protect Crosshair, his youngest brother, was not an option.

    The clone hated actually thinking about his opinions. After a moment, he knew he had his answers. Crosshair couldn't go back. With tears in his eyes, he looked Hemlock in the eyes for a moment before looking away. Shaking, he said "okay."

    The words ran through Hunter's head. 'Okay.' He was going through with the deal. Hunter was defenseless. Hemlock removed his hand for Crosshair's face and nodded. Watching, Hunter felt betrayed. While he understood, it hurt more than he expected it to.

    As soon as Crosshair was allowed to stand, he did. Hunter saw him trying to fight the fear. Still, he was hurt. The betrayal dug deep into his heart. But, he couldn't blame him.

    Not being able to tell the rest, Crosshair was already trying to figure out how he was going to explain to the batch that they couldn't find him. As Hunter continued to fight, the commandos started to drag him away from the ally.

    Crosshair and Hunter made eye contact. The betrayal and hurt in Hunter's eyes met with the pain and fear in Crosshair's. He looked sorry.

    When Hunter was out of sight, Crosshair started to question his decision. But for now he needed to get back to the Marauder.

Part two:

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10 months ago

Hemlock: “How many times are you going to run?! I’ve captured you seventeen different times!”

Omega: “I feel like it’s going to be at least eighteen.”

Hemlock: “. . . The caucacity of this bitch.”

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10 months ago

100% this, although I’d like to extend it as just a general thing too. Please do not harass the crew if the show doesn’t end in the way you want or anything like that. I tend think that people who say that they’re going to go “mental” or “coming after the writers” are joking or speaking in hyperbole (and I hope they are), but just want to spread this around so that it’s known that actually harassing, doxxing, or any other harmful behavior towards the crew or other fans/people is not okay. Fan theories and headcanons aren’t canon, but they’re something we can engage in out of enjoyment. Don’t make something fun a means to hurt people. Let’s not make the world burn. If we don’t like how things turn out, like OP said, we have fanfics and fix-its. We’re all here to enjoy a show, let’s just enjoy it without hurting anyone in the process.

I know most of us are normal but I just would like to remind SOME of the fanbase that if CX-2 isn't Tech or Cody (or whoever else) then do NOT harass the crew. That's shit behaviour. You have to accept that theories are just that until proven correct or incorrect, and you can not treat fan theories like canon, or things that "should have been" canon. If you become so angry at being wrong that you feel the need to harass the crew, then you have only yourself to blame for allowing the theory to obscure and your enjoyment of the show and it's ending. That is how they wanted to tell the story. It is not their job to give us what we want. That's what fanfics and fix-it fics are for.

I also want CX-2 to be Tech. I have made my own posts about the similarities between the two. But that's all they are: theories. If CX-2 never appears again or is confirmed to be Some Rando™ then we're just gonna have to deal with it. We can not change that. You can not change that. But you HAVE TO RESPECT Jennifer, Brad, Dave, and all the other members of the crew. Be. Normal.

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10 months ago

I do wanna hear from as many of you guys as possible, so if it’s not too much trouble, please reblog! Although I’m horrifically late for joining the fandom, I’m so glad I did. It’ll be sad to see the show go, but I’m happy that it happened.

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10 months ago

Fun, kind of dumb game for this final Bad Batch Eve. I’m calling it Bad Batch Confessions.

Share a fun fact (or more) or something of the like about your experience watching this show! Do you rewatch this show a lot? Do you always bring your family to watch it with you? Did it take you a long time to catch on to something? It can be anything, really! I’ll go first:

I went into Bad Batch with only somewhat vague knowledge of Clone Wars and Rebels, so there were a few times where I was just sitting there scratching my head and my brother had to answer my questions. Why is Echo part cyborg??? Wait, he was a reg before??? What do you mean???? Is Crosshair always like this or is it just the chip?? Oh, he was always an asshole? Okay, but why is everyone else so surprised by his behavior then? Why would they even like him then? If they were just turning a blind eye to his behavior because it was focused on the regs, doesn’t it make these guys kind of shitty too? Have they never seen a child before??? Do we not like Nala Se? What did she do? Oh okay I recognize Tarkin, we hate him, right? Right. Crosshair is acting really pissy towards his brothers when he just attempted to kill them, like, multiple times. Make up your mind, dude. You can’t have it both ways (yes, by that point my brother had finally convinced me that Crosshair’s behavior was 90% him and only like 10% of the chip).

