I Get What They Were Doing With Otis And Maeve But I Think They Couldve Been Wrapped Up Last Season - Tumblr Posts
Ruby deserved better.
She deserved proper closure from Otis. She so very obviously still loved him, and was heartbroken when he ignored her texts because of Maeve. It's like Eric said, "When Maeve is involved, Otis doesn't care about anyone else anymore."
I kept waiting for Otis to go up and have a genuine talk with her, sincerely apologizing to her, but it never happened. The only thing was, "Want to be friends?" I'm so happy she turned that offer down because girl deserved better.
(I was rooting for them, though, ngl. I just really love their chemistry and interaction.)
I wish she would have had more interaction with the rest of the cast. Maybe her and Eric discussing how awful it feels when they're being neglected by Otis because of Maeve.
I wish she would have had a little more growth shown, actually on screen, where she acknowledged that her having been heavily bullied made her a bully herself as a means to protect herself. Just a bit more than just that little speech she gave at the end of wanting to become better. I mean, it was all implied very well, but I wanted her to have more screentime to have fleshed that out more. But good for her for saying condolences to Maeve about the latter having lost her mom, and not defending herself when Maeve brushed her off because Maeve had every right to do that.
Also, there should have been a mention that she's such a political powerhouse (she got Connor elected for therapist in two or so weeks, while the other two candidates have been therapists for years) and she would want to pursue a career in that. I could easily see her become a softer version of Jen Barkley from Parks & Rec.
Honestly, Ruby really deserved better.