Also my brother told me that Tech died before I even started season 2.

Your turn! :D

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11 months ago

So another of my tin foil hat theories is, it's not just Omega who can take midichlorian donation--it's all of the Batch. Grab the Reynold's Wrap and some Thin Mints!

At the end of S1 when Nala Se arrives at Tantiss she says to Hemlock 'what the Emperor wants isn't possible'. So, she already knows what Hemlock is up to.

In Season 2, Lama Su suggests grabbing Omega as leverage, because Nala Se has been rotting in a cell, refusing to cooperate. Hemlock snags Crosshair, uses him to bait the Batch, gets Omega. As we know from S3, Nala Se instantly starts blackholing Omega's test results. We find out why in episode 3 when Omega and Crosshair are spared death because due to a series of unfortunate events, one of Omega's samples gets through and is positive for the ability to accept a donation of midichlorians. I.e., Omega can get More Stronger at wielding the Force, which the Emperor naturally would want for himself, for cloned bodies for him to jump into (Rise of Skywalker), etc.

Now, Nala Se immediately began deleting Omega's samples, and per S1, she already knew what this project was about--so she knew that she had accomplished what the Emperor wanted, she was just gaslighting gatekeeping girlbossing her way through 'WOW SCIENCE IS HARD' and while Hemlock suspects her he can't do this without her so he's kinda stuck.

Where the rest of the Batch come into this is part meta and part S1.

In Season 1, Lama Su indicates he doesn't care who out of the Batch they can get back as long as they can get one. This is highly relevant because we're initially lead to believe it's only Omega they want, because Omega is a pure copy of Jango, and thus a source of DNA for them to keep using since Boba is long gone, as is Jango. (This doesn't make sense scientifically but, you know, whatever.)

As we find out, though, she's not. Furthermore, Omega isn't just an experimental clone, she's the first experimental clone. She was made before the Batch, suggesting they might even be derived from her, or, at a minimum share numerous of her traits. For example, the ability to accept midichlorians.

Nala Se's comment to Hemlock implies she knows about the desire for this process which in turn suggests the Kaminoans themselves were already trying to do it (maybe even in conjunction with Hemlock, who later left; he and Nala Se clearly know one another quite well). But the Kaminoans may have undertaken it as a selling point to the Republic. Hey, Jedi numbers low? No problem! Force sensitive clones WITH inhibitor chips so they do anything you want!

But the Emperor doesn't want that, he wants to make himself a new fresh body to live in forever. So they blow Tipoca City to pieces and kidnap Nala Se, wanting her to finish the project. Except she already has, and the results are in the wind. Except...for Crosshair.

Now, Hemlock says Crosshair was ruled out long ago. As we saw, Nala Se was destroying Omega's samples. ...was she also destroying Crosshair's? She might have been; we have no way of knowing, having never seen him be tested. Nala Se may have bided her time, deleting Cross' samples until Hemlock gives up on him and chucks him in with the others to be made into a Clone X. Whew! Bullet dodged. Except then Omega is captured. Fuck! Back at it again.

Meta-reason: when asked about the new seasonal posters, someone noted that there's a red underlight glow on Omega and the original Batch members, i.e. not on Echo. And on no one else. If this is danger, what danger are they all equally in which Echo isn't? Well...Echo isn't derived from Omega...

Final fold for this particular hat: since Cross and Omega have escaped we've been given no insight into what's happening in Tantiss. This isn't, IMO, on accident; it's likely Hemlock got all this information out of Nala Se one way or another. And that could be why CX-1 said 'they're coming for all of you'. He may have meant all of the Batch, since he was talking to Crosshair.

Did Rex and Howzer look at the rest of those targets on the list? Omega is the primary one, obviously, because she can be leveraged against Nala Se, who tbh couldn't give a shit about the rest of the Batch. But as Lama Su said: any one will do.

This works much, much better than Omega being the most specialist girl protected by her younger brothers. That's tired. Instead it becomes 'family created for one purpose decide to do literally anything else with their lives, against all odds'. Vastly more interesting.

And one last thing which is less tinfoil-hat-making and more pondering: those medical records on Nala Se's datapad. They're going to be relevant. Perhaps there's locked or hidden information in there which, once Tech re-surfaces, they can get into. We'll see.

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